Red Sox Capture Doubleheader * From Yanks To Take 2nd. Spot t* --- 1 ^BOSTON, June 11—UR—'The Bos ton Red Sox won both games of a doubleheader 2-1 and 4-1 today from the New York Yankees to stveep the four-game series and hand the champions their 11th de feat in:their last 13 games. The twin triumph moved the Red Box into second place. “Tex” Hughson gave up only three hits as he set the Yanks down in the opener and drove in what proved to be the winning nm in the fourth when he got an in field hit with the bases loaded. The Sox settled the nightcap early for Clem Hausmann, who chalked up his third straight vic tory; Jimmy Bucher started things in the first inning with a home run deep in the right field stands. Pete Fox beat out aa hit but was forced out by George Metkovich, who. went to third on Bob John eon’s single. Bob Doerr’s long fly scored Metkovich, and, after Joe Croftin walked Roy Partee brought horde Johnson with a double.^ First Game New York . 100 000 000—1 Boston .. 000 2®° 00* 2 Borowy, Donald and Hemsiey; Hughson and Wagner. New York _ 000 010 000—1 Boston . 300 000 10x-4 Dubiel, Zubtr and Ga-gark, Hausmann and Partee. WOODBURY VICTOR Mr. L. E. Woodbury defeat ed Mr- R- B. Gwathemy. 2 and 1, in the second flight of the Cape Fear Country Club Golf Tournament finals. _ MANOR Wf Rip-Rousing Story « 1/ Of 5 Brother Heroes II || “THE SULLIVANS" jl I; with Anne Baxter M 1\ Thomas Mitchell JM i| Shows: 12:05-2:10-4:31 iHer^^^'See-” Card For ^ ml Laughs, Love and Music! jis Rj “YOU CAN’T RATION LOVE” JM l\ with Betty Rhodes, Johnnie IM B\ Johnston, "Scat* Davis JM ■h Marjorie Weaver /AH B^ 8 Grand Song Hits! W Thrill-Packed Action Drama! \« flj “THE SAINT MEETS 1 ■I THE TIGER’* IM M\ with Hugh Sinclair JM Gordon McLeon ^Tl^gTTJ Last BjT Exciting Adventure with |B m The Northwest Mounted! J 15 Errol Flynn in Jl m “NORTHERN PURSUIT** IM ■V with Julie Bishop JM Helmut Dantine ^B^ John Ridgeley f HIS PLANE HAS GONE down in flames, but billowing folds i of sturdy, dependable nylon carry him down to safety. Your I fats are important in the making of nylon for parachutes. Also in the making of explosives, medicines, soaps, and other | war materials. AS LONG AS you supply more used fats for these war needs, you’ll lessen the necessity of taking fresh food fats . . . help ! keep them point-free! So save every precious drop! When the can is full, take it to your butcher and get 2 free red points and for each pound. Keep saving till victory is here! Approved by OP A, WPA end WPB. Pmd for by lodmtry I L_t ■ ; S SPORTS TRAIL | By WHITNEY MARTIN NEW YORK, June 11.— (JO —If you were looking for a first-class hawg caller it woird seem you could go tnrough the stands at Eb bets field and select one at ran dom, judging from the noise that emanates from that baseball em porium in waves. Or in waives, Fritz Ostermue ler might say. Oddly enoogl', though, the one thing, or one of the things, lack ing in the Brooklyn Dodger setup this year ha.? been a holler guy. A real, leather-lunged, buzz-saw voiced gent jut there in the in field who corla put the old zip and dash in the team when the going was tough. Well, they’ve got one now in stocky Eddie Stanky, the short stop-second baseman obtained from the Chicago Cubs, and if Stanky only hits .220 and his field ing leaves something to be desir ed, he should be valuable because of his voice, although it’s admit ted it’s difficult to field a fast hopper with your mouth, and then get tne Dan away ikouj. Lippy Leo the Last The Dogers haven’t had a real holler guy out there since Leo Du rooher decided he’d rather nave his legs folded under the bench than folding out at shortstop. Leo’s capable successor, Pee-Wee Reese, tried hard enough but his voice was something of a