r^dT° The Progress °i"l Served by Leased Wire of the WILMINGTON ASSOCIATED PBESS And Southeastern North With Complete Coverage of p Urolina State and National News —-_ WILMINGTON, N. C., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1940_ + + ESTABLISHED 1867 Plans To Ask Full Delivery Of 1940Quota Reich Plans To Send Dr. Karl Chdius, Ace Nego tiator, To Bucharest IS IMPORTANT MISSION Rumania Assures Allies She Will Prohibit Export Of Plane Gasoline BY DANIEL DEDUCE BUCHAREST, Feb. 21.—VP)—Ger many tonight challenged Rumania’s ban on shipments of high test avia tion gasoline to the Reich by decid ing to send her ace economic nego tiator, Dr. Karl Clodius, to Bucha rest to insist in crucial conversations upon full delivery of her 1940 quota, it was learned authoritatively here. Not only will Germany’s future at titude toward Rumania most likely depend upon the fautcome of Clodius’ mission, but also her view of all other neutral southeastern European countries. Caught In Grapple Caught in a perilous economic grapple between German and allied demands for the lion’s share of her war-propelling oil exports, Rumania earlier today was reported to have assured Britain and France she would prohibit the export of aviation gasoline to the Reich. A government decree to this ef fect was understood to have been is sued in direct contradiction to a re cent arrangement with Germany. The capitulation to British-French pressure was reported to have been decided upon in the face of serious losses of Rumanian industry unable to obtain cotton, wool, jute and iron ore from the allies, who shut down on their Rumanian trade to enforce their oil demands. On the other hand the Germans charged that allied and neutral oil producers alike in Rumania have re fused since Jan. 1 to supply tlio Reich with oil. Soliciting Orders These producers are now soliciting long-term orders abroad so that these commitments will prevent Rumania’s new oil commissioner from forcing (Continued on Page Three; Col. 6) RUSSIAN EXPERTS ARE CALLED HOME Exodus From Turkey Will Follow That Of Many German Technicians ISTANBUL, Feb. 21.—«■)—Soviet Russia today called home hundreds of Russian technical experts em ployed for years in Turkish indus try under a Rusian-Turkish agree ment. Their exodus will follow closely that of technicians from Germany, Rusia’s partner. Russia already was liquidating her commercial organi zations in this country and Ger many, Turkey’s World war ally, is doing likewise. The Russians, ordered by the Kremlin to leave immediately, were expected to embark with their fam ilies for Odessa, Russian Black Sea port. The Russian embassy at An kara first received the order and then notified those affected. The Russian action came at a time when the Turkish press openly is discussing the possibility of war (Continued on Page Three; Col. 1) Millions Of People Use Want Ads Firms and individuals in every highly civilized country have successfully used Want Ads to sell and rent since the 17th century. Star and News Wants Ads, costing as little as 30c a day (special 15 day rate for 15 words), will quickly find buy ers or tenants for anything for which there is a demand. If you haven’t been using the Want Ads to buy and sell, rent or hire, do so now! You'll find that they are the quickest and most inexpensive means of se curing a tenant or buyer. Call 2800 Today To Start Your Want Ad Charge Ii - i British Preparinp' J'o Relax Weed Embargo Soon News Of New | Move Cheers U. S. Officials i Government Expected To Allow Entrance Of Part Of Pre-War Imports INTERESTS CONFERRING Consumption Has Been In creased Because Workers Have More Money WASHINGTON, Feb. 21. — UP) — News from London that the British government may relax its ban on im ports of American leaf tobacco was a source of gratification tonight to of ficials here. They were waiting, however, to see how far the prohibition would be relaxed before expressing any jubi lation. Unofficial reports in London said that the government was likely to permit at least a percentage of the pre-war imports to enter the coun try. Tobacco interests of the empire were said to be conferring with gov ernment officials on the question. Imposed Sept. 8 The prohibition, a war measure, was imposed Sept. 8. Since that time the British reserves of American to bacco have been dwindling, and con sumption has been increasing be cause the British workers have more money in their pockets as a result of w-arboomed business. The Financial Times of London, in an article dealing with the Impe rial Tobacco company, said that the firm "cannot remain independent of the American market for long," be cause alternative sources of supply are “inadequate." Commerce department officials predicted some time ago that