D.A.R. convention to OPEN TUESDAY Ful] Program Arranged for AnnUal Gathering in Wil son Methodist Church WILSON. March 2—(2P)—The 41st ,aj convention of the North Solina Daughters of the Ameri Bevolution will open at the “"t Methodist church here Tues F*v afternoon The sessions will Z through Thursday Retorts of the program, rules h regulations, and credentials ana mittees will be received at tne c0®ine session, and greetings will T received from other patriotic b* a memorial service wDl held, with Mrs. H. O. Steele, state chaplain, presiding. Welcoming addresses will be .. the Tuesday evening ses niad ijch will be held in the ballroom of the Cherry hotel. A banquet wili be held honoring the chapter regents. The reports of state officers wilt be made at a business session Wed nesday morning. Reports will also be received from the state chair men at both morning and afternoon sessions, and in the afternoon offi cers will be elected. The state officers club dinner will be held Wednesday evening and Col. Samuel A. Woods, Jr., of the U. S. Marine Corps, will speak on the “The Marine Corps and National Defense. An informal dance for the pages will foliw Additional committee reports will be received at a final business session Thursday morning. 5 SUPPLIES HALTED CANTON, China, March 2.—<2P)— Japanese occupation of Tamshui and other near points near Hongkong early last month has resulted in complete halting of supplies from the British crown colony to the Chi nese interior, a Japanese spokesman declared today. Tuberculosis death rate has been reduced 66 per cent in the last three decades. | SOUTH’S BUILDING ACTIVITY CLIMBS Manufacturers’ Record Says New Work Started in Febru ary Totals $195,880,000 BALTIMORE, March 2.—W— Newly initiated work placed under contract in Southern states con struction in February totaled $195, 880,000, a 38 per cent increase over January, the manufacturers’ record said today. Of this, it reported, 74 per cent “represented industrial expansion and a substantial increase in pri vately financed building. This is an upsurge of remarkable proportions and surpasses the record for in dustrial and private financed build ing work over a long period.” Contracts awarded in the two months this year totaled $337,097, 000, nearly three times the $124, 575,000 valuation in the first two months of “the all-time banner year of 1940.” The record added: “A highlight survey of the in dustries mainly responsible for the huge industrial contract total shows great shipyards being es tablished on both the South Atlan tic and Gulf coasts; steel plants expanding to handle requirements of bot hthese shipbuilding activi ties and of a tremendously in creased construction for defense; a rolling mill for aluminum to supply rising aircraft production power stations to generate elec tricity to run the myriads of ma chines operating night and day under the ‘all-out’ program.” In February, the report con tinued. private building more than doubled, with a valuation of $lb, 522.000 representing “the highest point reached since last April.’’ Road contracts totaled $11,52C, 000, compared with a low of $b - 370.000 in January. 5 The United States imports half its supply of aluminum, needed for aircraft, in the form of bauxite ore. 3 COHEN’S TRIAL TO START TODAY Wake County Man Faces Sec ond Fight to Escape the State’s Gas Chamber RALEIGH, March 2.—Oft—Wood row Cotten's second court fight to save himself from asphyxiation in Central prison’s lethal gas cham ber will begin Wednesday in Wake superior court. The state supreme court granted a new trial to the 27-year old White Oak farmer, who was convicted last April 20 of the shotgun slaying of his 50-year old mother-in-law, Mrs. Mary Lee Herndon. Cotten was sentenced to death in the April trial by Judge Claw son I. Williams. Cotten’s wife, 20 year old, auburn-haired Margaret Cotten, was declared not guilty of the crime by the same jury that convicted Woodrow. The trial—one of the most spec tacular in Wake county criminal history—was attended by crowds of spectators, who jammed the nar ro wconflnes of the Wake court room to capacity. Testimony in the case dragged through an en tire week. Mrs. Herndon was slain last Feb ruary 19 as she stepped into a feed shed in the rear of her home. Shuford Resigns Post At Junior Order Honi LEXINGTON, N. C., March 2. Wl—W. M. Shuford resigned today as superintendent of the Junior Order Children’s Home here, to enter the insurance business at Concord. Robert Bruton, who has been an instructor in music and athletics at the home since 1930, was im mediately named to succeed Shu ford, by a vote of the board of trustees. United States exports of iron and steel, excluding scrap, amounted to 2,79,000 net tons in 1939. 3 ‘Jesus Christ’ Subject Of the Lesson-Sermon “Christ Jesus” was the subpect of the lesson sermon in all Christian Science churches and societies yesterday. The Golden Text was from Isaiah 9: 6, 7. “Unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given. . .Of the in crease of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to estab lish it with judgment and with jus tice from henceforth even for ever.” Among the citations which com prised the letsson-sermon were the following from the Bible: “And Jesus walked in the temple in Solomon’s porch. Then came the Jews round about him, and said unto him, How long dost thou make us to doubt? If thou be the Christ, tell us plainly. Jesus answered them. I told you, and ye believed not: the works that I do in my Father’s name, they bear witness of me. I and my Father are one."* (John 10:23-25 and 30). •o * The lesson-sermon also includ ed the following passages from th« Christian Science textbook “Science and Health with Key t« the Scriptures" by Mary Bakei Eddy. “The divine image, idea, or Christ was, is and ever will be inseparable from the divine Pri». ciple, God. Jesus referred to thia unity of his spiritual identity thus: ‘Before Abraham was, I am; ‘I and my Father are one;’ ‘My Father is greater than I.’ By the6e sayings Jesus meant, not that the human Jesus was or is eternal, but that the divine idea or Christ was and is so and therefore ante dated Abraham; not that the cop oreal Jesus was one with the Father, but that the spiritual idea Christ, dwells forever in the bosom of the Father, God, from which it illumines heaven and earth; not that the Father is greater than Spirit, which is God, but greater, infinitely greater, than the flesh ly Jesus, whose earthly career wai brief.” (Page 333). Sheep were introduced on the North American continent in 1609, New Spring Apparel Arriving at Berger’s Department Store '•Most every day we are unpack in, large quantities of new Spring apparel for men.'' said Sam Berger, operator of one of Wilmington's most popular credit clothing establish ments. Sam Berger's Department Store located on North Fourth street.. "Included in these shipments are some of the most attractive suits we have ever had in our store." he said. •Tweeds, worsteds and practically every kind of fabrics in bright new shades and outstanding sport and dress models. We have a full range of sizes in each model to fit the short, stout, tall and lean man. Every suit is fitted to you individually for utmost crmfort and long wearing eorre -(ness. "For accessories we have a wide selection of new Spring hats, shirts, slacks, ties, socks and other appar Use TENACITY : 40 -40 — 20 The White Paint That Stays White Dial 457B ATLANTIC Paint and tarnish Works 41? .Mu rt ill St. FOR QUALITY Stationery, Rubber Stamps, Office Supplies LET US SERVE YOU CAROLINA FB1HTINC & STAMP CD. 8