Dedicated To The Progress Of i ■ 1 WILMINGTON 4 4 Served by Leased Wire of the And Southeastern North t'tttttlY ASSOCIATED PUBS Carolina l IIII III J,£ll With Complete Coverage ol ^ T ▼▼▼ State and National News - WILMINGTON, N. C., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1940 ^ ^ ESTABLISHED 1867 BRITAIN BOMBS GERMAN GUNS ON FRENCH COAST + + + + + + ^ i . . . ... _ LONDON PLANS TO MEET HUGE WINTER RAIDS BOULOGNE ATTACKED Radio Stations In Ham burg, Bremen, Other Ger man Cities Are Silent LARGE AREA RAIDED Berlin Residents Kept Un der Cover For Five Hours During Fierce Raid LONDON, Oct. 1.—<iP)—A new and heavy assault upon the big berthas that crowd the German-held French coastline was opened late tonight by British bombers half hidden in rain clouds overhanging the Eng lish Channel. Both sides of the Dover Strait trembled under the shock of explod ing bombs. The center of the British attack was in the region of the har bor of Boulogne and of the Nazi gun emplacements near Cap Gris Nez. German searchlights threw up lanes of creeping white, and Ger man anti-aircraft batteries smote the upper air with shrapnel and multi-colored shell bursts. Tracer shells and parachute flares threw out their brief illuminations. Radio Stations Silent Radio stations in Hamburg, Bre men and other German stations fell silent, without explanation, before the usual hour of sign-off, and it thus appeared that British raiders were over many areas of the Reich. All this was but a resumption of assaults last night and early today upon the vital forges of the Ger man war foundry and the long string .of Nazi-held French ports— targets, said the air ministry, of tons of British bombs. The air ministry said they struck, these men who nightly ride an old patrol, from the far interior of Ger many in a long sweep back to the coast; and they left red, irregular blotches of flame from Berlin to Calais. •LI* T* CA.O greatest single efforts yet launched in the ultimate defense of England against the invasion threat, and the loss of five British planes was acknowledged. Berlin s people were under cover for more than five hours—the long est period yet—and heavy British bombers were declared here actually to have cruised up and down over the Reich’s capital for three and a half hours, dropping tubes of ex plosives on the city’s vital utilities. The attack on Berlin, loosed dur ing the night and carried on into this morning, was reported particu larly heavy on the west and Kling enberg power stations, and it sym bolized perhaps more important as saults upon vital areas not only elsewhere in Germany but in Hol land, Belgium and France as well. This was the report of the de struction wrought, area by area, as reported by the British air ministry: In Germany—Oil refineries at Hanover and Leuna, near Leipzig, heavily bombed and great flames left leaping upward; at Rothenburg, an airplane factory hit; At Magde burg, a munitions plant; freight yards and railwaj communications bombed at Bremen, Ehrang, Osna- : brueck and Mannheim; the docks hit ; at Cuxhaven. i In Holland—Docks at Amsterdam hard pounded; gasoline dumps at tacked at Rotterdam and Vlaardin- i gen; eight explosions reported at an airdrome in Limburg. In Belgium—The port of Ostend assaulted, shipping and supplies bombed; railway centers and freight yards smashed at in Brussels. 1 CITY RAIDED AGAIN Shell Splinters Fall In East ern Part Of City During 28th Straight Attack 5,000 ARE KILLED Admiral Evans Made ‘Dic tator’ Of British Capital’s Air Raid Shelters LONDON, Oct. 1. — <-T) — London summed up tonight tho best de tenses of brains and planes, steel and concrete against the prospec tively worst wartime winter in its 20 centuries. Even as these preparations went forward the Nazis launched (heir 25th consecutive nightly raid but it receded—so far as visible and audible signs indicated—before midnight. Some Londoners left the air raid shelters and hurri d homeward but others, unwilling to believe that there would not be a resumption of the ' attack before dawn, remained under cover. New Wave They were right, for just on mid night a new wave of raiders ap proached from the east and the anti aircraft barrage was resumed with a mighty roar. Shell splinters fell in the streets of East London. Then, the Nazis withdrew toward the southwest, instead of continuing on the accustomed route to central 1 London. The raiders in their brief assault had dropped bombs in a