DRIVE STARTS FRIDAY 20 - AT 9:00 A.M. - WHERE SMART STYLES MEET MODERATE PRICES • Is' Mail Orders Will Be Filled On the Day Received at Sale Prices —-~T~-— i ■ ** Great Drive for 1000 Begins This Morning at 9 6 Clock HOUR SPECIAL On the opening hour, 9 to 10, sell a 65c Zephyr Gingham, 32 inches wide, per yard we will 19c A range of pretty plaids and stripes. First Floor. Unheard-of Bargains Will Greet You HOUR SPECIAL For one hour this morning, 9 to 10 o’clock, we will sell 85c value figured voile, all dark patterns; the new sum mer styles, at, i2|c per yard . «i.. *i »i» • •>* • Be On Hand When the Doors Open HOUR SPECIAL Opening hour, 9 to l6 o’clock this morn ing, we will sell $1.75 value full fash ioned hose, black, brown and the ne^ ■( shades for summer, 4*1 AA per pair «pl • (Limit two pairs to a customer) SOIL OWNERSHIP THE SOLUTION OF PROBLEM Senator Giles Preaches Closer Relations Between the Man And the Land in Carolina Xl'W HKRN, April 19.—“Mixing- the human element in the saiDonly can be ■Kcamplished by soil ownership,” Sen * tor p. F. Giles, Marion, chairman of tua plate farm loan commission, de rlared today in his address before the Xortli Carolina Drainage ..association. Eastern North Carolina needs most ,,f all drainage of lands and farm bwt. prsf- he asserted. “Since the organic zation of the North Carolina Drainage Stop Itching Eczema Penetrating, Antiseptic Zemo Will Help You. Never mind how often you have tried and failed, you can stop burning, itch ing eczema quickly by applying Zemo furnished by any druggist for 35c. iSx tra large bottle $1.00. Healing begins the moment Zemo is applied. In a short time usually every trace of Ecze ma, Tetter. Pimples, Rash, Blackheads and similar skin diseases will be re-, moved. . .' For clearing the skin and making 1t vigorously healthy, always use Zemo, the penetrating, antiseptic liquid. When others fail it Is the one depend able treatment for skin troubles of all kinds.—Adv. . association, more than ten years ago, we have been .justified in believing it will ultimately accomplish its purpose. It is therefore incumbent on some or ganization to ‘make* the farmer. "There is such close relations be tween the man and the soil that pro duction will continue to increase in proportion sjo the increase in popula tion, regardless of the boll weevil or any other modern plague. "Butrin order to give the greatest income that < * • • > • • '• • * $4.95 $7.50 LaFrance Black Wid one strap Pump ’ medium and Cuban heels, dj 4 QC assorted widths and sizes, at : i 9.00 Brown Satin one strap pump, cut out on sides, Junior Louis heels ; 95 turn soles; special at $8.50 Black Satin Pumps, one strap, turn soles, covered Junior Louis. AC heels; special at ' $8.50 Patent Leather Pumps, fawn-buck trimmed, turn soles, Junior QC Louis Heels; speci^f .at.;.. . -No. 13 Selz $IX-$6.00 Oxfords* for Men— Three new styles. ^ ^ - ; '*• 'L'J $9.00 medium light tan calf, one strap with buckle, Biege Suede, trimmed, cov ered Cuban heel; QC special at .... . / *■ } $7.50 Black Satin Colonial Pump, welt sole, flat leather heel, one of the newer styles; special at. —. $6.50 Biege Elk, tan calf trimmed, sport Oxford, flat heel, rubber heel attach^; welt sole, very new; special at .. t... • • • $5.95 $8.50 Light fawn buck, one strap, brown - trimmed, low rubber heel, welt sole; one of our most popular styles; ' * special at $5.95 $8.50 LaFrance Black Kid one strap Pumps, plain toe, Cuban heel, welt sole; .special at ...... $5.95 $10.50 medium light brown calf, two strap ' Pump, turn soles, covered Junior Louis heel, popular shade of brown for, spring; special at ’** :n" ’ . **'h * HOSE SPECIAL ’ ^ jj* Weldrest Silk and Rollins Silk, plain blade - and brown, black and brown with heavy seam In back and black and brown with thick end thin stripes, sold « ; for $2 and $2.26; special at *>1*U*J 1' ' ’ ' • _ 1_ WILMINGTON >HOE . **- ■ Ay. (Next! to Murchison National Bank) T The ear may often deceive —but the eye is a truthful servant CWhen you buy a pair of shoes or a hat from a mail order catalogue you give rein to your ear, and put your trust in the Goddess of Luck. CBut when you patronize your local merchant for the same materials you need no trust—you see and know what you are getting. Buying Presents Precisely the Same Parallel C When you place your business with a newspaper not a member of the Au dit Bureau of Circulation, you are trusting to the ear and luck. ' ’ ■ •- ‘ '" • • • ,CBut when an accredited paper of the Audit Bureau is used you see and know what you are getting. / ' * ;*• . ■ CThe Audit Bureau of Circulation is the barometer by which the rise and fall of a paper’s circulation is measured. The circulation records of each member are audited annually, and every paper not going to. a. bona fide subscriber is clipped from the list. This record is.official;' The Audit Bu reau of Circulations is to the newspap er world what Bun' and Bradstreet « , • - v\, . A-: -rh- • •. yy-:“iy ,r* - ■■—< are to the realm of finance. . • . • . ''•••/. . •.... : ■ • t'T"' ’ i':*V - ' ; \ ; '•#! 5 v - ' ’ dDo you hire a man ;at his own appraisal, or what experience tells you his > ; worth? - \ ... i-M? ' . A.. ■ * , , / . ' ' • • ' / ' ( -4 ■' / '» ^ . V v. ? a*.' .v ' • -v ... . 1: • ,-y . - . . . • ‘ Vi- J.V * •< •{•. :• ’ ■ ' '• • . ' “ , t v >. -• ’ a • i" Member Audit Bureati of Circulations , f '^4g^ *'% existence—in the meantime, circulation books are open for inspection NO OTHER LOCAL PAPER IS A MEMBER •%c i;*., 'I1*'