pip-squeak and you had to watch his mouth to see if he was saying anything, and \ even then he might just be chew ing gum. The various inept successors to Pee-Wee also were on the strong, silent order, and the Dodger for tunes have been more or less on the downgrade. On the rare oc casions in reimt years when Du rocher, the defending champion holler guy, git o n there the team perked up, despite the fact the lippy pilot gradually was heach ing a point he practically was play ing on a trolley with a 10-foot range. Stanky—and anyone' making an intentional typographical error with that name had better start running, as the little guy is a fire ball—has none too impressive a record in the majors, although he v/as American association batting I champion with Milw aukee in 1942. I I He played 142 games, mostly at second base, for the Cubs last year and hit only .245. However, he has one valuable talent Durocher was quick to rec ognize. He’s an expert at hitting behind the zunner, punching out those hits through the weak spot between first and second with^ a man on- and Du ocher promptly put him in the No. 2 spot in the batting order. Should Click We have an idea he will click with the Dodgers, and mollify the fans, who had been grunting around all season over Branch Rickey’s apparent disinclination to do anything to bolster the infield. Stanky, incidentally, has base ball connections. His father-in-law, Milt Stock, played tlvrd base for the Phillies when they won the pennant in 1915 and he later play ed under Riikey with the Cardi nals, which doesn’t necessarily make Stanky a great ball player, of course, but ii doesn’t do any harm, either. --V DETROIT TENNIS TOURNEY OPENS DETROIT. June 11. —Eight seeded players, headed by Doris Hart of Miami, Fla., and Billy Tal bert of Indianapolis, have first round matches tomorrow as the week-long national clay court tour nament opens at the Detroit Ten nis Club. Miss Hart, ranked second to de fending champion Pauline Betz of Los Angeles, who is idle, meets hard-hitting Joanne Dunn of Des Moines. Ia. Second-seeded Talbert starts off the men’s division by meeting Edward Donovan of De troit. Top-ranking Francisco Seg ura of Miami has a bye. Sixth seeded Hubert Manire of Detroit meets Kenneth Norman of Ann Arbor, Mich- and seventh ranking Richard Warner of Salt Lake City opposes Leonard Wein er of Detroit. In the women’s division, third seeded Dorothy May Bundy of New York plays Betty Ruth Hulbert of St. Louis; Mary Arnold, Los An geles, No. 4, faces Josephine Smil ka, Hamtramck. Mich-; Catherine Wofl. Elkhart, Ind., No. 6 meet Virginia Culton, Detroit; and Con stance Clifton, Miami, No. 8. en counters Hazel Browne, Detroit. -V BROWNIES SPLIT TWO WITH TRIBE BROOKLYN, June 11.— UP)—'The Boston Braves overcame a four run deficit to defeat the Brooklyn Dodgers 8-5 in the second game of a doubleheader to gain an even split today. The Dodgers won the opener, 5-4 in 10 innings. After scoring four times in the first inning of the nightcap, the Dodgers were halted by Ira Hutch inson, who relieved Dick Barrett. The defeat, witnessed by 20,305 paid admissions, ended a four game Brooklyn winning streak, 11 was Boston’s first win after sb straight losses. Boston .. 100 001 020 0—4 Brooklyn. 102 100 000 1—E Javery, Klopp and Hofferth; Melton and Owen. Second game: Boston_ 000 230 300—f Brooklyn .. 400 000 010—E Barrett, Hutchinson, Tobin anc Masi; Gregg, Flower?, McLish anc Owen. Meals Are Delicious GOY. DUDLEY’S MANSION Front and Non St. Dial 2-3539 i :: For a :: Delicious Neal :: ; Dine at the ;; i! G. & J.CAFE H 11 118 Market St. ! Prompt, Courteous Service j ; Open 24 Hours A Day!; .. < ************************ i TIGS BREAK EVEN WITH WHITE SOX CHICAGO, June 11—(#)—Frank "Stubby” Overmire pitched the Detroit Tigers into third place to day by shutting out the White Sox, 1 to 0, on four hits in the second game of a double-header before 23,461 after the Chicagoans had rallied for a 4-2 triumph in the opener. The Tigers had to go to the ninth !