VKW YORXv, April IS.—A bullish r'nretation of the weekly, weather ln,e , uid the cables led to a steady rtl,W in the -- **”" opening •nil' points in cotton market this morn "e and an advance of 4 to 16 first prices. New crop posl were in demand from Japanese "hosts' while Liverpool houses, the 1,1 and short were leading, buyers of ‘ positions advancing May to Tuiy 27.95 and October 25.10 in 2,’arlv' dlaeings. Subsequent reae ■ Of’ about 5 to 10 points follow ' tlier liberal selling by New Or ■\Vall street tli tillin' eel n leans. and some of the spot hull based on generally favor able , , ather in the belt today. „ rin" the forenoon May sold as low oS 44° July 27.64 and October 24.81.. Towards' midday, however, offerings of 1 ractically -ceased and a demand May j ni shorts rim' prices up about 2Q from the lowest. Other months points n , followed slowly, . , ■ • ■ ■ leading strength was shown by May cts in the early afternoon when C0' advanced to 28.76 for about SO from the lowest of the day. they points . nervous short interest In There whs & , ,lt position which seemed inclined to tU and the strength of May don cover tractra Hied later months from 12 to .,,1 points above the lowest, giving a 'u,a,Ij. undertone to the entire market L the afternoon. Cotton futures closed Irregular. Thur. Low Close 28.43 28.79 May July Oft. ] Iff. Jan. High 28.85 27.07 25.10 24.53 24.25 27.63 24.79 24.31 24.03 27.85 24.89 24.42 24.08 Close 28.53 27.77 24.96 24.48 24.16 MOW ORLEANS COTTON. .MOW ORLEANS, April 18.—Old crop ...'■iitMins in the cotton market were ex irt'mrlv strong today but new crops •umeared to bo held down by prospects „rVss rain and higher temperatures in the bolt. Claims of a much better de mum! for spots had a great deal to do with the strength of the old crops and shorts in May were uneasy over renew ed rumors that large spots interests controlled the long end of that posi • inn Thev covered and made May the Strongest month. After gains of 1 to u, points around the opening prices f‘n off to levels 1 to 23 polfits under ,v filial prices of yesterday’s close. After the middle of the morning the irregularity became more pronounced owing to the strength of the old crops and in the afternoon the old crops bulge,! to net gains of 27 to 34 points while at their best theSjew crops only , me within half a dozen points of their previous high. May traded as high as after having at one time stood at 27.S5. October touched 24.51 in the early trading and then fell to 24.25. The-close was 26 joints up to 16 points down, net on the day, May closing at "812 and October at 24.32. The weekly crop reports from the government were about as unfavorable aS expected, confirming private claims of a late and unfavorable start for the .IT,]) but without giving the new crop positions tlie buying power which has been theirs in some recent sessions. Thur. High Low Close Close May.2S.20 27.85 28.12 27.86 Julv.27.87 27.50 27.77 27.26 Oct.24.54 24.26 24.33 24.4V Pee.24.08 23.85 23.91 24.07 ./an.23.81 ' 23.81 23.77 23.92 -A DAILY COTTON TABLE, Port Movement. .New Orleans: Middling 28.30; receipts 2.190: exports 2,053; sales 334; stock 135.261. Galveston: Middling 28.75; receipts 401; exports 100; sales 1,150; stock 111, 446. Mobile: Middling 28.25; sales 10; stock 2.413. Savannah: Middling 28.30; receipts 611; sales 69; stock 44,405. Charleston: Middling 28.50; stock 42, 500. '* Wilmington: Middling 27.75; receipts 10; stock 10,697. Texas City: Stock 749.' Norfolk: Middling 28.25; receipts 14; stock 67,878. Baltimore: Stock 2,335. w Boston: Middling 28.75; receipts 1, 556; stock 11,800. Philadelphia: Stock 4,572. New Yolk: Middling 29.00; stock 57, 959. Minor ports: Stock 7,037. Total today: Receipts 4,420; exports 4,153; stock 499,052. Total for week: Receipts 27,359; ex horts 60,245. Total for season: Receipts 5,411,900; •sports 4.043,115. ■ Interior