fHiNITY COLLEOI eugiqus class HAS GREAT GROWTH Hundred and Fifty Students Will Be Enrolled For 1923-24 For Christian Training IIFE service band - 1 GROWS 100 PER CENT i special to The Star.) July ^With a prospec rlr‘ ’"Trent of 600 students In the ive c-nio-11*' .. ,_ __„* mat f oi religious education at for the year 1923-24, in Carolina’s college srp that North “"T"’-'denominational 'college will ^‘"^^perlence a successful year's ''r:i:n „ the training of young men and ,nl Christian citizenship and definite lines of life-service work i'.-OI'A ROtT.en Em”’ , r has witnessed a steady ’:1 ■ Vne religious education and p-fr,meats of the Methodist in-. r;;h.e o'.. ■ inJ, ^6 college year 5liiut.e,i . t ore wa3 an enrollment of i«s; ’;?tontV‘ taking up the study of M ^p\c or other specific religious :r“ 7- tif- strong student organi Am° " , Trinity college are the voh'nteer band, the Ministerial St iat'on and the Life Service group. aFS0C rr-—anizations are men of the ln TTTdiniT students on the campus, rut- E in in athletics, debating, and p:-!'la'siiip The Student Volunteer 7;1' (n iVi!' began its active career 1,i!,h iv i-ovt-n members, and in the T'l-1n, ‘vE,ar c,f 1922-23 there were 2.4 r;n 0.‘ nici and women who had volun >'0UP" ,,,,votc rheir lives to Christian "''Tins a'growth of .325 per oent. af’ at Trinity college there were V()iulg' men studying to become rpi'l.Stfr. s This number was mcr-oased iqoo‘.V3 to an even 70, an increase !! j'no'Vr cent. The Life Service band ‘ b„r=hiP now stands at 93. The Bible and Religious Educational 'apartments of Trinity college have '7 a u-orld-wide Influence. Graduates T, f0.mer Students of the institution T tc0k up courses in these depart 1 have been recognized as leadars T’carrying out the program of the Tiristian church. LI! i fat! TO DISCUSS EAST THEMES Favorably Disposed to Evacua tion of Troops From Turk ish Territory LAl'SAXNE. July 4.—(By Associated Press.)—Replying to Ismet Pasha’s protest, the allies have accepted the challenge to discuss at one sitting: of the near, east conference all the outstanding Questions as soon as final instructions are reecived from their! respective governments. They ^ also deprecated- Ismet's action in communi cating his protest to the press before sending it to the allies and maintained that they had ever sought to solve the j financial problems with due consider-1 ation for Turkey’s financial condition, but contrary to Ismet's allegati-op, they had never promised any special facility; they had always Insisted It was Im possible to settle the Ottoman debt problem by imposing conditions on the bond holders different from those of the loan contracts. With regard to the evacuation of foreign troops from Turkish territory the allies reiterate that they are favorably disposed, but always subject to a solution of the problems of con cession? and the Ottoman debt. TO DECREASE CAPITAL RALEIGH, July 4.—Secretary of State W. N. Everett has granted per mission to the Neverson Granite Quar.v, Inc., of Neverson, NT. C., to de crease its capital stock from $200,000 to $10,000. PST' I "THE CHRISTIAN” Truly , one of the notable screen achievements of the year Is Goldwyn’s pcturization of sir Hall Caine’s most successful novel, “The Christian," di rected by Maurice Tourneur, which is e attraction at,the Royal theatre to a5. The author collaborated with jo dwyn in making- this screen version his novel—he aided In preparing the ntimuty, helped Director Tourneur in Peking locations, and revised and re ,rote li'If-s- Therefore it is fair *hat the film meets his ap rf th 11 certainly meets the approval tj. |,,f Blcturegoing public, for it is a a w em°tional drama, built about sun \ 1thf'me- most ably directed and s“Perbly acted. Mr. Tourneur has the sepecial ability , o 'Photographing- a storjr that it saerf«reat rl,’tf)rial beauty wtihout any “Th. rn. °f ,1rama or human ■ appeal. , s!i,n-n” is his most ambitious ed S° far aniJ that he has succeed breatv,? amply Proved last night by the foMino”* attention with which the un received°f ,bP story on the 8Cr*en .was plJvenCaSt ls comP°sed of notable film S6]. . s. eacfl °f whom was skillfully trusted *r his fitness for the role en 8torm ~im’ Richard Dlx, as John to I'v’ Christian Socialist who tries op eart1a\he t)l?iieved Christ would, if one of o’ "aB t’een for a ysar and more ln- f ar" ninst delightful and interest Present P Vr”'r-S screen actors, but the shmda f'-Ttrayal puts him head and men lnT abov« most of the leading of dee0 proves him an actor of insight, var!etvPe^ing res°uroes and of great van-,.1’, af’ Bu*ch also materially ad Ekilfnii vf; ';'arirlInS as a player by her Giorv r, n,31mg of the difficult role of Work a l5'6, Others who do excellent MahiJ^11* Haver- Gareth pughes, Cyru onRfmi'ton, Claude GUlingwater, Joseph Dowling, Harry If vn B and Beryl Mercer. , i films nf !'ould 869 the biggest and best Chrlstia year- do not miss "The ? lan It’s at the top of the list. - AT the bijou , Bijou toda S' Hart appears at the’ star cast3)’ at the head of a stellar all — ui a. oiciiai ai ‘The Shotten’ Gambler" fi'e rccia onoiten- uamui of the ncJ, Vth mor8 thrlllB than an 88 reis<manI>^.0tu^eB• These Hart clasgii lest actin'1 by, Enterprise are the bif ,vtry»he.°n plotur« °f the year,, as belnK «h’c9 els® in the , Carolinas ai housn- RWn Jh the highest . pri( 111 at in "l ttt tf,e Bijou ypu get the; c^nta a throw ; Trinity College Life Service Band AMERICAN FINALISTS* WIMBLEDON, July 4.-—(By Associ ated Press.)—William M. Johnston and Francis T. Hunter, hoth Americans will be finalists in the men's singles of the Wimbledon lawn tennis championships. Each won his semi-final match today, Johnston defeated by I. C. Norton of South Africa 6-4, 6-2, and Hunter besting F. Gordon Lowe of England, 6-3, 7-6, 6-4. SIX UNDER TRIAD KENANSVILLE, July 4.—Six negroes are to be tried on murder charges at i Bij ou hook Who’s Here Again! WILLIAM S. HART In. a nother one of his {great thrillers „ “The Shootin’ Gambler” Five Reels of Thrills Shown at thflcrty cents admission throughout other towns in the Carolina* the criminal term of Duplin county su perior courts which opens here on July 9. Judge Grady will preeiAa* Child-birth Here is a wonderful message to all , expectant mothers 1 When the Little One arrives, you can have that moment more free from ■uiiermif man you aave g perhaps imagined. An I eminent physician, expert g In this science, haa shown I the way. It was he who first produced the great remedy, 4*Mother*s Friend.” Mrs. C. J. Hartman, Scran ton, Pa., says: "With my first two chil dren I had a doctor and a nurse and then they had to use instruments, but with tny last two children I used Mother’s Friend and had pmy a nurso; we had no time to get a doctor because I wasn't very sick-only about ten or fifteen minutes." Use “Mother’s Friend” as our toothers and grandmothers did. Don't wait, start today, and meanwhile write to Bradfield Regu lator Co., BA 48, Atlanta, Ga., for a free illus trated book containing information every ex pectant mother should have. "Mother's Friend*’ b sold by all drug etore*=overywhere. v a IRENE CASTLE I SEEKS DIVORCE Dancer Would Relinquish Cap tain Treman Married After Death of Vernon in France PARIS, July 4.—Irene Castle, the American dancer, has commenced di vorce proceedings here against C«!>t?*n Robhrt E. Treman of Ithaca, N. T.,'. whom she married in May 1319, three months after the death of her husband, Vernon Castle. MANAGER OP ELIZABETH CITY ELIZABETH CITY, July 4,—John Bray, former commissioner of public works of the city of Raleigh has en tered upon his duties as city manager of Elizabeth City, a position_to which he was elected some time ago. oiia yads in faur Color*. 