MERCHANTS MEET SET FOR 10:30 Wilmington retail merchants will meet at 10:30 a. m. Thursday m the Tide Water assembly room to hear an interpretation of a Group 1 arera, in which Wilming ton has been placed by the War Manpower Commisson. Henry I. Shepherd, WMC area • director, who will make a check of Wilmington employers to deter mine whether they are in com pliance with the employment , sta bilization program in the hiring of workers in their establishments March 14-17, will be in charge of the discussion of the 48-hour work week, which becomes effective here April 1. .‘ Shepherd explained .the reason Wilmington was ploced in Group 1 by the WMC was because the demand for employes now exceeds the supply by about 2,000 work ers. Under the 48-hour work week basis, Shepherd declared that Wilmington employers with eight or more employes “must have 48 hours work a week available for each employe on the payroll, and must offer it to them. If it is found impractical for an employe or group of employes to work 48 hours a week, and their working will in no way help with the war effort, exemption may be asked.’ _v FINLAND REPLIES TO PEACE TERMS (Continued from Page One) acterized as “camouflaged uncon ditional surrender.” A Helsinki dispatch said the parliamentary committee on for eign affairs heard Foreign Minis ter Sir Henrik Ramsay outline the situation in a short session today, PpVel /e?lo£i0tf£t,?h!?® —cover with warm flannel—eases mus cular aches, pains, coughs. Breathed in vapors comfort irritated nasal mem branes. Outside, warms like plaster. Modem medication in a base contain ing old fashioned mutton suet, only 25c, double supply 35c. Get Penetro. City Briefs CLUB MEETING The Service Wives Dinner club will meet at 6:45 p.m. Thursday, March 9. at the Fifth and Orange USO club. Service wives are invited to join the club and attend the dinner meeting. Registration should be made in advance by — phoning 2-1269. Mrs. Betty Ann Sabetti is chairman of the elub. CLOTHING STOLEN J. W. Council of Rocky Mount told police that $142 in clothing was stolen from his car, parked on Grace street near the Brunswick hotej Wed nesday morning. A suit, two , hats, and a suitcase were re Vported taken. LIONS TO MEET E. T. Jones, manager of the Wilmington branch of Armour and Company, will speak be fore the Wilmington Lions Club today at 1:10 p. m. at the Friendly restaurant ban quet room on the general sub ject of meat. Jones’ talk today will continue the discussion be gun last week. President Jim my Lawson urges all members to be present for this inter esting discussion. GILLESUIE SPEAKS Dr. A. F. Gillespie, recent ly returned from the Orient after seven months in a Japa nese prison camp, will speak tonight at 7:30 p. m. at the Temple Babtist Church on the subject “Returning on the Gripsholm.” -V LEGION SQUADRON NO. 10 Squadron No. 10 Sons of the American Legion will meet in the Tide Water building as sembly room. Second and Princess streets, Thursday at 7:30 p. m., instead of Wednes day as previously scheduled, MARRIAGE LICENSES Marriage licenses were is sued Wednesday by the regis trar of deeds to Charles E. McCartney. Springfield, Mis souri, and Johanna Boet, of Wilmington: Bruno Poinysz, Roslindale, Mass., and Doris Lord, New Bedford, Mass.; Ha*-vey L. Hughes, Camp Liv ingston, La., and Glada Gai ther, of Wilmington. -V POISON GAS USE IS NOT EXPECTED (Continued from Page One) against Nazi troops. He would do this because he knows that with his depleted air force he would be hurt worse than the Allies in gas warfare against civilian popula tions. t Secondly, from a purely military standpoint the concentrations of personnel necessary for invasion would