f^dicaied To The Progress Of - WILMINGTON Served by Leased Wire of the And Southeastern North ASSOCIATEDPRESS Carolina With Complete Coverage of ___ State and National News -— -------WILMINGTON, N. C., MONDAY, MARCH 4, 1940 jl. ESTABLISHED 1867 Finns Continue Withdrawal To New Lines ~~ ~~ 1 _ Move Troops On Isthmus’ Western Side Defenders Claim They Are Still Holding Off Rus sians At Viipuri JHANY soviets killed jy Officials Call Finland’s Claims Of Recent Vic tories ‘Absurd’ — By WADE WERNER HELSINKI. March 3— nD. Smith, 50, Fatally Injured On Highway West Of Lumberton WMBERTON, March 3. — John w. ' about 50, native of Lum »as res>dent of Charlotte. y iniured at about i hruck h" " mormr,£ when he was life L 3n unidtrniified autorao hcre er °n bighwa-y 74 west of tight birKtS had been mafle to lighwavtnC.°Unty officers and state Heir search"0’?3011 "ere continuinS triver. ^or the hit-and-run Jsnte? Victim was a car had recently arrived in Page Three; Col. 5) leather-] 'will FORECAST t>teoWenra\„Mo,stl-v cloudy nnd ff fain in ' , sl'’ Preceded by ^ ffostlycloudy. CaSt P°rtiou; "feo°gpiCa^ 'or the 24 hours a; hi 'Hi. ijji • 7 • ‘Ui m'ax/innm*063; ,7:30 p. m. 9o U' m- 95: 1:30 P «l°tal (or o4Prreipitalio„ ihDclles;4tota“rS^'n Inin «:3Cp I :28p Sun,- - t :34a 10:38a tij Vise 6:97a. „ «:47p 10:54d :o0ai moonsc'"S- ®:llp • moon. tinned 1 on Page Three, Col. 2) • - # ’Ole m*:, ,. -—- .v*^ ^ ° <9>___ A comfortable seat by a warm fire replaces dark, cramped, DeTow-rteek quarters on a prison ship tor these two British seamen, pictured recuperating in a London hospital. They were among prisoners f fordSrecentfy1 **ri*IS 1 cru,ser Cossack ran the Germ an prison ship Altmark aground In a Norwegian Installation Of Phone Dials Nears Completion TO BE FINISHED SOON Conversion From Manual ;To Dial Telephones Is Scheduled In June Installation of dials on telephones in Wilmington is now about 95 pet cent complete and will be entirely finished in about one or two weeks, J. R. Thomas, local manager of the company, said last night. New switchboards are now being installed in downtown hotels and business houses. Practically all resi dence installations have been com pleted. The new switchboards in hotels and business houses will include a built in dial for each trunk line and others will have a dial on each phone. Most of the present boards were not built for dials and had to be replaced. The date of conversion from manual phones will be approximate ly in the middle part of June, Thom as said. The exact date will be an nounced later. The building at Fourth and Chest nut streets is now completed and it is planned to move the offices in about the last of March. Furniture is now being installed. The placing of dial equipment in the building is about 75 per cent complete and is progressing accord ing to schedule. After its comple tion, it will be thoroughly tested for several weeks before being placed into use. All in all, Thomas said, the change over will cost the telephone about $700,000, and will provide Wilming tonians with the latest and most modern type of dial telephone equipment. Workers Defense League Says Mill Workers Beaten WASHINGTON, March 3-— UP> — The Workers Defense league de clared today that textile workers were being "beaten and relentlessly persecuted" for union activities in Gaffney, S. C The league made public a letter from an organizer for the Textile Workers union (CIO) describing al leged terroristic activities by mill owners and urging Attorney Gen eral Jackson and Governor May bank of South Carolina to investi gate. CHINESE DROWN SHANGHAI, March 3. — — Three hundred Chinese men, women and children were reported today to have been drowned off Ningpo when they became panic-stricken and caused their launch to capsize upon hearing cries of “Japanese planes are coming.” The crew of the Ger man coastal vessel Hohlenkof said the Chinese were en route to board their vessel off the Chekiang prov ince port at the time, rfiiey said the alarm apparently was false as no Japanese planes were obseived. ^T- - Leipzig's Great Fair Opened By Goebbels LEIPZIG, March 3. — (/P) — Leipzig’s great international fari, giving an impressive picture of Germany’s industrial strength in the midst of war, was opened to day by Propaganda Minister Paul Joseph Goebbels in a spir ited speech reiterating the Nazi theme of German invincibility. Goebels characterized the fair as a fort on the Reich’s economic front reflecting the greatness of the commercial structure expect ed to contribute to ultimate vic tory on the war front. Asserting that the great trade routes still are open to Germany, Goebbels declared that the Reich is trying to develop its commerce naturally—a procedure which he said would prove more effective and lasting than “the political buying which Britain has been doing in all parts of the world.” Village Near Louisville Flooded By Salt River LOUISVILLE, Ky., March 3.