Star Classified Ads Bring Results try them They are the Little Adss with the Big Story | STAR NOW TAKEN BY TELEPHONE—Call 51 and Ask for Classifi ed Departn»ent—Phono 51—NOW TAKEN BY' TELEPHONE! Star Classified Ads Read Daily by More Than 80,000 People READ THE M! USE THEMl Help Wanted (1) NO INVESTMENT will pay as a business education. Those trai*|d »s bookkeepers an(} st®no^Psecure a position“for our* graduates. Day and streets. ___ iy YOU ABB Jookm* *'!p ®* toS. u no better W *. good Intelligent employe* «um Department. WANTED—Office assistant. Must ka\ e bookkeeping experience. Goo "young for progressive and *™bltc'°rporati0n. man to connect with large " Reply Moderate salary to commence. ^Repiy with full particulars of exper™; age and salary required. Give ence and telephone. Box a. 17 Princess St. Phone ,74s. ____ ~1KTvn_15 carpenters. Must have t^7. ^ Power house construction work 'i-iong job: good board and quar Ver fratToYpay. 45 cents per hour. Apply to U. S. Employment Office. (>all for Mr. Carl Keels. _ WANTED—5 pood colored riggei's for power house construction work. Ap p,y to carl A. Keels, U. S. Employment office. _ W X XTED — First-class In jector for retnll lumber yard. Apply >1 ill, Hilton. j. V Bryant'" HOY WANTED—With l'ioyc-U-. to oe liver. Cox ->25. _ WANTED—4 pipe fitted. Must their work; Ions job, on power construction. Apply to Carl T'. S. Employment office. know house Keels.. Agents & Salesmen Wanted (2) SALESMAN—$150 month and expenses ‘ selling cigaivs. Experience not nec essary. Send self-addressed stamped envelope for information. National Cigar Co.. High Point, N. C._ MAN WITH CAP. and one without car * for special sales work near Golds boro. Apply 515 Murchison Bldg.. . to S p. m. today. SIDELINE SALESMEN wanted—Sell coal to your trade in carload lots. Earn week’s pay In an hour. South land Coal Co., Stock Tards Station, Chicago. _ EXPERIENCED INSURANCE solici tors wanted. Apply before 4 p. m. to General Manager Tetter, American Na tional Insurance Company. 12fl Grace street. BUSINESS MEN wS# nee* employee . .me this section. EfSclent. Intelligent employes looking for a position adver tise here. Phone, brine « ninll your ■da. to The Star’s Classlfled ^Pept. Situations Wanted (3) WANTED—Position with sawtpiil or lumber concern. Thoroughly experi enced in both. Can furnish best of references. Address Ilox I’, care Star. YOUNG MARRIED MAN. white, desires job as truck driver or work retail store. Address J. W. P-. care Star. Business Opporlunlles (4) I’EOPLE wishing to sell their bnslnes are brooght In contact with people n ho want to buy In this section. It Is read. Bring:, mall or phone yonr ad. to The Star’s Crlssliled Department. IF AN AVERAGE monthly income of 55.82 paid monthly, on each $100 de posited with privilege of withdrawing your money upon thirty days notice, appeals to you, write for full informa tion to M. M. WOLFF. 72 Wall street, New York City. Wanted, Miscellaneous (5) WILLARD DRY CLEANING C. Have it steam or French cleaned Auto delivery. Phone 855. 17 Princess. WANTED—Mirror plate 60x50. What have you to offer. People’s Furnl ure Co., 213 North Front street. For Sale, Miscellaneous (6) FKTIRE STOCK groceries, candies, ‘canned goods, extracts. f°untal" supplies, spices, No. 10 S°°ds *”d evaporated fruits large quantities, must be sold at once below cosL Dealers, hotel men, restaurant and boardinghouse keepers will do well to call in person and investigate the bar gains awaiting them. Sale wm con tinue for several days until entire stock is disposed of. Bear ^oduce and Merchandise Co., and streets, Wilmington?