Movement. Houston: Middling 28.75; receipts 388; shipments 350; sales 37; stock 99,016 Memphis: Middling 29.00; receipts 1, l|5-3; shipments 1,592; sales 50; stock 10,417, Augusta: Middling 28.19; receipts 148; shipments 58; sales 9; stock 32,623. „ St. Louis: Middling 29.00; receipts 1, -15: shipments 1,219; stock 15,585. Atlanta: Middling 28.50. Little Rock: Middling 28.25; receipts. shipments 401; stock 28,471. Balias: .Middling 27.65; sales 41. Montgomery: Middling 27.88. Total today: Receipts 2,920; ship m«its 3,620; stock 256,112. i ORK COTTON LETTER. . /E\v YORK, April 18.—Several large H-Uing orders told against the market ri"ht after the opening today .and were responsible for the temporary heavi ^"" Floor traders too were inclined .take a short position but they were e to cover when prices steadied ami wen; instrumental in helping the Y.-ry Reports were current of letter spot demand in the south and “a position of May is being carefully "atdied. May was notably firm with 'dying' which appeared to. be for new Orleans account. The first notice day la a week and the present expecta . is that considerable cotton will tendered. Market views are still ■'ddi'dly mixed, however, the llqulda 1 which lias taken place unquestion , y has improved a technical position dr some time strained by a heavy long ■Peeulative interest. True that on each wcent show of strength there has been ! overwhelming supply of contracts m sale i)ut if any sizeable amount of i, cotton has been for short account .may be found difficult to cover. Thp ,'.eo of advantage, seems to be now , Ul! those favorable to higher prices. ■ ay idvi rpool due Thursday 15.06. 1'.ROTHERS AND COMPANY. FOREIGN exchange. XK\Y YORK, April 18.—Foreign CX hangcg irregular. Quotations in cents: Oreat Britain, demand 465 3-8; '“Mes 46.1 5-8; sixty, day bills on banks 1!: France demand 664 1-2; cables i Italy demand 494 1-2; cables 496; ,,:dhim demand 574 1-2; cables 575; no''j'many ,lemand .0033 3-4; .cables Holland, demand 3917; cables Xorway demand .1796; Sweden .maR,i 2660; Denmark demand 1890; Htzerland demand 181B-, Spain de dft!" 1533i Greece demand 117; Poland ^mand .0021; Czecho-Slovakia demand JJ’ -'vgontlna demand 3665; Brazil "mp'l 1100; Montreal 98 5-16. AVI> COITEE MARKET. /ORK, April 18.—Raw sugar Htflrffi sJ,0t Cuba* 84)3 for oentrlfugal. "nea firm; fine granulated 9,60, '"4 1 aiaiiuiniLVW vivvi i,?t,°»ftM quiet; Rio 7s lltt; Santos to 15&. ,,CHICAGO, April 18—Notwithstanding that wheat today touched the season’s highest prjce yet for July delivery, the “arket.ruled lower the greater part of the time. Better weather conditions together with absence of any important new export business put bulls at a dis a?v£ntag?-.. ^he close was unsettled at. %to 1% net decline with May 1.25 to 1.25% and July 1.23% to 1.23%; corn lost % to 1%; oats % to % cents, and prpvisions 7 to 10 to'15 cents. W H EAT— Open High iA>w May . July . Sept. .. CORN May . July . Sept. . OATS— May . July . Sept. . LARD— May . July . RIBS— May . July .. 1.25% 1.2ff% 1.23% 1.24% 1,21% 1.22 % 1.24% 1.22% 1.25® Close 1.25 1.23% 1.20% .79% • 81% .82% .80% ..82% • 82% .72® .81 •81% .78% .81% ■81% .45% .46% ■45% • 45% •46% •45% .45% .46% .44% .45% .46% .45 11.27 11.55 11.27 11.57 11.25 11.50 11.25 11.50 10.27 10.27 10.20 9.87 10.20 SOUTHERN MILL STOCKS * Rooted by R. S. DICKSON AND COMPANY, Gastonia, N. C.—Greenville, S. C. _ April 16. 1923. I Bid I Ask Acme Spinning Co- . . .. Arcadia Mills . American Spinning Co. Am. Yarn and ProTing Co. Am. Yarn and Pro’ing pfd .... Anderson Cotton Mills . Arlington Cotton Mills . Aragop Cotton Mills (S. C.) .. Arcade Cotton Mills. Arrow Mills . Augusta Factory . Belton Cotton Mills . Belton Cotton Mills, pfd. Beaumont Mfg. Co. . Bibb Mfg. Co. Brogon Mills .;. Clara Mfg. Co. Clifton Mfg. Co. Cabarrus Cotton Mills. Cabarrus Cotton Mills, pfd_ Chadwick-Hos.'Co. (par $25.) Chadwick-Hos. Co. pfd . Chiquola Mfg. Co. Chiquola Mfg. Co. pfd). Chino Grove Mills . Calhoun Mills. Cannon Mfg. Co. (par $10.).. Clover Mills .. Climax Spinning Co. Crescent -Spinning Co. Columbia Mfg. Co. (Ga.). Converse, D. E.. Co. .. Darlingt-dn Mfg. Co. Dixon Mills ... Drayton Mills.. Dunean Mills . Dunean Mills, pfd. Durham Hosiery pfd . Durham Hosiery "B” .. Eastern Mfg. Co... Eagle Yarn Mills — .'