Army Mart To Be Opened In Wilmington On May 1 w __ Plans for Operation of Agency Explained by Lieuten ant E. W. Cake Noted Playwright Plans for operation of the Army produce marketing center at 315 1-2 North Front street were explained here yesterday by the officer in charge, E. W. Cake, first lieutenant, infantry, and the associate market ing specialist, D. M. Oliver. The program of the center will of ' ficially begin May 1, under the su pervision of John A. Martin, of Chi cago, chief of the perishable foods section of the subsistence and supply branch, division of purchases, office of production management. Cake and Oliver explained the cen ter here will carry out the buying of fresh fruits and vegetables for Fort Bragg, Camp Davis, and the Marine ■ Ease in Onslow county. All army posts of 2,500 or less will - continue to buy their own supplies as in the past and will not be served by the marketing centers being es tablished. Under the new plan, the entire program will be put into effect on May 1 for all marketing centers and on that date ail purchases of fruits and vegetables for the army will be made by these offices. The administrative personnel in each market center consists of a commissioned officer from the quar termaster corps and an experienced civilian produce buyer carrying the title of a "marketing specialist.” Certain marketing centers such as the one in Wilmington will have ad ditional civilian personnel known as "Associate Marketing Specialists” .who will be stationed here to carry on the necessary inspection work and assist in the purchase of home grown or locally produced commodi ties. The Wilmington marketing center will be responsible for purchasing the total fresh fruit and vegetable requirements of each of the posts under its jurisdiction. Such supplies will be purchased through competi tive bidding for definite quantities on the basis of delivered sales or as the army terms it "f. o. b. destina tion.” which means delivered to the camp. Purchase will be made according to local requirements, which will be from day to day, week to week or monthly, as conditions warrant. The army specifications will con tinue to be based on federal grades. However, such specifications will be made sufficiently flexible to meet the general growing and marketing con ditions. They will be announced in the advance of each purchase, so that all interested parties may be fully posted. Inspection and acceptance will be made at point of delivery, except on less than carload purchases made Paul Green, author and director of “The Lost Colony,” who is in the city this week-end to attend the Thalian production this evening at Thaiian Hall. While in the city Mr. Green is the guest of Henry Jay MacMillan. from local jobbers and commission merchants. In such instances, wherever possible, inspection for quality will be made at point of pur chase, although final inspection and acceptance for count and condition will be made at point of delivery. Purchases will be made both in carload lots and in less than car load lots, depending on the needs of each post, as ascertained by the Marketing Specialist at each market center. All reliable jobbers, commission merchants, shippers and growers, will have an opportunity to shrre in this army business. The lowest re sponsible bidder all conditions being equal, will receive the award. Payments will be made as prompt ly as possible, in keeping with gener al commercial practices. However, to insure prompt payment, the seller must adhere explicity to instructions and fulfill his obligations properly. Full consideration will be given to the purchase of home-grown commo dities direct from growers and co operative organizations. Such pur chases will be given preference, pro viding the bids are in line and that growers can meet the army specifi cations as to pack, quality, and con dition, and are in a position to de liver the required quantities. Growers, who are interested in ob taining such army business should contact the market center. T I e y should become acquainted with the personnel in charge and familiarize themselves with the army specifica tions as to grade, type of package, and condition. The marketing specialist in each market center will wish to know in advance the tonnage of homegrown commodities that will be available, so that he will be in a position to ar range his buying program accord ingly. Therefore, growers should advise the marketing center here two weeks or more in advance of the marketing period as to the quantity and kind of produce that will be available. It was explained that this new setup is quite a departure from the old system whereby each army post purchased, these commodities f >r it self, whereas the new one will cen tralize the buying of fresh fruits and vegetables through these pur chasing offices. On May 1 when this entire plan roes into effect the army will change from what is known a- the garrison ration” to the ‘‘field ra i on” system. Under the ‘‘garrison ration” the army camp buys these supplies on a money allowance basis, while under the "field ration" it is on a commodity allowance