BASKBAIX HISTORY By Bertom Braley' fye 5een Babe Ruth when he lined ’em out„ manv a circuit clout, fve £en Tris Speaker and Ty Cobb. ^.forming wonders that thrilled me ■ ‘11 Greatest kick that I,ever got ’’..'•re 'from a game on the home-town ot, „-e hung on our rivals the Indian . , wore of fifty to forty-nine. till six of a summer's day J^T:- Td on in a bitter fay. : . rrnrk of hits was a fusillade t,:'\'_r piaypd. and played, and played, ,nd played, , , , c ,r the times when we had to Excel'1 *. "crowd Quit fighting around the F... .[reporting ethics were none too ive won by fifty to forty-nine! : ,1 till my arm was wrenched -Vi sore, .* lust seventy hits—no more, " nther twirier, as I reoall, ■- ,1 for a hundred and ten in all Get this into your nut— ,l1 was errors and nothing but. :”r -.' me thrill of my life was mine won bv fifty to fory-nine! ■ vright 1923, NBA Service, Inc.) ThP philathea class of the First Bap T ehurch will bold their regular 9 ti,iv business and social meeting ’On, ,'-''roof garden Thursday evening. ", members are urgently requested to end. nnd Mrs. Howell and Mr. and M 1 " Brown have returned to their '' Seima. after spending the w tlT Mr. Brhwn’s aunt, Mrs. obert .Tones, on Surry street. Rn Burke and wife of \Yinston fem are spending some time here the ‘V of Mr. Burke's mother, MrB. T Bure on South and Sth street. J I arimsley. of Fairmont, is ending a few days here on business. Kthel -Miller of Rowland is j;nu some time here the-guest of .ids and relatives at the aJmes ihii Memorial hospital. willa Sue Ashley of aFlrmont spending some time in the city as eu,--st of friends. M,. nnd Mrs. J. c. Pretlow and fvniiv motored to bake Waocamaw on vVe’erdav for a day's outing. Mrs. T'p'ilnw declares that there was pres ent an enormous crowd of visitors at the lake on the fourth. The Women's * club *of Winder Park ...c] hold their regular July meeting at',he home of Mrs. L. C. Smith Friday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. All mem hers ate urged to be \mune those who are stopping at the Tatis cottage on tVrightsville Peach are: Edward E. Seay, of Tur key, N O. C. Carpenter. Lincolnton; j Vi Mi. hum. iLncolnton; C. E. Shipp. Tuviey X. C.; Miss Epsv Scott and G, I.. Monk, of '.Vilmington; J. Edward Howl.ini. Sea Bright. X. J.; Mr. and Jlrs. ,J. II. Anderson, Dudley; S. TV. Gresham. H. K. Hollingsworth. of Br.vulai,viili : Chaster A. raMr.nitoF n-a-iiai.' •: Coaster A. Martin, Fort Wird:. Texas. Mr. and Mis* J. 1*. Haaron and cMIdr* n of Sumter. S. C„ are stopping at tin af'ris cottage on the beach. Mis o s Isia and C ara Titman. of L tee;:, arc guests at the aPris cottage. fintesvilie Marriinu1 State Event GATEr-VILE. duly 4.—A social event of stay, vide interest was the marriage of Miss Mao Ed la Smith, daughter of the lr,r. L. L. Smith and Mrs. Edla Sriith of (tatopviilc. to Charles Marion Karicy. a son nf J, Earley, of Hert ford. x. i’.. which took place at 9 o'clock on the morning of June 30 in •hr Methodist church at Gatesville. Tl'o ehurch was beautifullvy decor tin! vhih nin s. smilaot, magnolia and ft rr,- inters),ersed with lighted catidlcs carrying out the color scheme of green 'ltd V. Stlo, Mrs, IT M. Riddick, Jr., of Hertford, Flayed soft selections on the piano while the m.tny friends gathered in the church, .hist before the bridal party enter. 