. Eagle and Phoenix (Ga.) _ Eflrd Mfg. Co.. Enterprise\Mfg. Co. (Ga.).,.'. Erwin Cotton Mills Co. Erwin Cotton Mills Co., pfd .. Flint Mfg. Co. Gaffney Mfg. Co. Gibson Mfg. Co. .. Globe Yarn Mills (N. C.) .... Gray Mfg. Co. .. Glenwood Cotton Mills . Gluck Mills . Greenwood Cotton Mills. Grendel Mills 114|117% 325 290 124 106 131 120 230 296 126 108 135 65 65 91 255 205 121 100 153 138 106 21 105 £25 93 106 145 15 101 134 120 142 102 120 86 97 121 70 71 93 124 106 155 22% 107 94 16% Grendel Mills, pfd. (par $50) . Graniteville Mfg. Co. 16 109 '260 100 145 101 255 159 100 180 240 100 102 195 102 105 465 150 165 93 285 101 160 145 •89 / 66 112 161 94 145 123 97% 120 280 101 155 156 102 147 91 71 116 130 161 148 125 98% 126 285 158 Hamrick Mills Hanes, P. H. Knitting Co, Hanes, P. H. Knitting Co., pfd Henrietta pft» . Hillside Cotton Mills (Ga.) .. Hunter Mfg. and Com Co., 7 P. C. pfd. Inman Mills . Inman Mills, pfd. Jennings Cotton Mill . Judson Mills. Judson Mills, pfd ... King, Jno. P. Mfg. Co. Lancaster Cotton Mills . Limestone Mills . Linford Mills . Lola Mfg. Co. .. Locke Cotton Mills Co.. Laurens Cotton Mills . Mansfield Mills. Marlboro Cotton Mills. Mills Mill. Mills Mill, pfd . Monarch Mills, (S. C.) . Mollohon Mfg. Co..'. Musgrove Cotton Mills . Myers Mill . Myrtle Mills. Mooresvllle . National Yarn Mill . Newberry Cotton Mills . Orr Cotton Mills . Orr Cotton Mills, pfd. Parkdale Mills . Pacolet Mfg. Co. Pacolet Mfg. Co. pfd . Pelzer Mfg. Co. .............. Piedmont Mfg. Co. (a. C.).... Perfection Spinning Co. Poe, F. W. Mfg. Co. Poinsett Mills .. Priscilla Spinning Co. Ranlo Mfg. Co. Rex Spinning Co. .. .. Rex Spinning Co., pfd. ...... Riverside Mills (par $12.50) Riverside and Dan River Riverside and Dan River, pfd Rowan Cotton Mills Co.. Roanoke Mills, 1st #fd. Roanoke Mills, 2nd pfd. Rosemary pfd .. Rhyne-Houser Mfg. Co. Saxon Mills .. .. Seminole Cotton Mills Co. .... Sibley Mfg. Co. (Ga.) . Spartant Mills .. . .. Sterling Spinning Co. Superior Yarn Mills). Stowe Spinning Co. Toxaway Mills, (par $25.00) .. Union Buffalo Mills.• •••• Union Buffalo Muls, 1st pfd) .. Union Buffalo Mills, 2nd pfd. Victor-Monaghan Co.. Victor Monaghan Co. pfd Victory Yarn Mills Co. Victory 8 per cent pfd. .. Ware Shoals Mfg. Co. Watts Mills, 1st pfd. Watts Mills, 2nd pfd. Winget Yarn Mills Co. ... Wlscassett Mills Co. .. Wllliamston Mills ..-'• Woodside Cotton Mills . • • Woodside Cotton Mills pfd Woodruff Cotton Mills The stocks quoted above represent prices at which we have 'buyers, and prices at which we can sell. All quota tions subject to change Without notice. 109 80 18 97 94 150 151 85 116 103 165 110 115 62 128 438 135 210 150 49 154 161 15 104 107 225 191 137 135 144 104 124 100 I 52 83 19 99 96 155 95 106 171 112 69 138 50 130 89 134 130 66 86 314 103 104 103 100 98 118 110 65 182 134 110 100 37 78 96 57 116 112 97 103 220 I 10., 124 154 165 145 143 180 325 107 101 100 122 186 136 101 38 79 97 58 117 100 232 101 130 80 147 146 190 UTUSVOOIi COTTON. LIVERPOOL, April' 18-—Cotton, spot Increased demand; prices steady. Good middling' 15.80; fiijly middling 15.66; middling 16.65; low middling 15.30; good ordinary 14.80; ordinary 14.50. Bales 10,000 bales, lnoludlng 6,600 American. Receipts 12,000 bales in cluding 2,800 American. Futures closed 'tjulet. April 14.98; May 14.91; July 1.4.68; Ootober 13.67; January. 18.06; March 12.89. nay goods market. NEW YORK, April 18.