jam* I ffltlmmgftm iHi irititt0 VM-JL=£2l“*:---WILMINGTON, N. C., FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 1943 FINAL BDmON - Americans U se Captured German Tank Destroyer I S. soldiers ride on a captured German tank de stroycr which was taken in a battle with the en emy's 10th Panzer Division in central Tunisia. Equipped with a 75mm. gun and diual controls for oper ating forwards or backwards, the armored tank buster was used against the Axis after an American star had been painted on its sides.__ _ ShippingForWilmington I DiscussedWith Governor War-time and post-war shipping for North Carolina’s ports was discussed at a special session of the Wilmington Port commission and the Morehead City Port commission with Governor J. M. Broughton in New Bern Wednesday night, Cyrus Hogue, chairman of the commission here, re vealed Thursday. He said that he was rrot at liberty to disclose details of the conference, which was can-i ed at Governor Broughton’s re quest. The conference apparently comes as the latest development in a long campaign staged by the port commission, the port-traffic asso ciation and allied groups to gain a share of war shipping for the port of Wilmington. As a result of the efforts of the groups, several of the Liberty freighters constructed at the yards i of the North Carolina Shipbuilding company here have been loaded at terminals here before sailing from the port. Present at the conference In New Bern from Wilmington were ' Chairman Hogue, J. T. Heirs, exec utive general agent of the commis sion and Chairman Addison Hew lett of the county board of com missioners. Also present at the conference were Stanley Woodland, George R. Wallace, H. S. Gibbs and Walter Hufhan, all of Morehead City, and Leo Harvey of Kinston. smalIgirldies IN ROAD MISHAP Nine Year Old Killed By Army Truck On High way At Scott’s Hill A nine-year-old girl was killed and her eight-year-old sister in jured when the bicycle on which they were riding was struck by an Army truck in front of their home at Scotts Hill, 12 miles from here, Thursday afternoon. Clara Edens, who was riding on the rear of the bicycle, died before she could be brought to James Walker Memorial hospital here from the scene of the accident. Her sister, Betty Edens, who was operating the bicycle, suffered a broken arm and other injuries and was descibed as in satisfactory condition by attendants at the hos pital Thursday night. The girls were the daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Luther Edens of Scotts Hill. According to Cpl. Whitley of the state highway patrol at Burgaw, county seat of Pender county in which the accident occured, the (Continued on Page Ten; Col. 5) WEATHER FDR OKEHS FUND FOR WILSON HUT Mayor Yow Receives Tele gram Confirming Approv al Of Further Money Confirming a letter to City Man ager A. C. Nichols from the Fed eral Works agency earlier this week, Representative J. Bayard Clark of Fayetteville, wired Mayor Edgar L. Tow Thursday afternoon that President Roosevelt had just approved a $4,420 grant for the op eration of the Woodrow Wilson hut, soldier recreation center here. The text of the telegram: “The President has just today ap proved Project NC 31-M-19 grant ing $4,420 to aid in operation of recreation for service men.” The allocation is the result of an application by the city for $93, 045 in Lanham act funds to oper ate various recreational projects for soldiers and civilians here, includ ing the hut which unti last month was operated as a city-county-spon sored WPA project. At (present, both local govern ments are providing funds for the hut on a joint emergency basis. The Lanham act application, made last December, requested $8, 340 for the operation of the hut from December 1, 1942 through June 30, 1943, and officials here haz arded the guess that the $4,420 allo cation was to cover operation of the hut for the remainder of the fiscal year. -V Shipworkers’ Official Predicts Labor Problem NEW YORK, April 22.—CP)—H. Gerrish Smith, president of the Shipbuilders Council of America, said today manpower was becoming an increasingly difficult problem for the nation's shipyards and that un less the situation improved, meet ing production potentials might be impossible. Smith, speaking at the annual meeting of the council, formerly the builders, said that during 1942 pri builders, said thta during 1942 pri vate shipyards formed the only major industry that exceeded Pres ident Roosevelt’s directives for war production, turning out 8.990,000 deadweight tons and planning for 20,000,000 this year. LOWER 13 KILLER IS FOUND GUILTY Negro Dining Car Cook Convicted Of Murder ing Navy Bride ! ALBANY Ore., April 22.