POLICE CONTINUE PROBE INTO WAVE OF VIOLENCE HERE iiaiority Of Cases Invo,ves "C. Pop-'^n Stabbmgs, Thefts , -ntfton police continued to #*!““£ Thursday night several inve-t!ga s mostly involving opulation, includ #1® cf .ahing case. lngaS Tames Walker Memorial Fr°.mi ram" a report that George h°sp!, negro, nad heen stabbed Cor«f Zf lung and was at the through u And another stab P°int froueht Sam Thomas, young bing br “Recorder’s court Thurs negr0'„fflinf> to answer charges of day faith a deadly weapon with injuries resulting. He drew s f"ffpre' two automobile c Tbere Rhfn tbe city limits dur f Wednesday and Wednesday It The automobiles were sen Blgv damaged but no serious in JUS y d suited to persons involved. TSSSU*» »*«' sUAe"t and filled with wnat ap eared *o be a salesman s sam es was completely ransacked by t unidentified negro men. Two negro women went into a downtown* dress shop and stated tv Wished to purchase some ar Res of clothing. When the sales men was called away, they itched a woman’s garment ana fled from the store. They had not caught Thursday afternoon, j H Roberts and Mable Holes, both white, pleaded guilty in re corder's court to charges of regis tering at the Wilmington and Brunswick hotels for immoral pur noses. He drew nine rnomns ana L «ot three—both capiases to is Slie at 5 o'clock Thursday after n°Professor John Wesley Boysaw, legless negro, conv'cted of four count-5 of pi act? ting medicine with out a license, was given fi ve years, capias to issue at 5 o’clock Thurs day afternoon. Gideon, Erickson drew a con tinuance of his trial on charges of paying five dollars to Marie Thom as’for the purpose of prostitution. A boarding house operator told police Wednesday night one of her roomers left in a taxicab, and shortly after she left a watch be longing to another roomer was found to have been stolen. Judge Alton A. Lennon inursaay morning recognized the spread of violence and lawbreaking in Wil mington by commenting that the county recorder’s court “is trying more cases than any court in the late. "And most of the trouble is caused by this undesirable element that has come into Wilmington.” Cases called for trial in the court lately have more than doubled their number of a few months ago. Meanwhile, police are continuing an intensified drive aimed at elim inating the alarming spread cf law violations through the city. 2 AUTO BODY REPAIRS CAUSEY'S Corner Market and 12th Beware Coughs from common colds That Hang On Chronic bronchitis may develop if Hour cough, chest cold, or acute bron Pot treated and you cannot nord to take a chance with any medi ’ess Potent than Creomulsion ta„w/f0eS ?ght t0 the seat of the K™ to help loosen and expel germ SLphie!m and aid nature to brn?lat!d heal raw, tender, inflamed nSLal mucous membranes. cren2iSIOn hlends beechwood time L ?yspecial process with other ItcmEed medicines for coughs. No mS* no narcotics, you ha^« *-r i10w many medicines sellyouabnw’ te,lyour druggist to the unlw0^of Creomulsion with wav l ndlpg you must hke the •Pitting ?eSt LrtlaPthe cough- per* have iniir Slsnd s[eep’ or you are to your money back. (Adv.) Kggg|jjplB The straight whiskies in this product are 4 years or more old. 51% straight bourbon whisky, 49% other straight whiskies. 62%% straight whiskies 4 years old, 25% straight whisky 5 years old, 12%% straight whisky 6 years old. — ..ml MARINES TRAIN IN USE OF BARRAGE BALLOONS Efficiency of the barrage balloon in keeping Nazi planes high over London, thus lessening the bombers’ accuracy, has resulted in the U. S. adopting the balloons as part of its war equipment. At the new training center at Parris Island, S. C., the West Point of the Marines, the leathernecks learn technique in handling the big bags. Top, left, Marines work inside the balloon. Bottom, left, a ground crew fills the big sausage with helium gas. Right, the balloon is “put to bed.” One Marine stands near the sandbagged dugout, signaling to ground crew.—Central Press Photo! Pvt. Roy Lambert Wins Davis Essay Contest; Work Rejects Foreign ‘Isms’ - * Pvt. Hoy E. Lambert, Battery D, 93rd C. A., has been selected as the winner of the first prize in the Camp Davis essay contest, it was announced by the Wilmington com mittee of judges Wednesday. Pvt. Lambert’s dissertation was entitled, “Quo Vadimus,” and he appealed, through his essay, for Americans to stand firm in the tight against foreign doctrines of government. / As the prize winning essayist, Lambert will receive an expense paid furlough to Washington, D. C. He will be accompanied to the capital by the winner of the camp oratorical contest, who is to be chosen Friday. The essay and ora torical contests have attracted widespread interest on the post. Second place in the essay con test went to Cpl. A. W. Washing ton, Battery M, 99th C. A., for his discussion of the subject “Why We Are in the Army.” Eugene A. Alex ander, Battery E, 95th C. A., was awarded third place with his essay on “We Are the Keepers of De mocracy.” Nine essayists were