—-Cottem goods continued quiet jn^’today « Ma-rhet but were somewhat steadier In th<3f®j|nt Cloth and sheeting division. Ykjtas were irregular cable advices stated tnat the Dunndee strike ol Jute mill work ers was settled and work will be re sumed on Friday. Unoleum manufac turers denied reports of any scarcity In linoleum cloths arising out of this strike. Wool goods were firmer. The silk manufacturers are producing care fully until the fall business develops and are deelining to build up^stocks. Retail dry goods trade has Shown an Improvement tihs week. ^ L STOCKS NEW YORK, April .18,—Prices ol stocks , continued their rise to higher ground in today’s more active market with the •railroad shares giving the ■best exhibition of group strength, j While short covering operation and [ pool manipulations undoubtedly were an important factor in the rise of many shares, the volume of sales and the nature of the buying indicated an in creasing public interest in the market. International buying also has been an important factor in the recent ad vance. Much of the impetus for the week’s ten point gain in Canadian Pa cific has come from buying orders orig inating in London and Montreal. Gen eral Motors and Atchison have been in demand by foreign buyers. Sales of Anaconda copper for British account also were reported by local brokers. The announced tax reductions in Great Britain are generally 'believed to have been responsible for a reawakening of forgein interest in the local secuity market. * Speculative interest of favorable traf fic statement account, part for the re vival of interest in the rail group. Some of the outstanding strong spots were Union Pacific, New Orleans, Texas and Mexico, Texas and Pacific, DelaWarq and Hudson, Atlantic coast Line, Chi cago and Northwestern common and preferred, ’’Soo” Northern Paolflc and the Reading issues. . A sharp break In German mdfrks which sustained an over night drop of 10 points to .0033 cents, was the fea ture of the foreign exchange market. While official explanations for the de cline were not available here, local ex change dealers were of the opinion that i the German government, which had kept the mark “pegged” at .0048 cents for nearly two months, had withdrawn its support or found it ineffective under the tremendous flood of • new paper money. French francs rallied 8 points to 6.64 cents, but the other European rates showed little change. Day’s total sales 9.64,000 shares. Twenty industrials averaged 102.24; net gain .100. High 1923, 105.38; low 96.96. Twenty railroads averaged 88.54; net gain 1.15. High 1923, 90.-63; low 84.53. NEW YORK. STOCK LIST. Name. Allied Chem. and Dye Am. Beet Sugar .... American Can. Am. H. and L. pfd .. Am. Inter. Corp. . .. Am. Locomotive .... Am. Linseed . Am. Smelt and Ref. American Sugar .... Am. Sumatra Tobacco Am. Tel and Tel. Am. Woolen'__ Anaconda Copper Atch. T. and Santa Fe Atlantic Coast Line Atl. Gulf and W. I. Baldwin Locomotive Baltimore and Ohio Canadian Pacific ... Central Leather .... Chandler Motor .... Chesapeake and Ohio Chic. Mil. and St. P. Chic. Rock I. and P. Chile Copper . Coca Cola. Consolidated Gas Consolidated Textile Cosden and Company Corn Products .. Crucible Steel. Cuban Am. Sugar .. Cuba Cane Sugar .. Endicott Johnson .. Erie.,...., Famous P.-Lask'y .. General Asphalt . . . General Electrio ... General Motors .... Great Northern pfd Gulf States Steel . . Illinois Central .'.. . Inspiration Copper . Inter. Harvester .... Inter. Merc. Mar. pfd International Paper Chino Copper .. Miami Copper. Kelly Springfield ... Kennecott Copper . . Louisville and Nash Middle States Oil .. Midvale Steel . Mo. K, and T. (new) Mo. Pacific ....... New York Central N. Y„ N. H. and H. Norfolk and Western Northern Pacific Okla. Prod, and Ref Pacific Oil. Pan-Am. Petroleum Pennsylvania . Pure Oil. Reading. Republic I. and Stee Reynolds Tobacco B Royal Dutch, N. Y. St. L. and San Fran. Seaboard Air Line . . Seaboard Air Line pfd Sears Roebuck . Sinclair Oil . S.