News of Markets—Cotton-Money-Grain-Stocks COTTON IVEW ORLEANS COTTON NE-\v ORLEANS, June 30,—Under nersisient liquidation of the lqpff in terest the cotton market, wu easier todav practically from the opening. On the first call the July position rose 6 points to 27.48 cents a pound but lmost immediately re-acted and led the remainder of the list to lower i >Vels Lowest prices came late in the dav u hen the list was 24, to 41 points under the close of yesterday. July fell ;if low as 27.01 and October as low The close was at net declines on tin day of 21 to 30 points with July at a range of 27.13 to 27.20 and Ootober at 23.Mi to 23.91. ' The early selling appeared to come from longs who wanted to even up their commitments over the government’s condition report Monday but in the lat ter trading the selling appeared to be stimulated by the weakness in the stock market. Market comment was that this continued weakness was causing selling of cotton for short ac counts. The early session saw the selling pressure heaviest in July but in the late trading the new crop months were feeling the most pressure. Low night temperatures in most sections of the belt were considered unfavorable but the week end and the nearness of the bureau report appeared to prevent much support developing from this feature. Temperatures of as )nw as 54 degrees were reported at several points last night. Both east and west of the Mississippi river. High Lo-fr Close Close 27.48 27.01 27.18-20 27.42 24.04 23.83 23.86-91 24.08 23.70 23.46 23.47-48 23.74 23.50 23.35 23.38-40 23.59 23.32 23.21 23.21-25 28.51 Opening: July* 27.48; JJctcber 24.02: December 23.62; January 28.47; March 23.3H.. July Oct. Dee. Jan. 11a r. NEW YORK COTTON LETTER XL\\ YORK, June 30.—July cotton this week high 27.79; low 26.64; last 27.04. closing last week 27.76. This is the least favorable showing for four weeks. Synchronizing with this, reports from Liverpool stare the hanis lias eased and Galveston wires similarly. This is part of the answer in the hulling of the tan enu of a short crop and when tonight’s closing of 27.04 is compared with the peak of 30.74. the showing is still more favor-1 able for the old buyers. The bureau reoprt Monday at 12.30 eastern stand ard time is cxpeoted to show 70 or just under. Also we are due tc get an acreage estimate Which is now con templated privately to Indicate about 8 per cent increase or making a show ing of about 36.600,000 the Immediate ‘impact of trading following the issu ance of condition reports is anyones guess. There are two features which can be pointed out strongly about this crop however. First its lateness which may be put conservatively at 15 and pos sibly 20 days second the widest spread prevalence of weevil in the history of cotton growing. But possibly it cannot be said the outlook for weevil damage is greater than ever before as part of the belt has received very hot weather, and should minimize weevil damage outlook. But there are enough left to make this crop alzzily short. On the other hand if they are checked the yield may be very; much