—^ — Robert E. Lee Folkes, Negro din. ing car cook, today was convicted of murder in the sleeping car slay ing of Mrs. Martha Virginia .Tames. The jury made no clemen cy recommendation, making the death penalty mandatory. The 20-year-old Negro thus be came subject to death in the gas chamber at the Oregon state pen itentiary. The jury deliberated 17 hours, 23 minutes. Folkes was convicted of sneak ing into the lower 13 berth of Mrs. James, bride of a naval officer, and slashing her throat when she resisted him as the train thunder ed through the snow-mantled Ore gon countryside last January 23. The Negro, without emotion dur ing the trial, sat motionless and 'seemingly uninterested as a bail iff read the lines which meant he might lose his life. Ensign Richard F. James, hus band of the 21-year-old Norfolk, Va., victim, drew two deep breaths as the verdict was read, but oth erwise seemed unaffected. The most affected person in tne courtroom seeminggly was LeRoy Lomax, Folkes' attorney, who made an impassioned, sometimes tearful statement to the court aft. er asking for a poll of the jury. Lomax waved time for passing sentence. Judge I.. G. Lewelling asked if Tuesday, April 27 would be satisfactory, and when Lomax agreed, the judge called him to chambers for a conference. As Folkes was brought into the courtroom to hear the jury’s deci sion, a Negro friend, William Pol lard, tried to shake his hand. A state policeman leaped between them. There was no disturbance. As Folkes was being led from the courtroom after the verdict, state policeman Curtis Chambers took Folkes by the arm. The Ne gro, with a show of anger, shook him loose. Chambers leaped upon him, and another policeman grab bed the prisoner’s arm. As he rose from his chair for the march back to his cell, Folkes had yawned. Judge Lewelling, after confer ring with Lomax, set the date for sentencing Monday, April 26 at 1:30 P. M. Lomax said he would move at that time for an arrest of judg ment. If that is denied, he said, he would seek a new trial before Judge Lewelling. Failing in that, he said he would file notice of ap peal to the state supreme court. Tlje murder dates back to the early morning of January 23 when (Continued on Page Three; Col. 7) FORECAST North Carolina: Warmer today. (EASTERN STANDARD TIME) (By IT. S. Weather Bureau) Meteorological data for the 24 hours ending 7:30 p. m., yesterday. Temperature 1:30 a. m., 48; 7:30 a. m., 44; 1:30 P m., 62; 7:30 p. m., 58; maximum, 62 minimum, 41; mean, 49; normal, 64. Humidity 1:30 a. m., 74; 7:30 a. m., 84; 1:30 P- m., 60; 7:30 p. m., 75. Precipitation Total for the 24 hours ending 7:30 P m„ o.OO inches. Total since the first of the month. 1.94 inches. Tides For Today 'From the Tide Tables published by v S. Coast and Geodetic Survey). High Low 'V liming ton _ 11:59a 7:04a -p 7:00p Masonboro Inlet_9:46a 3:55a % 10:20p 3:57p Moore’s Inlet _ 9:51a 4:00p 10:25p 4:02p Topsail Inlet _. 9:56a 4:05a (Elmore’s) _ 10:30p 4:07p Sunrise. 5:31a: sunset. 6:49p; moon *J f‘- 10:23p; moonset. 8:03a. Cape Fear river stage at Fayette ville on Thursday, at * a. m., 30.39 fret. (Continued on Page Ten; Col. *) Jap Executions Of U.S. Airmen Spur Bond Sale WASHINGTON, April 22.— Wl — Stirred by the Japanese executions of captured American airmen, many cities and states today over- i shot their quotas in the $13,000, 000,000 Second War Loan campaign or upped their goals. New York announced that the Second Federal Reserve district had oversubscribed by $475,000,000 its $3,000,000,000 quota for non banking buyers, and had declared a new quota for four billion dol lars. Mayor F. H. LaGuardia of New York City, speaking at a bond rally, denounced the Japanese ex ecutions and called upon people to express their indignation with additional bond purchases. Chicago reported that bond sales in Lake and Cook counties leaped from $6,000,000 to $15,000,000 in the first day after President Roose velt announced what the Japanese had done. ' The state of Indiana reported it had oversubscribed its