• N. C._ SALE—ARMY SHOES—SALE We have just bought a tremendous stock of Army Munson last shoes to be sold to the public direct. Price 12.76. These shoes are 100 per cent solid lea. ther with heavy double soles =ewed and nailed. The uppers are of heavy tan chrome leather with bellows ton gue, thereby making them waterprool These shoes are selling very fast and we advise you to order at once to In sure your order toeing filled. The sizes are: 6 to 11 all widths. Pay Postman on receipt of goods or send money order. Money refunded ts shoes are not satisfactory. The U. S. Stores Co., 1441 Broadway, New York City. FOR SALE—At bargain prices, cots, mattresses, overalls, shirts, under wear, rain coats, trunks, saddles, tents arpaulins, camping equipment and lundreds of other useful articles at U, 3 Army Stores. 20 Market SL_ WALL PAPER—All the latest styles. J. E. and J- O. Sharp; phone number t changed to 2032-W. ALL KINDS FLOWER PLANTS for sale at Golden Rule Farm. 4 1-2 hiiles frofn City. Ca»tle Hayne Load. ! TRAVELING Is a pleasure wwen you have a wardrobe trunk where your [clothes don’t get wrinkled. We carry ! a full line of Indestructo and Never Break trunks apd leather goods. See Charles F'nkelstein, corner Front and Market; phone 642. __«----— FOR SALE CHEAP—Good work horse. R. A. Montgomery, Phone 461. FOR SALE—Machinery, new and re built, in stock. We give you a dol lar's value for a dollar. And our trade is growing in best grades machinery, pulleys, shafting, babbitt metal, boxes and couplings. We carry the famous Dodge line. Lingo Metal Works. Phone PEOPLE Mho want to aell aomethtag advertise In thin elaaslflcatloa. Peo ple who want to lint read It. ---— I RUBBER STAMPS manufactured or sl.ort notice; printing:, ruling, bind ing; mail order* given prompt atten tion. Carolina Printing &. Stamp Co. S Grace St., Wilmington, N. C. FOR SALE—Attractive 40-foot cablr cruising launch. Fully equipped Kitchenette, sleeping quarters, electric lights. First class condition. Now ai Richmond. Must be sold. Bargain Act quick. Chas. F. Ruehrmund. 81' E. Franklin street. Richmond,, Va. DAIRY REFRIGERATOR for sale tc satisfy storage charges; 200 pound." ice capacity, with water cooler, al Peoples Furniture Co., 213 North Front KILN DRIED BLOCKS for sale. 12.01] per load delivered west of 10 th I street or nortli of Castle street, 32.5C I beyond. Phone 321. Hilton Lumbei GAS RANGES, used and slightly used at greatly reduced prices. Peoples Furniture Co., city. GLENWOOD COMBINATION range foi ^.«ale at a bargain to close out, nl peoples Furniture Co.. 213 North From Street. Automobiles (7) LIGHT FORD TRI CK IN GOOD RUN NING CONDITION, 975.00, AT CHIP. LEY’S USED FORD CAR EXCHANGE, 11« DOCK ST. PHONE 1120. BRING TOtTR automobile cylinder blocks to us to be reground and new oversize plsfons and rings fitted Our methods are the most approved, our charges reasonable, our work Is guaranteed. Broadfoot Iron Works. SECOND-HAND parts ror all cars; sat isfaction guaranteed or money re iundeo, w. d. MacMillan, Jr., Filth and Wright St*. Phone 211. FOR SAEE—New Ford coupe at s sacrifice; only used about a month Owner leaving town and must sell Writ* P. O. Box 449, City. Automobiles • (7) FOR SALE)—-Dodge totirlng car. Fifty dollars. 208 South Second street. FORD TOURING OAR, COMPLETELY OVERHAULED, WITH, HASSLER SHOCK ABSORBERS j£ND STARTER. FIRST CLASS CONDITION. PRICE ONLY $225.00. AT CHIPLEY’/l USED FORD CAR EXCHANGE, 11« DOCK ' ST. PHONE 1120. Poultry, Eggs and Livestock (8) TWELVE ANCONA HENS, Shephard, strain, splendid layers. Call 2082-J. HERE; la a clarification where people can dlapoae of their poultry, ego and livestock. There are 80.000 readers ol The Star’s classified aectlon dallyt 50 per cent more on Sundnya. FGGS—Shephard Anconas, prize stock. $1.60 setting. Call 2082-J. SILVER WYANDOTTES lay, pay, and win wherever shown. First in North and South Carolina's best shows. 