^^,T«rarr Served by Leased Wire of the , ' ASSOCIATED PEESS And Southeastern North , A Carolina With Complete Coverage ol State and National News _ _ ---- WILMINGTON, N. C., FRIDAY, JULY 19, 1940 + + ESTABLISHED 1867 SECRETARY GETS 422 VOTES ON FIRST TRY; BANKHEAD IS SECOND M’NUTT RUNS THIRD Large Part Of Convention Balks At Roosevelt’s Choice Of Secretary F. D. R. DELAYS TALK " V Adams, Jones And Farley Also Nominated For Second Place On Ticket FIRST BALLOT CHICAGO STADIUM, July 18— <£>)—Unofficial tabulations of the first ballot for a democratic vice presidential nominee showed 627 7-10 for Wallace; 327 4-15 for Banit head and scattered votes for half a dozen others. CHICAGO STADIUM, July 18.— (/PI—After Tennessee had cast its vote and with many states yet to come, tally clerks said tonight the first ballot for a democratic vice presidential nominee showed: Wallace 422 6-10 Bankhead 222 1-10 McNutt 53 8-10 Adams 11 1-2 Jones 5 9-10 Farley 4 Barkley 1. CONVENTION BALKS CHICAGO STADIUM, July 18.— UP)—A huge segment of the demo cratic national convention, balking tonight at President Roosevelt’s choice of Henry A. Wallace for the vice presidency, loudly, wildly and lengthily applauded Paul V. Mc Nutt, Federal Security administra tor, for that office. And when McNutt, placed in nomination against his will, came forward to withdraw his name, it fort-rightly refused to let him speak, begging and imploring him to stay in the race. Only when Senator Alben W. Barkley, of Kentucky, the conven tion chairman, begged the crowd to be quiet, reminding them that the entire nation was listening, would it let McNutt proceed. Declares Himself Out Standing at the lectern, tall and oronzed, the perspiration stream ing over his handsome features, McNutt declared himself out of the race. B|t the sentence de claring his intention was all but lost in the din of objection that was raised. “America needs strong, logical, liberal and able leaders in the kind if a world in which we live today," le said. “We cannot take chances row. A nation only gets one chance these days. If it makes a mis take, it is lost. We must have eaders who will keep this coun ;ry safe and free. “We have such a leader in franklin Delano Roosevelt. He is ny commander-in-chief. I follow lis wishes, and I am here to sup iort his choice for vice president >f the United Stated.” The crowd yelled its disapproval >f McNutt’s statement. Gravely le nodded his head and withdrew o the rear of the platform. The opposition to Wallace wU itherwise expressed in prolonged soos, and shouts of derision, which vent up in competition with ap lame was mentioned. .• 1 race Datuc Administration leaders reaily ad' nitted they were in for a battle in heir effort to obtain Wallace’s lomination. Nevertheless they jlaimed that they had enough votes :o do so. “It looks like we’ve got a fight on iur hands,” said Senator Claude Pepper of Florida, administration illower, after circulating arnonf ;he delegations. “This may be an ndirect stop-Roosevelt fight put on iy those discontented persons who 'ailed to do it directly.” Related to Pepper’s last state ment was word from the White House that Mr. Roosevelt would lave to revise the address he has prepared for delivery to the con tention by radio if some one other ;han Wallace were chosen. In fact word spread through the lelegations that unless the con tention chose Wallace, Mr. Roose telt would refuse the nomination lor first place on the ticket. Other Names The names of Speaker Bank lead, Senator Alvah Adams of Col irado, Senator Prentiss M. Brown if Michigan, and Jesse Jones, the __ (Continued on Page A ^ ^ ^ o > ^ * XXX XXX U. S. Will Parachute Troops Experimental Unit Formed For Training Plans For Mass Training 01 Air Corps Bombardment Crews Announced WILL SET UP SCHOOL Parachute Experiment Step In Rebuilding Army Along European Lines WASHINGTON, July 18.—12P!— Formation of an experimental unit of parachute troops and plans for mass training of air corps bom bardment crews were disclosed to dav by the War Department. Secretary Stimson announced that a test platoon of two officers and 48 men, chosen from volun teers in the 29th infantry at Fort Benning. Ga„ would undergo para chute training from July 29 through August 3 at the Safe Parachute Company, Hightstown, N. J., near Fort Dix. Instruction Planned Army air corps men and rep resentatives of the parachute com pany will instruct the men. Although the department said the tests would be “purely experimen tal." it was indicated that the pla toon might become the nucleus of larger units after further study of use of parachute troops in Euro pean fighting. Jr, conjunction wixn xne air coips program to train 7,000 pilots and 3,600 bombardiers and navigators a year, the army announced tnat a school for multi-engine combat crews would be opened neo t March 15, at Ellington