* NEW FALL HATS * NEW NECKTIES * NEW SHIRTS Gibson's Haberdashery North Front Street 1755 1943 Sf. John's Lodge No. 1 A. F. & A. M The Degree of FELLOWCRAFT will be conferred by this lodge this FRIDAY evening, October 8, at 8:00 o’clock, in the Mason ic Temple. All sojourning breth ren are cordially invited to meet with us. By order of the Master. CIIAS. B. NEWCOMB Secretary. MONEY TO LOAN ON ANYTHING OF VALUE No Loan Too Lar^e—None Too Small Cape Fear Loan Office LUGGAGE HEADQUA K’CfR8 12 8 Front St Dial 2-185* HI O V I \ (■ V EFFICIENT Is the Word For Our MOVING SERVICE I*!, PRICES REASONABLE STAK-NKWS < I.ASSIFIKj» \I)S i- —.... ABC BOARD GIVES SIGN-UP PERIOD Registration To Be Held Here For New Books Shortly The registration for the new liquor rationing book will open here Monday, October 11, at the registration office at Second and Grace streets, W. D. MacMillan, chairman of the New Hanover Al coholic Beverage Control board, said Thursday. Citizens may register at any time during the period October 11-December 1, when the new liq uor book becomes effective. Members of the armed forces will not be registered here, Mr. MacMillan said. They may sign up for liquor books only at the headquarters, of the division or unit to which they are attached. *♦>♦♦♦**»««** * X'-» «• *«*»***«*» see rm. kamer k ANTI SEE BETTER g Eyes Examined g Glasses Fitted ;•* | DR. W. A. KAMER Bullnck Building g ! »»»♦♦ «.♦ »»».♦ ♦,»*,♦ ♦%#• • «««j »** *♦ ♦»** *« * ♦*#*<»**♦♦* »»«*»♦#«•* MM*’* *'«»'#• HOLD EVERYTHING O u r experts : ftSI will fix your ! car: align the i Hr wheels. tune up motor etc. B-Vi'JGH McConnell motors Second and Grace e—n—eww—w— - ■'m i —— Immediate Service on all Plumbing and Heating Problems Dial 7117 CUMBEB-MOORE Co. Plumbing • Heating Oil Burners 17 North Second St. W. M. I TODD 613 Castle St. Dial 5251 GRADE "A" MARKET Choice AA LAMB LEGS ---— --- Choice AA LAMB SHOULDER Choice AA LAMB CHOPS LAMB STEW VEAL ROAST VEAL CUTLETS _ VEAL CHOPS VEAL STEW ROASTING SIZE CHICKENS Fully Dressed CUTS OF NATIVE FRYERS WINGS, lb. ___45c BACKS, lb. _12 i/,c i GIBLETS - BREASTS LEGS FANCY LONG GRAIN RICE EXTRA STANDARDS OYSTERS JUMBO COUNTS M-HOLK SERVICE WE NEVER CLOSE i \ ’ rOUBTH It CHESTNUT ST& F 0 R YOUR CONVENIENCE! our stocks are so arranged that you may shop with the least possible * amou 1 .. ^ou‘ Evei'y care is given that your food will be passed to you m the most possible sanitary methods. __ I --- ; Complete Line of Grocer.es-Meat Market Frcsh Frui(s and Vegetables Arriving Daily j £55 , s =- | I Radio Repair Complete Service and Repair on All Makes of RADIO and SOUND EQUIPMENT Automatic Phonograph For Lease Or Rent SUPREME RADIO & MUSIC CO. 703 Castle St. COATS POPULAR PRICED $1.00 Down Holds Your Choice ON OUR EASY-TO-PAY D. A. PLAN Come In . . . Ask Ths Manager For Details CLARK'S Credit Clothiers 219 North Front St. "___ t'i $ BUY WAR BONDS AND STAMPS ^ $ % cd n / 264 North $ | ‘-O- V""- jeweler NF"»i.s‘SL. | $ JEWELRY AND GIFTS OF DISTINCTION -4r $ z> ...... V I II WIM-I Soufhside Produce Center Phone 9197 Open 24 Hours D. G. Granger—S. T. Gore. Owners Maurice L. Guyton . Manager We still strive to please the public. Despite rumors to the contrary, our chief aim is toward satisfying the customer and, with our new self-service system, this is both simple and economical to the bargain shoppers of today. Drive in soon and look over our varied selection and pick your choice. We