1 a bridal chorus composed of M' sda’iu s ,1. A. Brown, E. R. Clegg, .1 W Brown. K K. Rawles. G, D. Wil 1 i f. Misses Edna Riddick. Helen M'oiflny, oiia Turner. Ethel Parker and : ire Riddick, accompanied by Miss Laura Lee Eason on the piano, Sana the bridal chorus from the Rose Mniden. The party entered by opposite aisles, the ushers. Mr. F. C. Earley, brother of the groom, and Mr. V. D. Strickland, of Ahnskie: Mr, E. L. R’ddick. of Gates viile. and Mr. R. R. Taylor, of Eliza beth City. Then came little Misses Edla Taylor and Mcrn“ Plyler, each dressed in white net over white satin and carrying sil ver baskets filled with flowers. 1 ? ,STYLISH HAIR I?nr dressing the hair In ' the new style there's nothing to equal Nelson’s Which makes stubborn hair softand very easy tomanage Kelson’s gives the 6nap and sparkle to bobbed hair for misses and the glossy, soft, stay-combed effect for young men. Besides Nel son's is fine for the scalp and hair. Sold by all drug stores, J'WiSifcMfg. Go«f Richmond* V* Next canne the maid of honor, Miss Borene Earley, sister of the Rroom, in coral georgette crepe, carrying oream roses' and the dame of honor, Mrs. R. R. Taylor,, sister of the bride, in blue georgette crepe, with Russell roses. The groom entered with the best man. Mr. John H. Hall, Jr„ of Elizabeth City, and at the same time the bride came up the opposite aisle, accom panied by her sister, Mrs. M. T. Plyler, of Durham, who gave her away. The bride's dress v-as a white georgette crepe, and her flowers were white roses and lillies of the valley, and she wore a necklace of pearls, the gift of the groom. The vows were read by Rev. M. T. Plyler. brother-in-law of the bride, as sisted by Rev. E. R. Clegg, pastor of the church. The wedding march was played by Mrs. R. M. Riddick, of Hertford. The bride was educated at G. C. W. and Goucher college at Baltimore. She is prominent in ohurch work, having served the N. C. Missionary Conference a« vice-president, recording secretary, and for the past three years, as presi dent. The groom, formerly of Hert ford county, is cashier of the Planters Savings bank of Gatesville, and is a young man of fine character and busi ness ability. Mr. and MrB. Earley left, on the noon train for a trip to Niagara and Toron to. Canada. They will live in Gatesville. HOLIDAY ACQUATIC EVENTS AT RESORT HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL Keen Competition Manifested in Water Sports at Wrights vilJe on Yesterday Never In the history of Wrightsville Beach has so keen Interest and com petition been manifested in competitive wateij sports as was shown in the Fourth of July aquatic meet held at Lumina, Wrightsville Beach, yester day morning, beginning at 11:80 o’clock. All events were staged under the supervision of the Young Men's Chris- ' tlan association. J. B. Huntington, j general secretary of the Y. M. C. A., 1 was chief marshal, and the following others acted as officers: Referee, W. H. Montgomery, secretary of the Boys’ Brigade: clerk, J. C. Sharp, of the Y. ■ M. C. A.; judges. J. B. Huntington and , C.- C. Nixon, of the Y. M. C. A., and Louis Hanson, of the Rotary club. All events were held in the sound to the rear of Lumlta. I The various events and the winners ! follow: j Fifty-yard swim for boys under 110 pounds: First place, Albert Arnold; second place, Adolph Solomon; third place, Lawrence Brown. Sventy-flve-yard swim for entries over 110 pounds: First place, W. K. Mllhan; second place, Henry Duls; third place, George Tiencken. Fifty-yard swim for girls: First place, Miss Vail Gray; second place, Dorothy Pickard. Dive for form, open to all: First place, George Tiencken, 90 points; sec ond place, W. R. Milhan, 85 points; third place, William Weaver, 65 points. Long distance swim, across the chan nel: First place, W. R. Milhan; second place, Roger Adams; third place, Al bert Arnold. All other events were called off on account of lack of entries. BOUND WITH WIRE m GIVEN POISON James Roff, of Fairfield, Ala., Attacked After Threat ening Letters BIRMINGHAM, July 4.