Victory In Star-New’s Election Is Something To Be Poud of— Victory Means More Than Winning. It Means One Has Genuine Friends DISTRICT No. 1 Mrs. R. W. Allofl ... Mr Starkey Hinoa ..... Mr M. L. Bullard .. Mr**. Martin Brunjes ... Mrs B. B. Bryan .... Mr. J B. Cranmer .. Miss Vannia CraiB ..... Mis3 Blanche Da Vane ... .Mr. John Drees... Mrs. L. F. Eakina ... Miss Wylde Flower ...... v •. D. A. Foster..i. .... Mr. Paul L. Foard ....... Mr. William Futoh .. Miss Florence Haven ... Mr. John Haielhurat . Mrs. Mae Henderson ... ;.lr. H. M. Hooper .•... Mr. Harold G. Hubbard ... Mrs; J. W. Huntpr ..-. Miss Frances L. Jewett ..... Mi-s .Margaret Johnson ..... \ C Katherine Konlg .v. Mr. George C. Kinser...'.. Mrs. Happy T. Lewis .. Mrs. L. N. Lynch . Mrs. K. W. Manning .'... Herbert JlcCliramy . Mr. Howard W. Messick . Mis. D. II. McFadden.. Mrs. Julia McLaurin .. .. Mi's. E. C. Moore.....* Sirs E. V. H. Peschau.m. Mrs. E. S. Potter .... Mrs. W'lliaTn F. Powell ...A .Mr. J. P. Pretlow .... . .;. Preston Roane . Mrs. G. L. Sanders .ii.:.. Hr. F. L. Smith ... Miss Cora W. Smith ..•'. Willtam Smithson .... Miss Anna Stith .*... Miss Rosa Thompson ..... .-... Mrs. J. Wallace West .... Mrs. H. B. Willis ....... Mr. J. T. Wilson ........ Miss M. Wilkinson .1.—. Mrs. E. Williams . Mr. A. H. Young .. .388,900 .876,800 .162.800 . .611,150 .817,800 ... 26.700 ...612,350 .608,700 .609,450 .576.200 ..601,900 ..<326,900 ..,,...176,900 .431,700 .605,450 .604,650 .610,800 .,378,900 .616,200 ..356,700 ..614,150 .608,700 .1556,800 .608,100 ....618,900 ..398.700 .. ;..602,800 .601,700 .118,300 .600,950 . 36,800 ..456,700 ..609,750 .329.200 .605,400 . 76,800 .. 158,200 ..608,400 .124,800 .342,700 .606,900 .148,200 ..501,200 .613,750 ..416,200 .601.200 . ..609,500 . 5,000 .326,200 100,000 I WITH EVERY $10.00 CLUfi & OF SUBSCRIPTIONS SECURED£ ■I— £ h to a Total •IV Million Votes * Six 3-year subscriptions....640.000 votes 1/ new subscriptions (extra votes. 1,080.000 votes This would constitute S Clubs.. 900,000 votes 2,530,000 votes Four 4-year subscriptions.720.000 votes If new subscriptions (extra votes). 960,000 votes Tbis would constitute 8 olubs. 800,000 votes Total... 2,480,000 votes Two 6-year subscriptions..••••:•• 7*0^00 votes If new subscriptions (extra votes) - 720,000, votes This would constitute 6 clubs. 600,000 votes Total...'... 2,040,000 votes Surely'this big vote possibility offers any contestant fin opportunity of securing a winning vote total— BUT REMEMBER—only a short time remains in which subscriptions can be returned in. and credit be given on this big vote schedule. April 23 is your last opportunity to receive the greatest vote value for vour subscriptions. IT IS NOW OR NEVER. DISTRICT No. ;3 Mr. Claude B. Bast, Warsaw.•. Mrs. Norwood Boney, Wallace .... Miss Mildred Collaeott, Lilli ngton Norwood Carroll, Warsaw ..* Miss Etts. Henry, Rocky Point Mr. E. H. Allred, Pt. Caswell. .. ..1.r ■Miss Gladys Andrews. Mt. Olive. . 1 Miss Mary Barden, Burlaw .... ........153,100 ........600,000 ’’’..i; . 1.598,500 . 77,000 .....r...39J,400 Mrs. Addison Hewlett, Route 3 ...;;..601,200 Miss Lucile Horne, Castle Hayne ■....604,400 Mrs Malcolm McCullen. Kinston .. .. 164,100 Mrs. Margaret Herrin*: McConnell, Rout. .587,100 Delmaa McGowan. Masonboro Sound ,........240,500 Miss Mankie Noble, Warsaw...., •...i.. .592,100 Mr, E. A. Palmgreen, Wallace ........ ...360,800 Mr. Charles Pierce, ensile Haynt_..«. ....554,600 Miss Annie Vance Pullen, Burgaw ». .....184.000 Miss Helen Sellers. Route 1 ...... • • .162.700 Miss E. M. Seltter, Castle Hayne ......603,100 Mrs. Stella B. Simona Warsaw.....*.. 