1st, 3rd, 5th cockerel, Madison Square Gar den. Eggs $3.00, $5.00. Miss Viola Kiker, Polkton. N, C. Seeds-and Plants (9) VELVET BEANS—Velvet' Beans, also various size kegB • for sale. Bear Produce & Mdse. Co. Lost and Found (10) LOST AND FOUND articles are eaaily and quickly returned to the owner through this aectlon. Everyone renda this classification, which means 30?000 people who are daily looking for your lost article. LOST—In downton section, m vicinity of Front and Princess, platinum bar pin, with sapphire setting. Finder call 1341-J. Reward. For Rent, Rooms & Houses (11) FOR RENT—lSl2 North 4th street, three rooms, electric lights. Apply to J. F. Lon*. 719 North 6th street, or phone 14S5-L2 or 268. FOft RENT—To party without chil dren, apartment four rooms, private bath, modern conveniences',. in excel lent condition, located convenient to business part of town. For full par ticulars, apply to K, care Star Office. FOR RENT—Four-room unfurnished apartment, upstairs. Light and use of telephone, $22.50. Phone 1409-J or call 4*7 South Second street. FOR RENT—2 furnished rooms for light housekeeping; centrally lo cated; private' family. Phone 1836-W. THE UUICKEST, cheapest an* eoaleal way to get a roots or bonne la by placing your ad. here | 30,000 readers dally I 45,000 Sundays. Bring, mall or phone yonr ad. to 51| ask for Clasalfled department. FOR RENT—Unfurnished apartment 4 rooms and bath on second floor; all modern conveniences. Apply J. H. Rehder and Co., phone 117. FOR RENT—6-room house, newly painted, 419 South 4th street. Owner - ill make any necessary repairs. H. F. Wilder, Agent. FOR RENT in Sunset Park, separate apartment of four rooms and bath, unfurnished. Phone 1143. FOR RENT—Five room apartment, first floor; #620 Princess street. D. A. Herring, Agent, 222 Garrell Bldg. WANTEf) TO RENT—Five or six room bungalow, with bath, unfurnished. Will not pay over $30.00. Apply P. O. Box 307 or phone 1569-W. Wanted, Rooms & Houses (12) WANTED — A three-room furnished apartment, by young couple. Ad dress "Couple." care Star. COUPLE want two or three furnished housekeeping rooms. Phone 936. WANTED—3 room furnished apart ment, close in. Would consider cot tage if not out too far. Rent not over $30.00. Phone 831 from 8 to 6. . Business Places 13-A FOR RENT—Photo gallery. No. 116 Market St.; rent reasonable; posses sion. given at onoe. . Eduard Ahrens, care- Ahrens Bras. 12-19-tfe Real E^ate . (14) OLEANDER, the Suburb Beautiful— Adjoining the Country club. The log ical place for vour home. Large lots. I All city conveniences; no city taxes. | Oleander Development Co. 1004 Mur ! chison Bldg. WRIGHTSVILLE, Beach lots—Build your summer home on the North Ex tension. Lots 50 by 100 feet; prices $500 and ud; terms. Oleander Develop ment Co., 1004 Murchison Bldg. I-——J—--— FOR SALE—Two new 5 room bunga lows, No. 516 and 518, Harnett street, built of good material; electric lights water and sewer conveniently located for a home. Address Box 1093 or see R. E. Tyilliams. FOR SALE—Five-room bungalow at Winter Park, with one acre of ground. All modern conveniences, in cluding electric lights, gas, water, etc. See James and James, Inc. Phones 163, 164. OWNER SAYS WE MUST SELL his house in Winoca Terrace, as he is be ing transferred to another city. Sub mit your 'offer and get a bargain. James and James, Inc., phones 163 and 164, Southern Building. LOOK OVER THIS LIST 811, Dock street, two family apart ment. easy terms. ^ room house in Sunset Park, $6200.00 with easy terms. 6 room bungalow, 1720 Orange street, $5600.00,_ easy terms. 7 roAm house, half acre of ground at Delgado, $2500— $500 cash, balance easy terms. 612 Grace street, $7000.00, with easy terms. 5 room bungalow in Sunset Park for $2750.00. 