Star Classified Ads Bring Results TRY THEM They are the Little Ads with the Big Story ( STAR C L ASS IFIE D ADS NOW 'JAKEN BY TELEPHONE—Call 51 and Ask for Classified Department—Phone 51—NOW TAKEN BY TELEPHONE 1 Star Classified Ada a,. Read Daily by More Tk! 80,000 People READ THEM USE THEM! Help Wanted Cl] NO INVESTMENT will pay as well a. a business education. Those l“* as bookkeepers and stenographers an never out of a position. We ®etyur ; position for our graduates. Pf5^ u night sessions. Easy terms. The Mott, Business College. Front and Cbestnu streets. _ IF YOU ARE lMfcn* ">r ®e!p ®* " ’ kbl, there Is ho better "» '• * MO« utelllareht employee than p ^ The Star’s ClM-lfled-ecHom^ U read. Phone SI and ask tor Clastnneo Depart meat. WANTED—Boys to sell 8 page Hearst's American. See Gordon 17 Princess St. Phone 746._ WANTED—Good barber at once, steady , work. Come to 604 Castle street. help wanted made SOO colored men for Carnegie Steel Co work at Farrell, Braddock Home stead McKees Rocks pittBb"^ 4 Clairton, Pa. Also Mingo and Youngs town, Ohio. Ship Tuesday, ABnl 24’ inT every Tuesday thereafter. Lowest n2v 40c per hour. Can do much better. Men must apply before l2:*0 Thesdays^ have suitcase and clothing and offic Cr%^enTservince VS son’s Employment ■ service. Main Street, Richmond, va. _ WANTED—First-class millwright at once. Apply to Appomattox Box Shook Co., Maco, N. C., P. O. Phoeh.x, X. c. _ Agents & Salesmen Wanted (2) M11. WANT TO BUY—USED FORD TON TRUCK. CHIPLEY’S USED FORD CAR EXCHANGE, 116 DOCK ST., PHONE 1120. FOR SALE—New Ford poupe at a sacrifice; only used about a month. Owner leaving town and must sell. Write P. O. Box 449. City. [ LIGHT FORD TRUCK IN GOOD RUN- ] \ NING CONDITION, *75.00, AT CHIP LEY’S USED FORD CAR EXCHANGE, 116 DOCK ST. PHONE 1120. BRINC4 YOUR automobile cylinder blocks to us to be reground and new oversize pistons and rings fitted. Our methods are the most approved, our charges reasonable, our work is guaranteed. Broadfoot Iron Works. Seeds and Plants (9) VELVET BEANS—Velvet Beans, also various size kegs for sale. Bear Produce & Mdse. Co. Poultry, Eggs and Livestock (8) HEBE la a claslCcatlon when people can dispose of their poultry* eg«t and livestock. There are 80,000 reader* el The Star’s classified section dally 1 60 per cent move on Sundays. Seeds and Plants %(9) TOM WATSON, Klecklev Sweet, Irish Grey, (Florida Favorite, Watermelon. Kentucky Wonder Pole Beans. Bush and pole Lima Beafis. Garden and Field Corn. Field Peas. Soy Beans, Sudan Grass, Spring Vetch, Onion Sets. Evergreen Lawn Grass. W. P. Rouda bush, 21 South Front. ‘ CABBAGE PLANTS FOR SALE—15c per 100 or $1.25 per thousand. Toma to plants 2Bc per hundred or $2.00 per thousand. Pepper .plants same price. R. Q. Bannerman, Route 3, Wnitevlile, N. C. TOMATO PLANTS—10,0T) seven inch plants now ready. Earliana, Bonny Best, Stone, Red Rook. Hundred, 80c. postpaid. Send on your orders. Col lard plants, hundred 20c. W. P. Roudabush, 28 South Front. Lost and Found (10) LOST—Pocketbook containing $15.00, change and receipts. If found kindly return to Bishop, 115 North 4th street, and receive reward. LOST—Shell frame, fitted with Kryp tok lena. somewhere on Front street between Princess and Belk-Willlams. Finder please return to W. A. McGow an, 1401 Princess street, and receive reward. LOST—Grey shell glasses. Finder kindly return to 412 North 5th street and receive reward. LOST AND FOUND articles are easily and King, 801 S. Front St. Phone 411. 1-21-tfo RODERICK & LAND, manufacturers of doors, sash, windows and door frames turned columns, balusters, stair work, all kinds interior finish; factory Eighth and Wooster streets; screens a special, ty. Phone 1584-J. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER—N o t a r y Public, Representative Literary Dl- i gest, Carbons and Ribbons. Miss Me- I Laurln, Hotel Wilmington. CHICKENS, Chickens, Chickens—Extra , nice chickens, young and hens) dressed to your order with giblets, j Very best of beef, veal arid pork. Soup bones, cucumbers, lettuce and celery. I J. W. Batson Co., 108 South Front St., phone 1397. LET US CLEAN, polish and lacquer your brass bedsteads, chandeliers, andirons; anything in brass, silver tfi nickle. Monroe’s Auto Shine Co. Phons 2408. 