APRIL 23, 1923 Now Is the I ime to w in— Time Won’t Wait for You! HUSTLE IS THE KEYNOTE TO YOUR SUCCESS Get Busy and Keep Busy— Work Is Deciding Factor! EVERY DAY in this week/of the Big Vote Period of our Mammoth Gift Distribution is your opportu nity to "MAKE GOOD ARE YOU DOING IT? This Is Your Opportunity—Make the Best of It While the Big Votes Are-Being Given BUT THREE MORE Mighty Important Days The winning votes can be secured these next few days—between now and Monday, April 23. Remember—this first period will practical/y decide who the winners of the big prizes will be. ifou can’t “dilly dally” with such valuable prizes at stake—you must get busy in earnest and let nothing stand between you and the winning of the prize you have determined to get. If you would be one of the big prize winners, you must work and work hard these next four days. This is the time to really “kick up some campaign dust—such as you have never done before.” The way to win is to pile up the largest number of votes. It takes votes to win— votes, and votes alone. So the larger your vote score is at the end of the first period, the bet ter for you. The time has now come to do big things—to “literally” cinch your choice of the prizes. Let this be your best and biggest week. Waste not one minute of it. VOTES WILL WIN!. ? GETTING YOURS? Now is the time! These Rig Vote Days—They won’t last forever; in fact, but three days left. DEVELOP AUTOMOBILE SPEED THIS WEEK, THAT ONLY WILL WIN FOR YOU! It’s Up to You Entirely The only thing that will keep you from win ning is you, yourself. If you are working de termined to be successful, you will be. It’s en tirely up to you. If you want the Packard Touring, the Hupmobile Sedan, the Nash Sedan* the Dodge Sedan, or to receive your rightful share of the hundreds of dollars in cash to be distributed—and we think you do—get into the campaign today with the real effort that is re quired to win. The time to win is getting shorter—your opportunity is growing less each day, too—unless you are keeping constantly at it these4ast few days. Wishing won’t win for you—but determined effort will. ’TIS NQ'T A MAT TER OF LUCK— IT’S ONE OF HONEST EFFORT If You Want to Win—Get Busy ! Work done these “Big Vote” days will easily . bring success to contestants in the Star and News big gift distribution. The laggard, unwill ing to devote time or thought to the big prizes, however, will reap no reward. This is a cam paign for “live wires.” Your opportunity, then, to win a prize that will repay you many times for your effort is here. Don’t lag in the campaign—don’t hesi tate or be timid about your race. Go right to it . nd keep right at it. Give your campaign as much attention during your spare time as you would any good business proposition. For right here is no doubt the greatest opportunity that will come lo you in your life. APRIL 23, 1923