9*,1<w Miss Mildred Tollman, MaysvlUe Mr. James D. Twynham, Goldsboro. . Mr. D. F. Weir, Hampstead ............,.. Mr. H. M. Woodward, Warsaw.... Mrs. Fonnie J. Vann, Clinton y . • •: V;.S ...... a. ..596,900 «., ■. .956,700 .695,100 ,...........112,600 599.800 Winning Is Evidence of Popularity; Friends Are Big Asset In Campaign APRIL 23 IS YOUR ' DECIDING DATE ' NOW 1$ THE TIME TO DO % BIG THINGS , A« the close of the all-important period In the Star-New* hi* gift election approaches, It t* evident that the popularity of the varlon* candidate* la thedr respective communities will play a most Important part In determining the victors. The winners of the four-lnrgent prises will be the four moat popular persons In Wilmington and the territory surrounding without a question of douht. It take*, support to win. Work Is jai blg-Jactor, but the baching of friend* play*.a wonderful part In winning. In addition to the magnUloent gift* awaiting them, the winners have the honor bestowed upon them of being known not alone a* winner* of outstanding gifts, but ns boUkg the most popular men and women of southeastern North Carolina, .Winning In the Star-News great election 4* something to be proud of. The prises In themselves are wonderful, extraordinary compensation, hut the knowl edge that Winning has been made possible because one has been able to com 1 ‘ mhnd th* IOy<ul unfailing support} of countless real friends gives an added sat isfaction that Is perhaps, after all, as pleading or more so than the actual win ning of the big prises themselves. REMEMBER MONDAY AT MIDNIGHT TIME TO DO SOME THINKING CAN YOU USE Can yon use real money—Mg money! Have you a place for It ? Then let your time between now and Monday at midnight be devoted to the biggest In dividual undertaking In your life—the winning! of the prise of your choice. Cun you afford to delay? Can you afford not to produce every subscription passible during this big vote period? Is It possible you are ao blind to your opportunity that you can not see the advantage la piling up a vote acore In this period which will prove an asset anij advantage to you throughout the balance of this election? ,. ^ CAMPAIGN NOTES No effort you can put forth this week is too great. The prizes are big, beau tiful, valuable ones. The reward, is sure and certain. The truth is—you can’t have too many votes to win. The prizes are just that big that every can didate bent upon winning can well af ford to spend every single minute en hancing his or her score these next • few mighty important days. Campaigning is the order of the day, f ' and candidates are now bending every effort to ge.t every subscription In dur ing this biggest vote period on or be fore Monday night, so_ that their ! subscriptions will count the greatest; value of votes. Friends of candidates will help their favorites now if made to understand the situation, for a sub scription now means more votes than it does at any other time during tfie campaign. Today they are at the Quarter poles on even -terms. Such a race as candi dates in the Star and " News {14,000.00 election has never been seen before in 4 North Carolina. Neck to neck, the can didates are hitting a fajst pace for the goal. Subscription after subscription Is being sought for and secured. Vote after vote Is being added to the total. Interest Is at fever heat today and with the close of the big first period but 48 hours away, Candidates who ever expect to do anything, for them selves must be up and doing in these days when some real campaign dust should be seen. With friends backing their favorites, and with the general public as interested almost as much as the candidates themselves, there cer tainly ought to be enough incentive to awaken the most tardy of candidates. One fact remains sure—that such a list of valuable prizes will never again be given away in Wilmington or in this vicinity. With but 48 more working hours in which to literally "olnch". yoiir choice. o fthe four motor cars and ail the b'lg gifts—it if high lime that, you gave your campaign some real'thought. Can it be that you can not fee the advan tage of having the lopger time sub scrlptipn in your line up-ifor when it comes to the final count—they may be just the ones to win for you. We told you before that you had few days—now it is a matter of 48 hours. Make these remaining hours count for.; you, " v, DISTRICT No. 2 Mrs. J. W. Batson ....629.200 Miss Louise Belden.....409,409 Mr. V. P. Blanchard „........608, *00 Mr.Vance Bounds .. ...... 