better than tiie present indication. The steadiness that cotton has shown again today in the face of a very weak stock market and the closing of mills which begins next week is pro nouneed and worth the question wn> The answer seems to lie in a disposi tion r.ot to make further short com mitments and buying orders under the market. We rather expect the present calm ness presages a sharp market mpvo ment the 'trend of which may be es tablished promptly after the bureau report. Therefore we think it advis able to watch the trend of the mar ket immediately thereafter with uil usual interest. ' October Liverpool due Monday 13.6V Orvis Brothers and Co. DAILY COTTON TABLE Port Movement. New Orleans: middling, 2850; receipts 1597: exports, 3651; sales 100; stock, 70040. Galveston; middling, 2810; receipts, 663; exports, 4705; sales, 600; stock, . 46628. Mobile: middling, 2850; receipts, 65; stock. 1030. Savannah: middling, 2785; receiptc, 174; stock, 20185. Charleston; receipts, 152; stock, 26982. . Wilmington: middling, 2750; receipts, 4 81; stock, 3957. -r Texas City: stock, 13. Norfolk: middling, 2750; receipts, 166; exports, 4538; stock, 31746. Baltimore: stock, 2042. Boston: middling, 2855; receipts, 334; stock, 7100. Philadelphia: stock, 3919. New Y'ork: middling, 2825; exports, 900; stock, 90054. Minor ports: stock, 2668. Total today: receipts, -3132; exports, 13794; stock, 305364. Total for week: receipts, 3132; ex ports: 13794. Total for season: receipts, 5738244; exports, 4440412. Interior Movement Houston: middling, 2800; . receipts, 607; shipments, 859; sales, 206; stock, 26345. Memphis: middling 2850; receipts, 172; shipments, 681; stock, 61954. Augusta: middling, 2800; receipts, 101; shipments, 30; stock, 18900. St. Louis: middling, 2850; receipts, 591; shipments, 819; stock, 8576. Atlan.a: middling, 2750. • ‘Lttle . Rock: middling, 2800; ship-' ments, 15; stock, 15675. * Dallas: middling. 2750. * Montgomery: middling, 2765. Total today: receipts, 1451; ship- | mens, 2304; stock, 131510. j DRY GOODS MARKET NEW YORK, June 30.—Cotton goods markets were quite today. Bleached gooiis have been priced on a basis of 3,1% cents for unbranded lines of 4-4, 64x60's. Yarns were quiet with an easier tendency. Household linens were quiet, but dress linens were ac tive, being: offered lower by 7%. Bur laps were easier at Calcutta and quiet in the local trade. Wool 'goods werq steady. Silks were quiet with raw silk easy. \ NAVAL STORES JACKSONVILLE, June 80.—Turpen tine firm; S7%@87%; sales 086; re Jceipts ,ri83; shipments 969; stock 9,149. ■ Rosin firm sales 027; receipts 1*598; 'Shipments 9,218; stock 109,891. Quote: B to B 4.60; F to H 4.60; K •4.65@4.67; M 4.70; N 6.00; WW 6.20@ 6.25. ... .... . GRAIN SOUTHERN STOCKS Uuottd by R. S. DICKS OX AXD COMPASY . G»M«nI«, X. C^—Gree naboro. X. C. __ May 21). 