Star Classified Ads Brag Results try them They are the Little Ads with the Big Story STAR NOW 'JAKEN BY TELEPHONE—Call 51 and Ask for Classifi ed Department—Phone 51—NOW TAKEN BY 'TELEPHONE I Star Classified Ads Are Read' Daily hy More Than 30,000 People^ R E AD T H E M ! USE THEMl ac« J -pn^Ten white n»*n *® driv* " V>r.rUcK at Chadbourne, 82.50 per Pnr t LU at once to I.. R. Schnibben, da}'- p ' J"£ Headquarter*. -'idENT & HEALTH. INSURANCE proved Service ,f von dP-',ire to represent a com nnliv '0nin^3the BEST contracts plus f't' l1 J _i__ enfarorW'it IlTld n.. u.rit0 us giving reference and jervice. jence. . General Accident, 8'aie "V, Department, Fourth and ln'h,fu't Streets, Philadelphia. Pa. \1 I-17C -— I’nrTTNITY is always await AN n!h, person with a trained mind— i'1^ ,.Jiness education like we give. i'ii,ial our “business trained” Tlmt'5 " tp always satisfactorily enj l|P!;!s \Ve secure positions for our ■ pet us talk it over with you Business College, Home vinss Bank Bldg. sti __ Experienced bookkeeper "A, ill-round office man. Apply a"'1 \ -uerience, references and sal sNllinSn(''cted to “Office,” care Star. iiry cxn« -TZr wtKT A JOB? If «0. consult i>U w> placed 1700 last year. Execu u5s pni ploy men t Agency, Charlotte, C. .fU‘K stenographer and office asslst UA mate past experience and sal ant;* ( ted References must be -ood. “Office,” care of Star._ ,, v„.; akE loofcra* rot act* Of ■«* ktod, there ts bo better tray to get , Intelligent employes th*B by “0<, Star’s Cl«.»«e4 seetlOB. It *|«ad, 1‘hoae 51 and ask tor Class tiled icpariJnent. . iytfd_Boys to sell 8 page comic Hearst’s American- See Gordon Bros. Princess St. Phone 745. _ Tvrpo—First class band sawyer for i'u hand mill, push feed and push ;f,rl. Dorchester Lumber Company, idliam, S. C. _ a\'XEl)—flood barber at once, steady work- Come to 604 Castle street. 1IKI.P WANTED MADE sno colored men lor Carnegie Steel . work at Farrell, Braddock Home ...d McKees Rocks Pittsburgh & llairton. Fa. Also Mingo and Youngs •own Ohio. Ship Tuesday, Anrll 24, ..d t'verv Tuesday thereafter. Lowest 40c per hour. Can do much better. Men must apply before 12:30 Tuesdays, ;.,ve suitcase and clothing and office r Come go- Apply only to Ander s's Employment Service, 403 East Ma;n Street. Richmond. Va. MUX WOMEN—Get government rall ' war mail, postoffice, clerical posi tions. Faying $1,400-32.300. Experi pnee unnecessary. Full particulars treV write G. w. Robbins, Civil Ser vice' Expert. 100 Pope Buildiifg, Wash ington. D. C. _ WANTED—First clase automobile me chanic. W. D. McMillan. Jr„ 114 North 2nd street. WANTED—Combination stenographer and bookkeeper. All or part time. Telephone 2353. Agents & Salesmen Wanted (2) DEALERS WANTED To sell Willys Liffht in this territory. Williys Light is the most practical electric light and power plant for the farms on the market. Driven by the famous Willys Knipht sleeve-valve engine, which eliminates vibration, valve and carbon trouble. It is pro duced and backed by the world’s largest manufacturer of starting-, lighting and ignition systems for mo tor cars. This is an opportunity to establish a money-making business of your own with little investment re quired. For full information, address CAROLINA WILLYS LIGHT CO. Willys Light Distributors Laurinburg: N. C. BUSINESS MEN wko need employes ..we this section. Efficient, Intelligent employes look In* fer a position afive* die here. Phone, brlas or mail yoOV •dB, to The Star’s Classified Dept. Situations Wanted (3) WANTED—Position by ladv, experi enced in stenographic and generai effice work. Address P. O. Box 982. A POSITION WANTED by an experi enced (stenographer and general of fice clerk. Can give excellent refer ences. Have had banking and law ex perience Address A-ll Stenographer, rare Star. -- z...