6 room house, nine-tenths acre ground at Audubon on Shell Road, $4000.00, with easy terms. W. A. McGIRT Room No. 3, Masonic Temple Bldg. Phone 145 Special Notices (16) LET US CLE^N, polish and lacquer your brass 'bedsteads, chandelievs, andirofls; anything -In brass, silver or nlckle. Monroe's Auto Shine Co. Phone 2408. 1730 Orange street. TYPEWRITERS REPAIRED All Makes of typewriters repairec overhauled and rebuilt. Service cal » answered promptly. Phone 3283, Wil mington Typewriter and Supply Co., 108 'I. Front St. HEMSTITCHING, buttons covered, ex pert workmanship, sewing machines, sold or rented, motors, repairs. New Home Office, 305 North Front. TREASURY DEPARTMENT Office of the Comptroller of the Currency • Washington, D. C. March 1, 1923. Notice, is hereby given to all persons who may have claims against “The Commercial National Bank of Wil mington,'’ North Carolina, that the same.must be presented to C. I* Wil liamfl! Receiver, with the legal proof thereof, within three months from this date, or they may be disallowed. D. R. CRISSINGER, Comptroller of the Currency. AWNINGS AND TENTS made to order; upholstering; furniture repaired; auto topping. No Job too large or too small. Satisfaction guaranteed. E. Q> King, 301 S. Front St. Phone 411. 1-31-tfo RODERICK & LAND, manufacturers of doors, sash, windows and .door frames turned columns, balusters, stair work, all kinds interior finish; factory Eighth and Wooster streets; screens a Special, ty. Phone 1684-J. , PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER—iN o t a r y Public, Representative Literary Di gest, Carbons and Riljbons. Miss Mc Laurin. Hotel Wilmington. Legal Notices 0-7) NOTICE OF SALE OF PERSONAL PROPERTY State of North Carolina, County of New Handver: The undersigned will at ncron on the 19th day of May. 1923, under and by virtue of the provisions of Section 2435 of the Consolidated Statues of North Carolina, to satisfy «n un-paid claim for material furnished, and labor done more than 90 days ago, on said prop erty hereinafter described, expose for, sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash.'at the pourthouse door of New Hanover county, one f916 model Dodge touring car. The material fur nished and work done on the above mentioned automobile was at the re quest of J. L. Hilburn, owner thereof. This 18th day of April, 1923. MacMILLAN & CAMERON, INC. TRADE WITH ■ your ———— NEIGHBORHOOD = STORE= He’s nearer yon—your friend—and can give yon service and t quality . Aa another service to users of MORNING STAR CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING, we will now accept advertising from neigh* borhood atorea of any kind for thia clumn. This column ahould be a boon to the pro prietors of the neighborhood atorea aa people will read thia column to aee what is offered, them by their nearby atorea. PROPRIETORS—Call 51, and aak for the Claautfied Advertising De partment and get an explanation Neighborhood Stores N. C. HAMS, chickens and eggs, strawberries and fresh tomatoes. Special for today only. Ask for Green trading stamps. Phone 2342-J. J. W. Smith, Manager. Special Notices (16) PHONE 457 for whipping cream, but-, ter milk, skimmed milk, cottage cheese and fresh butter. We deliver and do it early. Open until 1 o’clock j every Sunday. Dairy Products com- | pany, 215 N. 10th St. FOR SALE—Cottage at Carolina Beach. R. A. Montgomery, phone 46L Money to Loan MONEY. MONEY. MONEY TO LOAN, ANY AMOUNT ON FARM LANDS, LONG TIME, EASY TERMS. ADDRESS BOX S8, RA LEIGH, N. O. Patronize the J GREEN TREE RESTAURANT 0 PRINCESS STREET Beat Service and Polite Attention "PERMANENTWORK" $2400 a Year —is a good Income for a family of 3 unskilled workers, but this amount Is easily made by our employes after two or three months No experience necessary. Good pay from the start. Larger families earn