1923. . : r Bid TAsf Name. Durhari Durhari Easter* Basle Eagle Eflrd ' Acme Spinning C*. Arcadia Mills . American Spinning Co. _ American Yarn and Proc. Co. Am. Yarn and Proc, pfd..., Anderson Cotton Mills .... Arlington Cotton Mills ..... Aragon Cotton Millet S.C.) Arcade Cotton Mills . Arrow Mills. Augusta Factory .. Belton Cotton Mills . Belton Cotton Mills, pfd.... Beaumont Mfg. Co. (Bibb Mfg. Co.. Brogon Mills .. Clara Mfg. Co. Clifton Mfg. Co. Cabarrus Cotton Mills ..... Cabarrus Cotton Mills, pfd. ChacL-Hoskins Oo., par $25. Chadwick-Hoskins Co., pfd. China Grove Cotton Mills... Chiquola Mfg. Co. Chiquola Mfg. Co., pfd.... Calhoun Mills ........'. Cannon Mfg. Co. (par $10) Clover Mills . Climax Spinning Co. Crescent Spinning Co. Columbus Alfg. Co. (Sa.).. Converse, D. B. Co. Darlington Mfg. Co. Dixon Mills . Drayton Mills .... Duneaii Mills.. Duneap Mills, Pfd.. Hosiery Pfd. Hosiery “B”~. Mfg. Co. arn Mills. ,nd Phoenix (Ga.) ... fg. Co. Enterprise Mfg. Co. (Ga.).. Erwin Cotton Mills Co.... Erwin Cotton Mills Co., pfd. Flint Mfg. Co. .. Gaffney Mfg. Co. . Gibson Mfg. Co. Globe Yarn Mills (N. C.)... Gray Mfg. Co. Glenwood Cotton Mills . .. Gluck Mills . Greenwood Cotton Mills ... Grendel Mills .. Grendel Mills, Pfa., par $60. Granlteville Mfg. Co. Hamrick Mills. Hanes. P. H. Knitting Co.. Hanes, P. H. Knit. Co., pfd.. Henrietta, pfdfl. Hillside Cotton Mills (Ga.). Hunter Mfg. and Com. Co. 7 P. C. Ptd. Inman Mills . Inman Mills, Pfd. Jennings Cotton Mill .... Judson Mills . Judson Mills, Pfd. King, Jno. P. Mfg. Co... Lancaster Cotton Mills ... Limestone Mills . Linford Mills . Lola Mfg. Co. Locke Cotton Mills Co. ... Laurens Cotton Mills .... Marlboro Cotton Mills ... Mills Mill .... Mills Mil. Pfd. Monarch' Mills, (S. C.) ... Mollohon Mfg. Co. Mooresville Cotton Mills .. Musgrove Cotton Mills. Myers Mill . Myrtle Mills . National Yarn Mill . Newberry Cotton Mills. Orr Cotton Mills. Orr Cotton Mils, Pfd. Parkdale Mills .. Pacolet Mfg. Co. ... Pacolet Mfg. Co. Pfd. Pelzer . Mfg. Co. ......... Piedmont Mfg. Co. (3. C.)... Perfection Spinning Co. ... Poe., F. W. Mfg. Co. Poinsett Mills . Priscilla Spinning Co. Ranlo Mfg. Co. Rex. Spinning Co 825 110 108 120 115 74 64 92 225 225 113 90 138 106 21 105 109 225 91 145 15% 102 170 127 135 120 87 120 10 0 f7 17 96 155 151 .(90 125 103 150 101 124 60 125 138 129 215 150 48 170 Rex Spinning Co. Pfd . Riverside Mills, par $12.50.. 15 105 105 270 100 155 101 225 154 99% 185 260 105 104 165 165 90 92 101 153 124 86 66 110 155 95 119 210 101 105 128 55 130 Riverside and Dan River Riverside and Dan Riv;, Pfd. Rowan Cotton Mills Co. Roanoke Mills, 1st Pfd.,.. Roanoke Mills. 2nd Pfd.... Rosemary Pfd... Rhyne-Houser Mfg. Co.... Saxon Mills ....... • • -- Seminole Cotton Mills Co... Sibley Mfg. Co. (Ga.). Spartan Mills • • • • .. Sterling Spinning Co. ■Superior Yarn Mills . Stowe Spinning Co. ....... Toxaway Mills, par $26.00 Union Buffalo Mills --- Unon Buffalo Mills, 1st pfd Union Buffalo Mills, 2nd pfd. Victor-Monaghan Co. ......_ Victor Monaghan Co., pfd.. Victory Yarn Mills Co. Victory 8 per cent., pfd... ■Ware Shoals Mfg. Co. Watts Mills. 1st pfd. Watts Mills, 2nd pfd. Winget Yarn Mills Co. Wiscassett Mills Co. Williamston Mills . Woodside Cotton Mills Woodside Cotton Mils, pfd.. Woodruff Cotton Mills. 