7hU ■« WHITE, I Ton** do** dark coin-® al*joon* inrt*ntiy *r> I *M**ll*«t *•<**»"*•' I g^jn l>qul< l LIQUID Face and Toilet POWDER Brines instant, nat ural beauty to face, neck, arms, hands. Simply wonderful! Removes eruptions, freckles, sunburn, tan. Entrancing, last ing fragrance. Try it. Sold by all dealers, or direct from us, 75c. postpaid. / Four Colors: Brunette White Fleeh-Pink Rose-Red TRIAL OFFER Bend as 3a. in stomps for e trial Bottle of this marvelous beautifying balm. 2 bottles for jc. Be sure to state color or colors wanted. LYON MFG. CO. 42 So, Fifth Street Brooklyn, 1L T. iiinniiiiinnimnmimf Last Chance—-Year’s Greatest Picture ! AT T^E ROYAL TODAY! The North Carolina .A - College for Women An A-l Grade College Maintained By North Carolina for the Education of the Women of the State THE INSTITUTION INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING DIVISIONS: lst_The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, which is composed of: (a) The Faculty of Languages. (b) The Faculty of Mathematics and Science. (c) The Faculty of the Social Sciences. 2nd—The School of Education. 3rd—The School of Home Economics, ' 4th—The School of Music. ^ A /The equipment is modern in every respect, including1 furnished dormitories, library, laboratories, literary society halls gymnasium, athletic grounds, Teacher Training School, music rooms, etc. ...V;. The first semester begins in September, the second semester in February, and the summer term in June. FOR CATALOGUE AND OTHER INFORMATION, ADDRESS " *• , X T. FOUST, President, Greensboro, N. C. y ■<. ] jfbr* NEURALGIA & HEADACHE MX Coll for thi* '?Lt remedy by name — take no enbetltnte. Relief guaranteed. AT TOUR pnuaGiaTa CSee our Invisible Bifocals, n-sar and far vision in ons pair of glasses. They keep your eyes young in looks as wsll as in usefulness. We can save you money. Try us. DR.VINEBERG EYE SPECIALIST Maieile Temple V Keep the air'round the Home Why not make homo ; the coolest place iii town with live, fresh air from a G-E Fan? ' You can run a G-3 van au day long tor the trifling cost of a fair cigar or a soda. Get a G-E Fait A GENERAL ELECTRIC PRODUCT -use no more current than a single lamp 32B-121 SOLD BY DEALERS EVERYWHERE Distributors ELECTRIC SUPPLY & EQUIPMENT CO. Charlotte. N. C. J. B. McCABE & CO. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS WILMINGTON, NORTH PoBlofflce Box 1243 CAROLINA 607 March i ».<«•« To preserve the finish of your car and keep it new-looking and miriPr-bright — Wash it. with Mobo Auto Soap. mtjtmA MncMILLAN; & CAMERON, Inc. 115 N.( Third Street JOHNSON MOTORS CO. 5_7 N. Third Street J. B*. WALTERS 113 N. Second Street PIONEER SERVICE STATION 312 N. Front Street AUTOMOBILE SUPPLY CO. v(Jobbers) 116 N. Second Street MacMILLAJV GARAGE CO. 108-110 N. Second Street MOBO AUTO SOAP and SHOEO HAND CEEAN SEiR are manufactured by John T. Stanley Co., N. Y. Established 1865. LESCALE’S STUDIO OF MUSIC AND LANGUAGES 300*302*304 GARRELL BUILDING :j :: OPEN ALL DAY :: :: Specif Attention ta Fundamental Trains of Children, Advanced Conrse&»for Teachers. :: :: BATES .REASONABLE :: :: Ship Chandlers and Provisioners Marine Supplies of all Kinds Slelliic New Stock in New' Place at Wow Bates Equipment t»w Steamers, Motor Boats, Sailboats, Rowfcoats, and Canoes Engine*. Shafting. Propellers, Wliesl*, Anchor*, ■* Shackles, Stars, Batts and Blocks Canvas, Duck, pars. Paddles, UsMo, Signals, Pings, Mfe Preservers ! Paints Oil lest SkcUao and Varnish Thos-F* Wood, Inc. , v Southwest Corner Nutt.and Walnut Streets

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