NEAR EAST RELIEF v-'.' FORCES OF STATE Col. Bellamy, Director, Issues Interesting Statement , Lauding Big Men (Special to The Star) CHARLOTTE. Oct., 14.—Angus M. McLean of Lumberton former assistan secretary of the treasury, is the latest addition to the state executive com mittee of the Near East Relief, it was announced today by Col. Georgei R. Bellamy, state chairman of this great humanitarian organization • ' This committee is composed of tne leading men and women of the state who believe in the merits of this great Christian enterprise of saving from starvation an entire nation over 3,000 miles away. It is headed by Josephus Daniels as honorary state chairman. Governor Morrison is a pleading mem ber of it. > “When such big men as Angus Mc Lean and others who are, sponsoring this work in North Carolina fire inter ested, and when the public gives as they did to this great cause last year, there can be no doubt of its merit, Col. Bellamy stated in making this an nouncement. “There are many who wonder why we have to continue year after year pouring money into this trouble area. “When this country rejected Wood row Wilson’s proposals we made our selveS liable to just what has happen ed—not any more so than, the greedy nations of Europe, but because they will let sufferers for Christ and the Allied offensive against Germany starve to death is no reason why America do it. “We had planne dto reduce quotas starting July 1 last but the Lausanne treatv, as has been published in press reports, threw over 1,000,000 refugees on our hands. These unfortunates from the Armenian and Greek territory which the AWies handed over to Turkey in return for their - commercial good will are now on the shores of the Black Sea.” ’We are feeding them until they can ■ find other havens of refuge-and in so doing we have depleted our orphanage stocks of fod on faith that the Aemrt can people would replenish them as they did when we fed the Smyrna re fugees last year.” “As the orphans we are feeding be come old enough apd large enough to . support their selves, we place them . where they can earn their own living. Thus, each year quotas should grow less and would have this, year but for . the unfortunate treaty of Lausnne.” The state committee for North Caro-f liha is now composed of Josephus I)kniels, honorary state chairman; Col. George H. Bellamy, state chairman: John N. Scott of Charlotte, state treasurer; Morris A. Bealle, state di . rectors; Gov. Cameron Morrison; Dr. E. ; C. Brooks, Gen. Albert L. Cox, Robert X. Simms, Mrs. T. P. Jerman, Mrs. Thomas W. Bickett, Dr. Clearance Poe,. : Joseph G. Brown, J. F. McMahon, Josiah W. Bailey, William H. Willson, James Y. Joyner, Bishop Joseph B. Cheshire, Dr. Charles F. Maddry, Dr. Livingston Johnson, and Rev. W. W. Poole all of Raleigh; Angus W. Mc Lean of Lumberton, Senator Lee S. Overman of Salisbury,' Thomas Naslln of Winston-Salem, Dr. Albert Sidney Johnson of Charlotte, J. Norman Wills Of Greensbore, Henry Page of Aber deen, W. O. Saunders of Elizabeth City, Bishop Thomas G. Darst of Wilming ton, Bishop Julius H. Horner of Ashe ville, Dr. R. M. Andrews of Greensboro. Rev. P. H. Fleming of Burlington and Thos. E. Beaman of Goldsboro. HOPE IS ABANDONED OF FINDING MISSING MAN; SEARCH WANES Aged Bachelor Was Liwng With Niece; Searchers Find One of His Shoes FAYETTEVILLE, Oct. 14.—All hope for the finding of John S. Breece, 82 year-old retired farmer of Carver’s creek Jownjfhlp, who*disappeared from the home or his niece Wednesday morn ing, was practically abandoned yester day after a thorough search of the country surrounding the spot where he was last sepn." A searching party of 75 or 100 men, recruited from the neighborhood and from Fayetteville, sought soine trace of the unfortunate man for the larger part of the day yesterday, hut without result. So far the only trace found is an old shoe which Mr. Breece wore on a sore foot. The shoe was picked up under a trestle on the Norfolk Southern railroadj not long after his disappearance, but there is no evidence to indicate that met death on the tracks of the rail , road. A smaller body of searchers to day continued to look for his body along the Cape Fear river, where it is thought he might have fallen into one of the deep ravines along the river banks. / Mr. Breece, who was a bachelor, was a. man of considerable means. He was weli educated, a good farmer and ex pert horticulturist. He was-much es teemed in his community, though al the I>ord .Jesus Christ.” For as he had said to the soothsayer, to the devils that were within her, “Come out,” there were devils in Lyria to come out. There was the devil of respectability, and the ’devil of self-righteousness. But you do read that he dealt with her win somely, subtlely and powerfully, until Lydia's heart ^as opened and sh’e re ceived Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior. The three cases in the same chapter were all dealt with by Paul and Silas, and all dealt with differ ently. And we fail when we present a cheap gospel. We. blunder when we preach an easy going kind of salva tion; when we Btand up and asy, "Only believe.” The’Bible does not say it. The devil believes, but he is not a saint, and htf' believes far more than any of us do. He knows more about it. He has