WRIGHT OPTIMISTIC OVER FINE OUTLOOK FOR BANNER SEASON Everything Indicates That 1923 Will be Biggest in Wrights ville’s History The 1923 season at Wrightsville Beach bids fair to be one of the big gest in the history of tb'is popular sea- 1 side resort, according to Thomas H. Wright, mayor of the beach munici-' paiity. Although the beach season will not open officially until about June 1, the municipal authorities, officials of the Tide Water Power company and the individual cottage owners have already begun making preparations for the ap proaching season. , Already the managements of the two hotels, the eSaahore and the Oceanic, have begun laying plans for the 192 3 season. Captain Hinton, manager of the Seashore, and Messrs. Vining and Russell, managers of the Oceanic, are looking forward to an unusual season and are making plans accordingly. Like Mayor Wright, Captain Hinton and Messrs., Vining and RusBell are looking forward to a big season at the beach resort. For this reason they have begun making plans earlier than usual for the opening on 0£ about June 1. Everything indicates that the crowd will be larger at Wrightsville than ever before. The Wilmington chamber of commerce* the beach authorities and the managements of the various hotels and boarding houses at the resorts are receiving Inquiries as to rates and res ervations from all parts of the south. Mayor Wright, like all others having an interest at the beach, for these rea sons are anticipating an unusual sea son. “Efficiency” is Lescale’s Motto " school where efficiency prevails” is the motto adopted by Prof. Lucius Les cale, for .some time organist at the Grand theater, and now promoting a School of Music and Languages, be sides a large Choral and Symphony so ciety, for the furtherance and en couragement of better music. Prof. • Lescale's school is located in the Garrell building, rooms 300, and 304. These are furnished ^and equip ped as studio, office waiting-room and library, where visitors are always wel come, and will find an abundance of musical literature such as will interest the musically inclined. A meeting for permanent organiza tion of the Choral and Symphony so ciety is to be held in the Lescale studios on the 30th of April, at 8:30 p. m., and a cordial invitation is here by extended to all who have at heart the musical welfare of the city, v - CONVENTION COMMITTEES TO BE NAMED AT MEETING Members of the local Business and Professional Women’s club will meet in special session tomorrow night at 8 o’clock in the customs house building to consider details of the program that is being arranged for the state convention of Business and Profes sional Women’s clubs to be held at Wrightsville Beach this summer. ■ At the meeting tomorrow night, which will be presided over by Miss Margaret L. Gibson, a number of im portant committees will be named to •prepare for the entertainment of the large number of delegates expected. MATTHES IS BACK ! FROM FLORIDA TRIP Local Heads of Tidewater Power Company Attends Gas Meeting Fred A. Matthea, executive vice president of the Tide Water Power company, has just returned to the city from St. Petersburg, Fla., where he at tended the annual meeting of the Gas Association of the South Atlantic S tftt 6 S At the meeting were gathered the executives of gas manufacturing com panies of practically every city of Im portance in the south Atlantic states. Vice-President Matthes declared yes terdav that the meeting proved a- most important one, because many matters pertaining to the economic manufac ture and supply Of gas were discussed. While In Florida, Vice-President Matthes visited a number of Winter re sorts for the purpose of getting ideas regarding the further development of the Tide Water Power company's prop erties on Wrightsville Beach Mr. Matthes is jubilant over the many things he saw, and declared yesterday j that as a result of his observations there will be many additional attrac tions provided at Lumina for the com ing summer. Mr. Matthes was very much impressed with the unusua. pleasure which the northern visitors at the southern resorts seemed to get j out of “roque” games, and stated yes terday that it was his intention to pro vide a roque court at Lumina before the opening of the coming season. Mr. Matthes declared that one .of the features of his visit to St. Petersourg was a 20-mile ride in an aeroplane. Mr. Matthes was accompanied on his Florida visit by J- W. Carpenter, an executive of