given honorable mention. Judges of the essays were H. M. Roland, superintendent of New Hanover county schools; Mrs. George LeGrand, Miss Louise Tapp, and Miss Francis F. Duval. Quoting from Mein Kampf, Es sayist Lambert listed the following objectives of Hitler’s program: (1) Germany, as the acknowledged first power of Europe, will dictate the new order, as envisioned by her rulers, in conjunction with the heads of the Axis partner, Italy. (2) The pure Awyan race will reign as the chosen beings on a conti nent of successively inferior sects. i3) The welfare of the individual will be subordinated to the inter ests of the state. (4) Religion will become a nonentity. Freely translated, Lambert’s es say topic is “Where do we go from here?” In his conclusion, he says: ~ “This, then, is the German con cept of government. Ours, of course, is the antithesis of it. Which is the better way, in this work of constantly shifting values? How to judge? The answer, we believe, lies in the word ‘shifting.’ Men, conditions, governments change. The basis principles of human conduct have remained in tact through the ages. It is not therefore a question of determin ing how applicable the Christian code of conduct is to any prevail ing political system, but of decid ing whether that system is fit to survive the truisms which civiliza ion has accepted as the final stan dard, the ultimate perfection against which every human effort must finally be weighed. “The principles of American de mocracy have been put to the test and have not been found wanting. For a hundred and fifty .years, the written expression of our forefa thers’ convictions has withstood every change in time, tempo, and human relationship, to shine forth as the guiding light of civilization; as a constant reminder that in a universe of turmoil, faith and hope may yet accomplish wonderous things. Civil war and foreign up heaval, internal friction and strife, depressions and recessions have come and gone, but the eternal verities for which the first Con tinntal Congress convened, sur vive. “The German creed on the other hand assails every right, every privilege which Christianity holds dear. Freedoms for which men fought and suffered are denied to the masses. The gospel of Jesus Christ and the brotherhood of man are rejected as doctrines incom patible with the Nazi platform. Selfishness and charity are de spised as indications of weakness. Bids To Be Called Soon On Four WHA Projects -- * Plans for administration, main tenance and recreation buildings, to be constructed on the four de fense housing projects here, now are being drawn up and a call for bids will be issued this week by the Housing Authority of Wilming ton, H. R. Emory, executive direc tor, revealed Thursday. Architect William Henly Dietrich of Raleigh, in cooperation with the local firm of Lynch and Foard, is engaged in drawing up the plans and Mr. Emroy said they probably would be finished this week. The largest of the four buildings will be erected on the east side of Greenfield Terrace, south of Greenfield street, and will contain the administrative offices of the housing authority, administrative offices of the Greenfield Terrace Man’s inhumanity to man has reached unprecedented depths. Lambert condemns the creed of Hitler as "the force of evil,” and predicts “This too shall pass away.’ On the other hand, the essayist states it is not enough to acknowl edge the infamies of Fascism as injustices. "Rather, by reason of our knowl edge, it is our duty to indict Hit lerism for the misery and hatred which it has fostered; it is our duty to make such indiements clearly and unhesitantly; and fin ally it is our duty to announce to a waiting world our irrevocable op position to Fascism and that for which it stands." Honorable mention in the essay contest went to Cpl. Wilmer V. Dunlap, Headquarters Battery, 2nd Battalion, 94th C. A.; Pvt. Kuno A. Sponholz, Training Battery No. I, Barrage Balloon School detach ment; Cpl. Herman C. Hender son, Battery C, 54th C. A.; Sgt. John M. Perz, Headquarters Bat tery, 3rd Battalion, 94th C. A.; Sgt. Isaac N. Payne, Headquarters Battery, 1st . 'attalion, 100th C. A.; Pvt. .Max Schwartz, Battery H, 96th C. A.; Pvt. Albert Chicorel, Battery H, 93rd C. A.; Pvt. Frank J. Bartz, Battery E, 93rd C. A., and Pvt. John J. Burns, 16th Group. 2 and Lake Forest housing proiects and space for community activities and recreation. The building will contain approx imately 5,400 feet of space for com munity activities and 2,600 feet of office space, Mr. Emory said. Adjacent to the building, a large playground and park will be con structed. The second of the four buildings will be across the driveway from the administration building and will house maintenance offices and equipment. The third building a yard sta tion, will be erected in the Lake Forest development and wiU con tain space for housing mainte nance equipment as well as lava tories and other public facilities. The fourth building, an adminis trative and community building for the two negro housing projects, Hillcrest and Hillcrest extension, will be situated approximately be tween the two developments. “We hope to have the buildings completed as Soon as possible.” Mr. Emory said but he could give no indications of the date of com pletion or of the approximate coit of the four buildings. 