make better targets than would occur tn any other tactical situation. Should Japan decide to use gas, the odds against her would be greater than against Germany. Gas would be of mere use to us against the concrete - and - steel fortifica tions encountered on the enemy’s island outposts than it would be to the Japanese for defensive pur. poses. The gas question appears to be one for Germany and Japan to answer. President Roosevelt has warned the Axis that if they use it, the Allies are prepared to do the same. _V_. BRITISH MAY BACK DOMINATION BY U. S. (Continued from Page One) It is highly probable that many of the talks will concern post-war borders of European countries in the light of the steady progress of the European advisory commis sion’s efforts to reach agreement on German borders and kindred matters after victory is won. This speculation was strengthen ed by the announcement that Stet tinius would be accompanied by Dr. Isaiah Bowman, president ol Johns Hopkins University, who is a Roosevelt adviser, one of Wash ington’s elder statesmen and one of the country’s top geographers. -V Spanish explorers in 1508 intro duced American timber to Europe believing it would sure many seri ous diseases of mankind. I Artillerymen Relax In Italy .. ® Some of the crew of a field artillery unit serving in Italy, rest ing between rounds, are (left to right). Pvt. Charles Lark of Car bon, Ind., Corp_ Percy Lineberry of Cedar Falls, N. C., Corp. Wil liam M. Hampton of Moulton, Ala., Pvt. James L. Little of Atlanta, Ga., and Corp. John Wind of Miami, Fla. WEATHER (Eastern Standard Time) (By U. S. Weather Bureau) Meteorological data for the 24 hours ending 7:30 p. m., yesterday. TEMPERATURE 1:30 a.m., 47; 7:30 a.m., 44; 1:30 p.m., 32; 7.30 p.m., 46. Maximum 54; mini mum 40; mean 47; normal 51. HUMIDITY 1:30 a.m., 93; 7:30 a.m., 55; 1130 p.m., if; 7:30 p.m., 60 PRECIPITATION Total for the 24 hours ending 7:30 p.m., 0.00 inches. Total since the first of the month, 3.00 inches. TIDES FOR TODAY (From the Tide Tables published by U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey) Wilmington _ 9:36 a.m. 4:21 a.m. 9:56 p.m. 4:48 p.m. Masonboro Inlet_7:29 a.m. 1:15 a.m. 7:49 p.m. 1:41 p.m. Sunrise, 6:30 a.m.; Sunset, 6:15 p.m.; Moonrise, 6:05 p.m.; Moonset, 6:31 a.m. WASHINGTON, March 8—(#)—'Weath er bureau report of temperature and rainfai:. for the 24 hours ending 8 p.m. in the principal cotton growing areas and elsewhere: Station High Low Pre Alpena _— 21 12 0.02 Asheville _ 32 22 0.00 Atlanta - 44 30 0.00 Atlantic City -__ 48 32 0.00 Birmingham _— 45 30 0.00 Boston _ 45 30 0.00 Buffalo _ 24 19 0.03 Burlington -—-- 36 19 0.00 Chicago -—-18 12 0.00 Cincinnati _•__—; 26 20 0.03 Cleveland - 25 16 0.00 Denver _ 50 24 0.00 Detroit —_ 26 17 0,03 Duluth - 15 -3 0.00 ifl1 Paso _ 58 35 0.00 Galveston - 64 49 0.00 Jacksonville- 62 42 0.00 Kansas City - 37 15 0.00 Key West _ 75 66 3.46 Little Rock _ 52 28 0.00 Louisville - 27 21 0.60 Memphis _ 44 28 0.00 Meridian - 51 32 0.00 Miami _ 67 50 0.15 Minn.-St. Paul _ 17 4 0.00 Mobile _ 53 40 0 60 New Orleans- 61 50 0.00 New York _ 41 34 0.01 Norfolk _ 50 33 0.01 Pittsburgh-24 19 0.02 Richmond _ 44 31 0.00 St. Louis _30 IB 0.00 San Antonio _ _ 65 38 0.60 Savannah _ 56 43 0.00 Seattle _64 46 0.00 Tampa _ 65 54 0.00 Vicksburg___ 54 28 0.00 vVashington _ 40 32 0.00 -y CALLS MORE TROOPS BERN, March 8.