Britain would relax the restrictions, espe cially in view of the fact that the government in the past has derived much income from taxation on im ported American tobacco. The prohibition was described, at the time it was put into effect, as an economic measure designed to conserve foreign exchange. How ever, officials here believed that it had political aspects also. It was noted that Great Britain had decid ed to get her tobacco in the future from Turkey, and that Turkey would thus repay over a long period a large loan which she obtained from Britain. Secretary of State Hull has had several conferences with British rep resentatives in an effort to have the restriction changed. While officials here acknowledged that Britain, be ing at war, was in an abnormal situ ation, they declined to admit that economic necessity indicated the com plete blocking of American tobacco shipments. SOUND-TRUCK VOTE CAMPAIGN OKEHED _______________ <» Use Of Vehicle Gets Clean Bill As Far As State And County Taxes Concerned RALEIGH, Feb. 21.— (.£>> —The sound-truck political campaign which Mayor Thomas E. Cooper ot Wilmington has indicated he might make in the democratic gubernatorial contest got a clean bill today insofar as state and county taxes on the sound-truck were concerned. Attorney General Harry McMul lan, ruling in response to an in quiry from Cooper, held that sound l tsuck equipment used in a politi cal campaign was not subject to special state or local taxes im posed under the business license section of the revenue act. Cooper said he had information that a truck he had devised would be subject to heavy special taxes in “certain counties,” and re quested a list of the counties en abled to levy such taxes. McMullan said that the revenue commissioner, in a ruling some time ago, held that the revenue act did not permit taxing of loud speakers unless they were being used to advertise merchandise and that it "does not apply to po litical candidate using this means of making a political campaign.” A. J. Maxwell, another candidate for governor, now on leave from (Continued on Page Three; Col. 1) I “Howdy” first to greet New York District ittorncy Thomas E. Dewey, GOP residential candidate, on his ar il]! at Che,venue, \Yyo„ was little airicia Tuck, who wears costume hat won her title of “.Miss Chey mie" in a best-dressed cowgirl ontest. Gov. Nels H. Smith looks n. _ iTRAL SHIPPING LOSSES CONTINUE treat Britain Claims High Rate Of Destruction Of German Submarines By ROBERT E. BUNNELEE LONDON, Feb. 21.—(iP)—Neutral lipping, harassed by warfare be veen Germany and the Allies, bore k brunt of mounting sea war isses today as the British admir Ity evinced new determination to Meet vessels from German at icks and claimed a high rate of istruction of enemy submarines. The arlmir-a it \r rlicolnc-Q/l fT-iot- c- Vi - ig ships were being equipped with stingers'ami-aircraft weapons— i fight off German aerial attacks ich as Nazi planes carried out on wide scale yesterday. One trawler reported driving off German raider with gunfire and nother group of fishing craft told t damaging a German plane with iking crossfire during the raids. (A German communique declared '■o British minelayers and an fined merchant ship were sunk “ring the raids.) (Royal air force planes during 16 night carried out scouting ights over Helgoland bight, an nn of the North sea where im ortant German aviation and naval mes are situated. Such scouting flights were given ew significance by Prime Minister hamberlain's declaration in the ouse of commons that "our prep rations for meeting and counter 's “ir attacks, on whatever scale my may take place, are continu “riy being developed.” Winston Churchill, first lord of 16 admiralty, assorted that recent ““cesses showed his statement ec' 6, that the British navy was “king from two to four German '•boats a week, “was in no way iterated.” shipping casualties counted day were: Tim 8,371-ton Netherlands tank ben Haag (The Hague), owned i (be Standard Oil Co. of New •rsc> through a subsidiary sunk . an unexplained explosion while -Ming England on a New York mterdam voyage, with 26 of her (Continued on Page Three; Col. 2) ^WEATHER W „ FORECAST “W mia °llna:- cloudy apd con the ' occasional snow flurries ir." I0u|nains Thursday; Friday ’wfeniu08*’)?’1 data f°r the 24 dlnK 1:30 p. m. yesterday). 130 e temperature hi. 4 7m,„ 44: 7:30 a. m. 42; 1:30 ‘"imum 41 m- 42; maximum 45; Um 41. mean 43; normal 49. 1:30 a „ , Humidity H' 7-3o" S°; 7:30 a' m- 82; 1:30 P ■ P. m. 82 Total for £je«ip“ation ■' "one- w.i 's end‘nS- 7:30 p. onth 4 89 °, Rlnce first of the * inches. 't ides For Today ‘'Winston High Low Sl0n - 3:57a 3:39a 9s°nboro Inlet ®:24p 4:15p lnlet — 0:43a 0:31a Sunrise ti-a.