Today’s Radio Programs WMFD Wilmington 1400 KC FRIDAY, APRIL S 7:00—Morning Greetings. 7:30—Family Altar, the Kev. J. A. Sullivan. 7:45—Ited. White and Blue Network. 6:00—World News Roundup. 8:13—Pages of Melody. 8:30—Musical Clock. 8:35—A P. News. j:00—The Breakfast Club. B:30—Organ Melodies, 11. W. Lea. 0:00—Life and the Land i0:15—Today’s News with Helen Hiett !o:0O—Let’s' Dance. ,1:0O—Orphans of Divorce. I ;13—Amanda of Honeymoon Hill. II :30—John's Other Wife. [1:45—Just Plain Bill. m :00—Between t lie- Bookends. ,2:13— Singing Sam. !2:30— National Farm and Home Hour 1:00— Baukage Talking. 1:15—Your Gnspei Singer, Edward Macllugh. 1:30—Rest Hour. 1:40— WILMINGTON STAR - NF.M S ON THE AIR. 1 ;45—Hotel Taft's Oreh. 2:00—Meditation Period, Rev. .7. A. Sullivan. 2:15—Special Good Friday Program. 3:00—Prescott Presents. 2:30— George Hicks, Men of the Sea. 2:45—Southernaires. 4:00—Rev. James R. Lee, Sixth St. Advent Christian Church. 4 :15—Club Matinee. 4 :55—A. 1’. News. 5:00—Moods for Moderno. 5:30—Lone Ranger. 6:00—Confidentially Yours. 6:15—Lum and Abner. 6:20—Dramas. 6:35—Let’s llance. 6:50—Transradio News. 6:55—News — WILMINGTON STAR NEWS. 7:00—Let’s Dance. 7:30—News Here and Abroad. 7:45— Hotel Pennsylvania Orchestra. S:UO—Lest We Forget, s: 15— Marine Program. S:30—Meet Your Navy. 0:00—Burns and Allen. 0:30—To Re Announced. 10:60—Silver Strings Serenaders. 10:15—First Piano Quartet. 10:30—Military Analysis of the News. 10:45—This Is Sharon. OVER NA TIONAL NETWORK* FRIDAY, APRIL 3 Eastern Mar Time P. M. (Alterations in programs as list ed due entirely to changes by net works). 8:00—It’s Strictly from Dixie—nbc-red To Be Announced (15 mins.) — blue Edwin C. Hill’s Comment cbs-basic .Russ Brown and Songs — ebs-west Prayer: Dick Eaton Comment — mbs 6:10—Ted Husing’s Sports — cbs-basic 6:15— Melodic Strings: News — nbc-red Chicago Dance Music Orches. blue Hedda Hopper. Hollywood—cbs-basic The Southern Serenade — cbs-Dixie 6:30—Ted Steele’s Studio Club — nbc hum and Abner of Pine Ridge—blue Frank Parker’s Program — ebs-bamc Southern Serenade Coin’d—cbs-Dixie Jack Armstrong’s repeat — mbs-west 1:45—Bill Stern Sport Spot — nbc-red Lowell Thomas on News — blue-basic Three Romeos in Vocals — blue-west World & War News of Today — ebs Captain Midnight repeat — mbs-west T :00— F. Waring’fi Time - nbc-red-enst Col. Stoopnagle from Canada blue Amos and Andy's Sketch — cbs-basie Fulton Lewis. Jr. and Comment—mbs j: 15— World War Broadcast. — nbc-rmi Lanny Ross and His Song — cbs-basic Here’s Henry Morgan: News - mbs 7:30—Grand Central Station - nbc-ivd War Broadcast: Dance Orchest.—blue Bob Hawk’s Quiz Half Hr.— ehs-east Dancing Music Orchestra — ebs-west The Lone Ranger, Drama — nibs-basic 8:00— Lucille Manners. Orchest. — nbc Bert Wheeler, Herb. Marshall — blue Kate Smith’s Hour for Variety — ebs Cal Tinney Comment: Dancing — mbs 8:30— By Information Please — nbc-red Meeting Your Navy, Variety — blue Songs for Marching Men — mbs-east Lone Ranger’s repeat — mbs-midwest 8:55—Elmer Davis and Comment—ebs 9:00—Abe Lyman's Waltz Time — nbc Gang Busters. Dramatic Series — blue The Friday Night’s Playhouse — oi>s DUTCH HARASSING JAPS IN INDIES Fight Goes On Despite Fall Of Java And Severe Losses Sustained WASHINGTON April 2.