•>]<; TRAVELER I apeak to nobody, nobody, nobodyi, And nobody speake to me; For liow can you know what kiwi of folks * •These traveling folks may be? They might be barbers, or thieves and crooks Whose business is burglaree. So I speak to nobody, nobody, nobody, And nobody speaks to me! The sociable people X always snub Whenever they speak to me, So I sit and read and' smoke ai*d yawn In my own society*, , A bally nuisance, to. run about On trains or on ships at sea, For I speak to nobody, nobody, nobody. And nobody speaks to tne. Ho hum, Ira fearfully tired of myself And the scenery that 1 see, But one must maintain onp s proper place Tn human society. _ One can't take chances of meeting those Of. humble or low degree. So I speak to nobody, nobody, nobody, And nobody speaks to me. —Bertcm Braley. Dr. Ernest a Bulluck has returned from attending the meeting of the state medical society at Asbevllle, where he read a paper on “The Treat , ment of Traumatic Brain Injuries* • * * • Kakwtst Hike Saturday The Nakwtslans will go on a hike to the Cliffs on Saturday afternoon. All members are urged to report at -the T. W. C. A olub roroi at 3 p. m. Miss Gladys Lynn of Whltevtlle, is visiting her cousin. Miss Edith Elisa beth Bowen, 616 Queen street. Mrs. E. H. Bishop and small daugh ter left Wednesday for their home In Houston. Texas. En route they are guests of Mrs. Gaston B. - Phages, » sister, at Sumter. S. C. * * • Mrs. Clifford W. Turner of Columbia, S. C., Is here visiting her father, W. P. Toon, No. IB North. Sixth street,' / * * * * Judge Walter H. Neal, of Laurfn burg, was here yesterday on- business. Copt. S. W. Sanders, well known mar iner, formerly located at the port of Wilmington, but now engaged In the towboat business in Norfolk, has re turned to the Virginia port after a short visit to this city. * • • Mr. and Mrs. I. G. Clemmons have re turned from their-wedding tour g.nd are at home to their friends at 820 Dock street. * * • Miss' Rosalie Burbank Will entertain at a bridge party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Taliaferro, on Park avenue, Dilworth, ’ this afternoon at 3:S0 o’clock, complimenting Miss Laura Parsley, ■ of Wilmington, who is visit ing Mr. and Mrs. William Parsley, the H you still believe that it , is necessary to pay $7, $8 ' or $10 for the quality and - • • ■ style you. demand in foot wear, we would like you to * • * inspect this charming tan ... calf one strap; a young ladies’ model with new' radio perforations; n e w • • ■ swagger strap; stylish . . heels, with rubber heels » 6759. Price M ofv waliiM styles, $150 fe $5 . . Newark shoe sxomn co. ,. ■ ■ WIi.-Ui-M.IOA rt'UKE r8..,.v.| Span SttefijTSeih* to ' " r Accommodate easterners r-'l id. Ask For iCURLY HAIR7 can be yours, even though yob nave (hart, wiry hair now. Just nae QUEEN Bair DnaaiM and watch your ha** grow long, amoothand wavy. QUEEN .removes dandruff, stops fall* to* hair. Sold Everywhere. Band Km today fbr-MrMz/ dsmti Wealed. Write todayand get beautifnl presents FREE. Newbro Ml*. Co., Ailaata, Ga. former her brother. Miss Burbank di ' vldes her time between Charlotte and Wilmington.—Cb-M^t* Observer. Mrs. J. B. Bice returned Wednesday from Bayboro, where «he has been vis iting relatives. William Watters left Tuesday night for New York where he will join Mr. H. C. Buck, Jr , of New York. They will sail for Sa-i Domingo the first of the month. _ ’Hi'WliWii;;? * • * lEMIKEBB Tyck Farris ... Elpgene, hav* returned from Charlotte where they have been for the past few days. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert L. Stender and young son, Herbert, Jr., have gone to Charleston to visit Mr. Stender's rela tives there. Mr. Stender will return shortly. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Einstein and§ Mr. and Mrs. Ed David are in New York City on a pleasure trip. • • • St. Qecelia Guild of St. James will give a children’s carnival this afternoon at 4 o’clock at the home of Mrs. J. D. Bellamy, Jr., 32» S. Third street. Enjoyable games have been planned and all sorts of goodies will be on sale. All children of the city are invited. • • • Rev. W- a, Stanbury, pastor of Grace Methodist church, has gone' to Faison to attend today the Yuneral of C. W. Weatherby,. who dropped dead Thursday’morning at Kinston. Part»p-Ge»r Wedding. An announcement of interest to Goldsboro Is contained in the follow ing clipping from the Brooklyn Life: “Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Geer, of 241 Washington ave.t Brooklyn, and