89 10 319 104 103 103 100 99 121 296 120 108 122 126 97 119 95 115 98 143 107% 107 115 93 16% 186 130 141 142 101 124 100 123 100 81 18% 100 98 95 ~ 106 171 105 67 182’ 50 155 16 108 108 1P0 161 101% 195 161 108 110 175 92 93% 168 140 131 90 71 112 166 136 119 97 126 220 116 105 128 110 100 88% 91 53 106 112 96 103 99 125 164 170 95 150 162 108 131 121 61 140 86 1.. .. 11 325 106 101 98 120 115 74 170 130 102 35% 80 92 . 54% 108 98 212 101 133 80 180 97 180 CHICAGO GRAIN CHICAGO, June 30.—Black runt re ports from Minnesota, North Dakota and Saskatchewan as well as from South Dakota had a decided bullish effect on the wheat market today. Prices closed fifm at 1% to 1% dent net advance. September 1.03% to 1.03% and December 1.06% to 1.06%. Corn finished at 1 cent decline to % cent gain, oats unchanged to % cent lower, qmd provisions at a rise of 5 cents to seven cents. Wilmington Markets PEANUTS. Prices paid producers: NORTH CAROLINA—New crop, $1.85 to $1.90. VIRGINIA—New crop. $1.00 to $1.10. . VIRGINIA JUMBOS—$1.10 to $1.20. WHITE SPANISH—$2.00. ' RED SPANISH—$1.90 to $2.00. PRODUCE. CORN—$1.10 tt. BEEF—9 to 10 cents. VEAL—10 to 12 cents. PIG PORK—Small 14 to 15 cents, large 10 cents. . . N. C. BACON—Hams 24 to 25 cents; ■Ides and shoulders 14 to 15 cents. j TALLOW—Cakes, 5 cents. BEESWAX—20 cents. HIDES—6 to 7 cents. * a. EGGS—22 cents, very dull. CHICKENS—Fall 25 cents; spring 55 cents; hens 25 cents; old roosters, dull, 15 cents. BUTTER—25 to 80 cents. IRISH POTATOES—$3,25 to $8.50 a bafwEET POTATOES—55 to 60 cents bushel. NAVAU STORES. SPIRITS TURPENTINE—Nothing do. l^ft'oSIN—Nothing doing. PINE TAR—Per gallon 15c. PINE TAR—In country pine barrels ,3CRUDB TURPENTINE—Virgin and yellow dip $5.25; flcrape $4.25. X- ffummell ~~ SiParry STOCKS STOCKS NEW YORK, June 30.—Prices of a large number of standard Industrial and railroad stocks dropped to new low levels for the year in today’s brief but active session of the stock mar ket. > There was nothing new in the day’s news to account for the heavy tell ing the bulk of which again originated from professional sourcedt Except for some liquidation by tired and dis couraged holders of long stocks' there was a marked absence of publio in terest in the day’s trading., One of the most interesting develop ments of the day waa the establishment of a new low record by United States Steel common. The gtook rallied later. Several railroad shares also estab lished new minimum prices including Pennsylvania, Lehigh Valley, New Haven and Ann Arbor preferred. Can adian Paoific, Southern Pacific, Balti more and Ohio, Chesapeake and Ohio, St. Paul, and Union Pacific registered losses. There were a few bright spots' in the list. Steel and tube preferred ad vanced to a new top in anticipation of the stocks being retired soon at 110 and accrued interest dividends. Gains were registered by United Fruit, Amer ican Beet Sugar, Virginia-aCrolina Chemical preferred and a few others. Foreign exchanges were irregular demand sterling advanced nearly a cent to $4.57 and 11-16 but French francs dropped 4Vs, points to 6.08Vi and Italian lire dropped 8% to 