—(tfl— Netherlands Indus forces were re por td here toda\ to be still giv ing rloii's to the Japanese invad ers nearly four weeks after ihe loss of Java. Authorized sources said isolated detachments w;re known to be fighting the foe in Java, Borneo, Sumatra and# Celebes, and possi bly othei islands Netherlands fl ers and planes which escaped tie foe in Java in eany March were said to be op erating with American and Aus tralian sir force*', hammering at Japanese air bases in New Guinea and elsewheie near the northern perimeter of the continent. Some ground forces likewise were beneved to have Deen trans ferred from Java to reinforce Aus tralia’s defenders Netherlands Naval units which ' escaped the disastrous battle of the Java sea and otner sea fignt ing were shifted to the Indian ocear, to serve under British Na val command. ocvueu cumuiumcciuuih mafY” il impossible to assess the effective ness of tne resistance put up by relatively small Dutch forces in the principal Indies islands. Mili tary authorities believe it is of the same general nature as the persis tent raids carrier- out in the Phil ippines by forces operating in Min danao and other islands separated from the. ma;n Bataan peninsula fighting front on Luzon. -V * Two More Tire Thefts Are Reported In City Two more automobile owners Thursday were added to the long list thai have reported tire thefts to police headquarters here since the sale of new- rubber was banned. Bruce Woodall of .108 North Third street reported that a 1938 Ford wheel and Riverside tire, which had previously been stolen and recovered, was gone again along with a Philco radio and spotlight from his car. He placed the total value of his losses at $100. E. Williams -of 117 Red Cross reported the loss of a tire from his automobile some time during Ihe night. "v — Clapper Says: (Continued from Page Six) This apparently causes him to brood over the past, instead of making a fresh start to face the present challenge. Perhaps he is merely showing cautious reserve in conversation. But at no time dees he seem to stress rapid development of India under the present opportunity. Rather, he goes back to the point that he tried once but got no en c^iagement from Britain. 2 Gabriel lleatter Speaking — mbs-basie »: 13—Analysis of Propaganda — mbs 9:80—Party From Plantation — nbc-red -March of Time, News Dramas — bine The First Fighter Drama — cbs-hasic CBS Concert Orchestra — cbs-Diye Spotlight Band: Miss Meade — mbs 9:55—Ginny Sims for Five Mins. — ebs To Be Announced (3 mins.) — blue 10:00— Capt. Flagg & Sergt. Quirt—nbc Fisa Maxwell and Party Fine — blue Glenn Miller Ore.; Gwen Davies—ebs Cedric Foster War Comment — mbs 10:13—First Piano Quartet Cone.—blue To Be Announced (13 mins.) — mbs 10:30—Good Friday Broadcast—nbc-red War Commentary;; Ink Spots — blue Mi-re Songs: News Time — ebs-east Bob Hawk's Quiz repeat — ebs-west Billy Keaton’s Variety Show — mbs 11:00 — News for 13 mins.—nbe-red-east Fred Wiring's repeat — nhc-red-west News and Dance ’- hrs.—blge and ebs Dance. Songs. News (3 hrs.) — mbs 11:15— Fate Variety & News — nbc-red 3 RALEIGH PEOPLE KILLED IN WRECK Automobile Reported To Have Crashed Into Truck Near Wajterboro, S. C. WALTERBORO S. C., April 2. —(if)—Three tesidents of Raleigh. N. C., were killed and a fourth was seriously injured near here late last night in an automobile truck collision. Deputy Sheriff J. J. Trowell of Colleton county said that Miss Margaret Cawthorne and her sis ter. Mrs. J. A. Carter were in stantly killed and J. M Gaddis died approximately four hours lat er a; a hospital here. Mrs Car ter’s husband, the onl' other oc cupant of the automobile, was re ported in a serious condition at the hospital. Trowell said the accident oc curred seven miles south of Wal terboro on U. S. Highway 17 Both vehicles were headed north, he said. Trowell gave the name of the ,ruck driver as Sebrun Kend rick of lifton Go The truck was parked awaiting lepairs wlien the automobile ran into the rear of the truck, he said. 2 _\T_ German Bombers Raid South Wales Section LONDON, Friday, April 3—OP)— Enemy bombers were reported over southern Wales early today for the first time in months. A single raider last night dropped bombs on a southeast coast town hut they well on open ground, caus ing neither casualties nor damage. a ' ■■■ .