—CJP) —Water from rain-swollen Salt riv er rolled nearly five feet deep today through streets of Taylorsville, oft flooded, low-lying county seat town of 900 about 30 miles southeast ot Louisville. County Judge E. J. Snyder re ported between 200 and 300 persons had been forced from one-story homes. Others living in two-story houses, he said, took refuge to the second floors. PETITIONS RECEIVED WASHINGTON, March 3.— I® — The Labor board reported today that it had received 52 petitions from employers since it changed its rules six months ago and allowed them to petition for elections when opposing unions claim majority membership. IL DUCE PROTESTS BRITISH BLOCKADE Strongly-Worked Note pre sented To The Britisk Embassy In Rome t ROME, March 3.—UP)—Aroused by Britain's newly-enforced block ade against German coal shipments to Italy, Premier Mussolini’s gov ernment today presented a strong ly-worded protest to the British em bassy. The government’s prompt action, w'hich came within 36 hours after the British clamped on the block ade, was accompanied by a bitter press attack by Roberto Farinacci, outspoken member of the Fascist grand council, who termed Britain’s move ‘‘an act of arrogance and in solence.” Writing in his II Regime Fascis ta, the only newspaper to comment on the coal controversy, Farinacci said the blockade was “the reac tion to our refusal to sell arms to England.” “Besides it was hoped to oblige our country to buy coal from Welsh mines and put our ships in peril in the North sea,” he said. “When a fight is waged against unarmed populations and not against armies, any reaction is legitimate.” Farinacci’s words gave a hint as to the tone of the Italian note, the text of which was not expected to be made public until its transmis sion to London. The coal blockade has given oil a companion commodity as interna tional trouble-breeder, and it steps on Italy's political as well as eco nomic toes. Diplomats are watching closely the possible effect on Italian ad herence to the precarious path of non-belligerency. Rome’s quick protest was prompt ed above all by the Fascist regime’s extreme sensitiveness to anything that smacks of economic coercion. This po’^cal fixation dates back to 1935 when the League of Na (Continued on Page Three; Col. 5) --- Welles Leaves Nazis, Turns Toward Paris Dr. Hans Dieckhoff And Others Bid Farewell To U. S. Undersecretary TALKS WITH GOER1NG Completes Program In Ber lin Before Leaving For Switzerland BERLIN, March 3.—(iP)—Sumner Welles left for Paris tonight after a farewell from Dr. Hans Dieck hoff, recalled German ambassador to the United States, which aroused speculation as to whether they might have ironed out the question of representation between the two countries. Dieckhoff, who has remained here since November, 1938, when the American ambassador was called home from Berlin to report on the anti-Jewish campaign, appeared with other officials at the blacked out Anhalter station to bid Welles farewell—after being conspicuous by his absence at Welles’ arrival Friday. Protocol calls for a diplomat ac credited to another country, but temporarily at home, to greet ar riving diplomats from that country. Regrets Absence Quarters close to the German for -eign office have said that Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop particularly regretted the absence of an American ambassador from Berlin at this time. In Welles’ talks with Fuehrer Adolf Hitler, Ribbentrop, Deputy Party Leader Rudolf Hess and Field Marshal Goering, the ques tion of a possible improvement of relations between Germany and the United States was said to have re volved around the question of a return to ambassadors to Washing ton and Berlin. Welles wound up his fact-seeking stay in Germany today with con ferences with Goering and Hess. Apparently Goering had plenty to tell Welles about Germany au tarchy, in which he plays a prime (Continued on Page Three, Col. 1) BIDS ON THEATRE WILL BE OPE D Estimates On Construction Of New House To Be Re ceived Here Today Bids on the construction of the new moving picture theatre to be built at 16-18 North Front street will be opened today at noon at the Cape Fear hotel. The new house has been authoriz ed by Wilmington Theatres, Inc., and actual construction is expected to start within the near future. The present Furcell building, oc cupied by Honnett's jewelry store, Wulff's news stand and Baxter’s pool room, will be torn down and the new structure will be erected in its place. It is expected to be ready for the opening by next fall. , No estimate of the amount of the expenditure to (Continued on Page Three; Col. 5) Weds Musician NEA Telephoto Here's the latest picture of pret ty Mary Cohan, daughter of George M. Cohan, who now is Mrs. George Ranken, wife of an ac cordion player. The couple eloped. F.D.R. WILL NOTE 7TH ANNIVERSARY Silent On Third Term As He Completes Seven Years In White House WASHINGTON, March 3 — UP) — president Roosevelt rounded out seven historic years in the White House today without breaking the third term silence which many New Dealers believe will enable him to win renomination or pick the 1940 democratic presidential contender. He