4 38% oents. German marks touched a new low at .0005%. Days total sales 396,100 shares. Twenty industrials averaged 87.85; net loss 65. High 1923, 106.38; low 87.55. Twenty railroads averaged 76.85; net loss 1.12. High. 1923, 90.63; low 76.65. NEW YORK STOCKS Name: Allied Chem and Dye . Am. Bosch Magneto .. Am. Can . Am. Inter. Corp. Am. Looomotive .... Am. Smelt and Ref. .. Am. Sugar . Am. Tei and Tel ... Am. Tobacco . Am. Woolen . Anaconda Copper .... Atch tp. and Sante Fe A. C. L. Atl. G. and W. I. .. Baldwin Locomotive B. and O. Beechnut Pkg. Bethlehem Steel. Canadian Pac. Central Leather ... . Cerro de Pasco . Chandler Motor .... C. and O. C. M. and St. P. pfd. . C. R. L and P. \ Chile Copper . Coca Cola . Consolidated Gas ... Con. Textile . Continental Can .... Corn Products . Cosden Oil .. Crucible Steel . Cuban Am. Sugar ... Cuba Cane Sugar pfd. Endicott Johnson . ... Erie . Fa. Players-Lasky . Gen. Asphalt . Gen. Electric. Gen. Motors . G. N. pfd. Gulf States Steel ... I. C. Ins. Copper . Inter. Harvester .... Inter. Mer. Mar. pfd . Inter. Paper . Invincible Oil . Kelly Springfield ... Kennecott Copper .... Lima Locomotive .... L. and N. Mack Truck . Marland Ofl . Middle States Oil - M. K. and T. (new) . . M. P. pfd. N. T. C. N. Y. N. H. and H. . N. and W. N. P. Okla. Prod, and ref. . Pac Oil . Pan-Am. Pet.I Penna . Phillips Pet. Producers and ref. . . Pure Oil . Reading . Republic-I. and Steel . Reynolds Tob. B ... Royal Dutch, N. Y. St. L. and San Fran . S. A. L. S. A. L. pfd. Sears* Roebuck SinclaSl Oil . Sloss-Shef. Steel .... Sou. Pac. Sou. Ry . Sou. Ry. pfd. Sandard Oil of Cal. . Standard Oil of_N. J. Studebaker .. Tenn. Copper . Texas Co. . Texas and Pac... Transcontinental Oil . U. P. United Fruit . U. S. Ind, Alcohol .. U. S. Rubber . U. S. Steel . Utah Copper .. Va. Caro. Ohem. Westinghouse Elec. . Clif Pete . High Low iClose 65 30% 86% 18.% 133% 55% 65 120 141 83% 38% 98,% 111 • 13% 119 43% 55 43% 145% 21 39 48% 58% 32 25% 25% 76 58% 7% 48% 124% 40% 63% 25% 40'% 64 11 69 £7 172% 13% 64 68 14 106.% 28% 77% 23% 37 Kk 32% 59% 90 66% 37 7% 10.% 3i% 97% 15 102% 66 33V6 62% I 42 41 33% 18% 69%, 41 vr 61 Vk 45% 18 5% 9% 67% 23% 40% 85% 32,% a* 32% 100% 8% 42% 18% 6% 128% 164 42% 40% 91 57% 7% 53 20 Vi 64% 29% 86% 18% 131 53 65 119% 141 81 38% 97 111 13% 116 42% 64% 42 142 20 38% 46% 57% 30% 25 26% 75% 56% 43^ 122% 39% 62% 24% 40 64 10% 66% 27 171% 13 62% 66 105% 28 77% 22% 35% 9% 30 32 69 ^ 89% 64 % 36% 7 10% 31% 96 14% 101% 66% 1% 32% 69% | 41% 40% 32% 18 69 40% 60% 45% 18 5% 9 65% 23 40 84% 31% .63% 49% 32 98% 8% 41% 16 6% 127% 164 , 40 % 40% 89% 56% 7% 52% 18% 64% 29% 85% 18% 131% 53% 65 119% 141 81 38% 97 111 13% 116 43% 55 42 142 Vi 20 38% 46% 57% 30% 25 25% 76% 56% 7% 43% 122 Vi 40 62% 24% 40 64 10% 65% 27 172 13 62% 66 105% 28 77% 22% 35% 10, 3 <? 32 59% 89% 65 36% 7% 10% 31% 96% 14% 101% 65% 1% 32% 60% 41 Vi 40% 32% 18 69% 40% 60% 45% IS 5% 9 67 23 40 84% 31% 63% 49 Vi 32 99 8 Vi 41% IS 5% 127 Vi 164 40% 40% 90% . 