wrait on you to wait on yourself, then we wait on you after you get what you want. Our clerks only bother you to mark up your produce purchase of the day. It is a rare de light and treat them to wait on yourself. A few of our specials this week follow, not to mention the many non-rationed items to be found on our shelves: IRISH Potatoes _5 Lbs. 22c LARGE SIZE Lemons _dozen 29c FRESH Coconuts_each 18c and 25c I COOKING Applespound 10c CALIFORNIA Cantaloupes_each 25c MUSTARD or TURNIP Saladpound 10c BUNCH Turnipseach 15c FANCY Tomatoespound 15c HONEY DEWS — CASOBA MELONS Cauliflower — Fresh Plums — Prunes, etc. 1208 South 3rd St. Phone 9197 j ; ■mi—■ ....mu 1 IF YOU CAN'T BANK ■ j "IN PERSON" - YOU j CAN BANK BY MAIL j ' THE YEAR ROUND j M I Save piecious time, gasoline and tires by eliminating unnecessary trips to make your legulai deposits. Just mail your deposit at the corner mailbox addressed to this bank. With a "POPULAR” checking account you can pay your regular monthly bills and out of town remittances by simply writing a check and mailing it Then you have a definite record of every payment you make. Start the s mple easy wav of banking today. ^ J ^ | • NO MONTHLY SERVICE CHARGE • NO DEPOSIT CHARGES • NO MINIMUM BALANCE REQUIRED Begin Today Enjoying The Convenience Of a ‘‘POPULAR” Checking Account The Wilmington Savings & Trust Co. member the federal reserve system I member the federal deposit insurance corp. ^--- Mil |, ,n « MONEY TO LEND FOR HOMr FINANCING The Carolina has ample funds to lend for the purchase rc.,-. or refinancing of your home, through its Direct Reduce,,., Plan — an ideal means of repaying your indebted:,. , regular monthly payments. Economical, Practical, Com, File your application for a loan today through Three The / Million Dollar Carolina Building and Loan Ass n “Member Federal Home Loan Bank'' C. M. Butler, W. A. Fonvielle, IV. I). Jones Pres. Sec.-Treas. Asst. Sec.-Tivas Roger Moore, V.-Pres. .1. O. Carr, Atty. || f Columbus took a chance . . . but you “sale" with safeh u|,,n I you come to the GROCERTERIA for essential wartime ,, | omy. No fear of wrecking your budget nor scraping tin i,„ j! tom of shallow supplies. We keep our prices LOW and stocks HIGH! Our “Thrifty Aisles” are lush with fine f01|u !j I including scores of delicious, nutritious foods that require e li ' ration points at all . . . and our prices—well, you'll have n, read these values to be convinced that such savings are Min 1 t obtainable. ___ { POINTS (12) Crisco 3 Lb. jar 70c CREAMO (4) Oleomargarine Lb. ?§; i DUFF'S Waffle MixPkq. tk GRAPE-NUTS Flakes Pkn. k \ PURE APPLE Jelly12 oz, jar Ik SCHIMMEL'S PURE STRAWBERRY PreservesPound iar He PURE Honey3 pound jar Pe | CHASE AND SANBORN CoffeePound Pkq. 31c j DROMEDARY GRAPEFRUIT (4) Juice Largs can Tk j DEL MONTE CRUSHED (34) Pineapple No. 2% caw & DEL MONTE WHOLE (36) Apricots Large can 30c LORD MOTT'S NATURALLY DEHYDRATED FOODS (1) Whole Green Peas, 12 Oz. Pkg. _ (1) Whole Green Split Peas, 12 Oz. Pkg._ (1) Whole Yellow Split Peas, 12 Oz. Pkg. (1) Whole Spanish Beans (Garbanzos) 12 Oz. Pkg. 11c SAILORMAN (5) Soy Beans can 10c ARTICHOKE Hearts jar 50c PREMIER Mincemeat2 Lb. jar 53c Pimiento_can^ 52c j; PREMIER STUFFED Olivesbottle 4k FANCY WHITE (6) Tima Meat can 37c VIENNA (2) Sausage can IQc F. F. V. Saltines_Pound PN. r; j Peanut Butter Pound 2°j J Guest Ivory Soap 2 for ?C;| P. & G. Soap3 for Q. K. Soap_2 for Sc j n ■ I