West hampton Beach, Long Island, have an nounced the engagement of their daughter, Rosalie Bryant, to Mr. Wil liam Bayl.ies Parker, son of Mr. Walter King Parker of Goldsboro. N. C. Miss Geer attended Adelphia Academy and College and ‘is a member of Kappa Gamma Fraternity. She was an activ* worker, in the Red Cross Home Service. Mr. Parker attended the University of North Carolina and during the war served in the U. S. Transport Corps. The wedding will take place in the fall." T. L, Cromartie returned Wednesday morning from Asheville, where he has been for the past few days. • * • \ Hardin Jewett has gone to Jackson ville, N. C. Mrs. Jewett and little son, Tommy, will be with Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Smith, Jr. • • • Mrs. L. B. Sasser has returned from Jonesboro, where she has been visiting her mother. i: • . • * Sira. Hall Entertains Club. Mrs. Louis Hall charmingly enter tained the members of her bridge club Tuesday afteftioon. Bridge was play ed, at two tables, Mrs. J. N. Brand winning top score prize. At conclusion o fthe games, afternoon tea was en joy^L • « * Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mitchell returned from Richmond, Va„ today, where they spent the past week. | Mr*:-Mi A; Pennington left yesterday | morning for visits to friends and rela i -fives in -Rocky -Mount and-Tarboro. > < • Hiu Dalton Honoree. Mrs. John Alexius will entertain a few friends Friday afternoon in com pliment to Itisa Georgia Dalton, who is visiting her sister, Mrs. I. C. Wright. « »' • Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Borneman are receiving 'coft&falulatlons on the arri val of a daughter, Mary Elizabeth, at the Marioh Sprunt annex, April 18. Mrs. Dawson Complimented. Mrs. Holmes Dawson was honoree Tuesday afternoon when Mrs. William James and Mrs. Theodore James com plimented . ijer with, a. beautiful party at the home of Mrs. William James. The color scheme of pink and white was effectively carried out in the dec orations and refreshments. The prize for the highest . score, a lovely cut glass water bottle, presented to Mrs. 1 Charles Grainger and the honoree was presented with a dainty handpainted flower bowl. I * j Beautiful Recital. A numher. of. pubUs of Miss Pauline Williams save a very creditable reci tal at ber- home '307 -JJ.- Seventh street Tuesday afternoon at 8:30 o’clock. | Ttids'e bh’thfe’program were Roy War ters, Gerda. Quelch, Eleanor Baker, Al j lie Mae Gerken,' Dorothy Taylor, Mary i Pickard,. Sara. Womack, Juanita Prid gen, Mary King, Evelyn olter, Eloise Bryan, ' EllfedbetR ’ King, Eloise King, and Veronica Jarman. Those taking part were presented with neat book lets on 'the life o’f soyie great composer with blank spaces for pictures and written work by the children. The re cital was attended .-by a number ot guests..‘~ e. * All ladles, who are members of the Baby Hospital committees will meet at. the SorOslS Club room this qjorning at 11 o’clock. ' Important business will be dlscifshed and all the ladles are urged to attend. ■ ■ .. • • a . .. • Church Supper. The ladle's of the Trinity Methodist church will give a church supper this Not a Laxative Nujol is a lubricant—not a medicine or laxative — so cannot gripe. When job an constipated, not enough of Nature’s lu bricating liquid to produced in the bowal to keep the food waste soft and moving. Doc tors prescribe Nujol because it acts like this natural lubri cant and thus secure* regular bowel movements by Nature’s ssm method —r lubrication. Try it today. * A LUBRICANT-MOT AI CHARLIE BUTLER (Himself) MR. CHARLIE BUTLER, Soloist and Humorist. MRS. CHARLIE BUTLER, Soprano Soloist MR. JULIUS HOLLOWAY, Pianist IN AN EXCEPTIONAL PROGRAM OF SOLOS, DUETS, TRIOS AND READINGS. A WHOLE EVENING CHUCKFUL OF HUMOR, ENTERTAINMENT AND ARTISTIC DELIGHT Annex Auditorium First Ba ptist Church TONIGHT, 8:15 o’Clock PRICES OF ADMISSION \DULTS 50c. CHILDREN UNDER 12 YEARS 25c I evening April 20. from 6 to 8 o’ clock at the church building. The sup per will consist of chicken or potato salad, North Carolina ham and coffee. A good time is assured and everyone is invited to attend. GIBBONS-GILMER The following Invitations nave been issued: “Mr. and Mrs. Thornwell Tillot son Gilmer request the honor of\ your presence at the marriage of their daughter. Catherine, to Dr. James Wilson Gibbon, on Wednesday, the twenty-fifth day of April, at half after eight o’clock, in the evening, at St. Peter’s church, Charlotte, North Caro lina." Accompanying card. "Mr. and Mrs. Thornwell Tillotson Gilmer re quest the pleasure of your company on Wednesday, the twenty-fifth of April, at nine o'clock, aeven hundred and five, Providence Road."