the firm of A. E. Fitkin and company, of New York, control lers of the Tide Water Power company. FUNERAL SERVICES FOR A. ALDERMAN Well Known Former Citizen, Who Died in Raleigh, Buried Here on Saturday Funeral services for Allison Aider man, SO-year-old Confederate veteran, who died Thursday afternoon in Ral eigh, were conducted yesterday after noon in Woolvin and Andrews chapel by the Rev. Dr. John Jeter Hurt, pas tor of the First Baptist church. In terment'was made in Oakdale ceme tery. The pallbearers were Herbert F. Wilder, Neill M. McEachern, A. J. Lynch, James B. Lynch, Luther H. Vollers and Dr. A. M. Baldwin. Mr. Alderman was a native Wilming tonian, and had many friends here, having resided in this city practically all of his life. Surviving the deceased are his widow. Mrs. Belle Alderman; two brothers, W. H. Alderman, of Wil mington, and I>r. E. S. Alderman, of Alabama; two sisterB, Mrs. W. C. Peterson and Miss Katie Alderman, of this city. SIMMONS INVITED WASHINGTON, April 21.—Senator Simmons has been invited to speak, be fore the North Carolina chip and wa ter transportation meeting at New Bern, May 15, by Chairman R. M. Miller, Jr., and D. D. Carroll, secretary. Don’t buy gasoline and waste it! Equip your car with a Stromberg at MacMillan and Cameron’s Garage. Two Facts Worth Remembering MT We are agents for the Mavis Ml Candy Company and we can supply yon with a box of freiih Mavis Chocolates on short notice. CWe are sub-agent* for the Tide Water and can furnish you electric bulbs, any candle power, day or night. Hall’s Drug Store Fifth and Castle Streets Phones 192 nnd 193 ATLANTIC JOINT STOCK LAND BANK 5 PER CENT BONDS NORTH CAROLINA JOINT STOCK LAND BANK 5 PER CENT £ONDS These bonds are instrumentalities of the United States government and by an Act of Congress are absolutely free from all forms of taxation. We will appreciate the opportunity of supplying your requirements in these bonds and as we are local distrib uting agent for them we are in position to furnish them at the issue price. No commissions charged for buying these bonds. C. P. BOLLES& COMPAY Dealers In HIGH-GRADE! SECURITIES ' ' Telephone 26. 606 Murchison Bank building. w ENGRAVING .When you are in need of visiting cards, invitations, announcement cards or anything in the engraving line, we will be pleased to submit samples. We represent one of the largest engraving houses in the south and any orders will be executed promptly. We guarantee the best quality and workmanship. C. W. Yates Company , • ; a m 116-117 Market Street DRAWING PLANS FOR PROPOSED ADDITION TO COUNTY BUILDING Architect is Preparing Plans for Annex to Court House; Says Chairman Hewlett The city will no doubt see. In the near future, construction begun on the new addition to the New Hanover county oourt house. Progress is now being made toward this end under the bill recently passed by the state legis lature, authorising the bond issue to cover the cost of constructings addi** tions to the present court house. It is intended, at present, to erect the new structure to the rear of the building, and to Include the site oc cupied by the present present jail building. The addition will contain In addition to the new Jail, a number of offices which are needed by the coun ty officials, and will relieve the great shortage of space now existing in the old structure. The Jail will be one of the most modern and will contain all necessary conveniences. Addison Hewlett stated yester day morning that a prominent local architect is now working on prelimi nary drawings for the new building, and these will be submitted to the county commissioners for action as soon as completed. When the plans have been approved by the commission ers, it is thought that construction work will be soon under way. M'RAE WINNER OF GOLF TOURNAMENT Defeated Ike Grainger in Finals on Cape Fear Country Club Greens Yesterday Nelson MacRae won the mens’ pre liminary spring golf tournament at the Cape Pear Country club yester day by defeating I. B. Grainger by one | up on the 20th hole in the finals. It was about the hardest fought, closest, and at the same time best played match ever contended for in a tournament on the local course. They both cracked out 80s. which, while they both can do much better, is considered mighty good golf In a tournament. On the outgoing nine holes, Grainger had a touch the better of It, playing practi cally everv hole in par figures, wind ing up with a 38 and one up. Most