1730 Orange street. * TYPEWRITERS REPAIRED All Makes of typewriters repairec overhauled and rebuilt. Service cal’ 3 answered promptly. Phone 2283, Wil mington Typewriter and Supply Co., 108 -l. Front St. THE (OLD HOME TOWN. MOUSTACHE C UPS SLEEVE HOLDERS FUNNELS OU^S SAND PAPER, AND OTHER HOUSE HOLD NOVELTIES (hold h*\, NEWT lAREARlNi JJ you, CAMT BEAT Ct't JUNE & - 190b )>r,^' J cu» m\ NO-NO-iWYt HERm"'WILl "Move OVER BOYS IVE <5or A NEW ONE-, I SIX blades a 1 CORK. SCREW I AND A BUTTON HOOK„WHATCHA/ h THINK OPTWATjf I __ - -e OU SAV THEYRE/ GOING* TO MOVE THE , JAU-? HERM DOOLITTLHj ONE OF THE TOWNS BEST WHITTLER3, JUST BOUGHT A NEW POCKET KNIFE. AND LOOKS FORWARD TO A PLEASANT SPRWsK^'AND SUMMER, *TAHL&y NEA SERVICE J Special Notices (16) HEMSTITCHING, buttons covered, ex pert workmanship, sewing machines, sold or rented, motors, repairs. New Home Office, 305 North Front. Legal Notices (17) NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the District Court, Eastern District of North Carolina In the Matter of J. W. Joyner, Bank rupt. The petition of J. W. Joyner, of Ta bor, North Carolina, for a full dis charge in Bankruptcy, having been filed In said Court, It is ordered by the Court that a hearing be had on the 4th day of June. 1923, before Honorable H. G. Connor, Judge of said Court at Wilmington, North Carolina, at 10 o'clock forenoon, and that all known creditors and other persons interested may appear at said time and place and show just cause, if any they have, why the prayer of the said petitioner should not be "granted. This 18th day of April, 1923. CLEVES M. SYMMES, Deputy Clerk U. S. District Court, Wilmington, N. C. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the District Court, Eastern District of North .Carolina In the Matter of W. H. Stroud, Bank rupt. The petition of W. H. Stroud, of Ta bor, North Carolina, for a full dis charge in Bankruptcy, having been filed in said Court, it is ordered by the Court that a hearing be had on the 4th day of June, 1923, before Honorable H. G. Connor, Judge of said Court at Wilmington, North Carolina, at 10 o'clock forenoon, and that all known creditors and other persons interested may appear at said time and place and show just cause, If any they have, why the prayer of the said petitioner should not be granted. This 18th day of April, 1928. CLEVES M. SYMMES, Deputy Clerk U. S District Court, Wilmington. N. C. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Charlie Burris and daughter wish to express their thanks to their nany friends coincident with the be reavement of their husband and father, dr. Charlie F. Burris. (17) Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In th* District Court, Eastern District | of North Carolina In the Matter of J. P. Mills, Bankrupt. | The petition of J. P. Mills, of Taber, \ North Carolina, for a full discharge j in Bankruptcy, having been filed in said Court, it is ordered by the' Court that a hearing be had on the 4th day of June. 1923, before Honorable H. (J. Connor, Judge of said Court at Wil mington, North Carolina, at 10 o’clock forenoon, and that all known creditors and other persons interested may ap pear at said time and place and show just cause, if any they have, why the prayer of the said petitioner should not be granted. This 18th day of April. 1928. CLEVES M. SYMMES, Deputy Clerk D. S. District Court. Wilmington, N. C. Transfer—Day or Night Servlco CITY TAXICAB COMPANY Phone IS HALL’S DRUG STORE Fifth and Castle Streets IS A “GOOD PLACE” TO HAVE YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED. Registered Pharmacists do the Compounding and “speedy" mes sengers make the deliveries. :: :: 192-P H 0 N E—193 fiavid S. Oliver INSURANCE Life, Non-Cancellable Disability, Auto Liability 604 Murchison Bldg.—Phone 840 The Best Companies, the Lowest Net Cost, Service ■ . FISHING TACKLE Blake-Brown Co. 129 Princess. Phone 2!! Now Is the Time to Build! In one’s life there are certain pe riods when one does the rigrht thing at the right time—and now is tile right time to build your own home, Just wWat th© future will bring *'« can not predict, but from Pre conditions it looks as if build ng costs are certain to increase. That, why you should start building &• once. For Limber and Bull din* Materials of All Kinds. ■ MTVER LUMBER COMPANY SIXTH AND CAMPBELL STS. Phone 1555-W MUTT AND JEFF—Is There No Limit to Jeff’s Inventive Ability? •! 9 (Copyright, 1923, by E. C. Fisher.) (Trade-m/"rk Reg., 1. S. Pat. Off.) —By BUD FISH® fi FA We AN& FoftTUWe WITH IN MV GRASP AT LAST, MoTT! CoMC ANfc LOOK AT AAV LATCST IMUeMTION A Rcal, Burglar l Proof u>\K»t>ow! uvrteu/1 oof.' t caUTt oPew «T! 'wo, ftwt> KJCiTHerr CAOJ t Oft AMY owe ifQo .U/AMT SOM6 Art*?