north Lon don suburb, but no casualties were reported. A few had come in by the northwestern route; most of them had entered over the southeast and southwest coasts. Official estimates of 5,000 persons killed and 8,000 wounded in London in September — compared with 1,075 killed and 1,261 wounded in August —gave a great urgency to the gigan tic task of defense which must be accomplished. Parts Of Defense These parts were fitted into the machinery of London’s defenses to day: 1. Admiral Sir Edward Ratcliffe (Continued on Page Three; Col. 5) BULGARIA TURNS EYES ON GREECE Voices Hopes For Corridor To Aegean Sea As Army Occupies South Dobruja SOFIA, Bulgaria, Oct. 1. — UP) — Bulgaria turned her attention to ward Greece today and voiced cau dous hopes for a corridor to the \egean sea. Her new territorial ambition was shown on the very day her army lompleted occupation of Southern Dobruja, with its 400,000 people and 1,226 square kilometers of territory, which she won from Rumania. Utterances by Bulgarian govern nent officials and newspapers indi ?ated growing hopes that Greece nay be persuaded, like Rumania, to i policy of ‘‘peaceful revision” under in increase of axis influence in the Balkans. Shopkeepers put up placards, ‘‘we ire ready for the Aegean.” To show its appreciation for stip >ort in the Dobruja settlement Sofia lamed streets today for Hitler, Von tibbentrop, Mussolini, and Ciano. The Greek legation now is on Hit er street. Nazis List Three-Fold Aims Of British Raids BERLIN, Oct. 1.— <a>> —The Ger man air force, day and night, is out to keep London from “catching its breath,” an authorized source said tonight in outlining what was de scribed as the three-fold purpose of Germany’s aerial offensive against the British Isles. The other primary aims were stated to be: Interference with British war pro duction. Blockading the import "of essen sential goods.” The outline appeared to fit pre cisely with the German reports on the latest bombings of Britain. The high command said massed formations and individual raiders in the last 24 hours centered their at tacks on London and. on the seas around the British Isles. It claimed: Sinking of a 10,000-ton merchantman by air action off Ire land; scattering of a convoy oft Scotland with two ships aflame; hits on air plants, airports and harbors in the south and west of England i (Continued on Page Three; Coi. 1) Excess Profits Tax Measure Sent ToF. D. R. j Britain’s “Savior” lit cause Mr Hugh tasvvall ire menheere Bonding, marshal of the R. A. I', fighter command, convinced tlie air council to have eight cross tire machine guns mounted on lighter planes and is today directing operations of the Spitfires and Hur ricanes, lie r -trailed as the “savior' ill Britain." His planes have taken heavy nil of Nazi raiders. ulffllilfct UKbtS ill BRITISH AID Wants United States Navy lo Convoy Food And Ma terials To England A resolution calling on President Roosevelt to use the United States ' avy to convoy food and materials to England in either American mips or ships of foreign nations • as adopted by the Wilmington chapter of the Committee to De tond America Through Aid to the A-hes yesterday morning. The resolution was adopted de ans a warning that “this resolu ';on is tantamount to a declaration sf war.'1 The resolution was offered by F. H; Fechtig, purchasing agent of the ‘"■'■'antic Coast Line railroad, who told the crowd of nearly 60 people handing the meeting, “We are go to? to be in this war. It is only a iuestion of time.” Pomeroy Nichols, a new mem er of the executive committee of -a organization, asked “Isn’t that mtamount to a declaration of ■ ar-‘ If you feel that way why J™t you vote that way?” I do feel that way,” Mr. Fech '■? replied, “and I am willing to 'tote that way. You don’t declare ■■sr anymore. You just have war.” -Tuch discussion followed the of toring of the resolution. Winder hughes advanced the thought that '--"age 0f such a resolution would damage the influence which the -Wimittee has in the community “!!d that this country can be oi fc’reater assistance to Great Britain wthout a declaration of war than "!'h one at this time. A. McGirt urged passage ot ne resolution on the grounds it is i!: “answer to Japan’s recent huntinued on Page Four, Col. 5) ■» — . Further Taxes May Be Voted Early In 1941 Bill’s Draftsmen Estimate It Will Yield $525,000, 000 On 1940 Income HELPS ARMS PROGRAM Will Provide Government Life Insurance For