-.a- 7:10p l:05p » 5:3ln- m„r ' SPnset 0:02p; moon p- moonset 5:59a. St ^uniiiuied U11 ^ xhree. Co, i— o? w*-* P.&y Vanishes w~_ In tears, Mrs. David Hoclireicli, one time silent screen actress, looks at locket photo of her daughter. Donna Manning, 19, New York en tertainer, who vanished from their Manhattan hotel. The girl was re ported upset by lack of progress in her father’s $65,953,125 suit against three electrical firms, in which he charges anti-trust viola tions. BODIES OF CREECH BROTHERS FOUND ‘Accidental Drowning' Ver dict Returned In Deaths Of Southport Men SOUTHPORT, Feb. 21.—Coast Guardsmen today found the bodies of James E. Creech, 29, and Charles Gilbert Creech, 19, broth ers, who drowned while fishing of) Bald Head island, in the Cape Fear river, some time Monday. Coroner John G. Caison said that the bodies were recovered this morning at 11:30 o’clock by Adri an Willetts and Sammie Oden, of the coast guard. The coroner termed the deaths “accidental drowning’’ and said that no inquests will be held. The two bodies were found on the south side of Bald Head island, abreast Seven Mile slue. The bodies of the men were taken to the Yopp funeral home in Wilmington today and will be returned to Southport tomorrow. Funeral arrangements had not Deen completed late to night. Coroner Caison said this after noon that his report of the time the search for the missing fisher men was started by the Coast Guard at Oak Island was incor rect. The coast guard was first officially notified of their disap pearance 1 ' ind:1,y afternoon at 4:45 o’clock and the search was started imm'diately, he said. The coroner said that earlier statements that the coast guard delayed starting a search for the two men were derived from “street talk.’’ The two men left home about 6 o’clock Monday morning to tend some shad nets in the river. When they failed to return later in the morning, members of the family became alarmed and the search was started. Their overturned boat was dis covered near Cedar Creek Tuesday morning and it was believed that the open dory capsized at the mouth of Bald Head creek, at a slough going out to Frying Pan Shoals. The men were the sons of Mrs. J. J. Weeks, of Southport. James Creech is survived by his wife and two children. WILL ENTER PRIMARY NEW YORK, Feb. 21.—UP)— Thom as E. Dewey’s campaign headquar ters tonight announced he would enter the New Jersey preferential primary of May 21 and renewed his challenge to other republican presidential aspirants to contend with him. -----•*. Jones Plans Rehabilitation Of Louisiana Is Jubilant At His Triumph By More Than 20,000 Votes Over Gov. Long DEFEATED MAN SILENT Next Governor Says He Will Restore Constitutional, Decent Government NEW ORLEANS, Feb. 21.—(^>— Louisiana’s next governor, 42-year old Sam H. Jones, turned today from his smashing ballot victory over the old Huey P. Long dic tatorship to plan the “rehabilitation of Louisiana.’* Jubilant at his triumpji by more than 20,000 votes over Gov. Earl K. Long for the four-year term be ginning May 14, Jones nevertheless soberly called his “the greatest job any Louisiana public official has faced since reconstruction days.” Objective I In an interview he said “Our simple objective is to restore con stitutional, democratic, decent gov ernment. ‘‘The second thing is to put Lou isiana on a sound financial basis. And the third is we must never let this thing happen again in Louisi ana—this set of conditions that for : years has made every honest Lou isianian bow his head in shame.” Governor Long declined comment, saying only that he would issue a statement when-he saw official re turns from yesterday’s runoff prim ary for the democratic nomination, tantamount to election. He sum moned his crestfallen administra (Continued on Page Four; Col. 4) DESTROYER WILL CALL JERE SOON U. S. S. Roe Scheduled To Make Visit From April 8 Until April 11 David S. Harriss, president of the Propeller club here, announced yes terday that the U. S. S. Roe, newest of the United States navy destroy ers, is scheduled to visit the port of Wilmington on April 8 and re main until April 11. The ship is under the command of Lieutenant Commander R. M. Scruggs. Members of the Propeller club are planning entertainment for the 'officers of the ship, j The destroyer was built in the I Charleston, S. C., navy yard. - ■■■ + Screen Writer A high school junior, Joanne Benedict, 15, accomplished what thousands of writers dream of but never accomplish. She sold a screen story to a Hollywood firm for $1, 500. She lives with her parents on a cattle ranch near Handford, Calif. RITES FOR POPE SCHEDULED TODAY Young Man Dies From In juries Received In Explo sion At Gas Station Funeral services for James F. Pope, 20, who died early yesterday morning at James Walker Memo rial