— ---—--—- ■ - "■ —■ ——— ■■■ ■—i.~rr, ■■■.. rtb THIS CURIOUS WORLD i ————.—— ■ - ..... ■ ■ — ■ SHARKS OP TODAY ARE INSIGNIFICANT IN SIZE COMPARED TO THEIR. ANCESTORS/ THEV GREW TO LENGTHS OF MORE THAN /OO IN NI&ERIA, AFRICA, MOUSETRAPS are SOLD WITH ✓WOE/A/ W£M„. ' TO PROVE THEIR EFFICIENCy^^ M. REC. U. 8. PAT. Off. V yHO GIVES HIMSELF WITH S ALAAS FEEDS THREE_" Ul N YOU NAME THE THREE J > ANSWER: “Himself, liis hungering neighbor, and Me." daily crossword ACROSS 1. Consume 4. Fortify 7. Constella tion 8. Pshaw! 10. Clips 11. "Law of Moses" 13. Delicacy 15. Stir 16. Like 17. Bamboolike grass 19. Perched 20. Bovine animal 4. Likely 5. Chamber 6. Sullen 7. Concord 9. Capital of Cuba 10. Slight repast 12. Diminutive of Henrietta 14. Period of time 18. Eat by rules 21. Success (slang) 23. Bearing 25. Farm building 29. Burglar 31. Wire measure 32. Muffler 33. Native of Ohio 35. Fruit 37. Mexican dish 38. Aquatic birds 40. Muddles 41. Scanty 45. Step 48. A rebuff V3 Yeaferdajr’a Aaiwar 50. Weary 52. Pig pen 22. Garments 24. Rounded mass 26. Brazilian coin 27. Affirmative vote 28. Route 30. Egyptian god 32. Therefore 34. Twilled fabric 36. Insect eggs 39. Alters 42. Mandate 43. Help 44. Intervals 46. Masurium (sym.) 47. Poles 49. Wickerwork material 51. Cascades 53. Barriers 54. Tidy 55. Title 56. Enemy scout 57. Before DOWN 1. Masculine name 2. Turkish money 3. One who tests food CRYPTOQUOTE—A cryptogram quotation A W X B ZC GTA SJTKRL AXCaTGMR TGNO ZPXQZGR L—V N X H R. Yesterday’s Cryptoquote: TEMPERANCE AND INDUSTRY ARE THE TWO REAL PHYSICIANS OF MANKIND—ROUS SEAU. Distributed by King Features Syndicate. Inc. ■1 OUT OUR WAY By J. B. Williamsl WHAT A DAY TO V EXCEPT THE ONES V YOU HWE INSPIRE POETRY/ X THAT’S FILLED TO PROFANE , X LOVE THE CRANE \ WITH JAPS WHO J JrJ£r»<5 THAT FLIES ON DROP SOME J I ‘SUESS THATS HIGH, THE ROBIN I BOMBS UPON \ WHATITTAKES AND THE BUTTER- \ OUR BACKS, TO \ —A ROWDY \ FLV—I LOVE THE OlVE US* VJINi-*-, ^— 1/1 \ WINGS/ /V TAKE IT FROM /. // Y ( ) ***' '' j i JR WILLIAMS, I W THE. SEAMY SIDE I .C0M>.<»m»VHt>8ElweE.mC. T.M.>tG.U.»-P»T. Off. , I I II I a: OUR BOARDING HOUSE . . . with . . . Major Hoopla ! j | < j LITTLE ORPH AN ANNIE— A earn work f ALL RIGHT! THATsT FIGGERED THAT! | I A DEAL! I'M AS I AND TOGETHER I I CURIOUS AS YOU I WE'VE GOTTA I I ARE ABOUT THAT f FIGGER SOME | (JOINT OF H-DEENS-j KtAY^TO^SEE | *1* ‘ WASH TUBBS So Long, Pal By Roy Crane ' NOW WHO IS PEGGY'S X CAN SEE IT AlC\ TAIWLY HE’S WOT AN AMERICAN... HIS NOW... THE WAY SHE ACCENTS JUST A TRIPLE MET ME PUGINS THE WHAT’S MORE, HE’S A FRIEND OF AIR RAID ANO 8G0U6HT UCAT> AC -rue /-=n,iA.i ME TO THIS HOUSE-. AND, LIKE A FOOL, I’VE FALLEN INTO HER TRAP! GASOLINE ALLEY North, South, East or West? I SHOULDN'T HAVE SPOKEN TO PE. MEAGER P F IT WAS JUST A5 I DID YESTtEDAY. HE'S ONE OF MV ~ AFTEE I HAD HAD EMPLOYEES. BUT HE SHOULDN'T HAVE /Z A NICE TALK W/TH DE. FLAX, TOO. I'D HATE AWFULLY TO THE GUMPS _ The Inner Voice BRICK BRADFORD * By william Ritt and Clarence Gray : Ml