spent the day quietly with his mother, who arrived last night to worship with her son and his cabi net tomorrow at church services commemorating the aniversary ot his first inauguration on March 4, 1933. Any idea that the President might make the anniversary the occasion for an announcement of his attitude toward a third term was dispelled by the chief executive himself yes terday. He told reporters he would issue no anniversary statement on the subject. Although some democrats in con gress have been clamoring recently for Mr. Roosevelt to end the un certainty as to whether he would run for another term, many admin istration supporters argue that he would be in the strongest position to influence the party’s choice if he continued silent until the conven tion met—or even until after its first ballot. Regardless of whether he has decided to run, the latter say, his silence leaves third term advocates free to line up conven tion delegates which might be swung either to his own support or to a candidate of his choice. Intimates of the President con tend that he has not actually made up his mind regarding a third term bid, and that he will not do so until after he sees what developments spring brings in the European war. On the other hand, there have been numerous rumors in the capita] that he has determined to seek the presidential nomination for Secre (Continued on' Page Three; Col. 6) LINER DOM ALA REACHES PORT AFTER ATTACK Nazis Voice Regret Over Shooting Down Of Belgian Planes _ BERLIN, March 3.—(/PI—Ger many today expressed regret when the Belgian ambassador, Vicomte Davignon, protested in the foreign office over the shoot ing down of Belgian planes by a German bomber in an air combat over Belgian soil. The fight occurred Saturday. The following official German version of the incident was given: "A German scouter, returning from the north of France was attacked by seven planes of the English hurricane type. “Because of this, and the im pression he was flying over French soil, the German pilot held the attackers to be English pursuiters. “In the air fight one plane was shot down. The German reach ed home safely. Later it was es tablished that the fight occurred a few minutes flying time from the French border over Belgian soil and the plane shot down was Belgian.’’ (Belgian accounts of the fight said three Belgian planes sur rounded a huge Hornier bomber, but did not fire until the Ger man opened fire, shooting down one of the Belgians and killing the pilot. Another Belgian plane later crashed with bullet holes in its gasoline tank.) PRESIDENT’S WIFE CALLS AT RALEIH Plane On Which She Was Passenger Turned Back By Weather Conditions RALEIGH, March 3.——Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt landed here tonight with a group of other pas sengers on three northbound East ern Air Line planes turned back at Richmond, Va., because of weather conditions. The much-traveled wife of the President stayed briefly at the Raleigh airport, three miles south of the city, and then was brought into town in a state highway pa trol car. She planned to proceed on to Washington by train, leaving at 12:45 a. m. Mrs. Roosevelt was returning froma two-week stay in Florida. She boarded the plane at Miami, Fla., at 2 p. m. for a flight to Washington. The plane landed here at about 9:40 o’clock. She said she went to Florida to make two speeches and then stayed on for a brief “off the record” vacation. Laughingly she told a reporter who asked the perrenial question as to whether President Roosevelt would seek a third term: ‘‘You’re getting the same answer (Continued on Page Three; Col. 4) The European War Situation (By The Associated Press) LONDON—Admiralty announ ces bombing of British liner Domala, 108 persons feared dead; British shot down one plane by mistake, report three German planes downed in two days on western front. BERLIN — American Envoy Welles concludes German talks, sees Field Marshal oGering and Nazi Deputy Leader Hess, turns towards Paris; Germany expres ses regret for shooting down two Belgian army planes on Belgian soil; Nazis claim four French planes downed in two days. PARIS — French report Ger man contingent captured in western front ambush, two Ger man planes sent down in dog fights. HELSINKI — Finns continue withdrawal to new defense points on western Karelian isthmus, re port Russian attacks repuiseu on eastern part of isthmus, 1,00(1 Russians killed north of Lake Ladoga. MOSCOW—Red army contin ues to surround Viipuri, Moscow communique reports. ROME — Mussolini protests Britain’s new blockade of Ger man coal ships to Italy. VATICAN CITY — Pope Pius XII prays anew for peace at special mass for Rome residents. BATTERED, SET AFIRE British Plane Shot Down By Mistake By Royal Air Force Fighters NAZI PLANE ISDOWNED British Officials Also Ad mit Two More Freight ers Sunk By Mines BY EDWIN STOUT LONDON. March 3.