Field, Wcrld War pilot-training center near Sox ston, Tex. Such training has been given in the past but not in specialized schools. An approriation of $1,687,800 has been provided for hangars and barracks at Ellington field and the school will accomodate 555 stu dents when completed, in addition to a garrison of 200 officers and 1-279 enlisted men. Ten Weeks Training Bombardiers will be given 10 Peeks of training. The experiment with parachute troops marks a further step to ward rebuilding the army along European lines. Already, two ar mored divisions similar to G e r many’s hard-hitting “panzer” di visions have been organized. KIWANIS MEETING SLATED TONIGHT Approximately 150 Mem bers Are Expected To At tend Banquet At Beach . ~ne annual Kiwanis division meet “g and banquet will be held to-1 >gnt at 7 o’clock at the Ocean wrace hotel, Wrightsville Beach. Approximately 150 members and Mir wives are expected to attend. ,,.ar°n Goldberg, presidentof the iMnngton club, will preside. Representatives from all clubs in e seventh division are expected, ncmding Goldsboro, New Bern Uson, Greenville, Jacksonville (Contirnpj on Page Three; Col. 4) LWEATHER Norn, n 10RECAST and Sqt„.i!roIlna: Generally fair Friday ait»rnom.r'ily excert for a few scattered ejtrem?, tnundershowers in south and e "est portions. *“Snre7^°8icaI data for the 24 hours 6 -e-u p. m. yesterday). 1:30 a m temperature to. 85-%!£, ,2: 1:30 a- m. 74; 1:30 p. toinimnm 7,. p- m- SO; maximum 86: nura 72; mean 78: normal 79. 1-an „ Humidity to. 82-7-.■£' 96; 7:30 a. m. 95; 1:30 p. ' 1 -°0 p. m. 76. . Total for 9iPrcipitation ^ inches? tL°“,rs ending 7:30 P- m toonth, 1.12 inches' since first of the Tides For Today ''iiminrfon High Low iun - 9:31a 4:28a *Ias»nboro Inlef 1(>:02P 4:42p miet - 7:27a 1;27a Sunrise s-i... 7:59p l:31p * e 7;2*P i moonseT vfoaJ:22p 1 “ (Contmuetl on Page Ihreai Col. S). I-* ~ World’s Biggest Edward Sumnick, New York gem merchant, displays the President Vargas Diamond, largest uncut dia mond in the world and fourth largest ever found. Sent to Man hattan from Brazil via London by registered mail, it weighs 126.6(1 carats, 60/100 of a carat more than the famed Jonker diamond. Compare the Vargas stone with the Jonker No. 1 diamond, mounted in a $1,000,000 necklace. TELEPHONE CALLS INCREASE IN TY Twenty - One Per Cent Climb Noted Since Instal lation Of Dial System Daily telephone calls through the Wilmington exchange have increased about 21 per cent since the dial sys tem was placed into operation June 22, J. R. Thomas, manager of the office here, said yesterday. In a check prior to the change to dials, he said, Wilmingtonians aver aged 8.8 calls per day per telephone. They now average 11.3 per day per phone. Wilmington’s approximately 6,200 telephones make a total of 70,000 calls each 24 hours, whereas when the manual system was in operation they made about 55,000. Thomas and other officials of the company said this has been found to be true in each city in which the new phones are introduced. They said, too, that it is no due entirely to the novelty of the new system, because the high rate of calls con tinues “after the novelty has worn off.” A closer check can be kept on the calls going through the office now due to the fact that it is possible to make a record of each time a phone is lifted from its hook. These are recorded on an electrical machine and permanent records are kept if desired by the company. Thomas said despite the newness of the dial system, complaints re garding the service have shown no increase. In general, he said, sub scribers have been pleased with the service. With one or two exceptions, he (Continued on Page Three; Col. C) WRITER PRAISES GREENFIELD LAKE Leonard Roy, Of National Geographic, Says It Is Great Asset To City ‘‘Wilmingtonians evidently don’t realize what an asset they have in Greenfield lake,” Leonard Roy, writer for the National Geographic magazine, said here yesterday. He visited the lake and the park yesterday morning, as well as Or ton plantation, Castle Hayne, and other places in the county. Greenfield, he paid, is entirely unique. “I’ve never seen aything like it and if properly developed it could be made into one of the out standing beauty spots of the entire nation.. He praised the work being done by the Greenfield Drive association in developing the spot. He was shown around the lake yesterday by John Spillman, Jr., Louis T. (Continued on Page Three; Col. 4). *■ Germans Raid Southeastern Scottish City Bombs Smash Tenement And Trap Number Of Per sons In The Debris SHIPS BATTLE PLANES Airplane Of Type Used In Flanders To Scout For Troops Is Sighted LONDON, July 18.