93,700 Mrs. W. M. Brinson .....021,150 Miss Minnie Bryan .....666.800 Mr. Edward Bryant ... 76.400 Mrs. B. M. Caswell...609,400 Mrs. L. H, Cherry .....'...;.6»i,80( Mrs. Charlotte Clewls ....461.201 Miss Drue Cherry ...623,Tf Mrs. H. J. Crandall .......416,790 Mrs. a W. Crouch .....157.800 Mrs. T, L. Cromartle ...61ft,MO Mr. Avon Divine.. .271,300 Mathew P. Gilmour ....471,200 Herbert E. Goodwin, Jr. ......156,700 Mr-T. J. Head...*16,900 Mrs. G. H. Hart.J. .416,600 Carl 8. Hill......186.600 Mrs. R. W. Hodges.... .,. ,.411.300 Mias Evelyn Hotter .........387,160 Mlbs Ada Huggins......286,700 Miss Eula Johnson ..,....176,400 Mrs. Charles Franklin Jones .._...610,260 Miss Blise Jordan ..,.4.11.650 Mr. R. C. Koch . 83.300 Miss Oenieve King ...—..196,200 Mr. W. S. Knight..166 700 Miss Bell Kosoh .....,.,..,616,400 Mrs, A. J. Marshall ........696,600 W. b. MoNaull .A-v....409,300 Mr. Leo. p. Motte.. -.266.900 Mrs. G. E, Morgan ...>..136,700 Miss Helen A. Mott ....... .619.400 Mrs. G. D. Norcom.586,200 Mrs. Kate Penny .. 680,100 Miss Julia Porter ......682,700 Mrs. M. D. Pye •».»»,,,,»*•,*• ....6-12,600 Mrs, J. E. Shannon ......662,900 Mr. W. G. Taylor ... ..116,200 Mrs«/R. N. Thompson .. ...i....596.200 Miss Lois A. Toomer...._.616,400 Mr. B, F. Troy.....* • - •.385,200 Russell Walton ...1.564,800’ Mr. Troy West . 145,100 Mrs. Beatrice Wulit . 613,850 Miss Bernyce Williams ....614,800 60,000 EXTRA VOTES Free With Every NEW Yearly Subscrip tion Secured During: First Period - ' Schedule of Votes and Subscription Price of the Star and News FIRST PERIOD Up to April 23 6 Months .... 1 Tear . 8 Years .. 8 Tears 1.. • ■ • 4 Tears .. 8 Tears ... 4,000 12,0041 86,000 90,000 180,000 860,000 THIRD PERIOD May t to Mof 1# 6 Months . J Tear .. i.... 2 Years ... 3 Y ears ..... 4 Years ... 6 Years .. ... ■ : 2,ooo 7,000 20,000 40,000 120,000 240,000 SECOND PERIOD April 24 to Mar 5 6 Months . 1 Tear . 2 Tears .. 3 Tears ... 4 Tears . 6 Tears . 3,000 0,000 26,000 75,000 146.000 290.000 FOURTH PERIOD Durtn* U»t Week 0 Months ..., 1,000 1 Year . 4.000 2 Years . 17,000 3 Years . 40,000 4 Years .. 6 Years *160,000 A special extra vote ballot good for 100,000 extra votes will be Issued with every 110.00 worth of subscriptions turned In during the campaign, * No subscription will be accepted from any candidate for more than six years. The subscription price of the Wilmington hfornlng Star during th« campaign only is $6.00 per year; the Wilmington News Is $£.00 pe? ^ar° during the campaign only. Also during the time of the campaign a subscription of one year to the Star and one year to the News may be sold for $10.00. ' . . "Combination Subscriptions’* secured Just doubl# the number of votes indicated on-above schedule. NOTE*_The special reduced subscription prices In effect during the campaign are in effect ONLY when subscriptions are paid through contestants. I DISTRICT NO. 4 Mr W. B. Bailey, Chadbourn . ,..604,900 Mias Stella Blue, Bolton ......593,100 Mrs Clara Burfock. Boardman ..560 700 Mr. 5. A. Brackenbury, Wrightsnrille B.................688,100 Miss Beulah Cross, Fort Bragg .. ...... A26.T00 Mr S. B. Culbreth, St. P&uIb ...«,*•<•• • • .. • « t !....»»■• .*■•*•* Miss Ruby DeVaun, Winnabow .*. Miss Leola Hertte, Bladenboro. ... f.. <«3.700 Miss Georgie Hall, Council ...... Miss Connie Harrelson, Clarendon .... ....•.r ■ • • \28-9™ Miss Ruth Hester. Elizabethtown .. Miss Catherine McLean, McDonald ..«*.'"ISJ’leo Mrs. A. K. Parker, Southport ....!"lfg'ioo Miss Dorothy Ricks, Falrnjpnt, N. C. .. ... Miss Mary C. Sessones, Lumberton . ...i.... Miss Mamie Warwck, Orrum ....•••.. Mrs. Della Wilkins.JBellamy.......156,200 Miss Reta Wilson, Roseboro .....,

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