—(.T)—Bomb ing of the 8.441-ton British passen ger liner Domala, with a probabie loss of 108 lives, was announced by the admiralty tonight as the bat tered and fire-scarred vessel reach ed an English port after a night mare voyage from Antwerp. The announcement followed swift ly the disclosure that a British plane had been shot down by mis take by three Koyal Air Force fighters and the admission that two British cargo boats had been sunk by mines yesterday. Nazi Bomber Donned On the credit side, Britain report ed her air force had downed a Ger man Heinke] bomber in France— the third in two days. (At the same time dispatches from Amsterdam reported the arri val of two Netherlands ships which said they had been machine gunned while en route from England by ah ,, unidentified plane, which -..also bombed and sank an unnamed BritV,_ 4 is'fl' vessel). ■ The attack on the Domala, tho admiralty disclosed, occurred be tween 4 and 5 a. m. yesterday in the English channel. In the light of a waning moon, a German Heinkel swooped down on the ship and dropped four bombs, three of which found their mark and set the vessel ablaze amidships. The captain was killed by one o£ the bombs. In addition to 108 persons listed as missing and believed dead, many others were injured, the admiralty said. Of the missing, 88 were British Indian seamen who had served aboard German ships before the war, and presumably were released (Continued on Page Three; Col. Z) GERMANS TRAPPED BY FRENCH TROOPS Clear Brisk Weather Spurs Aerial Activity Along Western Front PARIS, March 3.—OP)—The seconf French ambush in two days was re , ported by the high command tonight to have trapped a new contingent ol German troops west of the Vosgea mountains. The French, at the same time, a* knowledged the Germans had cap tured "a few prisoners” during pa trol raids in the Lauter sector. Clear brisk weather returned to the western front giving a spurt to aerial activity on both sides follow ing a day of combat yesterday in which the French said they had shot dow.,- two German planes and the British two more. (The official German news agency reported an air battle between four (Continued on Page Three, Col. 2) To Sell Household Articles... TELL THE TOWN For a few cents you can tell the 50,000 readers of the Star and News about your discard ed furniture, “retired” cloth ing, etc., which you no longer need, but which is still useful. Hundreds of prospective buyers read the Star and News Want Ads every day ... if you tell them, you'll sell them. Call 2800 today and start a low cost ad. Yes, You May Charge If You Like SENATE SLATED TO TAKE UP MEASURE TO EXTEND HATCH ACTS BANS TODAY By JACK BELL WASHINGTON, March 3 — (/P)—The senate will take up to morrow one of the sessions’ most controversial pieces of legisla tion, a bill to extend the Hatch Act’.: prohibition against pernici ous political activities to a half million state employes paid in whole or part with federal funds. Although two staunch admin istration supporters, Senators Minton (D-Ind) and Lucas (D 111) have served notice of a fight againsLthe measure, democratic Leader Barkley of Kentucky, said he thought there was no doubt that a majority of the senate favored enactment of the bill. Barkley predicted it would be approved speedih' Both Minton and Lucas argue that the measure proposes an invasion of states rights- The bill, sponsored by Senator Hatch (D-NM) would authorize the civil service commission to or der government agencies to sus pend loans or grants to a state agency whose employes violated the act’s drastic political curbs. The commission would determine whether there had been viola tions. The prohibition in the mea sure, opponents and proponents agree, would prevent employes of state highway departments, social security branches—and all other state agencies which re ceive federal funds—from taking active parts in political cam pains and from attending poll- i • tical conventions. Minton said they also would prevent these employes from contributing to political campaign funds, but Hatch insisted *hat voluntary contributions would not be bar red. There was some talk among opponents of the measure of of fering an anti-lynching bill as an amendment, a step which they said would insure its defeat. Perrenial proposals to make lynching a federal crime invari ably have drawn a filibuster from southern senators. Senate leaders, however, deprecated the liklihood that opponents would resort to such a move. House and senate leaders will confer Tuesday with President Roosevelt. The conference had been scheduled for .Monday but was postponed on account of ac tivities commemorating the ad ministration’s seventh anniver sary. Special interest is attach ed to the conference because it will be Mr. Roosevelt’s first meeting with his congressional lieutenants since his return from his cruise. House leaders expect to tell him that they will be able to clean up the routine business of that chamber not later than May 15. Barkley hail predicted that congress will adjourn by June 1. There was speculation on the question whether the President might make a special request for funds to start work on a third (Con;:.- ed on Page Three, Col. 5)