basis. The quartermaster, in charge of an army post, under the “garrison ration” is furnished a definite sum of money to feed his men over a given period and he must feed them within that limit and it is up to him to select the line of food that is to be furnished. Therefore under the “garrison ra tion” each unit’s own mess sergeant had to work out its own ration. This will all be changed when the army operates on the “field ration.” Under the “field ration” every unit or mess at a given army post will get rhe same menu on the same day, the menu being made out by the quarter master in charge of the post. Menus will be prescribed by Corps area commanders to all of these post commanders. Each quartermas ter will be guided by these menus when he makes his requisitions for fresh fruits and vegetables on one of these marketing centers. Purchases will be made on a day to-day or week-to-week schedule. The system of purchasing by these mar keting centers will vary consider ably from the old method and here BOTTLED INvBOND dimipAt&hufScriyfflZSfJl _fP^_ BOTTLED IN BOND . . +l$MruajSc- jtd Wn&uu*.-. Att/MamM. S/ui wAt/bytt Jutifld' /^n tAov* tn (■ tAarvtA xtAA* •aAiorrt&U wo*A*<** 100 proof. Copyright 1941, Schenley Distillers Corporation, New York City You Gant Budget a Hospital Bill Protect Yourself and Your Family Through The 2c-A-DAY-PLAN or THE HOSPITAL SAVING ASSOCIATION OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. — CHAPEL HILL Mrs. Harry Farrow, Jr., Local Representative 14 Wrightsville Avenue__Dial 5926 OVER 145,000 NORTH CAROLINIANS ARE MEMBERS WILLIAMS TO TALK AT SCIENCE MEET High School Teacher Will Be One of Principal Speakers At Chapel Hill Th North Carolina Academy ot Science will meet at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill today and Saturday with Louis Williams, member of the Biology department of New Hanover Hig;h school, as one of the principle epeakers on the program. Mr. Williams will speak on his findings about the genus Codium, a common local green sea weed, which he has studied on the East coast from Cape Hatteras to Key West, Fla. He will use especially prepared lantern slides to show his observa tions and experiments, which prove that the two forms of Codium growing here and considered to be two species by those who have made a special study of the algae of this region, are growth forms of the same species. His report will also include something of the lactors that control the distribu tion of this species. Eleven other speakers, all pro fessors from colleges of our state, will make up the remainder of the program. Th selection of Mr. Wil iams as one of the main speakers is a signal honor as all the others are either possessors of master’s degrees or doctorates. WILL EXHIBIT REPLICAS BEAUFORT, April 24.—Plas tic replicas of salt water fish and reptiles will be exhibited at the meeting of the North Carolina Academy of' Science which be gins at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, tomorrow. Dr. H. F. Prytherch, director of the U. S. Fish and Wildlife labora tory here, said today he would take a collection from the labora tory to the meeting. j The replicas were mounted by Waldron Bailey, Jr., taxidermist, and Leonardo Salter, an artist. j Boy Scouts1 Camporee To Be Held May 9,10 Due to a conflict with the closing of schools throughout the county, the Wilmington District Boy Scout cam poree will be held at Greenfield lake on May 9 and 10 and not May 30 and 31 as previously announced. This will be the fourth in a series of camporees being held in the Cape Fear council, and patrols qualifying in them are eligible for participation in the council camporee to be held in Wilmington on June 9 and 10. j Patrols making a satisfactory rat ing in the council camporee will be eligible for participation in the Carolina jubilee in Chapel Hill in September. ' H. W. Winkle, Wilmington district commissioner, will be Camporee chief. 1 Kornegay Kills Wife, Himself in Summerlin MT. OLIVE, April 24.— <£*) — Lemuel Kornegay, 28, and his wife, Edie Summerlin Kornegay, 27, were killed last night. Sheriff D. S. Wil liamson said Kornegay shot his wife and then turned the gun on him self. The shooting occurred in the Sum merlin section of Duplin county. The sheriff quoted relatives as say ing a domestic quarrel led to the shooting and, Williamson said, a war rant charging Kornegay with assault upon his wife had been served on him earlier in the day. Heywood Summerlin, brother of the dead woman, and his two small sons were witnesses to the shooting, the sheriff said. Coroner Ralph Jones said no in quest would be held. ; RICHMOND LIVESTOCK RICHMOND, Va., April 24.—(5>)— (USDA)—Livestock: Hogs: Market steady with Wednesday. Top 8.35. Good and choice 180-225 lbs. 8.15 8.35. 