—(JP)—Bulgaria nas called up more troops follow ing a visit by German Balkan commanders to Sofia and discov ery of a large store of armaments cached by Partisans, the Basler Nachxichten reported today in a Budapest dispatch. -V Thr champion divers of the ancient Olympics made their liv ings diving for sponges. Lemon Juice Receipe Checks Rheumatic Pain Quickly If you suffer from rheumatic, arthri tis or neuritis pain, try this simple in expensive home recipe that thousands are using. Get a package of Ru-Ex Compound, a two-week supply, today. Mix it with a quart of water, add the iuice of 4 lemons. It’s easy. No trouble at all and pleasant. You need only 3 tablespoonfuls ‘wo times a day. Often within 48 hours—sometimes overnight splendid results are obtained. If the pains do no' quickly leave and if you dr not feel better, return the empty rackage and Ru-Ex will cost you noth ing to try as it is sold by your drug gist under an absolute money back guarantee. Ru-Ex Compound is for sale and recommended by Saunders Drug Store and drug stores everywhere. PRICES INCREASE CHUNGKING, March 8 — UP)— Chang Ping-Chun, counsellor of the executive Yuan, said today that the wholesale price index in China had risen 230 times above the pre-war levei and that the price of rice and coal increased 60 per cent since the end of 1943. He told a press conference that matches were 600 times the pre war cost, cooking oil 170 and coarse cotton homespun 340 | times. Death Of Wells Caused By Unknown Party, Allien Says Following Inquest The death of Willie Wells, Ne- | gro ,was caused by a “party or parties unknown to the jury,” Coroner Asa W. Allen stated last j night, following an inquest into the death of the victim of a hit and-run drive on the night of February 18, at Eighth and Daw son streets. According to witnesses, Wells was knocked about 65 feet by a speeding automobile which failed to stop and turned a corner be- ] fore witnesses could get the license number. According to Coroner Allen, witnesses to the accident were Elijah Parks, Negro, 1222 South 1 Eighth street, and Carl Leaks, Negro, Officer J. C. Long, Jr., ] was also summonde before the j | Coorner’s jury as a witness. -V Most of the beef and mutton for Allied troops in England comes ii from Urguay and Argentina. j I discovered an amazing way to NewSTRENGTH.. better LOOKS! These two important steps may help you to overcome Sour Stomach Jerky Nerves Loss of Appetite Underweight Digestive Complaints Weakness Poor Complexion Getting value out of the food you eat is your No. 1 health problem whether you eat 500 or 2,000 pounds yearly. To do this, scientists say, you must have an adequate supply of natural stomach digestive Juices and rich, red blood must be present. Improper diet, overwork, undue wor ries, colds, the flu or other Illness often Impairs the stomach’s digestive func tions and reduces the red-blood strength. A person who Is operating on only a 70 to 75% healthy blood volume or a stomach digestive capacity of only 50 to 80% normal Is severely handicapped. Undigested food sours, causes gas . , . bloating.., falls to supply the necessary body energy... tissue repair... of ten re sulting In nervousness and loss of energy. So with ample stomach digestive Juices J>LU6 RICH, RED-BLOOD you should enjoy that sense of well-being which de notes physical fitness .. . mental alert If you are subject to poor digestion or suspect deficient red-blood as the cause of your trouble, yet have no organic complication or focal Infection, SSS Tonic may be just what you need as It Is especially designed (1) to promote the flow of VITAL DIGESTIVE JUICES In the stomach and (2) to bulld-up BLOOD STRENGTH when deficient. These two Important results enable you to enjoy the food you do eat... to make use of It as Nature Intended. Thus you may get new vitality ... pep ... be come animated ... more attractive! Build Sturdy Health sntl Help America Win Thousands and thousands of users have testified to the benefits SSS Tonic has brought to them and scientific research gaW^nlc^ttVylSlS —makes you feel like yourself again/’At drug stores In 10 and 20 oz. sizes.