quota by $2,000,000. “Let this be Omaha’s answer to those barbaric murderers,” said O. W. Swanson, chairman of the Omaha War Finance committee, as he agreed to a request that the city’s quota be increased by $5, 000,000 to a total of $20,574,000. The state of Iowa raised its sights on the drive by $10,000,000. The Boston Stock Exchange an nounced that for the first time in its history it would remain open on Good Friday — tomorrow — not (Continued on Page Three; Col. 2) British Smash Into German Lines 'South Of Tunis As Battle Rages; Reds Destroy Hundreds Of Nazis MANY NAZIS SLAIN Germans Still Attacking Kuban River Valley Lines Near Novorossisk AXIS . BASES BOMBED Russian Air Force Smashes At Enemy Ports; Shoot Down 13 Planes LONDON, Friday, April 23. —(flP)—Soviet troops mowed down hundreds of Germans still attacking their Kuban river valley lines above the enemy bridgehead at Novoros sisk in the Caucasus, and the Red air force made mass raids on Nazi military forma tions and other targets, Mos cow announced early today. Three hundred Germans were killed in attempting to | take one hilltop and hundreds also fell in another sector, said the midnight communi que recorded by the Soviet monitor. Soviet Air Force Strikes The Soviet Baltic fleet’s air force attacking enemy ports in that area was said to have caused serious damage to installations, shot down 13 planes, and de stroyed a patrol ship and three troop landing craft. This presumably referred to the' attack on Kotka on the Finnish coast midway between Leningrad and Hensinki. A Finnish commu nique hsd reported earlier that a Soviet assault on that port was repelled by Finnish anti-aircraft artillery. On the front west of Moscow the Russian communique said one enemy infantry company was an nihilated and three artillery and mortar batteries silenced by Rus sian guns. South of Bely, 80 miles northwest of Smolensk, another Soviet group killed 60 Germans and blew up two blockhouses and an artillery battery. The constant German attacks in the Caucasus apparently were aimed at retaining a foothold there for future operations when the ground becomes firmer and at the same time keep the Russians from employing their full strength elsewhere on the long front. Some of the most violent air bat tles of the war were unfolding. The official news agency Tass re ported that the invader had con centrated several hundred planes in the single Kuban area of the Caucasus and that neither by day (Continued on Page Three; Col. 4) Japs Threaten American Airmen; Doolittle Forecasts More Raids - n j. i TO BOMB IN MEMORY U. S. General Promises To Drop Explosives For Men Who Died In Japan (By the Associated Press) Japanese propagandists declare American fliers who bomb Japan in the future will be riding on “a one way ticket to hell,” but the man who did it once—and hopes to do it again—predicts that avenging Yankees will batter the island em pire •, time and time again until it "crumbles and they beg for mer cy.”?; “We will drop each bomb in mem ory’ of our murdered comrades,” grimly declared Maj. Gen. James H. Doolittle when informed in North Africa yesterday (Thursday) that the Japanese have executed some of the men lost in the raid he led on Tokyo a year ago. “Our bombs will not be missing their mark,” Doolittle added. It was plaid that Doolittle, now in command of the Allied strategic bombing force in North Africa, and all the men who accompanied him on the daring raid, are far from being intimidated by the Japanese atrocity. They all want to be in on the next Tokyo attack. Said Capt. Howard A. Sessler of Arlington, Mass., a member of Doolittle’s force: “The day will come when these atrocities will be avenged.^ I hope I am among the avengers.” His reaction was typical. Obviously an attempt to Intimi date the United States Air Force, the Japanese reference to a “one way ticket to hell” implied a threat to execute every airman captured. The broadcast, recorded by the Federal Communications Commiss ion, followed a Domie news agency broadcast beamed at the United States two days ago announcing execution of some of Dbolittle s com panions and saying “this same pol icy will continue to be enforced In the future.” A statement from the War De partment In Washington said that a further raid on Tokyo was a de cided possibility.” Stressing ominously that Japan would “leave nothing undone” to prevent future aerial attacks, the latest English-language warning from Tokyo said: “And by the way, don’t forget, America—make sure that every flier that comes here has a special pass to Hell and rest assured it’s strictly a one-way tick et.” President Roosevelt’s protest against the execution of some of Doolittle’s men was countered by; Domie with the assertion that “the (Continued on Page Three; Col. 5) ■—-— i RAF Attacks Carrier Systems In Occupied Countries Of Europe LONDON, April 22. — (F) — Ending a 12-hour lull in the Al lied aerial pounding of the con tinent, the RAF attacked rail ways, shipping and other mili tary targets today in a series of extended raids over France, Belgium and Holland. At least one locomotive was destroyed and three others were damaged near Ghent in Belgium, the Air Ministry re ported. Another train attacked at la Citadelle, just east of Lil le, France apparently was car rying troops, as the pilot re ported seeing men in uniform scrambling to safety. Fighting planes diving on a flotilla of four ships off the east coast of Holland severely damaged an E-boat and an armed trawler. Trains also w-ere bombed and machinegunned in the St. Genois area and barges on the Lys canal were hit. The heavy daylight raids re sumed a ’round-the-clock of fensive against the Nazis which up to Wednesday night had been sustained for nine days and nights, during which a weight of bombs unprecedented in aerial warfare were hurled on Hitler’s military installa tions. NAURUSMASHED BY U. S. FLIERS Japan’s Base In Gilbert Island Heavily Damaged By American Bombs WASHINGTON, April 22.— — Japan’s Nauru base in the Gilbert islands, a strategic outpost guard ing the southern approaches to the great Truk bastion in the South Pacific, was heavily damaged Wednesday by Army bombers in a long-range daylight attack. The Navy announced the action today in a communique which de scribed the raiding force as large and reported that despite heavy anti-aircraft fire and resistance from fighter planes “much dam age was done to Japanese instal lations.” “U. S. pilots shot down five and possibly seven Zero fighters,” the communique said. “All U.S. planes returned.” Thousands of miles away, in the North Pacific, another Army air force under Naval command con tinued its remorseless pounding of the Japanese base on Kiska island. The enemy camp and airfields in the-making were bombed and strafed Thursday in the 113th raid on the island this month. The attack on Mauru stirred speculation that it might indicate coming events of importance in the South Pacific war zone. The little island, a volcanic-coral outjutting, stands on the northeast ern flank of a corridor of rela tively open sea from American bases in the vicinity of the New Hebrides to the Caroline islands in the north. The great Japanese naval base of Truk stands at the northwestern end of this corridor. On a strictly geographical basis, the corridor furnishes one of the avenues of approach for a sea (Continued on Page Two: Col. 6) CONTROVERSY BEGINS Murder Of U. S. Fliers Adds Fuel To Argument Over Pacific War BY KIRKE I,. SIMPSON WASHINGTON, April 22. — «p) — The “murder in cold blood” of American Army fliers captured by the Japanese after last year’s raid on Japan has added explosive fuel to the fire of controversy over .Pacific strategy, Army observers believe. They foresee, not only a rising tide of public anger against in enemy capable of committing such acts, but sharpened demands for expedited offensive action against the Japanese. Demands from Australia for sub stantial reinforcement of General MacArthur’s Southwestern Pacific command in the face of ever in creasing enemy concentrations to the north have not been stilled by Secretary Stimson’s assurances of last week that adequate air and other equipment would be provid ed to “counter” Japanese moves. Only yesterday a spokesman for General MacArthur renewed his chief’s blunt warning of intensi fying enemy activity north of the no-man’s sea. "The Japanese forces continue to increase,” he said, adding a "hope” that forces available to meet the rising threat would in crease “to match” those of the enemy. Undresecretary of War Patter-! son, at a press conference today, I did not go beyond Stimson’s pre-| vious assurances that MacArthur’s air power wouy be supplement ed. He