-Sheffield Steel .. Southern Pacific ... Southern Railway . Southern Ry. pfd .. Standard Oil of Cal. Standard Oil of N. J. Studebaker. Tennessee Copper .. Texas Company .... Texas and Pacific . . Tobacco Products, A Transcontinental Oi: Union Pacific United Fruit United Retail Stores U. S. Ind. Alcohol U. S. Rubber .. . U. S. Steel . "Utah Copper . Virginia Caro. Chem Western Union. Westinghouse Elec. Vanadium Steel American Tobacco iHighTLow 74% Last 46% 97% 58 30% 135% 32% 64% 82 32 123 100% 49 % 102% 119 25% 141% 53% 160 34% 71 72% 24% 34% 28% 77% 67% 11% 56% 128 82% 36% 18 72% 12% 88% 49 |181 ' 73% 45% 66% 30% 135 31% 64 81 31% 123 19% 49% 101% 118% 24 140% 53% 154% 34 71 71% 23% 34 28 77% 66% 11% 55% 127% 81% 34% 17% 72% 11% 8S 48% 180 17% 17 75 100% 114% 37% 91% 36% 46% 27% 29% 61% 40% 144% 11% 33% 14% 16% 95% 20% 112% 77 .2% 40% 71% 46% 27% 77% 65 65% 51% 25% 7% 13% 86% 34% 57 92% 34% 68% 52% i Hg n% 49% 27% 89 10% 142 ,|175 74% 68% 62% 107% 71 15% 113% 58 40% 155% 74% 98% 113% 37% 90 35% 45 % 27 29% 69% 40% 144% 11% 32 %‘ 13% 16% 94% 19% 112 75% 2% 39% 68% 45% 27 76% 64 65% 51% 24% 7% 13% 85% 34 56% 91 34% 67% 51% 39% 123% 11% 49 26% 83% 9% 138% |73% 83% 67% 61% 103% 70% 15% 112% 57% 40% 154% 74% 46 96% 58 30% 135 32% 64% 81% 31% 123 99% 49% 102% 119 24% 140% 63% 159 34 71 72% 24% 34% 28% 77% 66% 11% 56% 128 82% 36% 18 72% 12% 88% 48% 180% 17 75% 99% 114% 37% 90% 36 46 27% 29% 60% 40% 144% 11% 33% 14% 16% 95% 20% 112 77 39 71% 45% 27% 77% 64% 65% 51% 25% 7% 13% 86% 34% 57 92 34% 68% 52% 3S% 123% '11% 49 27% 84 10% 142 175 73% 67% 62 106% 71 15% 113% 57% 40% 155% CHICAGO LIVESTOCK. CHICAGO, April 18.—Cattle: Receipts 8,000; beef steers and yearlings mostly 10 to 15 higher; spots more; closed weak at advance; top steers 10.25, weight 1,503 pounds; best yearlings ■ 10.10; mixed steers and heifers 9.90; numerous loads handy and heavy steers 9.65 to 10.15; bulk beef steers 8.40 to 9.75; butcher she^stock largely 25 cents higher; spots more; choice beef heifers 9.25; several strings 8.25 to 8.45; bulls strong to 10 cents higher; veal calves; duality considered 25 cents Up stockers and feeders slow; bulk beef cows 5.25 to 7.00; bulk beef heifers 6.50 to 8.00; bulk vealers to packers 8.00 to 8.76; bulk bologna bulls 5.00 to 5.25. HOGS: Receipts 24,000; slow; market; opened steady to strong, mostly to trad ers and shippers; closed weak to 10 cents lower to big packers;, bulk 140 to 210 pound average 8.35 to 8.45; top 8j60; bulk 225 to 325 pound butchers 7.90 to 8.30; packing sows around steady; mostly'7.00 to 7.25; pigs uneven, bulk 100 to 180 pounds 7.00 to 8.00; estimated holdover 11.000. ; SHEEP: Receipts 21,000; lambs fully steady; top 14.60 to packers city butch ers and shippers; several loads making that price; other lots 14.25 to 14.50; clipped lambs mostly 10.75 to 11.50; • . c . i ^ J rtl, a, i n a Q A nrviiw rl mrfieorrn with one ioad choice 80 pound average up toll.7 __75; hepwy clipped largely 10.00; sheep scarce; two loads 111 pound clip ped eWfcs 7.75; few 144 pound , 'aged wether 8.75. ;■ COTTONSEED OIE. NE)W YORK,/ April 18.—Cottonseed oil was fairly active and lower under general liquidation induced by the earish census report and easier lard. Closing bids were 10 to'19'points, net lower. Sales *6,000 barrels. The cen sus report indicated that Mhteftr con sumption was 167,000 barrels whereas the trade had been looking for nearer 200,000 barrels. Prime crude 10.00 to 10-25: prime summer yellow spot 11.10 to 11.80; Mai- 11.45; July 11.15: Septem ber 11.39, all bid. U. s. department agriculture WEATHER BURET* , JYilmington, N. C., April 18, 1923. Meteorological data tor t,he 2) hours ending 8.00 p. m. yesterday. Humidity Record. Dry Wet Relative bulb bulb humidity temp, terns, per cent 8:00 a. m. 54 52 89 12:00 noon. 69 61 57 8:00 p. m., 67 62 7a Temperature: Maximum, 63; mini* mum, 53; mean, — Rainfall: Total for the day, .00; total since first of the month, 1.02. Sun rises .5:37 a. m. Sun sets .6:45 p. m. Tide Table. Hterh. Wilmington .11:24 a.m. “ .11:47 p.m. Masonboro Inlet .. 