_:__ _ nlrfVitnon VinwOTor before Rudy York singled home Charley Metro with the lone run of the game to end the Chicagoans eight game winning streak and give the chunky Overmire the de cision over Thornton Lee in an all southpaw duel. Lee allowed six hits. It was Overmire’s second vic tory of the year. Overmire walked only one bat ter and didn’t allow a Sox runner to reach second base. In the opener the Tigers blew a late inning lead after Dizzy Trout led Bill Dietrich, 2 to 1, on a run he scored himself after singling. In the eighth inning Outfielder Ralph Hodgin came to bat with the bases filled on a pass, a field er’s choice and Thurman Tucker’s safe bunt. He singled home the tying and edge runs, chasing Troul to the showers. Tucket beat Short stop Joe Hoover’s throw to the plate on Ed Carnett’s grounder tc add an unnecessary run as Ha] Newhouser finished for the Tigers. The Tigers tried to whip up a counter rally in the ninth when Rudy York walked and Pinky Hig gins singled, but rescuer Gordon Maltzberger put out the fire. It was Dietrich’s seventh vic tory. Tucker, making four singles in eight times at bat, raised his league leading average to .398. First Game Detroit. 000 010 010—5 Chicago . 010 000 03x—4 Trout, Newhouser and Swift: Dietrich, Maltzberger and Tresh, Second Game Detroit__ 000 000 001—1 Chicago . 000 000 000—( Overmire and Richards; Lee and Turner and Tresh. -V A’S GRAB PAIR FROM SENATORS PHILADELPHIA, June II. — {JP —Staging batting rallies in the fifth Inning of each game the Phila delphia Athletics swept both end! of a doubleheader from the Wash ington Senators 6 to 1 and 6 to i today before 18,691 to push thi Senators into last place The A’s broke a three game los mg streak when they took the firs game behind the steady six-hi pitching of Bobo Newsom. Thre< George Myatt enabled the A’s ti score three runs off Mickey Haef ner in the fifth Inning of the open er. In the second game, the A’i blasted Roger Wolff out of th< j box with five runs in the fifth t< ease a 4 to 1 advantage held b: the Senators. First Game Washington -000 000 010—: Philadelphia _010 031 Olx—i Haefner, Candini. Lefebvre an< Ferrell; Newsom and Hayes. Second Ganie Washington_020 020 001— Philadelphia _010 050 OOx—I Wolff, Carrasquel, Candini an( Guerra; Harris, Berry and Hayes PhiladelphiaPhilUes Purchase John Peacocl NEW YORK. June 7. — (JP) - The Philadelphia club of the Na tional League announced today th purchase of Johnny Peacock, ve1 eran catcher of the Boston Red So: at the waiver price of $7-500. Peacock batted .202 in 48 game for the Red Sox in 1943. -V In times of food scarcity, hous rats devour the smaller, weake members of their own species. -V Nearly 2,000 species of plant yield fibers useful to man. Now! A deodorant in this softer, safer napkin ..11 I. aw... *.■■—. — MODESS helps keep you flower-fresh—at no extra cost! • It’s what 8 out of 10 women wanted moat in a napkin! Softer, safer Modesa bow seals a fine deodorant powder into every single napkin. No extra cost. Buy Modesa today — the ONLY sanitary ^ ^ 12—22* napkin that contains a deodorant! Box Qf gQ* Ask for *Modess with Deodorant!” r * RESULTS American League Boston 2-4; New York 1-1. Chicago 4-0; Detroit 2-1. Philadelphia 6-6; Washington 1-5. Cleveland 13-2; St. Louis 1-4. National League St. Louis 3-4; Cincinnati 1-1. Chicago 5-1; Pittsburgh 0-0. Brooklyn 5-5; Boston 4-8. New York 6-6; Philadelphia 5-5. STANDINGS ' American League Won Lost Pet. St. Louis . 