Men In The Armed Services WASHINGTON, Oct. 1. —W— Congress sent a compromise ex cess profits tax bill to the White House today amid forecasts in both house and senate that still further taxes would be levied early next year. The bill's draftsmen estimated that it would yield $525,000,000 on 1940 income, including $230,000,000 from an increase in the normal corporation tax, and from $900, 000,000 to $1,000,000,000 on 1941 in come. To Speed Defense In addition to the tax provisions, the legislation also contained claus es designed to speed up the de fense program. These would sus pend existing profits limitations on government contracts for construc tion of warships and airplanes and permit corporations to charge off against earnings- over a five-year period the eost of new defense manufacturing facilities completed after June 10, 1940. Included also was a section un der which conscripts and other members of the armed forces may obtain low-rate government life in surance. Designed originally to hold in in check the profits that might ac crue to industries engaged in the sale of national defense items, the completed legislation also would depend for a substantial part of its revenue upon a flat addition of 3.1 per cent to the normal corpor ation income tax of concerns earn ing more than 25,000 a year. This change would increase the rate for these corporations to 24 per cent. A tax of from 25 to 50 per cent would be leviecj on profits defined in the bill as exceeding normal. As it went to President Roose velt the bill represented a com promise of house and senate bills as worked out by a conference (Continued on Page Three; Col. 5) NEGROES ON TRIAL IN EASLEY DEATH Selection Of Jury Is Under way In Brunswick Coun ty Superior Court SOUTHPORT, Oct 1.—Trial of four negroes—James Green Mark ey Bowen, Nelson Hankins and Snooks Clemmons—on charges of murder in connection with the death of Police Officer Charles Easley here several weeks, ago, was started in Brunswick county superior court this afternoon. However, despite the f-ct that a major part of the afternoon was spent on the selection of a jury a full jury had not been complet ed tonight. There were 16 challenges for jury duty by the state and 24 (Continued on Page Four, Col. 7) Mexican General Killed On Eve Of Big Uprising BV The Associated Press . Monterey, Mexico. Oct. i.— .'•'■• soldiers pounced today on '•Piadier General Andres Zarzosa silot him to death a few hours, ney said, before the zero hour for ' revolutionary coup intended to '/ Pin re Monterrey, Mexico’s jsreatest industrial city and se ze „Wer in this American border state. ,. Zarzosa was an old friend, ac ‘Ve campaign supporter and mili subordinate of Juan Andrew toazan, who lost on the Das>s ;; official returns in his attempt become president of Mexico] \ over the opposition of the present administration party. He was shot to death and a band of his adhererr.'s was blasted out of a villa they had rented in this city after a wild gunbattle this morning. First police, then soldiers, laid siege to the house. The police said a man wfjom Zarzosa tried to persuade to nelp him became frightened by the pro portions of the scheme and squeal ed. Zarzosa, the police were told, (Continued on Page Three; Col. 5) Ex-U. S. Wp’yhips In England L ^ k,--— .. .. r.....v.iv. .• t . ,: C. P. Cablephoto British seamen wave from the deck of one of four former U. S. de stroyers as the first flotilla of overage warships traded to Britain arrive in England. It was reported they beat off a submarine attack during the crossing from Canada. Photo cabled from London to New York. Pauls Lutherans Plan Education Building 30th Division Reaches Maintenance Strength COLUMBIA, S. C., Oct. 1— (/P)—The 30th Division, made up of national guardsmen from the Carolinas, Georgia and Tennes see, reached its maintenance strength of 14,000 officers and men at Fort Jackson today. AH units of the division have arrived at the fort and have been assigned to their individual areas. Under recent War department orders, the division will soon be boosted to a war strength of 18, 797 officers and men. The fort’s population went above 21,000 with the arrival of the 113tli Field Artillery, a Na tional Guard unit from North Carolina which is not a part of the 30th Division. This outfit numbered 1,053 officers and men. BUTLER, SNEEDEN NAMED DEPUTIES Sheriff Jones Named N. J. Calder, ABC Enforcement Agent, Night Jailer Sheriff