8:51a.m. " “ .. 9:15 p.m. low. 6:50 a.m. 6:55 p.m. 3:14 a.m. 3:18 p.m. Stage of Tiver at Fayetteville at S a. m. yesterday, 18.5 feet. WEATHER BUREAU REPORTS. Asheville ..rain Atlanta ...rain Birmingham ...clear Boston .clear Charleston ...cloudy Charlotte-... rain Galveston ... .pt cldy Jacksonville ...cldy Memphis.clear N. Orleans .— .clear New York ... .pt cldy Raleigh . .a.rain Savannah *..rain St. Louis .clear Washington ...cldyl 48 54 54 54 68 58 72 ■72 70 56 58 72 56 56 I 38 56 46 60 60 46 60 40 46 56 42 88 .24 .02 .08 .00 .00 .04 .00 .00 .00 j32 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 NEW YORK BONDS. Foreign Bonds. Argentine 7s .* . Domln. of Canada 5%s, 1929 .... 101% French Republic 7%s ... 94% Kingdom of Belgium 7%s . 101% Kingdom cf Denmark 6s . 97% Swiss Confederation 8s .. ...... 118 Un. King of G. B. and I. 5%s, 1937 103% U. S. of Brazil 8s . 96 U. §. of Mexico 5s . 56 Railway and Miscellaneous Bonds. American Agric. Chem. 7%s .... 101% Americann Smelt, and Ref. 5s .. 89 American Sugar 6s ..102% American Tel. and Tel. cv. 6« .... 115% Atchison gen. 4s ... 76% Atlantic Coast Line 1st 4s Baltimore and Ohio cv. 4%s ... Bethlehem Steel ref. 5s . Cenral of Georgia 6s.:..... Central Leather 5s ... Chesapeake and Ohio cv. 5s ... Chicago, B. and Qiiincy ref. 5s ^ Chic., Mil. and St. P. cv. 4%s . Chic., R. I. and Pac. ref. 4s ... Chile Copper 6s.••••;•? Colorado and Southern ref. 4%s; Goodyear Tire 'Ss/ '1931 '.' i ! i!!!. 103% Int. Mer. Marine 6s ..... 87% Kans. City Southern ref. 5s .... 86 Kelly-Springfield Tire Ss ...... 109% Louisville and Nash. ref. 5%s ...103 , Mexican Petroleum 8s .......... 108 ■ Mo. Kan. and Tex. pr.,lien 5s .... 77% Missouri Pac. gen. 4s . .7-... 57% New York Central deb. 6s. 103% 85 80 93 99% 98% 88% 98% 66% 78% 100 83% 46% 112 83% 99% 88% 89% 72% 66% 93 91% Norfolk and Western cv. 6s Northern Pacific 4s .. Pennsylvania gen. 5s . Reading gen. 4s ........ • • .. Republic Iron and Steel 5s .... St. L. and San Fran. adj. 6s ,... .Seaboard Air Line con. 6s J Southern Bell Tel. 5s .• • Southern Pacific cv. 4s . Southern Railway 5s. 94% Southern Railway 6%s . 101% Union Pacific 4s . 90% U. S. Steel 6S .. 101% Virginia Caro. Chdm. 7%s 84 Wabash 1st 6s .. 96% Wilson and Co. 7%s . 100% Seaboard Air Line 5s . “1% Southern Railway 4s. 67 RICHMOND LIVESTOCKS. RICHMOND. April 18.—Cattle: Supply light and market active; strictly good steers 8.50 to 9.00; medium to good steers 8.00 to 8.50; common to medium steers 6.50 to 7.50; good to choice cows 6 00 to 6.50; extra higher common to medium cows 4.50 to 6.60; canners- 2.50 to 2.75; medium to good oxen 6.00 to 7 00; common to medium oxen 4.50 to 6 00- fat butcher -bulls 5.50 to 6.00; bologna bulls 4.25 to 4.76; light, com mon bologna bulls 3.50 to 4.00; choice fat heifers 8.00 to 8.50; medium to good heifers 7.26 to 8.00; common to medium heifers 5.50 to 7.00; good Virginia calvea 11 00 to 12.00; medium Virginia calves 9 00 to 11.0; best southern calves 11-00; medium southern calves 8.00 to 10.00; rough and heavy veal calves 4.00 to 6 00- good oorrl fed hogs 8.60 to 9.00; good corn fed pigs and shoats 8.00 to 8.50. , „ „„ Good lambs 14.00 to 15.00; medium lambs 12.00 to 13.0; spring lambs 18.00; fat sheep 6.00 to 8.00; common to fair sheep, 4.00 to 6.00. MO WHY MARKET. NEW YORK, April 18.—Call- money easy. High 5, low 4 1-4, ruling rate 5; closing bid 4 1-2, offered at 4 3-4; last loan 4 1-2; call loans against ac ceptances 4 1-2. Time loans easier; mixed collateral 60-90 days 6 1-4 to t 1-2; four-six months 6 1-4 to 6 1-2. Prime-commercial paper 6 to B 1-4. ATLANTIC COAST LINE Depart. ' A Arrive. Effective March 1. 