28 23 .549 Boston . 25 23 .521 Detroit . 25 24 .510 Chicago . 22 22 .500 New York . 22 22 .500 Cleveland .... 24 26 .480 Philadelphia ..... 22 24 .478 Washington . 22 26 .458 National League Won Lost Pet. St. Louis . 32 15 .681 Pittsburgh . 25 19 .568 Cincinnati . 25 22 .532 New York ....... 24 23 .5il Brooklyn . 23 25 .478 Boston .. 22 29 .431 Philadelphia ..... 18 26 .408 Chicago . 16 26 .381 -V OITMEN CONQUER PHILLIES TWICE NEW YORK, June 11—OP)—Phi Weintraub’s single which scorec Manager Mel Ott in the 12th in ning with one out in the nightcaj gave the New York Giants a 6-! decision over the Philadelphia Phil lies today, and enabled them t< sweep the double bill- The Giant! won the opener by the same score 6-5. Ray Hamrick’s homer with twi aboard in the ninth tied the scori at 5 all and sent the second garni into overtime. Johnny Rucker hit a pair o home rung in the nightcap an< Phil Weinfraub hit his second o the day in the fourth. Coming from behind in the eight! inning of the opener with threi home runs by Joe Medwick. Phi Weintraub and Billy Jurges. Thi Giants scored four runs to tie thi score. They went on to win thi game when Nappy Reyes single! Ray Berres home with two out. Jimmy Wasdell hit a homer foi the losers, while Charley Letchai ’ batted in two runs with a pair o hits. Bill Voiselle, the fifth Giant pit | ckfer got credit for the victory while Ken Raffensberger. who re lieved Charley Schanz in thi ! eighth suffered the loss. First Game ’ Philadelphia _016 001 120—' ' New York .000 001 041—1 Schanz, Raffensberger and Sem | inick; Voiselle, Seward, Pyle, Ad ams. Polli and Lombardi and Ber , res and Mancuso. Second Game Philadelphia _000 100 103 000—I ! New York _001 201 100 001—i Lee, Covington, Barrett and Sem inick; Feldman. Polli. A. Adam and Lombardi. -V DODGERS, BRAVES ; HALVE A TWOSOME i - ST. LOUIS, June 11.—UP) — Thi league-leading St. Louis Brown salvaged the final contest of 3 , four-game series with the Cleve ' land Indians in the second garni of a doubleheader today, 4 to 2 when pinch-hitter Gene Moore de [ livered a grand slam home rui I with the bases loaded in the las c of the seventh inning. Clevelam won the first game 13 to 1. s Moore's blow to the roof of thi deep right field pavilion came oi the first pitch to relief hurler Jo : Heving who had been rushed int f service when Steve Gromex sud denly lost control. Gromek hai loaded the bases with two walk 3 and a Texas League single. In the opener veteran Mel Hard er scattered five hits while hi teammates clubbed three Browni pitchers for 19 blows. The hom team’s only tally was the resul of a walk and a double by Mar Christman. It was Harder’s sixt victory. Bob Muncrief registered his fift triumph against two losses in th nightcap. Cleveland . 004 140 022—1 St. Louis 010 000 000— Harder and Rosar. Galehousf Hollingsworth, Zodak and Haj worth and Mancuso. Second game: Cleveland_ 000 001 010— St. Louis--- 000 000 40x— Klieman, Gromek, Hewing an Rosar. Muncrief and Mancuso am Hayworth. -V JUKVAXN UNIONED CHICAGO, June 11. —(#)—Catch er Tom Jordan was optioned by th White Sox to the Milwaukee clul of the American Association oi a 24-hour recall basis today. Jor dan, who led the Three-Eye Lea gue in homers while with Water loo in 1942, reported to the Sox las week after being out of baseball j year and one-half. His departure cut the Sox to th' midsummer maximum of 25. ———V—— ' BYRD WINS PHILADELPHIA, June 11— («—Sam Byrd of Detroit won the .47,500 Inquirer Invitation al Golf Tournament today wfch a 78-bole total of 274, taking a one-over-par 72 on the last round to take the $6,700 first prise by seven strokes. -V Tr+~r®£e’s r1®?1 activ* volcanos Etna, Stromboli and Vesusvius. lii in a straight line. CARDS TAKE TWIN BILL