An unusual and strikingly new effect in a separate coat is pic tured in this model of navy blue rep, dependent upon plaits held securely in place at intervals by rows of stitching and finished with a shawl collar of catamel hare. 'J'ODAY I have chosen to show yon some late autumn modes in three piece suits and separate coats as con ceived by French designers. These impress me as very, practical and acceptable models desipte the several rather unusual features that are to be found in each of them. I am of the opinion that many of these features will bear repeating in less expensive ready to-wear3, and that the woman who has her clothes made to order will have some of them incorporated in the garments she is now planning. Let us discuss the three-piece suit of black satin-back crepe. Here we have a simply draped wrap-around skirt of the crepe, designed to form7 a sort of apron front, hung from a blouse of black net mounted on a foundation of red erepe. This blouse is decidedly new and not a little striking though in excellent taste. Note, please, the tendency* to lessen the elongated waistline, and the semi Grecian draping and trimming, this latter being rows of black beads arranged on a red foundation band. A rather elab orate, deeply fringed beaded ornament of the buckle order is placed at the side to hold the design together, as it would seem, • - The jacket, or, more accurately, "coat,” because of its extreme length, of this three-piece suit in cut gives expression to the Chinese influence in following the, so-called coolie lines, and is further worthy of credit .because 'of the black caracul with which it is trimmed, and the neck throw tha^may be worn at the back, the front or at either side as best suits the wearer. ' - * By reversing the satin-hack crepe of .which another three-piece suit is also made, a pleasing trimming effect is pro duced. Here again we have a simply ' Depicted here is a three-piece suit, the jacket of which is on straight lines in finger-tip length and banded in brown astrakhan. The satin-back crepe is reversed to give a trimming effect, and the blouse is of georgette trim med by the same method draped skirt of the wrap-around order, hung from a modified long-waisted blouse similarly trimmed with the satin side of the crepe put on in bands, but made of matching georgette rather than of the suit material. A new neckline and a new treatment in loose full-length ' sleeves are also to be noted. . This jacket is cut on straight, unfitted lines, without a flare, so that it hangs -from the^ shoulder to finger-tip length loosely, but fits the hips rather loosely. The neck is finished with a wide band of brown astrakhan, likewise the sleeves and the lower skirt edge of the coat, this ^fur trimming adding to the rich brown ' color of the fabric and" bringing out pleasingly the under tint of coral geor gette, which is the foundation over which the blouse of brown georgette is mounted.. The skirt length of both three piece costumes is conservative, neither long -nor short, but just right for the woman who prefers to express good taste i» her selection ot attire rather *i