1623 . •3:40 AM. Raleigh & North • 1:00 A.M. 5:30 AM.. .South , & West.. 11:40 P.M. Sleeper to Columbia Open 10 P.M. 8:15 AM. North ...... 6:05 P.M. 8:30 AM... Fayetteville .. 8:00 P.M. 3-30 P.M.. .South & /West.. 12:50P.M. Sleeper to Atlanta 3 00 P.M..... New Bern .... 12:40 P.M. 3- 30 P.M.... Southport ... 12:60 A.M. t6'30 P.M.... Fayetteville ... tll:05 A.M. 7- 00 P.M...... North . 9:46 AM. Sieepers to Washington and Norfolk •Daily to Goldsboro, but. does not run to Richmond and Norfolk Sunday. tTuesday, Thursday, Saturday only,, . For Information, Phone 160. ' SEABOAmTaIR LfftE Depart. Dally.- Arrive 4- 00 AM..... Charlotte ....12115 A.M. Sleeper to Charlotte Open 10 P.M. 8- 10 AM. WUfrRnth ford ton ,5:86 P.M. 8:10P.M.. ... Charlotte ...,12:60 P.M. • , parlor Car to Charlotte . . For Fnrther Information. Phono 178 David S. Oliver INSURANCE • Life- Nbn-Cancellable -Disability, Auto Liability - 604 Murchison Bldg.—Phone 840 The Best Companies, the Lojrest' Net Cost, Service . ’ Shipping News Str. Ansaldo VII, (Ital.)» Alexander Sprunt and Sons. Str. Santurce, (Am,), Heide and com pany. > Sehr. Wilbert S. Bartlett, (Ala.), 643 tons, C. D. Maffitt and company. Str. Helnier Moerch, (Dan.), Heide and company. ARRIVED. Str. Heliner Moerch, (Dan.), Aalborg, Denmark, with cargo of cemept for Southern Power company. SAILED. Str. Glyndon, (Am.), in ballast for Mobile, Ala. Wilmington Markets PEANUTS. Prices paid producers'. NORTH CAROLINA—New crop, $1.85 to $1.9,0. - . - • VIRGINIA—New crop, $1.00 to $1.10. VIRGINIA JUMBOS—$1.10 to *1.20. WHITE SPANISH—$2.00. •KED SPANISH— $1.90 to *2.00. ' PRODUCE. CORN—$1.10%. BEEP—9 to 10 cents. VEAL—10 to 12 cents. PIG PORK—Small 14 to IS cents, large 10 cents. N. C. BACON—Hams 24 to 25 cents; sides and shoulders 14 to 15 cents. TALLOW—Cakes, 5 cents. BEESWAX—20 cents. HIDES—6 to 7 cents. EGGS—22 cents,-very .dull. CHICKENS—Pall 25 cents; spring 35 cents; hens 25 cents; old roosters, dull, 15 cents. BUTTER—26 to 30 cents. IRISH POTATOES—$3.25 to $3.50 a bag. SWEET bushel. NAVAL STORES. SPIRITS TURPENTINE—Nothing do flOSIN—Nothing doing. PINE TAR—Per gallon 15c. PINE TAR—In country pine barrels $3.50. CRUDE TURPENTINE—Virgin and yellow dip $5.25; scrape 34.25. ... . .'i POTATOES—*55 to 60 cents NAVAL STORES MARKET. JACKSONVILLE. Fla., April 18.—Tur pentine steady 1.40; sales 150; receipts 192; shipments 151; stock 8,660. Rosin, firm; sales 1,229; receipts 729; shipments none; stock 119,727. Quote: B to E, 4.90 to 5.00; P, 6.02% to 6.05; G, 5.60; H, ,5.05 to 6.07%; I to M, 5.05 to 5.10; N, 5.20 to $5.25; WG, 5.50 to 5.60; WW, 6.40 to 6.45. SAVANNAH, April 18.—Turpentine steady, 140; salee 160; receipts 238; shipments 136; stock 2,362. Rosin firm; sales 552; receipts 1,186; shipments ' 20; stock 68,704. Quote: B D E P G H I K 6.05; M 5.10; N 6.35; WG 6.65; WW 6.55.. LIBERTY BONDS NEW YORK, April 18.—United States government bonds close: Liberty 3 l-2s, 101.4; first 4s 97.12 bid; second 4s 97.8 bid; first 4 l-4s, 97.21; second 97.17; third 87.31; fourth 97.21; unoaHed vic tory 4 3-4S.100; U. S. government 4 l-4s 99.3. Benny Leonard has held the light weight championship crown since 1917. He is 27 years old. Insurance Ortm Bldg. PhMM SIM ZOh-t;OC> PUBLIC AU CTION NORFOLK NAVY YARD, PORTSMOUTH, VA. TUESDAY, APRIL 24,1923 ,v ' , S Since the navy has shown its confidence in Public Auction to the extent of using this . plan in addition to its usual methods,,you should avail yourself of this chance to make the sale a success. Fall into line with those who are going to attend this sale. It offers a wonderful buying opportunity to both small and large buyers since the material has been carefully lotted to meet the requirements of everyone. • Th’ere is given below a general list showing the character of the material in the sale. It Just hits the high spots and ,you