of the brilliant playing was confined to the first nine. Grainger managed to maintain his scant lead all the way to the 18th hole, where he had MacRae dormied. Here he got off a beautiful drive, while MacRae put his drive out of bounds. It looked all off. But MacRae refused to give up, and put his sec ond drive even with Graingers, and when Ike shot his midiron far over the green and failed to get anywhere near the cup on his third, MacRae sneaked one dead to the pin, winning the hole with a par five. This squared the match on the home green. Going to the 19th, both took a four, after laying each other three stymies. The 20th hole proved Grainger’s Waterloo, for after Nelson got a i beautiful drive of two hundred and fifty yards straight down the middle. Ike missed two shots, ^and couldn’t recover, when Nelson put his brassie to the green and almost ran down an eagle three. His birdie four won the hole and the match. Robert Strange won the consolation from Ned Hines, five and four, putting up a brilliant exhibition of golf. Mc Eachin won the second flight, while Patterson gathered in the second flight consolation. Gasoline 15c per gallon when you use a Stromberg. MacMillan and Cam eron. Sunshine Laundry—Damp Wash Ser ijre. Phore 172. adv. r——* EAT WARREN’S CANDIES Made Daily W_ ■ — ,nJ "The House by the Side of the Rrsd" at The Center John Morris, Proprietor WILMINGTON GIRLS COLLEGE OFFICERS Misses. Kathleen Windley and Rena Cole, Elected to Of fices at College In a recant issue of the "Carolinian,” the college paper published by the stu dents of the North Carolina College for Women at Greensboro, the following was carried: “The house president* for next year were elected ‘at a call meeting of the students on Wednesday night. Out of twenty-two worthy candidates for of fice, eleven were chosen to fill the po sition for the respective dormitories. Leadership, character, conscientious ness, sound Judgment, the ability to be a good mixer, common sense, and abil ity along the lines of self-expression were the qualities stressed as being es sential characteristics;, and from the footprints made upon the sands of col lege life, each one of the new officer* possesses these qualities and others in abundance.” Among those elected to this office for the ooming year was Miss Kethleen Windley of this city, who is a graduate of the Wilmington high school, and Miss Rena Cole, also a former student of the local- high school, who was elected business manager of "Pine Needles," the college year book. The many friends of both young ladles will be very glad to learn of the honor which has been bestowed upon them and will congratulate them upon the achievement. MOORE ENDEAVORING TO GET CONVENTION , Louts T. Moore, secretary of the chamber of commerce, is making an effort to land another convention for Wrightsville Beach for the coming summer. The meeting place of the Southeastern Association of Claim Agents has not yet been chosen and the chamber secretary is doing all in his power to secure it' for the local resort. Secretary Moore, of the chamber, and C. E. St. Amand, general claims at torney for the Atlantic Coast Line rail road, have written C J. Smith, of At lanta, requesting thal he give consid eration to Wrightsville Beach as the 1923 meeting place for the claim agents. __ Just think of the economy as well as the Joy of a Stromberg carburetor. MacMillan and Cameron. NEW BLOOD INJECTED IN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Executive Committee Announ ces Thirty-Odd Additions to Membership List Consistent effort on the part of Louis T. Moore, secretary, has built up the membership of the Wilmlpgton cham ber of commerce to approximately 425 members during the last few weeks. Secretary Moore reports that new blood, to the extent of 31 new members, has been injected into the veins of the organization within just a few weeks. It is the policy of the chamber to add to the membership list the name of every business concern, professional man and as many other individuals as possible. The executive committee of the chamber announces the following firms and individuals as new members: Dr. J. T. Hoggard, physician; Blake Brown company, hardware; R. E. Wil liams, real estate; C. P. Bolles and corrf pany. stock and bond brokers; Banck and Underwood, contractors; Horace C. Cooper, banker; W. R. Dosher and com pany, plumbing supplies; O’Berry hotel; Seashore Hotel;* Southern Sign shop, signs; T. S. Saleeby