did point out, however, that in both the South and South west Pacific, in the Aleutian thea ter off Alaska and in Europe American airmen are carrying the war to the enemy and dealing heavy blows at his planes, ship ping and industrial installations. Disclosure of the new Japanese atrocity came at a time when pressure for aggressive action against Japan both in the Austral ian zone and in the Aleutians was rising. First reactions in Con gress to the executions, officially castigated as “murder in cold blood” by official American com munication, went farther than ex pressions of horror. They called for prompt retaliation, which un der this government’s policy would be possible at present only in the form of offensive military action. (Undersecretary of War Patter son made plain today that there would be no retaliation against Japanese prisoners; that punish-, ment would be reserved for the UNHALTED MARCH Allies Continue Driving Against Axis Positions In Tunisian War MANY TANKS ruined Germans Throw Number Of First Line Units Into Fray With Losses allied headquar. TERS IN NORTH AFRICA April 22. _ (ff) _ British Eighth Army infantry, using bayonets and grenades, smashed into Axis mountain nests south of Tunis today in an unhalted advance after the First Army crushed a diver sionary blow west of the cap ital by destroying 27 tanks and capturing 500 elite Ger man troops. The Eighth Army was re ported to have gained three miles north and west of En fidaville since the offensive began in that sector Monday night, and a spokesman said violent fighting, much of it hand-to-hand, raged all day. Anderson Holds Attack In the north Lieut. Gen. K. A. N. Anderson’s first army, includ ing parachute troops, withstood _a powerful German counterattack aimed at easing the pressure on Marshal Rommel’s southern forces, and Inflicted “considerable casual ties’’ on the enemy southeast of • Medjze-el-Bab. | Five battalions of crack German ' troops, including three from the Hermann Goering Jaeger regiment and one from the Goering Grena diers were thrown against the First Army lines Tuesday night on an eight-mile front between Med jez-el-Bab and Goubellat. At least 70 German tanks also were put into the struggle later, but the British destroyed a third of them, including two 60-ton Mark VI Tigers. The Germans attacked by moon light, apparently trying to capture the hills in a “V’’ formed by the roads leading from Medjez-al-Bab to Goubellat and el Aroussa. But they met such strong opposi tion and suffered such heavy loss es that there was only minor infil tration of the British lines. By Dawn the Axis decided to give up (Continued on Page Ten; Col. 3) HOMESMANAGER GETS NEW POST j - Walter Lippmann Says: Many Factors Involved In Disarming Germany j By WALTER LIPPMANN .. ; It is clear that when we shall have disarmed the German forces now in being, we shall not yet have disarmed Germany. We shall merely have won the power to take measures which deal with the German war potential from which came the Kaiser’s army and then Hitler’s army, from which could come again another conquering army. For after the unconditional sur render there will remain the train ed formations, the corps of offi cers, the staff organization, the whole administrative machinery of total mobilization. There will re main, though it be driven under ground, the Nazi party machine and the secret police. There will remain also the German war in dustry with its tools, its know-how, its laboratories, its technicians and its management. Merely to deprive Germany of her existing stocks of weapons would, therefore, be only a tem porary disarmament. Moreover, if this is all we did, it would be in the interest of German militarism to have us do it. For it would pro vide what the Germans like to call a creative pause. The victorious Allies would find themselves en cumbered with immense stocks of obsolescent weapons and of vic torious, but rapidly aging, mili tary commanders. The disarmed Germans would have a fresh start to concentrate on the weapons and the tactics of the next war. This is what happened between 1918 and 1939 when the French armv pre-j pared for the last war while the disarmed Germans, as well as the disarmed Russians, prepared for this war. If the war potential is intact, a new armed force can be trained and equipped in a period of from three