should wri te for the catalog (500-A) which covers every detail in regard to the sale. Address: Supply Officer, Navy Yard, Norfolk, Va.; M. Fox & Sons Co., Auctioneer, 202 Maryland Casualty Building, Baltimore, Md. VALVES ELECTRIC CABLE SAND PAPER > CANS CROCUS CLOTH FIRE BRICK CEMENT CORK HAIR FELT MAGNESIA ASBESTOS MILLBOARD SILICA HAND TRUCKS BRASS * COPPER LEAD TIN ' SHIP CHANDLERY CHEMICALS STATIONERY PUT THE DATE. ON YOUR CALEN DAR—APRIL 24, 1923—AND ATTEND THERE IS ANOTHER BIG AUCTION AT NEW YORK ON ^ MAY 1,1923 Navy Yard Washington, D. C. MIXES SCHOOL SCiwLAitSHiP IS AVAILABLE IX STATE RALEIGH. April IS.—Dr. E. C. Brooks, superintendent of public In struction, has available for one-well qualified 1923 high schol graduate a four-year scholarship, valued at $250 annually,' to the. Colorado .School of Mines. Golden, Colo., It was announced tonight. Applications, the superintendent said, should be made to him and the appli cants must be graduated in the ^ear of their appointment. If appointed in 1923, the successful student must he 1923 graduate and must satisfy all re quirements ’ for admittance without conditions. The scholarship will. be. awdrded for a period of four years and exempts the holder from all tuition or laboratory fees. ’ NEW YORK BONDS. NEW YORK, April 18.—Impressive strength of the railroad company liens was the feature of today’s bond mar ket, the undertone of which was Arm. Foreign bonds were slightly Irregular, Tokio 5s creating a new high record while Bolivian 8s broke and the Mexi can issues yielded fractionally. United States government securities, were re actionary, liberty 3%s showing a slight gain hut the old 4% series registering losses of about 14 of a point. Toledo, St. Louis an dWestern is leu the advance in railroad mortgages, while Seaboard Air Line refunding Is, Pere Marquette refunding 5s, Northern Pacific 4s, Baltimore and Ohio conver tible 4%s, Atchison convertible 4s, Erie prior lien 4s, Canadian Northern 7s and Central Pacific first 4s closed higher. Higher commodity prices were respon sible for the advance in sugar bonds. Local tractions were firm and a gooa demand was noted for Armour 4%s ana Consolidated Coal of Maryland 5s. Montana Power 5s, Cerro 'de Pasco 8s and Bethlehem Steel refunding 6s were heavy. Total sales, par value, $11, 807, OOP. „ , There were no large offerings today. The right arm of Willie Hoppe is insured for $10,000, and he is ordered not to do any hand-shaking. , Smart Coat A smart little coat of blue rep with a white pique collar and large whit.v buttons from collar to belt, is worn with a skirt of largo blue and white plaids. Chinese Coats Chinese coats of printed cotton or v; cretonne, or any figured fabric, are very popular with pleated skirts of plain material. GOAL ZHsL BUILDfc.lt S’ SlrPLIBJ W. B. THORPE & CO. i. !>a Transfer—Day or Night Service - CITY TAXICAB COMPANY Phone 15 BLUE RIBBON* SPRINGS “For Restful Sleep” W. MUNROE & ca 15 S. Front Street “Your Money’s Worth Always” Statement of Condition of Tl_3 Murchison National Bank Of Wilmington, N. C. At the Close of Business April 3, 19.23 RESOURCES Loans and discounts .•.$ 8,874,182.51 Customers' liability acceptances ....... 300,000.00 U. S. bonds... .. 729,450.00 Banking building.. .. 368,600.00 Bonds and other securities.... 160,500.00 Cash and due by banks ... 3,494,160.55 TOTAL . $13,926,893.06 LIABILITIES Capital stock.. 1,000,000.00 Surplus and net profits .. 1,165,839.74 Reserved for taxes. 65,293.11 Circulation . 641,600.00 Acceptances . 300,000.00 Rediscounts with federal reserve bank... 614,000.00 Deposits ........ v.. < v • 10,240,160.21 TOTAL..;...$13,926,893.06 J. B. McCABE & CO. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS Postoffice Box 1343 607 Hnchtnm Building WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA

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