the State * * , ,,#**^**«»*** Wbiteville , I * * * # ******** * * * Th° 1>U trucks of the Flack cbmpany •vnic i, nave been used in the construe ork of 1 he highway 'between here I chadbourn. left early last Monday , ,, f,,r Indiana, where they will in similar work. Charles « Went on one of the trucks ;ehu ...., turn by rail. "'inritv berries were selling yesterday - 'i us ?'3 Per orate. s wornun’s glub held Its literature lepartment meeting yeSter Tllf 11,1 ^rnnon at the residence of Mrs. wr.'irVdy. with a large attendance and a few Invited guests! 1 mi/.i Johnson, chairman of the ,!rs l'l (i.parlmeiit. presided. Tile of ,,us ill hi-r department were a piano >r"1 •■Nucturne.” by Alexander Mc rendered by Mrs. Warden , ..'and the following vocal solos Jr.’-ii" bv Mrs. K. K. Proctor, “The ;"rnj„o wind," by Branscom; “Will l,ortl , Visp." by ypross; "April,” by These numbers were most ijutti’ii. rendered, and were much trl' j ),j- the club, as were also the' interpretation of the two books Vilied "Children of the Market 'by Masters, and "Books and ■v pieters” by Lytton Strachey. The ‘ft was reviewed by Miss Sarah Noe, f\l e high school faculty, and the sec nll ‘liy .Mrs. J. T. Lazar. When the. program was concluded, hostess, assisted by Mrs. N. S. Cul-| ,reth of Wilmington, who is her guest, '' ved her guests with a sweet course, 'pchonl Superintendent B. H. Lewis c0!,ferted to act as county chair irl'n in the “old clothes” campaign, nnnected with near east relief. It is , „ite sure that he will have the ,as Vtanc'e of every person in this great i-erk. Tlie things that we have ntj ,'ssible need for may save the lives f many a helpless orphan in the far ;fivav east. omething like a dozen books have added to the public library with-, ■ie- the past week. The c>aeh for the musical ^comedy, Mr. and Mrs. Poilytlck" is expected to rr:ve today or Monday, and practice rill immediately begin for the per-, fermance. which will take place May rst The colored Fresoyterian cnurch was Hi, scene on last Monday evening of a very enjoyable musical recital given ;v the colored singers for the benefit ,Vf their white friends who filled the house. They rendered such Bongs as "Swingin' on the Golden Gate,” “I Want be Like Jesus in My Heart,” “Stand in' in the Need of Prayer,” "Swing l.cnv, Chariot.” and many others. At jin close of the service a good collec tion was taken for the benefl^ of the unurch. . 1 At a meeting of the county school ioard held on last Monday, Mrs. Elmo Powell was elected as a member of the Whiteville school board in place of Mrs. A. J. Howell, whose term had ex ihred, ami who had resigned several ■woks previously. ’1. F. Powell is preparing to erect a br’ck building behind the Bank of1 Columbus, .Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Stegall and two ritiloren have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Carson for the past week, having on Thursday afternoon for I’hattanoowa, Tenn. Mrs. Stegal Is a missionary of the Southern Presbyte rian church, in charge of the Carson Industrial school in Luebo, Africa, and 1 at heme on furlough. While In Whiteville Mr. Stegall made most in i'resting addresses to the school chil ■iren and at the Wednesday* evening service at Westminster church. There is very general regret over Pie recent announcement of Superin-' tendent B. H. Lewis that his resigna tion is in the hands of the school board, t' take effect at the closq of this term. Mr, Lewis has managed the affairs of t-.e school extremely and efflciently "ell,.especially in view of the crowded condition of things this past year. He "ill take with him the best wishes of 1 large number of friends. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Russell announce an birth of a daughter, Margaret Mur Mr J. s. Jenkins of South Boston, 'was a visitor here an Tuesday. Jenkins was one of the tobacco miyers last season, and made many ■ iends who hope to see him return. Mr. and Airs. Josiah A. Maultsby are Png congratulated upon the birth of ; soil, Josiah A. Jr. "oodus Kellum, Esq., of Wilmington, 'as in town on Tuesday. Mr. and Airs. M. J. Cowell, of Wil ni'ngton, passed through town In their •ar on Thursday. Rev- A Howell, pastor of West minster rresbyterian church, will preach the baccalaureate sermon to '!K,rr'?"' at the Commencement of the nallsboro school. Major AlcClelland and Major Marsh h Wilmington have been In Whiteville ms wee . on an Informal Inspection of nr -Motor Transport company. Mrs. II. S. Aleredlth, of Wilmington, ■pending the week-end with Mrs. T. ’■ Memory. IF SKIN BREAKS OUT AND ITCHES APPLY SULPHUR n,!lp moment you apply Mentho | , ur t0 an itching, burning or “Ken out skin, the .Itching stops and ,'lnTi s begins, says a noted skin spS usi. This sulphur preparation, made 0 a pleasant cold cream, gives such Turk relief, even to fiery eczema, ,,,, • nothing has ever been found to r 'f its germ destroying prop Ps' it quickly subdues the,ttchingh. '^n s the irritaetoh and heals the ■iT'T' ripht UP- leaving a clear, roll '11 siiin in Place of ugly eruptions, '• Pimples or roughness. not have to wait or lm •«?VenJent' 11 inickly shows. You can t a little jar of Rowles Mentho-Sul ' "r at any drugstore.