—.ft .Business Qpportunlles (4) PEOPLE wIiUsk to mil their buslnea ore brought In contact with people who want to bur In thin section* I* Is reai. Briig, mall or phone ronr (A to The Star’s Crlsslfled Department. IF AN AVERAGE monthly income of $5.82 paid monthly, on each $100 de posited with privilege of withdrawing your money upon thirty days notice, appeals to you, write for full informa tion to M. M. WOLFF, 72 Wall street. New York City. ABSOLUTELY SAFE investment: Party having $18,500 to invest can buy modern brick building in heart ot wholesale district, together with 15 year straight lease made by corpora tion worth millions. Proposition guar antees purchaser average net monthly Income about $100.00 for 15 years, av eraging nearly 6 per cent on invest ment. If interested see J. Irving Bear, corner Nutt and Grace streets. IN COTTON—$10 buys guarantees on 20 bales of cotton; no further risk. Movement of $10 bale opportunity take $200, etc. Particulars, market letter free. Investors' Guide, Room 427, 63 Wall St., New York. Wanted, Miscellaneous (5) WANTED—Second-hand one-ton Ford trunk. Phone 498-W. Call 416 Grace. WILLARD DRY CLEANING C. Have It steam or French cleaned. Auto delivery. Phone 855. 17 Princess. WANTED—Mirror plate 60x50. What have you to offer. People's Furni ture Co., 218 North Front street. WANTED, by gentleman, board nnd room at oneei state rate and nccom moAattons to “J,” care Star. WANTED—Barbers to know we have chair* and fixtures in stock. Conner & Walters Co., Charlotte, N. C. For Sale—Miscellaneous (6) WOOD! WOOD! WOOD*—Stop, look, listen. Closing out nice wood cheap; pine, $1.75; mixed, $2.00; oak, $2.25; slabs, $1.50. Williams’ Wood Yard; phone 940-J. WANTED—1,000 ladies that have short, I stubborn hair, to use $1 bottle of my Emulsified Cocoanut Oil free. Write Richard Spencer, Martin-sville, Va. GLENWOOD COMBINATION range for sale at a bargain to close out, at Peoples Furniture Co., 213 North Front Street. GOOD SHAPE—Underwood typewriter. Will sell for $25.00, as I have no use for it. Will demonstrate. H. B., care Star. FOR SALE—At bargain prices, cots, mattresses, overalls, shirts, under wear, rain coats, trunks, saddles, tents, tarpaulins, camping equipment and hundreds of other useful articles at U. S. Army Stores, 20 Market St. TRAVELING is a pleasure when you have a wardrobe trunk Where your clothes don’t get wrinkled. W* carry a full line of Indestructo and Nevar Break trunks and leather goods. See Charles Finkelstein, corner Front and Market; phone 642. PEOPLE who want to sell something advertise In this classification. Peo ple who want to boy tend It. RUBBER STAMPS manufactured on short notice; printing, ruling, bind ing; mail orders given prompt atten tion, Carolina Printing & Stamp Co., 8 Grace St., Wilmington, N. C. SAND for builders’ use and filling in, given away at vacant lot, 207 South Second street_ Call No. 7 South Sec ond for information. FOR SALE—Shoe shop outfit In good condition, consists of the following; Champion shoe finisher, Singer patch ing machine, jack and