C. David Jones yesterday announced the appointment of two new deputy sheriffs to the law en forcement organization of New Han over county. The new deputies are T. Butler, former police officer at Carolina and (Continued on Page Three; Col. 7) WEATHER forecast North Carolina: Partly cloudy and not quite so cool Wednesday; Thurs day generally fair. (Meteorological data for the 24 hours ending 7:30 p. in. yesterday). Temperature 1 -30 a. m. 59; 7:30 a. m. 57: 1:30 p. m. "65; 7:30 p m. 63; maximum 70; minimum 56; mean 63; normal 70. Humidity 1:30 a. m. 92; 7:30 a. m. 88; 1:30 p. m. 74; 7:30 p. m. 7S. Precipitation Total for 24 hours ending 7:30 p. m., 0.03 inches; total since first of the month, 0.03 inches. Tides For Today High Bow Wilmington _10:16a 5:02a 10:35p 5:29p Masonboro Inlet _ 8:02a 1:46a 8:20p 2:19p Sunrise 6:07a; sunset 5:55p; moon rise 7:17a; moonset 6:54p. Cape Fear river stage at Fay etteville, at 8 a. m., September 37, 9.0 feet. (Continued on Page Four, Col. 7) COUNCIL OPENS BIDS Proposals To Be Referred To Special Meet Of Con gregation Monday Night Construction of a modern religious education building at Sixth and Princess streets is planned by St. Paul’s Lutheran church, officials of the church announced last night. The structure, when completed and fully equipped, will cost between $40,000 and $45,000. Proposals for the general con tracting, plumbing- and heating were received and opened by the church council last night. They will be re ferred to the congregation at a spe cial meeting Monday night at 8 o’clock in the Luther Memorial building. Contracts for the building are scheduled to be let at that time. The new building will be located on the corner plot now occupied by the Luther Memorial building, and will face Sixth street. It is to be constructed of hollow tile with stuc co finish. The architecture will be in keeping with that of the church. The structure will have a base ment and two stories. The base ment, in addition to housing a boiler and storage room, will have a recrea tion room, complete with stage and equipment for visual education. Space is also planned for a Scout room, and a place for power tools where certain crafts may be taught. A general assembly room, so ar ranged as to give a chapel effect, will occupy most of the first floor. This space may be made into ten class rooms. The east end of the first floor is provided with a modern kitchen. On the second floor, there will be assembly rooms for the primary, beginner, and cradle roll and moth continued on Page Three; Col. 4) Erection Of 72-Apartment Project Begun Ground Broken For Large Oleander Development By Housing Corporation WILL EMPLOY 200 MEN First Of Five Separate Buildings Will Be Com pleted Early Next Year Wofk of constructing 72 apart ments at Oleander by the New Han over Housing corporation got under way yesterday morning with the breaking of the ground on which the buildings will be located. The project will give from 150 to 200 men employment and will take five to seven months to com plete, according to John W. Hud son, of the Goode Construction cor poration, Charlotte general con tractors. First In January The first of the five : aparate buildings to be erected on a 20 lot, park-like area to contain 72 four and five room apartments will be completed shortly after Janu ary 1, if weather conditions permit rush work, according to John Marshall, vice-president of the re cently-chartered New Hanover Housing corporation, a Wilming ton concern. The project is being financed through a Union-Central Life In surance company loan, under the FHA mortgage insurance plan. Other Wilmington stockholders are Leslie N. Boney, who is also archi tect for the project, and Dr. John T. Hoggard. The apartments are to be mod ern in every respect, Hudson said, with stream-lined ' itchens and an unusual amount of closet space. Electric refrigerators and gas ranges will be installed in every kitchen. Each apartment will have a service entrance and every room will have cross-ventilation. The apartments will have hardwood floors, tile entrance vestibules, with linoleum covering on floors in the kitchens and baths. The courts aroiind and between the buildings will be landscaped and playground areas are to be provided. The apartments are to be located on an area slightly larger than two city blocks, facing the new highway to Wrightsville Eeach and bounded on the west by Liveoak Parkway in Oleander. 