—adv. If It’s Drugs—Needed Now Telephone 495 Miller’s Pharmacy Opposite Gran# A Real Drug Store DEPENDABLE! DRUG ITOBB t BJadenboro * ********m********* BLADENBORO, April 21.—Mrs. S. N. Watson, charmingly entertained the Thursday club on Tuesday afternoon. Papers were read on the life of Pastuer and Thomas Edison. Mrs. Henry Brid ger, Jr., played a piano solo, "The But terfly Etuds" by Chopin. Delegates were elected to go to Win ston-Salem to the State convention, these were: Mesdames J. L. and Henry Bridger, Jr. New officers were elected for the coming year and Mrs. Henry Bridger, Jr., was elected president with Mrs. R. C. Bridger vice-president. Mrs. S. S. Hutchinson was re-eleoted secre tary and treasurer. After an Hnterest ing contest which was arranged by the hostess a most tempting salad course was served by Misses Laura May Wat son and Grace Butler. This was fol lowed by an ice course with cake. The following people from here at tended the Bridger-Dixon wedding in Wake Forest: Mr. and Mrs. R. C.. J. L. and W. C. Bridger, Mesdames C. C. Dunn and Walter Elmore, Joe Butler; Miss Annabel Bridger. Messrs. L. C., J.: A. and C. O. Bridger. Dr. and Mrs- D. H. Bridger will ar rive home about May 1st. They are at i present in Chicago. Miss Annabel Bridger has returned home after spending several months in Chicago studying voice under her for mer teacher. Mrs. H. C. Bridger was in Wilming ton shopping a day this week. She was joined at Clarkton by Miss Lilly Single tary. Dr. afid Mrs. Thrower of Southern Pines, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Bridger. Mrsl J. L. -Bridger expects to leave next Veek for Columbia. S. C. to visit Mrs. George Boyle. Mrs. Henry Bridger, Jr., expects Mrs. W. L. McKinnon of Wadesboro, for sev eral days next week. Dr. Hubert Poteal of Wake Forest, will deliver the commencement ad dress next Tuesday, 24th. Miss Thelma Powell has issued invi tations to the senior class of which she is the president to a party she is giv ing for them at home on Thursday even ing 8 to 11. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Singletary's daughter is improving nicely at the Baker sanatorium where she underwent an operation of appendicitis. The Methodist in town who have been using the Presbyterian church as their worshiping place have rented the build ing known as the Thrower Drug store and have organized a Sunday school and will have preaching every 4th Sun day in this building. Commencement begins here Tuesday night -of this week and lasts through nex Tuesday night at which time it closes with the senior play. The com mencement program is very interest ing. Chadboum The most enjoyable social event of | the season was the party given at the | home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Thomas Thursday evening In honor of their guest. Miss Sams, of Raleigh. Several interesting games were played, the prize winners being Misses Lottie Huf hm, Ethel Lewis and Randolph Thomp son. Those In attendance were Misses Ethel Lewis, Miss Sams. Elizabeth Wooten. Ellen Marshall, Evangeline Meares and Lottie Hufham; Messrs Thomas Edmondson of Wilmington, Wayland Lennon, Paul Blake, Ran dolph Thompson, Lester Lowe, _J. H. Land, Jr., and Forest Strole. Miss Lois Williamson, of Nichols, was a recent visitor here. Miss Carrie Purvis, of Tlmmonsville, S. C., has returned home after a short stay here. A class of young people of the Methodist Sunday school entertained the younger Bet at the school building Friday evening with a taOUGET , Ifull-value? ‘Jlirnn’s/ifftcPlumbep When a man or woman sets out to (ret a plumbing Job done the , first thing they do Is to make up their mind that they won’t be overcharged for it.- And the sec ond'thing they do, if they live in this town, is to look up our ad dress or telephone number. 'So, for your Convenience we’re print ing them in this ad. R. W. DIXON - PLUMBING and HEATING Temporary Office, 711 8. Third Street Warehouse, OOP. S. Third Street Phone 2290 nrvr rr • - - - '' ■■■ ■ A f , N. C. State College of Agriculture and Engineering SCHUEB SESSION JUNE U TO JULY 25 C Courses for Teaohers holding standard State Certificates, and for graduates of Standard High Schools. Courses giving College Credit for graduates of Standard High Schools. Cottoti Classing courses. Cat alogue upon application. Numbers limited to 1050. Apply for Reserva tion at once to W. A. WITHERS, Director ‘Raleigh, North Carolina BEACH CAR PATRONS! Beginning Monday, April 23, morning cars to and from the beach will go through without transfer at Wrightsville. TIDE WATER POWER COMPANY a. When Knighthood Was In Flower By CHARLES MAJOR - PRICE 75 CENTS A Thrilling Romance—Photoplay Edition > With each copy purchased we will give a free matinee ticket to the Victoria for April 26, 27 or 28, when the photoplay of this name, featuring Marion Davies, will be shown. Read the book, then see the picture, Northam’s Book and Stationery Store , 32 NORTH FRONT STREET