—<#)—German raiders dropped bombs in the streets of a southeastern Scottish city tonight, smashing a tenement and trapping an undetermined number of persons in the debris. One bomb fell near a street car, shattering the windows. The pas sengers were not seriously hurt. One raider machine - gunned a street and parents rushed out to drag playing children to safety. uwaiiv, m. mui.ii British ships off the northeast coast of Scotland fought off an at tack by German warplanes amid shelling and bomb explosions so intense that houses ashore rocked with the vibration. The sky was lit by the flashes of anti-aircraft shells exploding like fireworks, accompanied by the thunder of bombs. There were 16 families in the bombed tenement, and authorities said there were “some casualties.” The bomber was reported shot down later. (The British censor deletes the names of bombed places. Edin burgh, Perth and Dundee, are size able cities in southeast Scotland.) The bombing climaxed a day in which Britain was strafed with (Continued on Page Three; Col. 4) SPANISH WORKERS WANT GIBRALTAR Support Nation’s Ambition Of Joining Axis Powers In Sharing War Spoils MADRID. July 18.—Ml—The or ganized Falangist (Fascist) work ers of Spain took their cue today from their chief of state and marched through the streets of Madrid shouting for a Spanish gib raltar. They sang, too, “Face to the Sun!” on this fourth anniversary of the nationalist revolution, and put an outpouring of popular feel ing behind Spain’s clear ambition to join Germany and Italy in shar ing the spoils of the British and French empires. Two hundred thousand workers marched in the observance after Generalissimo Francisco Franco gave official approval to agitation for Spanish domination of the “rock” which ^ Britain has held since 1704. Four times the Spaniards have attempted to regain Gibraltar which the British took more than 200 years ago through a naval bombardment and a landing party of 1,800 marines. Their attacks in 1704, 1720 and 1726 Were relatively light, but al the time of the American revolu tion they were joined by the French in a famous four - year siege. I_* F. B. I. Clears Publicity Man --- Carl Byoir, above, New York pub ic relations counsel, was cleared of charges of espionage for Germany, made by Representative Wright Patman of Texas. A department of justice spokesman said that inves tigation by the F. B. I. disclosed “no evidence whatever” that Byoir had engaged in un-American ac tivity. MANY NAZI TROOPS SIGHTED IN SPAIN Movement Of Armed Men Into Country Reported By Returning Americans NEW YORK, July 18.— (B—A concerted movement into Spain of Germain soldiers — openly armed, uniformed and mechanically equipped—was reported today by Americans who fled troubled Eur ope through the Spanish peninsula. Many said that they saw "thou sands of Nazi soldiers” entering Bilbao by armored car, as well as choking the streets of Barcelona and crowding the hotels of other Spanish cities. These first-hand reports from U. S. citizens, who arrived home on the liner Manhattan, came but a day after Francisco Franco, Spain’s chief of state, had served notice on Great Britain that he in tended to return Gibraltar to Spain. Today, dispatches came from Eur ope telling of the first Gibraltar casualties in bombings by planes from unidentified bases and of un known nationality. One of the 799 Manhattan pas sengers, Henry Copley Greene, 68 year-old editor of a historical mag azine in Boston, said: “In my travels through Spain I saw German soldiers everywhere. Barcelona was flooded with Ger man officers—in full uniform and carrying sidearms. There was talk everywhere of Spain getting Gi braltar back from the British. The ] Spanish people do not want to fight, . but their leaders have been in- ] fluenced by the Germans.” Hull To Offer New Plans At Havana Meet Predicts Americas Will Deal Realistically’ With Hemisphere Problems U. S. GROUP LEAVES Batista Urges Great Care In Dealing With Ques tion Of Protectorates WASHINGTON, July 18. — UP) — Secretary Hull left for Havana today with a prediction that the 21 repub lics at the emergency inter-American conference wold deal “realistically” with hemisphere problems arising from the European war. The secretary of state, accom panied by 15 aides, took with him guarded proposals for joint interna tional action on a scale unprece dented in the new world. A careruuy-woraea statement mui cated that such problems as the status of American colonies of in vaded France and the Netherlands, fifth column activity, and coopera tion to assure the political and eco nomic security of this hemisphere would be discussed. .