had more to do with Jesus Christ than any of bs. He believes, and trembles, and some of you have never trembled yet, for all your pro fessed faith. There is more to It than simply "to believe.” We stop 'where they went on. We take the text out of its" setting arid we say cheaply, “Be lieve on the Lord Jesus Christ.” The Bible says,-' ‘iThey taught the jailor the Word of the Lord.” What does that mean? Simply this: they taught him what believing would imply. They taught him the accompaniments of faith. The wirter to the Hebrews said in one place": “We are persuaded bet ter things of you and things which ac company salvation.” Salvation has its accompaniments. Saying fait hhas its [accompaniments. Add to your faith, -virtue. Add to your faith, knowledge. Add to your faith, love; and so on. Saving .faith does not stand alpne. "They taught him the word of the Lord.” Now, then, If you were to get up and say, "Paul, what must I do to be saved?*’ He would pause and say, “My brother; come closer to me. Let me feel yorir' moral pulse. Let me diagnose your case. What is the‘mat ter with you?" What is ytour sin? What is the dominant thing in your i life which comes between you and! God. I have discovered iri dealing with men < and women, that while there may be six or ten or a dozen things wrong in a man’s life, it is tone overmastering and predominant, enslaving thing be fore . which that, man’ fails down, a slave every time; and if that thing goes, the others will slink away like so- many whipped curs. Paul would new A Im nnvoa In vnu. Is.. it a woman? What Is It? Is it drink? What 1b it? He would drag it out by the hair of its head. He would be,too skillful to let you know-that. It .Is no use to talk about believing while that is covered up. Out with it, Lay that ddwn at the feet of Jesus, for If you are going to believe, that must) go. If you were to get over there in the- center and say, "Paul, I want to be a Christian,’! he would say, "Come, let us be faithful.’' Let us reason together and look this thing honestly in the. face and see what has separated you from Christ and taken Hie place in your love and life; what has blptted out the'sun from: your sky; what has wrecked your beautiful love, poisoning it with Weeds-and tearing theroses out of your! life. What is killing you by inches, spiritually .and-morally? What is the thing that oomee between you and -<\ BRUNSWICK WELCOMES SOUTH ATLANTIC PORT ASSOCIATION TO CITY • • - ■— - Delegates are Told That Wil . mington Will Be on Tourist Rbute The annual meeting: of the South Atlantic P.orts 'association,, was' held at Brunswick,-■ Nine Are Killed Automobile xny girts, aias: cannot buujub Unless thyseir be given; Thy presence makes my paradise - And where thou art in heaveh. Give me thyself; . From every boast, from every wish set free, * l Let. all X am in thee he lost, But give' thyself to me. That Is faiths That is obedience. May God bring us'there now. . -y,. . WILMINGTON EaHIBII AT CHARLOTTE WINS PRAISE FROM STATE V.- -- - It Pictures City and Its Indus tries and Makes State Port Argument •• * Vr V * • . . ' . . ♦; ■Wilmington’s exhibltxat the Made In-Carollnas exposition at Charlotte has received comment of a favorable nature from the press of the' entire state. It- was presided over by Louis T. Moore, Secretary of the local cham ber of commerce, : Hundreds of pictures lined the booth, showing the fine homes, schools, banks, churches, office buildings and many industrtah plants of Wilmington. The thing ~ that was really stressed most, however, was . the advantages that Wilmington offers as the logical point for the location of a state port. The fact that. there are now two ter minals here was brought to the at tention of visitors, and also that the Murchison National bank of Wilming ton,- with its extraordinary facilities would be amply able to take care of the financial affairs resulting from the port. Among the most interesting pictures in the booth were those showing the fine lettuce, and many trucking products which are raised in and around Wilmington by settlements of foreigners, Including the Swedes Italians; Hollanders and others whn cattle to Wilmington 10 to 14 years aeo through the Influence of Hugh Mac Rae and company and have made won' defful cHtzens. Lone Survivor Says Four Die in Wreck NEW ORLEANS, Oct 14—News 0. the sinking of the gasoline cruiser Via! get of'New Orleans and the Ueaih of four members of the crew of fiV„ nt! the norfch shore pf Breton Island in tho Gulf of Mexico on October 7, wa brought to the qjiafcantine station at the mouth of the Mississippi river today by the lone survivor, Rengard j0]laa Olsen Rydmingon, of Hanghunj;, _\„r. way. Federal Loan Board 4 Announces Offering WASHINGTON, Oct. 14.—Announce ment was made tonight by the federal farm loant board that federal land bank; tomorrow would make a combined of. fering of $47,000,000 in federal farni loan bonds. The securities, dated July 1, 1923, will bear Interest of 4 1-4 ])e, cent and will mature in thirty years. „ Chairman Cooper of the board es. ' jessed the belief that the amount re leased from sale of the bonds with funds on hand would be sufficient i„ meet the call upon the banks fur the remainder of the year. 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