more in proportion. WE WANT FAMILIES Positions for men and women, boys and girls (over 14 years), in the best lighted and ventilated buildings in the south. No dust or lint Light, Clean Work—48 to 50 Hours Per Week Production constantly increasing. We have never laid oft employes on aocount of lack of work. POSITIONS ALSO FOR BOYS AND GIRLS Entire families preferred, but we can give employment also to boys and girls (over 16), who can get board in private homes or in company’s attractive dormitories, ?rovid!ng real oomfort and home* ike projection for girls. Rent or Board at Very Reasonable Rates Hopewell is an attractive, order ly city of 10,000. Good schools, churches, amusements, eta Investigate—Come at Once or write for free circular giving further particulars. tubize artificial Blue COMPANY OF AMERICA Hopewell, Va USE STAR WANT ADS: Daughter Charged With Burning Father’s Home (Special to the Star.) WILSON. April 18.—Edna Eatman, the thrice-kidnaped 13-year-old daugh ter of D. B. Eatman, of Oldfields town ship, who eloped with 18-year-old Richard Ernie Tomlinson, and wafl married at Dillon, S. C„ on February 3, is again in trouble. Monday night last her father’s home with contents was reduced to ashes, supposed to be the work of incendi aries. Tuesday afternoon she, with her husband, was arrested and brought to this city, where she spent the night in Jail. Arrangements had been per fected to send her to the state re formatory, but this morning a warrant was sworn out charging her with aid ing and abetting in the burning of her father’s home. She is being held in default of a $5,000 bond. Young Tom linson is under heavy bonds for al leged kidnaping. Ernie Tomlinson and his father have each sworn out war rants against Mr Eatman, asking that he be placed under peace bonds. Georgette and Snede ■ An attractive hat of tan georgette is trimmed with brown suede trimmings in the form of leaves and flowers. HALL’S DRUG STORE Fifth and Castle Streets IS A “GOOD PLACE’* TO YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS VlLhio Registered Pharmacist^ do ’ Compounding and "spee ’v” # sengers make the delive. os. •• 192-P HONE -193 We can fit you with Just the tyn,., Glasses that you need. Here yo get painstaking work, courted! service and moderate prices. Coni in and let us fit you. DR. YINEBERG EYE SPECIALIST Uasonle Temple , Our furniture represents much effort of selection on our part. We buy only that furniture which we believe is artistic and durable. Our customers can depend upon us to offer them only what is accepted as timely and worth while. “Better Furniture-—Less Money” W. J. Bradshaw & Co. Garrell Building Telephone 593 LESCALE’S STUDIO OF MUSIC AND LANGUAGES 300-302-304 GARRELL BUILDING :: :: OPEN ALL DAY :: :: Special Attention to Fundamental Training of Children. Advanced Courses for Teachers. :: :: RATES REASONABLE :: :: F. Q. HOWELL LUMBER CO Manufacturers : buyers : Distributors BRICK, SLATE, Hardwood Flooring WILMINGTON, N. C. y let your Int consideration be tbe materials o4 which your ' - home is constructed Brick Output 1*000»0<)0 Per Morfth MUTT AND JEFF—Phone the morgue, Jeff’s brain is d ead. (Copyright 1023, by E. C, Fisher.) (Ttata-avik Bes*, V- S, Fat. Off.) —By BUD Ktenv r3 Mutt, mitt mc! I‘U6 4U*T PeRFCCT€D ANtfTH€R IMUCMTIOM THAT WILL MMCC »Ob GblSOfO S»T up ANb oBseRue! /'ebisoN couLb rtAue MAt>e owe Bur He wevefc THOUGHT op rK uncw:LESS KCROS€M6 lamp! WO Mofte W/ILL VVOMGKJ rtAWt TO BolHeR. WITH dirty, oilv uncus! ^N\V vjuofeb, HO\jJ CAM You AAA(C€ A. UACKLC ss K€ROS€M€ CAM?. eASY AS Pt£* BY SIMPLY TAKING Ttte UUtCK o«T OP THC LAMP.', / But wunous r\ ( VUlCte. IT UUOULbAi'rl (x KNOW IT VJUO'JLfcNf'T, fcuT iX \a/oulT> STILL A WICKL6SS \ _J

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