lasta—all sizes. Price $200 cash. Write J. B. Gulley, Clarendon, N. C. DAIRY REFRIGERATOR for sale to satisfy storage charges; 200 pounds Ice capacity, with water cooler, at Peoples Furniture Co., 213 North Front. CALL IIS for sweet cream, buttermilk, sweet milk, fresh butter and cottage cheese. Phone early for Saturday bind Sunday deliveries. Dairy Products Co., A. M. Blake, Manager, 215 North Tenth iitreft. GAS RANGES, used and slightly used, at greatly reduced prices. Peoples Furniture Co., city. Whether you want to sell, trade or buy; want a position or help; want to rent a room or secure a roomer, want to buy or sell a business, poultry, eggs, livestock'—anything—you can secure what you want by placing your wants before the thou sands of readers of the Classified Section of OTtltttmgtim fHonttttg S>tar * READ DAILY BY 40,000 PEOPLE—SUNDAYS BY 65,000 PEOPLE! Readers mean results—Results are what you want! Because the Star leads in readers, it leads in getting results—that’s why you should use the Star’s Classified Ads. Just another reason why there is more classified advertising in the Star in a week than in any other local paper in a month. Place Your Advertising Where It Will Get What You Want—RESULTS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES 1 TELEPHONE your want ads. to the STAR (phone 51), send them or mail them to the Classified Depart ment. If you wish, the STAR will write your ads. for you. Classified ads. taken over the phone between the hours of 8 p. m. and 7 p. m. Advertisers may have their answers addressed to a box number care of the Star witn out extra charge. The STAR will not be re sponsible for more than one insertion of .p y one advertise ment. Advei cisesr should re port any errors or discrepan cies in their ads. to the Clai lified Advertising Manager im mediately. Classiiication not guaran teed after 7 o’clock. Mailed ads. for Sunday’s issue shold reach the STAR by Friday night. MORNING STAR Classified Ads /light-face type, lOo per line. Black-face type, 15c per llge. (6 words to line) Reader Rates Light-face type, 20c per line. Black-face type, 30c per line. (6 words to line) WILMINGTON NEWS Classified Ads Light-face type, 6c per line. Black-face type, Be per line. ( 6 words to line) Reader Rates Light-face type, 12c per line. Black-face type, 18 per line. (6 words to line) Blank spaced and para graphed a<ls, 9c per line. Combination Rate (Both Papers Combined Dally) Classified Ads Light-race type, lEc per line. Blaek-face type, 20c per line. (6 words to line) Reader Rates Light-face type, 30o per line. Black-face type, 45c per line. (6 words to line) Blank spaced and para graphed ads, 20c per line. Discounts (Applying to All of the Above Rates) Three or more consecutive insertions, 10 per cent. Seven or more consecutive insertions. 15 per cent. Thirty or more consecutive insertions, 25 per cent. For Sale, Miscellaneous (6) N'EAR BEER made in Milwaukee; we are closing out stock below cost; will eel] at 60c per dozen until disposed ot. This is a bargain. Beverage re tailed for 15c per bottle. Bear Produce md Merchandise Co. * !7*OR SAIaE—1 Lummus gin outfit com plete, together with practically new Chicago Tool Pneumatic crude oil en gine, 50 h. p. Sacrifice for cash. Also 1 medium iron safe and 9 column Wales addipg machine bargain. W. I. Flodges, Cades, S. C. a—ai For Sale, Miscellaneous (6) BERRY CRATES FOR SALE—SAW V DELAWARE STYLE, REST CRATE ON THE MARKET. WRITE OR WIRE. 4 FEW CARLOADS READY FOR IM MEDIATE SHIPMENT. L. SOUTHER LAND, WALLACE, N. C. RODERICK & LAND, manufacturers of doors, sash, windows and door frames turned oolumns, balusters, stair work, ill kinds Interior finish; factory Eighth ind Wooster streets; screens a spec alty; phone 1584-J. For Sale, Miscellaneous (6)! FOR 3ALE—One pice large wardrobe with beveled mirror doors. Phone 2312. 