56% 7% 52% 18% Casts of two ancient Egyptian wa ter-clocks have been presented to the Kensington Museum by the Egyptian government. FOR THE SULTRY DAYS Our electric Ians 1» the only way to keep cool and feeling, fit. It brings the ocean breezes to your home and makes the hot, stilling nights breathable and livable. For drying your hair, drying the clothes on lamp days, and for keeping food cool our electric fan Is the very thing. Get one this summer. City Electric Co. “Everything: Electrical” 206 Princes* Street Telephone 005 b . .—■ ■ ■ J Pavid S. Oliver INSURANCE I,lfe, Non-Cancellable Disability, Auto Liability J. \V. Innea, Agency Cashier (104 Murchison Bldg,—Phone 840 The Best Companies, the boifeal Net Cost, Service ‘ : . BONUS NEW YORKs BONDS NEW YORK, June«s30.—Bond prices were relatively firrnHln today’s brief and dull trading ortjthe New York stock exchange. j { Marland Oil 8s wit* ; warrants jump ed 8 points on a comparatively small turnover and Cepro di£ Pasco Copper 8 s moved up. Pierce Aftsow 8s, Northern States Power refunding 6s, and Utah Power and Eight 6s 4fjoppedi Railroad mortgages generally lyoved within nar row limits. i*< United States government bonds were unchanged to fractional improve ment. Mexican 4 s, Sgaine<| , ai point and state of Sao P|tilo 8s advanced l.% in quiet trading «i foreign group. Total' sales par value were $5,530, 000. :S NEW YORK! BONDS FOREIGN |OKDS Argentine 7s .£. 101% Dom. of Canada 5%ej 1829 _101% French Republic 7%(;S. 93% King, of Belgium 7%®. 100% Swiss Confederation jls ........ 115 Un. K. of G. B. and I.ft%s, 1937 . 102% U. S. of Brazil 8s ... ft. 96 U. S. of Mexico 6s . g. 54% Railway and Mivce 4aneous Bonds' Am. Argic. Chem Am. Smelt and Ref. Am. Sugar 6s. Am, Tel. and Tel. Atchison gen. 4s A. C. Li. 1st 4s .. B. and O. cv 4%s ■ 6s ■if? ..• * •&*••• »■ ' 97% 90 101% 114 86% 84 % 78 C of Ga. 6s . 101 Central Leather 6s . 98% C. and O. ov 6s . ...j,... 87 C. B. and Q. ref. 6s M,. 97% C. M. and St. P. cv s . 63 C. R. I. and P. ref. 4lc£. 76 Chile Copper 6s .. , . ;j{. 98% Col. and Sou. ref. . VS a . 81% Erie gen. 4s .;m. 45 Goodyear Tire 8s, 1*81 .. 3 01% K. C. Sou. ref. 6s ®. -... 83% Kelly-Springfield Tirjf Ss. 106 Mex. Peteroleum 8sfr. 108 Mo. K. and T. pr. liefc 6s .. 75% Mo. Pac. gen 4s ...a. 54% N. Y. C. deb 6s . 103% Penna. gen. ds ...1.1. 99% Reading gen 4s ... .p. 84% St, L. and San. Frang adj 6s .. 71 % S. A. L. con. 6s . 61% Sou. Pac. cv 4s ... V.. f0% Sou. Ry. 6s .. .f|..,... 95 Sou. Ry. 6%s . 101 U. P. 4s .JJ... 91 U. S. Steel 5s ..|t. 101% Va. Garo. Chem. 7%s^.. 62 Wabash 1st 6s ... i.JjL .. 96 Wilson and Co. 7%s:§. 95% Sou. 46 . 3.. 67% S. A. L>. 6s .. 26% ---% OOTTOJ? SEED OIL NEW YORK, June|§l0,—Cotton’ seed oil was somewhat Irregular. July be ing under .pressure ^ of liquidation while forward months^showed a hard-, ening tendency towariSthe close. Much of the pit turnover appeared to be of the switching sort. cj£bsing bids were five points lower to (3$ net higher. Tenders of 3,000 barrms were put out. Sales 8,500 barrels. s| Prime crude nominal; prime sumijjjer yellow spot and July 10.45; Sept? jnber 10.47; De cember 8.83 all bid. (SHELL ISLAND^! SCHEDULE (Via Tenth