I “TOUR FRIEND AND MINE” One of the most entertaining photo plays presented fit the Royal theatre this season Is 'Tour FrYlend and Mine,” a screen version of the stage hit by Willard Mack, with the autho* In the role he played on the stage. It has all the elements that go to make a film of genuine satisfaction. Story, noting, settings and direction are all of the highest order, leaving nothing to be desired, and opens Monday for two days run. "Your friend and Mine" tells of the plans of a celebrated author to show up the evil Intentions of a bogus artist. The latter is in love with the wife of the author's friend, and the husband is ignorant of the artist’s true feeling toward his wife. The au thor reads to the wife, in the presence of the artist, the manusoript of a play Which he has written. It is concerned with a situation In which all are In volved; and its dramatic climax is so Impressive as to defeat the schemes of the artist. ! Willard Mack is his usual self in the author’s role. Enid pennefct does well as the neglected wife, and Hunt- : ly ordon is admirable as her husband j The artist is carefully played by T. | Herbert Frank. Others of importance are Rosemary Thetby, Otto Lederer. and Aileen Ray. . BULL MONTANA AGAIPf MONDAY ; Possibly the greatest yet in the se- . ries of big two reel comedy features1 being made starring , Bull Montana, j the ex-flghter, is the one scheduled to | head Monday’s big five reel bill at the : Bijou, entitled “The Two Twins,” a roaring burlesque on “The Three Or- : phans" story, which is familiar to r everyone the world over. Montana does | some more of his laughable comedy, work, supported by an all-star cast. ! Leo Maloney is on the bill in another one of his virile dramas of the out- j doors, “Lost, Strayed or Stolen,’’, two j reels of action drama. Movie Chats is i also on Monday's big bill. i A Scene From “YOUR FRIEND AND MINE" OPENING MONDAY AT THE ROYAL TELLS RADICALS HE | HAS PRECEDENT FOR j NOT QUITTING POST Albert Sarraut, Minister French Colonies Cities In cident in 1905 of PARIS, June 30.—Albert Surrat. min ister for the colonies, and one of the French delegates to the Washington arms conference, who recently refused to resign from the cabinet at the be hest of the radical party, .tells his radical friends he has a good prece dent for his action in the following story, for which he vouches. When the radical cabinet presided over by Emile Combes was over thrown in 1905, the radical party de cided it would not accept as a suc cessor Maurice Rouvier, minister of finance, who was asked by President Emile Loubet to form a new ministry It sent a delegation composed of Bien venu Martin. Fernand Dubief and-M. Trouiliot, minister of commerce, to tell M. Rouvier that the radical party would have nothing to do with him and that he had better in the interest harmony, decline the tasK. The executive committee of the par.y remained in session to^ hear' the rep of the delegation s visit to Rouvier, but after waiting until late at night, went home without word from the em issaries. The next morning, however they got news—news that each of the delegates had accepted a Portfolio in the cabinet to be formed by M. Rou vier. A _ Waterloo A horse named Waterloo, owned by a man named Hoofmann, caused a demonstration at the Longchamps on Grand Prix today. The French public patrSnizing the tracks, which has a way of promptly showing its disap proval, took It as an ill omen that a horse named after one Of the most hu miliating French defeats should run on the greatest racing day of the year in the presence of the president of ten republic, and the members of the cab lngom8 hooted when the horse's num ber was raised in the paddock, and one spectator warningly suggested to Hoff mann that he might have his name changed to Austerlitz; it will only cost you ten napoleons.” Te owner thereupon promised to remit the fee of 200 francs to the jockey club and have the name of the horse changed. Races Draw Crowds The French racing crowds lately have shown considerable emotion at questionable decisions In dose finishes and in order to prevent a repetition of the regrettable Incidents of Long champs about a dozen years ago, when the Mutual betting booths were burned, the stewards have decided to experi ment with a camera to verify the Judges' decisions in nose finish. Photographs have enabled the judges to pick the winner with absolute cer tainty in "several cases in which horses lent for trials ran what appeared to be head heats. In every finish in which the order of the horses is net obvious the judges will hoist the word "photograph” instead of. the horses' numbers; time will be taken- to de velop the photographs and the order of the finish will be posted when the Jockeys have weighed out. Broadcasting parliamentary debates Is the latest use for wireless, proposed in France. Hundreds of thousands of voters who never have a ohance to at tend a session of the chamber of depu Bijou Here Monday! BULL MONTANA In Another Two-Reel Comedy Riot “THE TWO TWINS” A Burlesque on “The Three Orphan*” “LOST, STRAYED OR STOLEN” Another Leo Maloney Western UtOVIH CHATS ties. It is pointed out, would thus be enabled to get a first hand impression of how their representatives act in parliament: hew they slam the desk covers to drown out the voices of po litical opponents, how they exchange j "amenities" across the floor of the! chamber, how they often invite one an- j other into the lobbies to fight it out \ when the debate arouses angry pas- j sions, and finally how *.« mafiy presi- ! dents of the chamber wear themselves ! out in the nerve racking job of try ing to keep order. Deputies and senators consulted re-, garding the plan say the Journal Of ficial suffioes to inform the people of ■what goes on in parliament. Accountancy is now an open profes sion to women in England. Stenting Tomorrow at 9 O'clock Dresseii-i Suits - Coats - Skirts - Sweaters - Waists - Etc. INCLUDED IN THIS GREAT CLEARANCE ARE UNUSUALLY SMART FROCKS AT SPECIAL PRICINGS—SURPRISINGLY LOW EVERYTHING in stock new—styles just from New York, and splendid values. The prices have been reduced to the lowest level. The models are new and attractively smart. The materials are high-grade and the se lection varied. Distinctive values at very low prices. -:- -: A REAL CLEARANCE VALUES YOU CAN’T AFFORD TO MISS!! NO RETURNS —NO EXCHANGES AKEL’S Deepest wells In the south of Eng land are still suffering from tlw flrought of 1921. Sale or giving away of clgaret pa pers is a criminal offense in Kansas. TOOLS ! The expert workman appre ciates good tools, because he knows their value. We carry tools for every trade, in a va riety of styles and prices. J. W. BLAKE HARDWARE AND ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 232—Telephone , Telephone—232 129 PRINCESS STREET (Successor to Blake-Brown Hardware Company) The Dance of the Fire of Lore— a performance that made eren Green wich Village gasp. YOUR FRIENE AND MINE Willard Mack’s Sensational Play Photodramatiged NOKDAY AND TUESDAY At 11, 1, 2>45, 4>80, 6:15, 8, 0i40 Matinees...20c Nights ..._........ 30c Children ....10c Royal -V.W., . THEATRE JULY 4th 12:00 O’CLOCK NOON—SOUTH’S PREMIER INC EVENT ill si m m II :4 1 I H HEAVY-WEIGHTS BOB (Jr.) FITZSIMMONS (SON OF WORLD’S GREATEST CHAMPION) —: VS :— “WILD BILL” McFADDEN OF BOSTON (He Gave Bill Brennan and Bo b Martin Hard Fights) Sea ll i : : HIGH CLASS PRELIMINARY FIGHTS : : : AT LEAST TWENTY-FIVE ROUNDS OF REAL SCRAPPING mission $2.00 and $3.00 -- Ringside $5.00 i at Starkey & Kerr’s Billiard Parlors. Phone 395. Write or Wire for Out-of Town Reservations Immediately JJ Coming to the Royal Fourth of July Read-the Star Classified Ads for Best Results