100-120 lbs. 6.35-6.85; 120-140 lbs. 6.85-7.35; 140-160 lbs. 7.35-7.80; 160-180 lbs. 7.80-8.15; 180-225 1ms. 8.15-8.35; 225-250 lbs. 7.65-8.15; 250 300 lbs. 7.35-7.85; over 300 lbs. 7.25 7.75. Sows under 350 lbs. 6.60-7.10; over 350 lbs. 6.10-6.60. Cattle: Fat dairy type cows mostly 6.00- 6.50 and canners and cutters 4.00- 5.00. Sausage bulls around 7.25. Medium and good slaughter steers quotable 9.00-10.00; plain kinds down to 7.00. Vealers scarce. Market steady to strong. Practical top on good and choice nearbys 11.25. will be no more 30 day indefinite quantity contracts. Under this sys tem everyone Will have an equal op portunity to sell to the army, in con trast to the old si'stem where on'y a few of the larger firms participated in the contracts. It is in order at this point to ex plain the definition of bids. Bidding means offers. Some of the trades seem to have the erroneous idea that bidding is to be closed. Such is not the case as it is an open offer basis and the lowest offer or bid se cures the business. Plans for the traffic and routing of cars are still in the formative stage and no definite plans have been completed. It is up to each shipper to select his own routing so that the <*irs will arrive at destina tion the day they are ordered for ar rival and that orders will be placed sufficiently in advance so shippers will have ample time to make the proper routing so that the cars will arrive on the day they are needed. In the United States, grizzly bears are said to be extinct in all states except Montana and Wyom ing. "Wilmington's Original CUT-RATE Drug Store Friday and Saturday Specials |LUXsoapT /[ 9 Out of 10 _ , _ l/ Screen Stars IOC CakeS Use h Only QUANTITIES LIMITED - NO DELIVERIES DO YOU KNOW THE NEW SPRING TOILET WATER? ' 1/ * . $1.00 KREML HAIR TONIC 79c 70c KRUSCHEN — Sato.49c RICHARD HUDNUT The fresh, sweetly fragile scent as of lilacs lush in the early morning dew. Breath of springtime itself in a new toilet water...and a matching fragrance family by Richard Hudnut... perfume, cologne, dusting powder, talcum. Special 1.00 each—talcum 50£ 5c POWDER Puffs, 5 for. 5c METAL POT _ Cleaners, 3 for.-.oc ^———i—-^s— i i — $1.00 GROVES' _r Chill Tonic—.79c PUTm ELASTIC BRACES I m uc new, i un*i miuuw, perfect fitting braces tor sprains, strains, varicose veins and weakened or swollen conditions. FOB -1 Ankles..65c Knees.98c Wrists ...33c Elbows...98c a^rfilAL BIG 11-OUNCE pmW* BOTTLE OF HIN HONEY & ALMOND CREAM Regular *1 size limited time only — SAVE ON NOXZEMA fl75 GIANT HOSPITAL JAR ONLY $ 119 • Twice as much for your money/ Con tents of five 50/ jars for $1.19! Enough Noxzema for the whole family. Wonder ful for Complexion used as Powder Base and Night Cream. Grand for Chapped Skin, Shav ing, externally caused Pimples, Sunburn, etc. GENUINE ALUMINUM I PIE PLATES I WITH THIS ^ I coupon | GOODBYE DANDRUFF./ Now you can remove dandruff— instantly. Fitch’s Dandruff Re mover Shampoo diitolvei and icaihei away all dandruff with a single application. — under a money-back guarantee. No after rinse required. As good for blondes as brunettes. Try it— .You’ll like it! • After and between shampoos. Fitch’s Ideal Hair Tonic is the ideal preparation to stimulate the hair roots, and give new life, luster and beauty to your hair. Shampoo $1.00 Size 69c UUttbLl PLAYING CARDS 29c Was Old at 52 NOW PEPPY, FEELS NEW, YOUNGER *T*m only 53 but felt OLD; so weak, exhausted. Then Ostrex tablets fare me pep. Feel younger.”— H. H. Johnson, Philadelphia. OSTREX contains tonloe, stimulants often needed after 40—by bodies lacking iron, calclumi phosphorus. Iodine, Vitamin Bi. For men and women. A 73-year old DOCTOR writes: “It did so much for patients. I took It my self. Results fine.” Get 35c OSTREX today for 30c. Start feeling peppier and younger this very day. —for that "of for 40" lotdowo 55c LADY ESTHER Four Purpose Cream 39c I Prescriptions Our prescription lilting and medical supply serv ice is First Aid to the ill... and remember our l large volume of business enables us to give you B pure fresh drugs at the lowest prices. \WHEN kidneys function badly and y you suffer a nagging backache, with dizziness, burning, scanty or loo Frequent urination and getting up at night; when you feel tired, nervous, all upset... use Doan's Pills. Doan s are especially for poorly working kidneys. Millions of boxes are used every year. They are recom mended the country over. Ask your neighbor! 75c Size 50c WOODBURY'S FACE POWDER WITH Perfume 39c Hershey s Chocolate SYRUP 3 Mb. a* Can Ate For the Smoker ^j|B LOWEST PRICES ON ■©Cigarettes Up! CAMELS — LUCKIES — CHESTERFIELDS — OLD GOLDS ^ PIEDMONTS—RALEIGHS—KOOLS—FATIMAS—SPUDS vT n nfirT 2^.e0f.13C | Sf.31C | Carton.$1.23 •SMOKING TOBACCO• 1 LB. SIR WALTER RALEIGH SMOKING TOBACCO 69c 1 LB. PRINCE ALBERT SMOKING TOBACCO .69c 1 LB. HALF AND HALF SMOKING TOBACCO ...... 69c DOROTHY GRAY PORTRAIT MAKE-UP SET • New, keyed expressly to spring! Set contains full size Dorothy Gray LIPSTICK, choice of important shades... plus cake of MATCHING box of POR TRAIT FACE POWDER in harmonized shade. TOTAL VALUE $2.00 boxtd com- $100 plats, only ■ jgk Whitman’s or Martha Washington CANDIES New Shipment just received. Place your order with us now for future delivery... We will gladly wrap and mail for you at any time you desire. $1.25 BOTTLE ABSORBING JR. 83c 60c FLEETS SODA 49c 50c IP ANA TOOTH PASTE $1.00 IRuNlZtU YEAST TABLETS 69c $1.00 BOTTLE LYSOL 83 c JASMINE SACHET