itreet) Starting June 2, liitll Further IVotletl Lht» Tenth and . Campbell Street* 10:16 P. 1:16 P. 2:45 P. 4:15 P. 6:45 P. M.. 7:15 P. II. 8:45 P. M. 10:15 P M. I«ave Shell u Island • Trolley ^Terminal * 1:00 A. M. £2:00 P. M. ,3:30 P. M. tl5:00 P. M. 6:3 0 P. M. 5^8:00 P. M. L!9:30 P. M 31:30 P. M. STOPPING AT Tenth and Red f>oss Streets. Tenth and PrinceS# Streets. Tenth and Mnrkej Streets. Tenth and Ornngsf Streets. Thirteenth and Atp Streets. Seventeenth and fcjjstle Streets And all regular stolons to and including's Station. These cars will tsot stop at Wrightsvllle Sourvl Station. Parking Place yor automo biles at MeCumbetts Station at which place ticliiits will be TIDE WATElf POWER COMPANY j _ft-^ Mum—l [ EXCURSION JUI.Y4 m . «■ , I Steamer Y.T|mington Southport) Fort Caswell and the Oceans* . 75c—ROUND T^RIP—75c SOUTHPORT SERVES ELEGANT SHORE DIN?ffiR,4Sc > , ATLANTIC Ct AST LINE Depart. J , Arrive. Effective Jufrjl, 1923 *3:40 A.M. .Raleigh & Kbrth. *12:45 A.M. 5:30 A.M...South & l^est.. 11:40 P.M. Sleeper to Columbia Open 1C P. M. 8:15 A.M. North W*- 8:05 P.M. 8:30 A.M... FayettevfBe .. 8:00 P.M. 8:30 P.M.. .South & ffest.. 12:60P.M. Sleepers to Ashevlll|i and Atlanta 8:00 P.M.New Beit > .... 12:40 P.M. 8:30 P.M_ Southpolf ... 12:60 A.M. t6:30 P.M... FayettevWe-. .§11:06 AM. 7:00 P.M...'... North . 9:45 A.M. Sleepers to Washingt&n and Norfolk •Daily to Goldsboro, *>ut does not run to Richmond and Norfifk Sunday. fTuesday, Thursday? j Saturday and Sunday only. i §T'uesday, Thursday, Jfaturday, arrives Sunday 10:00 a. m ■ ( For Information,, phone ISO. SEABOARD AjR LINE Depart. Dally,5 Arrive 4:00 A.M. Chariot© -12:15 A.M. Sleeper to Charlotte^Open 10 P.M. 8:10 AM. W11.-Ruth’ftfdton 6:35 P.M. 8:40 P.M. Chariot© _12:20 F.M Parlor Car to sjharlotte ( For Further Information. Phone ITS O. S. DEPARTMENT AGRICULTURE WEATHER rH’ U Wilmington, N. C., June 30, 1023. Meteorological aata for ins 24 hours ending 8.00 p. m. yesterday. ' Humidity Record. Dry Wet Relative bulb bulb humidity temp. temp, per cent 8 a. m.72 64 64 12 noon . 78. 66 62 S P. m. 75 67 64 72. Temperature: Maximum. 79; Mean Rainfall: Total for the day, 0; Total since first of month, 1.80. Tide Table. Utah* Lew, » ... .11:47 a. m, 7:04 a.m. . ■ 7:18 p. m. Masonboro Inlet .. 9:41a.m. 8:51a.m. 10:02 p. m. 8d>7 p. m. Wilmington ¥ Stage of river at Fayetteville at 8 a. m. yesterday 8 feet. \ _WMATHER BUREAU REPORtTS. STATIONS* Temperature i flSS id 5h <c tt 55 OIL Ooe (ba Abilene ......rain Asheville cldy Atlanta ..clear Augusta clear 88 72 76 84 Birmingham t. cldyl 78 68 48 54 62 Boston . clear Charleston Dt. cldy Charlotte . .pt. ldy Chicago . clear Galveston .... clear Jacksonville . .cldy Memphis .. pt. cldy Mobile .... clear Montgomery clear New Orleans pt. cldy New York ....clear Oklahoma ... clear Palestine .. .... cldy Pittsburg ....oldy Raleigh ...... cldy Savannah .. pt cldy Shreveport ... cldy St. Louis .... .cldy Washington ... clear! 76 72 86 76 70 84 SO 74 84 SO 84 76 73 86 74 82 88 80 76 58 • 6 60 56 76 72 60 62 68 68 56 58 64 48 62 68 60 58 .10 .0 .0 .0 . .