—Charlotte Observer. Meeting of Music Department The music department of Sorosis held a very Interesting meeting at the club rooms on Third street. The sub ject discussed was “Orchestras and Their Conductors.” Miss Julia Post read an instructive article on “The Art of Conducting" Rnd_Mrs. W. A. French gave a talk on Theodore Thomas, one of the first to be interested in orches tra in this country. She also spoke of Walter Damrosch. with whom Mr. Thomas is associated, who is now leader of the New York Symphony or chestra. Miss Agnes Chasten spoke on the “Outstanding Orchestras of To day.” Several orchestral records wore played and enjoyed and plana for the | Schofield concert were discussed. Com. mittees were fortned to nominate of ficers to be voted upon in c'ne next meeting for the ensuing year. The marble shooting championship tournament of the United States will be held during the last week of June, in Atlantic City. N. J. One boy or girl will represent each of HI cities. Helping those who Want to got rid sf the Drug, Liquor and To bacco Habit. Also treatment of Nerve Exhaustion. Correspond ence confidential; 31 years Suc cessful Operation. A Real Drug Store lEhrimjtmt’s DEPENDABLE D11UG STORE Safe instant relief from CORNS One minute—and the pain of that com P ends! That's what Dr. Scholl’* Zino-pada do—safely. They remove the cause—fric tion-pressure, and heal tjie Irritation. Thus you avoid infection from cutting your corns or using corrosive acids. Thin; an^ tiseptic; waterproof. Sizes for coma, cal louses, bunions. Get a box today at your * druggiet> or #hoe dealer.’ #• DZ Scholl’s 'Lino-pads At tit M tit laboratoriet of Tkt Scholl Mft. Co., makers of Dr. SckolTs Foot Comfort Appliances, Arch Supports, etc. Put one on—the pain is gone! 9 Eat More Wheat Serve RaUIn Food . Raisin Week —AJIl It Tt Ilf a9i Make Delicious French Toast with Raisin Bread Let Your Baker —bake it for you LET your baker bake for you a different jand delicious loaf of raisin bread. A real, full-fruited raisin bread—the kind that made you like this fine fruit-food originally. See how delighted the entire family will be to see this bread back on the table. Let them have the benefits of this grain-food and fruit-food combined to bring rare healthful ness as well as luscious flavor to your meals. Try making French toast with' raisin bread. . ^ We have arranged with master hakers in nearly every town and city to make real, full-fruited rdisin bread for you. Take advantage of it. Ask your neighborhood bake shop or gro cer to send a loaf today. Such bread is both’ good and good for you, so be sure to let the family have it i often. Use Sun-Maid Raisins also in your pud dings, cakes, cookies, etc. Insist on Sun-Maid Brand, the kind you know is good. - Mail coupon for free book of tested Sun Maid recipes... • Sun-Maid Raisins j 1 lie oupreme .Bread Raisin W 'i' • • * • V ^ ’ * * W Sun-Maid Raisins are ■ grown and packed in California bv Sun-Maid Raison Growers^ a ' co-operative organization coin prising 14,000 grower mem ’ -- V • , ‘: Miidi I COT THIS OUT AND SEND IT Isu^-Maid Raisin Growers, I* ' Fresho,California. ! Please send me copy of your free book, | “Recipe* with Raisins." I Name._---.--_— Stmet ClTY__.. -State__...___ You Know a Tonic to Good, when it maices you eat like a hungry -boy and brings back the color to your Cheeks. ' You can soon feel the Strengthening, Invigorating Effect of GROVE’S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC, 60c.—adv. CREAM PUFFS, each .. , COOKIES, per dozen ROLLS, per dozen Those 548—We Deliver Auction, Auction! Have you made your bid on the #150 COLUMBIA GHAFONOLA In our G window? REEL’S DRUG STORE 108> Market It -1- Tolephoae Ml If It’s Drugs—Needed Now ] Telephone 495 Miller’s Pharmacy Opposite Grand MMMmuMmmnuur USE STAR WANT AOS Originality In Footwear Beautiful new slippers, made especially for us, by the best manufacturers in the country—featuring new gray, shades in Colonial and one-strap pumps. Patents, with gray quarters and other smart models, widths A A to A. Special for Friday and Saturday ■ '■ '• ‘JL ^ ■ ! ' t. Sale of Linen Scarfs and Center Piecss 25 Per Cent Off X. All pure linen Scftyfs and^. Centerpieces hemstitch e< . scalloped, and some are lace-trimmed; some are slight' '■ soiled; on sale Friday and Saturday, 5 A. D. Brown Company