< Spirit of Friendliness "The American republics approach their task in a spirit of complete friendliness toward all nations dem onstrating their will to conduct in ternational relations on the basis of peace and friendship,” Hull said. There was a hint that the con ference might be expected to produce only preliminary agreements rather than positive immediate action. By “complete exchange of infor mation,” Hull said, “the ground will thus be prepared for the adoption of basic and concrete measures, having common support, for the common benefit of each and al lthe repub lics.” To Embark Today The party, including trade, agri culture and monetary experts, left by train, for Miami, Fla., where to morrow the group will embark on an nvernight boat for Havana. The conference of foreign ministers >r their representatives, will open in :he Cuban capital Sunday. It was summoned hurriedly last month to sonsider measures to prevent Allied possessions from falling into Ger man hands and to combat axis eco nomic and political penetration. CALLS FOR CARE HAVANA, July 18. — GP> — Presi lent-elect Fulgencio Batista of Cuba iautioned tonight that the recently liscussed question of establishing srotectorates over European posses ions in the nvestern hemisphere must >e handled with great care by the American ministers’ conference. I Interpreting The War BY KIRKE L. SIMPSON Spain’s declaration of a “mis sion” to regain Gibraltar is apt to be dismissed impatiently in Bri tain in view of far more urgent perils at home. It would not greatly increase the danger in which England or Gi braltar stand if Spain were to fight to attain her announced ambition, which seems wholly unlikely. The outcome of the battle of Bri tain, for which England is liter ally sleeping on her arms, will io more to determine what nation s to hold the western door to the Mediterranean than anything that Spain may do. That mighty rock fortress un questionably could withstand the combined assault of all Britain’s actual or potential foes for many months. The crisis in the battle of Britain will have been reached and passed long before a German Italian-Spanish joint effort to re duce Gibraltar by seige or storm attack could even be organized ef fectively. As an illustration of German and (Continued on Page Three; Col. 3) Walker Is F. R.’s Choice For National Chairman BY JOSEPH H. SHORT CHICAGO, July 18.—(/PI—Ur bane, publicity-shy Frank Comer ford Walker of New York city was said on high authority today to be President Roosevelt’s choice for democratic national chairman, replacing James A. Farley. Close friends of the chief ex ecutive said the selection was based on the understanding that Farley, chairman since 1932, would decline another term. “Genial Jim’’ is expected to take over the presidency of the New York Yankee baseball club. Walker, associates asserted, has not yet agreed to take the job but presidential advisers said they expected Mr. Roosevelt to “charm” him into it. Walker has declared repeatedly through out the democratic national con vention that his candidate for chairman was Farley. A man with large business in terests, Walker is said to have pleaded that he could not take out time from his many mana gerial and directorial posts to the chief party wheel-horse. Among other things, he is presi dent of the Comerford-Publix corporation, operating moving picture theatres in New York and Pennsylvania. Persons participating in con ferences connected with choos ing a new chairman predicted the selection would not come out of tomorrow’s meeting of the democratic national committee, which theoretically does the picking. They said a sub-com mittee probably would be given authority to follow the Presi dent’s will. These informants also asserted that in the event Walker flatly refused to serve that a strategy board, including Walker, would run the 1940 presidential cam paign. Although formerly in one of the top administration posts, director of the old National Emergency Council, Walker is one of the least known of Mr. Roosevelt’s intimates. BERLIN WELCOMES VICTORIOUS A Y High Command Reports New And Destructive Raids Upon Britain BERLIN, July 18.—OP)—1The bells of Berlin rang jubilantly tonight to welcome home victorious troops from France, while in western skies the German airforce struck with new fury against England. Even as throngs gathered along Unter den Linden, the high com mand reported new and destructive bombing raids in Britain and an nounced German troops had oc cupied the French island of Oues sant, opposite England’s Land’s End and commanding the south ern entrance to the English chan nel. Nazi bombers, said the high command, attacked Britain’s key shot, 30 miles from London, and smashed at airports, industrial plants and harbors in southern and central England. Other raiding planes set afire several British ves sels in the channel and Nazi war ships “somewhere overseas” sank 30,000 additional tons of British shipping. Among objectives reported hit by bombers were the airport at Tun bridge Wells, an industrial plant at Eastbourne, Portland harbor and a large armament factory at Greenock, Scotland. The returning troops, soldiers of the first Berlin division, were wel comed with a speech by Propa ganda Minister Paul Joseph Goeb bels after they goose-stepped