—A gang of | men last night abducted James Roff, , of Fairfield, bound liim with wire I and forced him to drink a liquid which doctors said was poison of aome character. Prompt aotlon of hospital | attaches saved the man’s life. Roff told the police that he believed the attempt on his life was a climax to threatening letters he had been re ceiving for a month. An emblatic ring was torn from thq man’s hand after he had been stripped to the waist and otherwise maltreated. Many people sneeze if strong sun light strikes their faces. At 21, a London girl Is believed to be the, youngest chemist owning and managing a business in England. FORT BRAGG HAS BIG CELEBRATION ______ j Thousands Witness Ball and I Polo Games.. Athletics and j Parachute Drops i (Special to the Star.) FAYETTEVILLE. July 4—Thousands ! of persons from Fayetteville, Cumber- j land county and all the section sur rounding, thronged Fort Bragg today | to take in the celebration with which j the military folks observed the national i Independence day. Innumerable auto mobiles brought the people from far and wide and the Cape Fear Railways, with added equipment, hauled them to the post all day. An excellent program they wit nessed, too. Perhaps the chief event of the day was the annual Fourth of July baseball name between the Fifth and Seventeenth field artillery team*, when the bir crown saw the athletes of the Fifth triumph over their tra ditional rivals by a 5 to 2 score. The afternoon was also featured by a polo game between the Red and Blue teams, which was won by the Reds, 19 to 12. The Reds were given a handi cap of twelve goals and the Reds, ten. The morning hours were consumed by a track and field meet in whioh the beet athletes of the various organiza tions of the post competed. Another attraction which elicited the admira tion of the thousands of visitors was the parachute drops from a oaptive balloon by members of the balloon de tachment. At one time three of the airmen in rapid succession made the daring leap from the big sausage. A marathon race was run by soldier athletes from Fayetteville to the War Department theatre at the post, a diS tanoe of nine and a half' miles. The winner represented the seoond field artillery. A band concert was given by the fifth field artillery band at 3:20. GOITRE Completely Relieved for Wisconsin Lndy. Caus'd Chakinu and Smother ing.. Health Was Impaired. A Liniment Used. Mrs. Wm. P. Jones, Hartland. Wis.. says she is willing to write any one how she was, in a short time, relieved of her ten year goitre with Sorbol Quadruple a stainless liniment. Get free information f:om Surbol Company, Meohanicsburg, Ohio. 3old by all drug stores Locally at Har den's Pharmacy. ADV. BRO WN’S Prices Reduced 20% on All Summer Dresses Thursday, Friday and Saturday all Summer Dresses will go on sale. The materials are: Silks, Linens, Ratine, Gingham, Crepe, Voile, Organdie and Swiss. New Spring and Summer Sweaters are also included in this salec All the newest styles andcolors. Prices reduced 25 Per Cent. One group of Dresses and Spring Suits will be sold at HALF PRICE A. D. Brown Company The returns ffom the Dempsey-Gib bons fight were announced at the War Department theatre, beginning- at 7 o’clock. A boxing show at the theatre I concluded the day’s program. 1 POSSE HUNTS NEGRO MACON, Ga., July 4.