510 South Front street. ENTIRE STOCK groceries, candles, canned goods, extracts, fountain supplies, spices. No. 10 goods and evaporated fruits large quantities, must be sold at once below cost. Healers, hotel men, restaurant and boardinghouse keepers will do well to call in person and investigate the bar gains awaiting them. Sale will con tinue for several days until entire stock is disposed of. Bear Produce and Merchandise Co., Nutt and Grace streets, Wilmington, N. C. SALE—ARMY SHOES—SALE We have just bought a tremendous stock of Army Munson last shoes to be sold to the public direct. Price 12.76. These shoes are^lOO per cent solid lea ther with heavy double soles sewed and, nailed. The uppers are of heavy tan chrome leather with bellows ton gue, thereby making them waterproof. These shoes are selling very fast and we advise you to order at once to in sure your order being filled. The sizes ar6: 6 to 11 all widths; Pay Postman on receipt of goods or send money order. Money refunded *s shoes are not satisfactory. The U. S. Stores Co., 1441 Broadway, New York City. Automobiles (7) FORD TON TRUCK, $350.00, FULLY EQUIPPED, INCLUDING STARTER AND ALL GOOD TIRES. CHIPLEY’S USED FORD CAR EXCHANGE, 110 DOCK ST., PHONE 1120. SECOND-HAND parts ror all cars; sat isfaction guaranteed or money re funded. W. D. MacMillan, Jr., Fifth and Wright Sts. Phone 213. ONE FORD TOURING CAR, $125.00. ! ALL GOOD TIRES, AND DRIVES ' GOOD. CHIPLEY’S USED FORD CAR ' EXCHANGE, 116 DOCK ST., PHONE 1 1120. ' WANT TO BUY—USED FORD TON TRUCK. CHIPLEY’S USED FORD CAR EXCHANGE. 116 DOCK ST., PHONE 1120. I FOR SALE—New Ford coupe at a , sacrifice; only used about a month. Owner leaving town and must sell. Write P. O. Box 449, City. 1 FORD COUPE, FULLY EQUIPPED, RECONDITIONED THROUGHOUT, OVERSIZE TIRES. A BARGAIN. CHIPUEY’S USED FORD CAR EX CHANGE. 116 DOCK ST., PHONE 1120. Automobiles (7) BRING YOUR automobile cylinder blocks to us to be reground and new oversize pistons and rings fitted. Our methods are the most approved, our charges reasonable, out- work Is guaranteed. Broadfoot Iron Works.. 3 LATE MODEL FORD TOURING . CARS, FULLY EQUIPPED, $225.00 EACH. CHIPLEY’S USED FORD CAR EXCHANGE, 110 DOCK ST.. PHONE 1120. Poultry, Eggs and Livestock <8) HERE Is a clarification where people can dispose of their poultry, eggs and livestock. There are 30,000 readers ol The Star’s classified section dailys 50 per cent more on Sundays. DAY OLD CHICKS for sale. oung’s strain S. C. White Leghorn from se lect breeding pens. Place your orders now. $13.00 per 100. Belgrade Poultry Farm, Garland, N. C. Seeds and Plants (9) VELVET BEANS—Velvet Beans, also various size kegs for sale. Bear Produce & Mdse. Co. FOR SALE—300 bushels i'ield Peas. Samuel Bear, Sr., & Sons. ALL KINDS FLOWER PLANTS for sale at Golden Rule Pans, 4 1-2 miles from city, Castle Hayne Road. TOMATO AND PEPPER PLANTS. charges prepaid, $2.50 thousand, 6u0 $1.40; hundred, 35c. C. Durling, Lake City, Florida. For Rent, Rooms & Houses (11) 