company, whole sale fruits; J. N. Bryant, lumber manu facturer; Walter Clark, contractor; C. W. Lacy and company, road contrac tors; A. F. deVere, signs; Sternberger brothers, wholesale and jobbers; Even ing Dispatch; Wilmington News; C. L. Dickinson, insurance; Frank Herbst, automobiles; Queen City Cycle com pany, bicycles; J. H. Hinton, resorts; G. R. Kinney company, shoes; J. L. Voungblood, brokvr; C. G. Southerland, wood and coal; Green Tree Inn; Pio neer Service station, automobile sup plies; M. W. Mclntlre, batteries; C. S. Burnett & Sons, automobiles; Crofut & Rhett, automobiles; King Clothing company, clotheirs. Deeds Filed for Record Saturday Two deeds were filed yesterday for necord, as follows: L. w. Moore and wife, Solomon Sternberger and wife, to Alfred Fran cis for 1100 and other considerations, lot on east side of Sixteenth street, 56 feet south of Dock street, 56x99 feet. Alfred Newber and wife to David D. Melton for $10 and others considera tions, lots 4 and 5 of Summer Hill tract. YOU SHOULD Let your children know the joy of saving. We’ll help you teach them how to save. Citizens Bank & Trust Co. Have Reached the Million Dollar Mark Now, All Aboard for —Two Millions— NEW SERIES MAY 5 Get In the Million Dollar Carolina Building and Loan Ass’n F..T. Even a Steam Engine Has to Rest Much less can a man. made of bone and muscle, work 24 hours a day. But there's one thing that can do it and one thing only hs moneyi Put to work. It never stops. Tirelessly, night and day, it goes right on piling up profits in the farm of interest. Enough dollars put to work now in the savings bank, and you will find that in later years they will cheerfully support you in comfort. You don’t see men with savings accounts looking seedy or hungry. They don’t have to. E*our per cent interest right along. Start an account today. Home Savings Bank Corner Front and Chestnut Streets Star Editorial Did you read the editorial in Friday’s Wilmington Star on the man in Wilson, N. C., who was foolish enough to keep his money at home instead of having it deposited in a • good bank? Fire destroyed both his horn? and his money and now a public subscription is being taken up for his family’s benefit. ' Think! Is your money in the bank? If not, deposit it here today where it will be safe from both fire and burglars and can be withdrawn at any time without notice. Our advice also is to go to some good insurance agency and insure your home. YOUR ACCOUNT INVITED THE PEOPLES SAVINGS BANK Front and Princess Streets Capital and Surplus Over $260,000.00 Resources Over $2,250,000.00 • v ,i'-' 1 , V- • • •• • • W-, '•‘i : ■ * ’ ... . V. , ' ....... .Wilmington, N. C, 10 Per Cent Advance on Good, rich and Diamond Tires After May 5 Our stock ot Tires was large when pri vanced on March 20 and we hare been *** sell them at the old prices. After M ^ prices will advance to the new level, ** <>'I, Get your summer requirements now_ not again this year be able to boy Sll^,B Wltl and Diamonds at. such low prices. TUBE FREE WITH EACH TIRE; HUGHES SALES AND SERVICE P 53 COMPANY SECOND AND MARKET STREETS ELEVENTH AND MARKET STREETS Reputation Based on Facts Among the larger printers of the Carolina^, there are probably none that enjoy a more enviable rep utation for probity, accuracy and quality, than the WILMINGTON PRINTING COMPANY. Such prestige can only become established through years of constantly moving onward, seek ing always the better method, the more rapid process, striving to give yet greater , value in a product. Upon what basis does your printer sell his wares? Wilmington Printing Co. Uptown Office 8-10 N. SECOND ST. Phone 997 Plant: 885—Phones—886 “Printing—the .Mother of Progress” i ©Regrets and Duty |J Wp resrret very much that we were not one of the © We regret very much that we were not one of the 100 men who had the pleasure of hearing Mr. Samuel Vauclain talk yesterday on “World Business Condi tions,” but we had to stand by our post to take care of the many hundreds of customers who came to our store The reason these people continue to come to us is the same reason the railroads go to Baldwin Locomotive Works to buy engines—they are looking for “the dif ference.* © The Grocerteria || Wilmington’s First Casti and Carry GroceryuB Lawn and Garden Sprinklers One of these good sprinklers will put the water just where you want it and will save you time as well. They throw a nne spray which prevents washing out or damaging new gardens or lawns.