FROM REDS CINCINNATI, June 11. — (#) — The St. Louis Cardinals gave the Cincinnati Reds a double beating before 24,337 fans today, 3 to 1 and 4 to 1, and at the same time set a National League record for dou ble plays in twin bills with nine. The St. Louis infield inade four double plays in the opener and five in the second game. The previous mark of seven was set by Phila delphia in April, 1917. Cincinnati hopes of getting even in the second game flew over the left field wall in the sixth when three successive Red Bird batters Walker Cooper, Whitey Kurowski and Danny Litwhiler, lined identi cal homeruns against the laundrj across the street. The Cards got a single run ir the fifth on Emil Verban’s safe ty, a walk and Pepper Martin’; double. Harry Gumbert pitched the night cap for St. Louis and gave thi Reds their only tally on a walk a sacrifice and a single in the firs inning- Although he allowed sb hits and two walks, Gumbert pitch ed to 28 batsmen because of hi infield’s double kills. Behind six-hit pitching by Georgi Munger. the Cards got single run in the first, fourth and sixth in nings of the opening game whil the Reds could manage only i single run whicji came in the sev enth on Eric Tipton’s single, i double by Frank McCormick am l a long fly. First Game St. Louis_100 101 000— Cincinnati _000 000 100— 1 Munger and W. Cooper; Carter i De La Cruz and Mueller. Second Game , St. Louis . -000 013 000— ; Cincinnati _100 000 000— Gumbert and W. Cooper; Shorn and Mueller. \T _ CUBS HAND BUCS i DOUBLE DEFEAT i PITTSBURGH. June 11. —MV ! The Chicago Cubs shut out th L Pittsburgh Pirates in both ends o i a doubleheader today, 5 to 0 ani i 1 to 0. Big Paul Erickson let th. ! Bucs down with two hits in th. I first game. The nightcap was ; pitchers’ duel. Bob Chipman al ' lowing only five hits and two Pi ; rate hurlers yielding the same. ! Only 31 players faced Ericksoi in the opener while his mates rap ■ ped Max Butcher and Art Cue curullo for 12 safeties. Tony York, who got four hits ii ! the first game, came through witl the Cubs’ winning blow in thi nightcap when his single sent Bii i Nicholson home from second i Manager Frank Frisch and Out • fielder John Barrett of the Pi • rates were sent to the showers, ji • the first game after an argumen with Umpire George Magerkurth First Game i Chicago _111 000 020— > Pittsburgh ..000 000 000 Erickson and Holm; Butcher i Cuccurrullo and Davis. Chicago .000 000 100— Pittsburgh _000 000 000—I Chipman and reitner; Strince vich, Rescigno and Lopez. •■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■I St. John’s Tavern 114 Orange St. Dial 2-8085 DELICIOUS FOOD Chicken In The Rough — Friday WANTED TO BUY SECOND-HAND BICYCLES ‘ PICKARDS ; 209 Market St. Dial 2-3224 1 _! a - ’ | SPECIAL OFFER * Y We w,n Make For Sou One Genuine j? X 8”xl0” Silvertone Delux Portrait I Y This o»er void after July 1st 1 t X All Work Guaranteed For |||| <♦ Clip and present this coupon Only J^**'*^ Y Studio Value $4.50 ^ ^ [Rembrant Studios I X a’ua.t.Tsssr | It’s new! It’s designed for lasting j support « Note the construction of 5 the new one-piece Hanes 1 Fig Leaf Suit. It offers you the comfort and trim fit of j a pull-over shirt and ath letic support. Its design provides constant support without requiring elastic. Just pull it over your head like a shirt and snap the fasteners. This keeps the support in place for the life of the garment. Have your Hanes dealer fit you with this new suit in your trunk size. P. H. Hanes Knitting Co., Winston-Salem, N. C. THE RATIONAL UNDERWEAR j —Read The Star-News Classified Ads— 1 s 5 a a t t 1 1 a 3 1 > so 2 1 1 2 a ) 1 t l I Thro* Footers Distributor*. Inc. Now York, N. Y. Hondo* Whiskey, 86 proof, *0% cone products neutral sou** :< ' ' Y'