3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS for rent. Apply to 403 South 6th street or phone 1956-W. TWO ROOM COTTAGE in rear 417 S. Front; completely furnished for light housekeeping; also two garages. Lost and Found (10) LOST—In downton section. In vicinity of Front and Princess, platinum bar pin, with sapphire setting-. Finder call 1341-J. Reward, LOST AND POU,CD articles are easily j and quickly retailed to the owner I through this section. Everyone reads this classification, which means 30,000 people who are dally looking for your lost article. LOST—Brown cameo brooch, yesterday afternoon between 6 and 7 o'clock, either on Castle car or between 4th street and 8th street on Red Cross. Finder call phone 74, reward. For Rent, Rooms & Houses (11) niK dUICKSST, cheapest and eaalcsl way to get a room or* house la by placing your ad. beret 30.000 readers dally i 45.000 Sundays. Brins, mall or phone your ad. to 51t ask lor Classified department. FOR RENT—To couple without chil dren, ideal three-room apartment, liv private home; rent includes furnace heat, lights, use of phone, etc. Tele-' phone 1787-J, or th O. Box 652. FOR RENT—Unfurnished apartment 4 rooms and Ijath on second floor; ill modern conveniences'. Apply J. H. Rehder and Co., phone jl.17. FOR RENT in Sunset Park, separate apartment of four rooms and bath, anfurnished. Phone 1143. FOR RENT—One three-room apart ment, downtown, desirable location. 303 North 2nd street. Phone 1126-J. FOR RENT-—Three nice unfurnished rooms, with ail conveniences. 212 Queen street. Wanted, Rooms & Houses (12) WANTED—Five room house or apart ment, close in. X 1. care Star Office. WANTED—3 ropm furnished apart ment, close in. Would consider cot tage if not out too far. Rent not over {30.00. Phone 831 from 8 to 5. WANTED TO RENT—3 or 4 room lower apartment, furnished or un furnished house. Reply "Furnished,” at once, giving full information. Business Places 13"A FOR RENT—Photo gallery. No. 116 Market St.; rent reasonable; posses sion given at once. Eduard Ahrens, care Ahrens Bros. 12-19-tfc Real Estate (14) FOR SALE—Two new 6 room bunga lows, No. 516 and 518 Harnett street, built of good material; electric lights, water and sewer, conveniently located for a home. Address Box 1093 or see R. E. Williariis. OLEANDER, the' Suburb Beautiful— Adjoining the Country club. The log ical place for vour home. Large lots. All city conveniences; no city taxes. Oleander Development Co. 1004 Mur chison Bldg. WRIGHTSVILLE Beach lots—Build your summer home on the North Ex tension. Lots 50 by 100 feet; prices $500 and up; terms. Oleander Develop ment Co., 1004 Murchison Bldg. COTTAGE on Wrlghtsville Beach. With double lot. Birmingham street. Price reasonable. Terms. . Oleander Development Company. Phone 841. 1004 Murchison Building. FOJi SALE—Five-room bungalow at Winter Park, with one acre of ground. All modern conveniences, in cluding electric lights, gas, water, etc. See James and James, Inc. Phones 163, 164. i WANTED TO BUY a home in Carolina Heights, Winoca or Market street. Address Sim, care Star. Special Notices (16) HEMSTITCHING, buttons covered, ex pert workmanship, sewing machines, sold or rented, motors, ' repairs. New Home Office, 305 North Front. ■HONE 1UV5.W OR 5702. FOR GRADE A MILK AND SWEET CREAM. H. C. SLAKE AND SON. iWNINGS AND TENTS made to order; upholstering; furniture repaired; luto topping. No job too *large or too ■mall. Satisfaction guaranteed. E. G, Etlng, 