2 Two RAF Cadets Killed In Mid-Air Collision MONTGOMERY, ALA., Nov. 13. —(tf)—Two RAF cadets, one the father of two children, were killed today as their training planes col lided in mid-air and crashed in flames. They were identified as: Frank Victor Marhoff, 29, and Richard Norman Moss, 20. Anthony Biddle Named As Minister To Greece WASHINGTON, Nov. 13. — (*— The Senate confirmed today the appointment of Anthony J. Drexel Biddle of Philadelphia as United States Minister to the exiled gov ernment of Greece, recently es tablished in London. Biddle also is serving as American envoy to several other exiled governments. ‘SELAH’ MYSTERY Religious students never have defined the word “Selah” although it appears in the Bible 74 times. Russian Pilots Smash Nazi Tank Formations With Aerial Torpedoes LONDON, Nov. 13.—OH—Aeri al torpedoes are being used by Russian Stormovik assault planes against German tanks, the Tass radio listening post in London said tonight. One unit tank in flames, causing them ted with destroying 350 tanks in the last month. The listening post said that the projectiles—“Aiad torpe does,” as the Germans call them—are launched from be tween the wings of the planes and not only smash through tank armor, but envelop each tank in flames, causing them to burst like balloons. Relieves it Quickly When you have a bad night and wake the next morning feeling foggy, Jittery and generally “all-in”, let “BC” lend a helping-hand. “BC” offers extra-fast relief because its ingredients are readily assimilated. Also relieves neuralgia and muscu lar aches. 10c and 25c sizes. Use only as directed. Consult a physician when pains persist. Two otepc to amazing new pep... vitality... better looks! Weak, run-down people suffering from sluggishness, underweight,poordigestion, lack of appetite now may re store vital digestive juices in the stomach... energize the body with rich, red blood. If you are one of those unfortunates who have been ill, or have suffered with colds, the flu, worked under a strain, failed to eat the proper foods, or have been vexed by overtaxing worries... yet have no organic trouble or focal Infection... and your red-blood-cells have become reduced In vitality and number... If your stomach digestion refuses to work properly, then here Is good news for you! S.S.S. Tonic Is especially designed to build back deficient blood strength ... to revive and stimulate those stomach Juices which digest the food so your body can make proper use of it in re building worn-out tissue. These two Important results enable you to enjoy the food you do eat... to make use of it as Nature Intended. Thus you may get new vitality... pep. . become ani mated .. more attractive! FmI and look like yourself again Tea, when you tone up the stomach and get Its digestive juices flowing free ly, you should enjoy again that old-time seat lor food... stomach digestive mis eries should vanish. S.S.S. Tonic also gives you the mineral matter in soluble and digestive lorm to restore your blood to Its rich, red color... this makes lor greater strength ... color In your cheeks ...resistance against disease attacks. Because 8.S.S. Is In liquid lorm It be gins Its work as soon as you take It Make tha S.S.S. treatment a part ol your dally diet. Tou will be delighted with results. Scientific research shows that 8.8.8. TOnlc usually gets results. Thous ands and thousands ol users have testi fied to the beneflte It has brought to them—that’s why so many say "8.8.8. Tonic builds sturdy health and makes you leel like yoursel! again.” O 8.8.8. Co. helps build STURDY HEALTH Local Red Cross Unit Holds Meeting Today There will be a meeting of the Wilmington chapter of the Ameri can Red Cross in the assembly hall of the Tide Water Power com pany at 10 o’clock Friday morn ing to consider the addition of a home service worker to the chap ter staff. All members are asked to be present. Miss Allie M. Fechtig, chairman of the production room, requests that all persons working on gar ments for the Red Cross turn them in as soon as possible so that another box may be made up. They are also requested to turn in their wool scraps. JUST IN TINE FOR pKingoff’s SPECIAL OFFER Beautiful 32 Piece Set CHINA WITH A HANDSOME 4 26-PC. SET 20 Year Guarantee SILVER PLATE BOTH AT THE VERY LOW PRICE OF i Federal Tax Included 45c DOWN 50c WEEKLY Only through a very special purchase are we able to offer you this exceptional value, a beautiful 32 piece set of China and a 20 year guaranteed set of Silver Plate in a Beautiful Saver Chest ... This is the opportunity of a lifetime and we suggest that you hurry in for yours. "IF IT'S FROM DHGOFF'S IT'S GUARAHTEED" 10 NORTH FRONT STREET