©S.SB.Co. TONIC build STURDY HEALTH DON’T SUFFER GAS PAINS, LOSS OF APPETITE, BLOATING and DIZZINESS Other people have suffered as you have, and thousands are now getting quick, sure, relief with Dr. Foster's L-K. Sluggish elimination lets toxic poisons get into your system, causing all manner of pains and diseom fort—headaches, sour stomach, nervous indigestion, loss of weight, gas on stomach, cramps ... Many of these symptoms will respond to Dr. Foster's L-K and j bring you quick relief. Get • bottle today and use as direct* ed. Large $1.25 size only 975TT When You Don't Feel Good, r Do An Thounandn Do— Get A Bottle of The Famous Formulae of Dr.G.A.Foster.M.D. I Reach and soothe that raspy, irri tated throat with KESFAMOL. Respamol clings to the irri tated throat pas- - sages... aids in loosening and bringing up phlegm. Contains no sugar—suitable for dia betics. No habit-forming drugs-may be given to children. Take jtESPAMOL as indicated on the label. If you don’t get prompt relief consulty»fir physician. - »-ghsaasuitMi dfuf E**t ^ll wfimd mm I ■.-■ - /i • RECAPPING • VULCANIZING • TIRE INSPECTION Ylow IJour Wardrobe | \ —THEN COME IN AND SEE OUR ! I NEW Spring WOOLENS jl You'll be delighted with the SMART STYLING of 11 the HUNDREDS OF SPRING PATTERNS-a truly , j I beautiful and comprehensive selection of FINE NEW 1 SPRING FABRICS for both I MEN and WOMEN j Our SUITS Are .... Smartly Styled and Correctly Fitted by Expert Designers and Satisfaction Guaranteed. You will be pleasantly surprised that our STAN ^ DARDS OF QUALITY ARE STILL HIGH—yet mod erately priced. However, because quantities are not | unlimited, we suggest your early inspection of these j fine fabrics. , Night Coughing DUE TO A COLD Don’t let a cold cough keep I § you awake and rob you of rest. Get Mentho-Muliion from your druggist f and be prepared. Mentho-Mulslon quickly helps loosen the tight phlegm, eases the tormenting tickle and allays j the coughing so you can go back to sleep. Follow directions on label. m (Today More Than Ever, It Pays To Have Your Clothes Tailored. They Cost No More Than Ready Made Clothes. RHOLEY TAILORING CO. CUSTOM TAILORS 27 South Front Street - Read Star-News Classified Ads » ^..OIL-PLATING YOUR ENGINE | is like outdoing the future—today 3,965,194 people bought the "latest” cars —mostly 1941 models. Twenty-odd mil lion cars are still older. All the probable new car orders—even if dated today— won’t be quickly filled. Then what future car improvement is likely to mean more than the instant improvement of your present car’s health? The least you can do for it is to have unsuitable scratchy Winter oil drained. But get more than an oil change; adopt the major advancement of motor oil that oil-plates—by getting Conoco N*A oil for your indispensable oil change this Spring. Conoco N#A motor oil adds pro tective oil-plating to working parts by "magnet-like” effect. This comes from the special modem synthetic in Conoco N*h oil... at regular price. Oil-plating defies engine adds. These infest every engine; they’re part of every explosion. They tend to corrode metals most when your engine’s driven little— not heated throughout—often re-started after full cooling. Yet even for more'favor able postwar driving you’ll want acid resistant oil-plating; Why not get it without waiting? Today! Simply change to Your Mileage Merchant’s Conoco N«» oil forSpring. Continental Oil Company • Prolong the Life of Your Car ~F1U Your Crankcase With ConocTNth WENBERG BROS. Cor. 3rd and Grace Sts. Phone 2-3686 • WASHING • GREASING • BATTERY WORK