3 WILLIAM NAPIER IS FOUND DEAD Body Of Former Wilming tonian Discovered In Gas Filled Room At U. N. C. CHAPEL HILL, Oct. 1.—CP)—Wil liam Benjamin Napier, 30, instructor in the department of romance lan guages at the University of North Carolina, was found dead tonight in his gas-filled bathroom. Walter Creech, a neighbor and faculty colleague, found the body and summoned help. Efforts at resuscita tion failed. < Napier had been ill for some time and was recuperating from pneu monia. (Continued on Page Three; Col. 2) Drive To Develop City Urged By Hugh MacRae A concerted drive for the develop ment of Wilmington through “energy and intelligence” directed toward four definite objectives was advo cated at the luncheon meeting of the Rotary club yesterday by Hugh MacRae, Wilmington realtor and ag riculturist. A strengthening of local trade through the development of the sur rounding trade area was particularly urged by the speaker, who brought out that the prosperity of Wilming ton depends in part on the purchas ing power of a wide neighborhood. Other objectives suggested by the speaker included increasing the depth of the Cape Pear river channel five feet to give it a depth of 35 feet, ^establishing a great military training camp and building military highways to connect Wilmington with other parts of the state. All these things, Mr. MacRae said, could be accompanied by the coop eration. and hard work of Wilming ton citizens, and particularly through the civic clubs of the city. The deepening of the channel would allow larger ships to enter the Wilmington port, and thus bring a better class of business here, he said. (Continued on Page Three; Col, 3) Becomes Citizen TRENTON, N. J„ Oct. 1.—(AP)— Albert Einstein (shown above) be came _ an American citizen today, beaming with pleasure as Federal •Judge Phillip Forman welcomed him with the observation that the scien tist’s “presence here becomes Ameri ca’s gain.” Taking tlie oath with the pro fessor from the Princeton Institute tor Advanced Study were his daugh ter, Margot, and his secretary, Helene Dukas. FRANCO MAY NOT ENTER WAR SOON Not Expected To Join Axis Powers In Formal Alliance Against Britain ROME, Oct. 1.—UP)—The likeli hood of Spain entering the war or even joining the Axis powers at this time in a formal alliance against .Britain was virtually dis carded by political circles today as Generalissimo Francisco Fran co’s minister of government, Ra mon Serrano Suner, conferred with Premier Mussolini. > Spain, said Virginio Gayda, au thoritative Fascist editor of Gior nale d’ltalia, “is and can remain among the non-belligerent powers, but its men and its policy natural ly belong to the Axis system. . . May Abide Time Observers regarded it as prob able that Franco would keep Spain out of the war until the time ap peared propitious for the attempt to make a quick capture of Gi braltar by German and Italian forces working in his behalf. (Italy herself kept out of the war until last June, when the fall of France was certain.) “Spain is at the side of Italy and Germany,” wrote Gayda, “. . . and this attitude is useful to the cause of the new order in Europe, even if it does not achieve the form of immediate armed inter vention beside the Axis powers.” The Spanish envoy, who confer red last week in Berlin with Adolf Hitler and Foreign Minister Joa chim von Ribbentrop at the time Japan joined the Rome-Berlin Axis had a brief talk with Mussolini this morning and then went to luncheon with Italian foreign min ister Count Galeazzo Ciano. His conferences with Mussolini, one source said, were aimed at “reinforcing, clarifying and mak ing precise the identity of views between the Nationalist Spain of Generalissimo Franco and the two victorious powers.” ___»_ RAILROADS READY FOR DEFENSE JOB Williamson Points To Car riers’ Vital Position In Safety Of Country NEW YORK, Oct. 1.—(TP)—Amer ican railroads were described today by Frederick E. Williamson, presi dent of the New York Central Rail road, as prepared to meet the defense needs of the nation. “Never before,” Williamson told a World’s Fair audience, “were the American railroads so vital to the safety and well-being of the country as they are in the present emergency which confronts us today. “Millions of people who hereto fore have accepted railroad service as an everyday commonplace of life today realize that upon it may de (Coutinued on Page Four, Col. 4) 1*

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