to five years. The war po tential is, therefore, our all im portant concern. It consists of the general staff, the corps of officers, the bureaucracy and organized in dustry. Of these elements the most difficult to deal with, because they are the most elusive, are the gen eral staff and the corps of offi cers. For they will go underground, as they did in 1918, and there they will make their plans for the re vival of their power. The Allies have no way of watching them and of dealing with them directly and conclusively. Only an overwhelm German desire to liquidate this military cast can really liquidate it. The genuine desire will not exist, though, as we shall see, measures can and should be taken to induce and promote it. The question then is to know what to take hold of in Germany, and the answer must be, as the Netherlands ambassador, Dr. Lou don, pointed out recently in some brief but penetrating remarks, that the heart of the problem is . . . Germany’s industry.” Steel mills, power houses, railroads and fabricating plants with machine tools cannot go underground. With them another army can be equip ped. Without them another army cannot be equipped — no matter what military schemes army offi cers hatch in secret conspiracy. Dr. Loudon proposes that the i (Continued oil Page Ten; Col. 1) (Continued on Page Three; Col. 3) Postoiiice To Remain Open Later Saturday Due To Easter Crowd Post office windows will re main open until the regular week-day closing time on Sat urday in order to accommodate • Easter mailings, Postmaster W. R. Dosher announced Thursday. Persons expecting flowers by special delivery must leave someone at hrime to sign for their packages Saturday even ing and Sunday, inasmuch as only one attempt will be made to make delivery, and no pack ages will be left without signa tures, Mr. Dosher said. Public Building Clean-Up Urged By Committee Here As the campaign to clean and beautify Wilmington went into the last days of the week-long drive, the Clean-Up campaign committee saw evidences of activity in pri vate homes but reported Thurs day that “there are still plenty of eyesores in the heart of town. School students, bringing in re ports of clean-up progress in their homes, had manifest the most in terest in the campaign, it was said. According to the committee, some of the buildings now serv ing the public most heavily are “in disgraceful condition.” “If some of the buildings which the public here uses everyday . should witness a wholesale clean- j ing of windows, even that would be a help,” one member com mented. “At a time when public morale needs all the boost it can get, we heartily recommend that a real effort be exerted to get our public buildings thoroughly cleaned. It may not be possible to go in for extensive repairs and painting, but good old-fashioned scrubbing is not an impossibility,” the com mittee declared. Recommended for the attention of occupants of public buildings in Wilmington, in addition to dirty windows, were unsanitary rest rooms, floors, dingy walls, and littered desks. “One thing we have noticed, ’ a committeeman said, "is that (Continued on Paye Three; CoL S) 1 Housing Authority Official To Be Service Advisor Of Group Here James W. Grant, manager of the 800 demountable unit section of Maffitt village, was named service advisor of the Housing authority of the City of Wilmington for health, welfare and reception by the commissioners of the authority, meeting at noon Thursday. No successor to Mr. Grant manager of the demountable sec tion was named by the commission ers. In his new capacity, he will di rect a service designed by the authority to promote and coordi nate a large-scale health educa tion, welfare and recreation pro gram for the approximately 5,000 war worker families the authority will be housing when Maffitt vil lage is completed. Before coming to the authority from Raleigh three months ago, Mr. Grant was a real estate deal er and was also connected with the Home Owners Loan coopora tion. Budgets for the coming fiscal year for the operation of the Char les T. Nesbitt courts and the Ro bert R. Taylor homes, low-rent slum clearance projects of the (Continued on Page Two; Col. 1) NOIICE! If your carrier fails to leave your copy of the Wil mington Morning Star, Phone 2-3311 before 9:00 a. m. and one will be sent to you by special messenger.