through the Brandenburg gate into Pariser Platz, in the heart of the city. It was the sixth time in German history that Berlin regiments turning from war had passed through the famous archway on their way to the castle at the oth er end of Unter den Linden, from the defeat of Napoleon in 1814 to December 10, 1918, after the World war. 1 DENMARK WITHDRAWS BERLIN, July 18—<*F— A DNB dispatch from Copenhagen said to night Denmark had withdrawn Erom the League of Nations. CHURCHILL ASSERTS PRESENT DANGERS FORCE BRITISH TO YIELD TO JAPANESE LONDON, July 18. UP)—Eng land was told today in cold and matter - of - fact phrases by Prime Minister Churchill that her peril at home is such that the nation’s ministers must sleep beside their desks and that the dangers to her empire have made it essential that she yield to Japan on the other side of the world. He made a brief, unemotion al statement and answered questions in the House of Com mons where, yesterday, news of Britain’s decision to close temporarily the remaining routes for supplies tq the Chi nese government brought cries of “appeasement” and “Mu nich.” In surprisingly sharp lan guage, Churchill also put his foot down on any “large scale exodus” from Britain to over seas. He said: “I do not believe the military situation requires or justifies such a proceeding —having regard to the relative dangers of going and staying —nor, in fact, is it physically possible.” In his far - Eastern state ment, Churchill reiterated Brit ain’s often-expressed desire to contribute to “a process of peace and conciliation between Japan and China. He made these points: 1. Britain and Burma have agreed to suspend for 3 months the transport of ammunition, gasoline, trucks and railway material to China both from Hongkong and over the road from Burma. 2. Britain has not forgotten her obligations to China nor her desire to see her free and independent, but the dominant fact now is that “we ourselves are engaged in a life and death struggle-’* £ 3. “Rapidly growing ten sion” with Japan over passage of supplies to China demanded that something be done, yet permanent closure of the sup ply routes would be repudia tion of British promises to help China; therefore, “what we have made is a temporary ar rangement in the hope that the time so gained may lead to a solution just and equitable to both.” Churchill needed no emotion al flourishes to drive home his point about the king’s minis > (Continued on Page Three; Col. 2). Coast Line Detective Arrested For Murder ROCKY MOUNT, July IS— UP)—N. F. English, >*«itic Coast Line railroad detective, was arrested today on a charge of murder brought in connec tion with the shooting and death of James Dixon unem ployed Charlotte painter, English posted bond pending a preliminary hearing in city recorder’s court July 26. Deputy Sheriff Felton of Edgecombe count found Dixon lying on a road yesterday morning with a bullet wound in his abdomen. He died today. Officers said that Dixon was caught hoboing and was acci dentally shot while trying to escape. BURKE PROMISES TO HELP WILLKIE Nebraska Democrat Offers To Lead Campaign Against F. D. R. WASHINGTON, July 18.—UP)—De scribing as “sacred” the tradition al limitation of two terms for a president, Senator Burke (D-Neb) publicly pledged his support to Wendell Willkie today and offered to lead a campaign of “education” against another four years for President Roosevelt. The Nebraska democrat, who has long been at odds with some new deal policies, made public a ( letter to the republican president ial nominee, in which he stated ( that “in the light of present world ] conditions it is essential for our country to maintain the two-term limitation on the tenure of office ( of president, I shall work for your victory at the polls in November.” In Colorado Springs where he is vacationing, Willkie said he was “greatly pleased” and that many “other leading democrats” would back the republican ticket. Ji C. Quigley, Nebraska, demo cratic national committeeman, said Burke “is finally getting into the political party he has been support ing for the last six years.” From comments of republicans on the renomination of Mr. Roose velt, it was apparent that they ex pected the third term question to figure greatly in the campaign. Representative Martin of Massa chusetts, the party’s national chair man, said in a statement in New York that it would give the people a chance to determine “whether they want to toss aside this histor ical protection against a one-man government.” “I have supreme confidence in the good judgment of the people,” he added. But Senator Norris find - Neb) . said he did not think that the peo ple would pay any attention to the third term issue.' “A majority of those who oppose Roosevelt on a third term would be against him anyway,” he said. “In fact, they belong in the Willkie CaJX" ,l ,y ^ 1