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .04 .80 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .34 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 :8 COAL PRONE 189 BUILD Jill S’ SUPPLIES W. B. THORPE & CO. BLUE RIBBON SPRINGS “For Restful Slicp" W. MUNROE & CO. IK 8. Front Street “Your Money'* Worth Alwny*** Sold Many Customers ABRUZZI RYE Last Season Please write us if you will use Abruzzi Rye or a cheaper rye this season D. L. GORE CO. UNITED STATES CARTRIDGE CO. Extruded Seamless Radiator Tubes for Aeroplane, Car, Truck and Tractor Cores LOWELL, MASSACHUSETTS W- R. Klander & Co., 12 South Second Street, Wilmington, N. C. Gentlemen:— On April 27, a Duesenberg Straight Eight five-passen ger tourng car, completely equipped, made a non-stop 3,155 mile run on the Indianapolis Motor Speedway at an aver age speed of 62.63 miles per hour. This stock car was on the track 50 hours and 21 minutes. This is a record en durance run and this stock car was equipped with a CAR TRIDGE RADIATOR. The Duesenberg Automobile and Motors Company have written us a letter of congratulation, stating that the radia tor functioned ^absolutely 100 per cent during this test and - that this performance was really a revelation to them* It 'is simply another instance where the CARTRIDGE CORE has performed magnificently where any other type of core would fail. > When service and efficient cooling is required, .CAR TRIDGE CORES are always specified. The trade has found that it is folly to try and substitute a sheet ribbon or fin and tube type where severe service is demanded, Verytruly yours, I U. S. CARTRIDGE COMPANY, H. E. Jenkins, Sales Manager-Radiator Division, CARTRIDGE CORES BUILT IN WILMINGTON BY j W. B. KLANDER & CO. 12 South Second Street Telephone No, 393 Read Star Classified Ads July Investments We Recommend fof Investment the Following High-grade Stocks andBon<Js,viz: PREFERRED STOCKS / ' Price and Yield 7 " Interest Abotft Champion Fibre Company 7 Per Cent.. —. 104 6.73 P. C. Hunter Mfg. and Com. CoM 7 Per Cent ...... 100 7.00 P. C. Tide Water Power Co., 8 Per Cent. 100 8.00 P. C. Dunean Mills 7 Per Cent ...... 100 7.00 P. C. Williamson Mills 8 Per Cent..... 100 8.00 P. C. Henrietta Mills 7 Per Cent......... 100 7.00 P. C. £ BONDS Sonoco^Products Company 7s.. 100 7.00 P. C. Utilities Power and Light 7s.... 100 7.00 P. C. Carolina Power and Light 6s ,..V- 97% 6.15 P. C.. Carolina Clinchfield and Ohio 6s.. Market J.25 P. C. Austrian (government 7s.*. Market ... North Carolina Joint Stock Land Bank 5s .... 103 4.60-5 P.C. • -Atlantic Joint Stock Land Bank 5s. 102% 4.65-5 P.C. Rosemary Mfg. Co., 7% Per Cent Debentures 103 7.15 P. C. ^ Georgia Power, Light and Railways 7s :. 100 7.00 P. C. Greensboro, N. C. 5s, Various Maturities. 4.75 P. C. ' All of the above Stocks and Bonds are offered subject to prior sale and change in price C P. Bolles & Dealers In High-grade Stocks and Bonds 606 Murchison Bank Building Telephone No. 26 f',:,. S /' - 7 - Wilmington, N. C. .. - .. ; • 'j r # "l

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