hospital from injuries sustained in a gasoline explosion at the Sin clair Service. Station at 17th and Dock streets Tuesday afternoon, will be held from the home of his sis ter, Mrs. W. E. Marine, of 1008 South Fifth street, this afternoon at 3 o’clock. The Rev. George W. Saunders, assisted by the Rev. F. S. John son, will conduct the services. In terment will follow in Bellevue cemetery. Active pallbearers will be: J. R. Singletary, Whis Hufham, Jr., Thomas Underwood, Charles F. Sass, William Fulcher, and L. C. Wil liams, Jr. Honorary pallbearers will be: G. W. Bellois, D. H. Willard, R. E. Tapp, the Rev. John L. Davis and Leon Williams, Sr. Coroner Asa W. Allen said yes terday afternoon that the death was purely accidental and that no inquest will be held. The young man was badly cut, bruised and burned on all parts of his body, partly from the flame of the explosion and partly from be ing thrown through the heavy plate glass window in front of the sta tion. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. James F. Pope, of 1025 South Front street. He was formerly employed as a truck driver for the Willard's Dry Cleaners company. He is survived by the following: his parents, and five sisters: Mrs. Clint Russ, Mrs. W. E. Marine, Mrs. Lucille Bramer, . Mrs. Lillian Dell Long, and Mrs. Elizabeth Long, all of Wilmington. Additional Prize Winners In Civic Contest Listed R. B. Page, publisher, yesterday announced the second group of five $1 prize winners in The Star-News civic improvement suggestions con test. Five additional $1 prize winning suggestions are to be announced in the next few days. Shortly there after checks will be mailed to the $25, $15, and $10 major prize win ners and the 15 $1 prize winners. Those announced yesterday as winners of $1 prizes are Mortimer P. Watkins, Mrs. Marvin P. Craig, Mrs. P. J. Coppedge, Clyde B. King and Mrs. E. I. Brown. Their suggested improvements for Wilmington and Southeastern North Carolina follow: Shipyards Mortimer P. Watkins-r-. “1—Adequate facilities and intelli gently supervised recreation. “2—Safe and courteous- operation (Continued on Page Xhree; Col. 3) Swedish Town i Bombed,Fired By Red Planes Incident Threatens To Re new Swedish Move For In t ^ tervention In Finland WARNING SAVES LIVES Many Buildings Demolished But Residents Escape Death Or Injury STOCKHOLM, Feb. 21.— UP) — Swooping Russian planes today bombed and fired the little Swed ish border town of Pajala, an in cident that threatened to rekindle the fiery Swedish movement for : intervention in Finland. Although all of Pajala's 3,000 ! residents escaped death and the ' shower of 134 bombs was believed i aimed at Finnish territory just six j miles away, neutral observers ex- ! pressed the opinion that Swedish “Activists” now would reopen their! drive to help Finland “so vigor- j ously that any other help is un necessary.” | Incendiary Bombs Used Townspeople estimated that 34 of the bombs from the heavily laden raiders were explosive, the remaining 100 incendiary. The fact that there were no casualties was credited to a timely warning flash ed from the border and by the heroic work of a girl . telephone operator who stuck at her post. Most of the lethal load was dropped in the center of town. Among the demolished buildings were an apartment hous-' and a saw mill from w-hich workers just had time to flee. Bombs rained about a church in which terrorized towns folk had huddled, shattering many of its windows. The weather was clear and the bombers, flew as low as 3,000 feet. The Swedish government ordered its envoy to Moscow, Wilhelm A -sarson, to make an immediate and vigorous protest at the Krem lin. Weight was added to the the ory that there would be a resurg ence of the “activist” movement by the chief of the Swedish Finland committee, just back from Finland. He announced tonight that an Continued on Page Three; Col. 1) OPENING OF C Y HALL IS SI ITED Commissioner Wade Plans To Invite Public To Visit Remodeled Building The formal opening. of the re modeled city hall w-as tentatively set for the first of next week by the city commissioners yesterday. J. E. L. Wade, city commission er of public works, said he plans to have an open house and invite the public to view. the building be fore the offices are filled. As the structure . is now about completed, the setting of-the ope - ing date hinges upon the announce ment by the contractor that the con tract has been fulfilled. It will then become the duty of Wade to Inspect it and accept it for the city. Mayor Cooper urged that efforts be made to move out of the present building in order tljat the city may avoid the payment of another month’s rent. Wade said it will take several days to move back into the city hall. INVADING SOVIET ARMY