—Posses are hunting a negro who late today at tacked one of the most prominent white women of Wellston, Houston county. The woman, a widow, was found un | conscious tonight in her home, by her son. She had returned home by train and was attacked by the negro who was hiding on the inside of the house. Sheriff T. S. Chapman and a num ber of deputies from Houston county are in pursuit. Track dogs have been obtained from Crawford county. ; The woman is still unconscious. 105.76 Miles an Hour , Gives Heme Victory KANSAS CITY, Mo.. July 4.— (Asso ciated Press.)— Kddie Hearne, Los An geles, averaging 105.76 miles an hour, raoed to victory in a 250 mile national ohamplonship automobile raoe here to day and wept into second place In the national rating of race drivers, i Hearne’s time was 2:21:21.15. | Earl Cooper with a time of 2:27:33.55. j was second, eight laps behinds Hearne. I Only five of the 12 cars which started finished the race. Only one accident marked the race. Near the end of the 105th lap. a rear tire on the car driven by Harry Hartz blew out. The car turned around several times, but Hartz was unscratched. ' To Ward Off Summer Complexion Ills! To keep the face smooth, white and i beautiful all summer, there’s nothing i quite so £ood as ordinary mercolized wax. Dfscolored or freckled skin, so common at this season, is gently, grad ually absorbed by the wax and replaced by the newer, fresher skin beneath. The face exh’bits no trace of the wax which is applied at bedtime and.washed off mornings. Greasy creams, powders and rouges, on the other hand, are apt i to appear more conspicuous than usual \ these clays of excessive perspiration. Just get an ounce of mercolized>wax at any drug store and use it like cold oream. This will help any skin at once and in a week or so the complexion wHl look remarkably clear, young and healthy.—adv. We guarantee KING’S NuTREATMENT the new. scientific prescription which brings IMMEDIATE PERMANENT RELIEF to those tortured by Suffer no more from Gas pres sure around the heart'—Nervous ness—Dizziness—Intestinal Indi gestion—Toxic Condition—Heart ourn—irritated stomach or Colon Sour stomach—Excess aoids. and other ills oommonly oaused bv Indigestion. Buy a 12-ounce proscription to day. Take it under ths terms of our guarantee. KING'S NuTREATMENT posi tively restores NATURE'S AO TIVITIES to your entire digest ive tract. If you are not satisfied after tak ing six ounces (one half pro>Qf|y tion) return balance and |rtHr money will be cheerfully r6 funded. _ A __ . Get a bottle today—Eat wnat you like tomorrow. J- HICKS BUNTING DRUG COMPANY Exclusive Locnl Agent* Fatehs' Fire Sale Today at 8:30 Palm Olive Soap 5c Jergen’s 10c Tablets 5c Life Buoy So Palm Olive lt)c Tablets Talc Powder 25c Can Palm Olive Talc 5c 25c Can William's Talc r* JC 11b, Can Plain Tdc THE GREATEST STORY OF THE SEA EVER WRITTEN “Masters of Men” Every one who has read this great story by Morgan Robertson will want to see the powerful film version made by Vitagraph with Cullelri .Landis, Pearie Williams, Wanda Hawley, Alice Calhouit On the Big Screen, Over the Waves, Tonight at LUMINA DANCING, TO s.r„-sz A DIP IN THE SURF PUTS NEW LIFE IN YOUR BODY. TRY A PLUNGE TODAY Tide Water Power Co. P1ISIWGKR SGHBDUIiE Leav« front and PrimccM • 4:15 A. M. 6:46 A. M. • 7:15 A. M. 7:46 A. M. and »«rr H bout thareaitar until 10:46 F. M. •11:16 P. M. 11:1# A. M. Leave Beach > A. n 6:00 6:20 7:00 'if. 7:20 2:00 8:80 A. A. M. A. M. A. M. and every ^ hoar thereafter until 11:20 P. iL CM 2:00 Mdnffht exeunt Munflay. FREIGHT SCHEDULE Lmh Wath aad Orange •tracts week Days (Only) • 5:15 JL M. * 0:45 A. M. * 5)15 T. M. Rmdays (Only) 6:15 A. M. 3.1:1# A. M. Tnuupertattoa Offloa Fin* 371*1

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