301 S. Front St. Phone 411. J-21-tfo Special Notices (16) PHONE 457 for whipping cream, but ter milk, Elcimmed milk, cottage cheese and fresh butter. We deliver and do It early. Open until 1 o’clock every Sunday. Dairy Products com pany, 215 N. 10th St. TREASURY DEPARTMENT Office of the Comptroller of the , Currency Washington, D. C. March 1, 1923. Notice is hereby given to all persons who . may have claims against "The Commercial National Bank of Wil mington,” North Carolina, that the same must he presented to C. L. Wil liams, Receiver, with the legal proof thereof, within three months from this date, or they may be disallowed. J D. R. CRISSINGEK, 4 Comptroller of the Currency. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER—N otary Public, Representative Literary Di- • gest, Carbons and Ribbons. Miss Me-. Laurin, Hotel Wilmington. TYPEWRITERS REPAIRER All Makes of typewriters repairsc, overhauled and rebuilt. Service cal’s answered promptly. Phone 2283, Wil mington Typewriter and Supply Co., 108 .‘I. Front St. Money to Loan < $5,000 TO LEND on real estate first mortgage. L. L. Hanby, Box 1072. MONEY. MONEY. MONEY TO LOAN, ANY AMOUNT ON FARM LANDS, LONG TIME, EASY TERMS. ADDRESS BOA S8, RA LEIGH, N. C. Legal Notices C17) NOTICE OF SUMMONS In the Superior Court. State' of North Carolina. County of New llanoven: Wilhelmina Runge Loftin and Husband, I. C. Loftin, vs. Catherine Rungu Haar (widow), Bertha Runge Smith, Theodore Runge, and William Runge. The defendants in the above entitled action will take notice that a proceed ing lias been commenced in the Supe rior Court of New Hanover county as above entitled, for the purpose of sell ing for division the lands belonging to the estate of Johanna Runge, deceased, and the said defendants are required to appear at the office of the undersigned Clerk of the Superior CouFt at Wilv mington, North Carolina, at ten o’clock a. m., on the 21st day of May, 1923, and answer or.demur ta the complaint filed in said proceeding, and to do such other things as may he necessary to protect their rights therein. 1 M. J. SHUFFLER. Asst. Clerk, Superior Court. , This 20th day of April, 1923. ; . Auction, Auction! Have you made your bid on the 1150 COLUMBIA GRiFO^OLA In our > window? KEEN’S DRUG STORE 108' Market St. Telephone 10a Transfer—-Day or Nifiht Service CITY TAXICAB COMPANY Phone 15 David S. Oliver INSURANCE Life, Non-Cancellable Disability, Auto Liability (»04 Murchison Bldg.— Phone 840 The Best Companies, the Lowest Net Cost, Service COAL PHONE 98* BUILDERS’ SUPPLIED W. B. THORPE & CO, BLUE RIBBON SPRINGS 1 “For Restful Sleep” . W. MUNROE & CO. 15 S. Front‘Street “Your Money’* Worth -Always” USE STAR WANT ADS MUTT AND JEFF—That’s getting money under false pretense^. (Copyright, 1023, by E. C. Fisher.)_T?vr (Tiajs-merk Reg., U. S. Pat. OS.) BUD FISHER \ BecAose ;GC-r fiue C€MTS a word AN® <=ue<sy riM<= irte rtefco says ?f lT MSANS FlFTV c<£mts «n **y pocicer^ mutt,we wont hauc^ to WORRV About ouR HANn ANb EGG'S FlfOM. MOW opjl t'ue GoT A STEADY JoB WRITING StDftieS For a MAoA2IM€« F I we'. Wt+£N>] t>o you 'rue *T7\RT<=t> ALRCADY! ) RAtse The suaoc ani> A I'U. RCAb Voo THe Be6«NMING OF (*>/ ptftST* STORY i UVTEM TO TUI's! ''em GooF, 60R H£RO, APPR0AcH€t> We BeAUTtP^ l>AMS€l- — M AMD SA'D) t-X x- X- rl i- x *i -r L-L-L6V6 You 5ay! what's rne i&e/v or Having Youfc; t H<=(5o sTOTiee?^

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