CENTERS DRIVE ON FINNS’ FORTIFICATIONS AT TAIPALE By THOMAS F. HAWKINS HELSINKI, Feb. 21— (fl>) — The invading Russian army, after pushing the Finns back at the western end of the Manner - heim Line, battered with great force tonight at Finland’s forti fications at Taipale, on the east ern extremity of the isthmus de fenses. The Russians threw two divi sions, strongly supported by artillery and aircraft, into this fighting, ’ the Finnish high com mand said, but were repulsed and lost heavily. (This force prc t sumably totalled between 30,000 and 33,000 men.) “Fighting raged fiercely until late last night,” said today’s Finnish communique. In attempting to turn this Fin nish left flank the Russians shifted their main offensive, which had been concentrated around Summa and Lake Mucla in the west and which had forced the Finns to withdraw to new positions. Fighting continued in the west ern isthmus region as well, how ever, although the Finns denied Russian claints to capture of the anchor fort of Kpivisto. The twin offensive meant that tlie Russians were trying to crash nearly the whole width of the isthmus, and demonstrated that the isthmus fighting still was the most critical of the en tire war. The Finns are holding the positions to which they withdrew under Russian pressure; Rus sian losses are said to be ex tremely heavy and Finnish casualties light, but nevertheless there still are hundreds of thou sands of Russians along the front to keep up attacks in the face of constant Finnish shell fire. The Finns counted on the weather to help them. The first blizzard of February today check ed Russian bombers in southern Finland after yesterday’s inten sive attacks by 800 planes, and it inspired new confidence among the defenders. Finnish military strategy is helped by the snow and cold (Continued on Page Three; Col. 2) -;-iJ Punishes Parish -I No weddings, funerals or bap tisms may he held in Holy Re leeiner, church, Cleveland, until its parishioners do penance. The inter act was pronounced by Archbishop Joseph Schrembs after parishioners battled police seeking to escort a new pastor to liis post. DARST TO ADDRESS BANQUET TONIGHT Annual Brotherhood Ban quet Will Be Conducted At Masonic Temple The seventh annual Brotherhood banquet will be held in the Masonic Temple tonight at 7 o'clock, with Bishop Thomas C. Darst, of the East Carolina Episcopal Diocese, as the principal speaker. » Bishop Darst will speak on the operation of the National Confer ence of Christians and Jews, an or ganization set up for the purpose of promoting better understanding between members of different faiths. Father J. A. Manley, of St. Mary’s Catholic church, will give the Invocation tonight, and Rabbi M. M. Thurman will deliver the benediction. Music will be provided by a mixed quartet. Tickets for the banquet are now on sale by various persons through out the city and may be secured from any member of the organiza tion. Leaders in the local organization are Rabbi M. M. Thurman, of the Temple of Israel; the Rev. Walter B. Freed, of St. Paul’s Lutheran church; the Rev. James Lawson of the First Christian church; Father J. A. Manley, of St. Mary’s Catholic church; and Bishop Darst. The banquet will be one of sev eral hundred held throughout the country this week in observance of Brotherhood week. It is hoped that from it will come the establish ment of a permanent round-table conference of Christians and Jews. Diversion Of Auto Taxes Opposed By Car Dealers RALEIGH, Feb. 21. —'' UP) — The board of directors of the N. C. Au tomobile Dealers association today went on record in favor of use “for highway purposes only” of all funds from the sale of automobile licenses and the tax on gasoline. A resolution directed against di version of money from the highway to the general fund, the directors said highways and secondary roads were “inadequate" for modern de mands and “in some cases” were im passible, and blamed this condition largely on lack of funds for main tenance, construction and moderniza tion of the road system. They called for repeal of a section of the revenue act which allows di version from the highway to the gen eral fund. Roosevelt, Party Fish Near Costa Rican Isle ABOARD U. 8. S. LANG, Feb. 21.—GP) (Via Wireless)—President Roosevelt, still combining business with pleasure, fished near a Costa Rican island today but he didn’t get the biggest one. George Fox, a White House phar macist, landed the largest prize, a 45-pound wahoo, a blue food fish. For the rest of the presidential party aboard the U. S, S. Tusca loosa, said a laconic message from Brig.-Gen. Edwin M. Watson, secre tary to the President, the fishing was “fair" but otherwise there was “no news,”

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