FINANCIAL NEWS Stock Market Quotations (BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS) Alleghany -----.J 2% A1 Chem and Dye —. 2% Allis Chal Mfg -. 37 Am Roll Milf ..- 14% Am Smelt and Re*. 36% A T and T--lb°% Am Tob B -. Arm 111 -qt? M M,".- "Jg Aviat Corp ^ 20% Bendix Aviat . 58% Boeing Airpl ..- lf% Borden . ^4® Budd Mfg - 29% Bur Add Mach . 13% Cannon Mills —. Caterpil Trac —-. Ches and 0 -• 9134 Chrysler .—.,20 Coca Cola . ^ Coml Solv —-. lb7? Comwlth and Sou . '» Consol Edis . Curtiss Wnght -. 5 Curtiss Wright A . 15% Doug Aire .-. Dow Chem .Hjpa, Eastman Kod .—.lb „ Firestone - 27% Gen Elec - 493/„ Gen Foods .-. . Goodrich --- * roVo Gt Nor Ry Pf.. Int Harvest .-. ]5% Int Tel and Tel.. 1“ ,4 Johns Man —-- 29% Kennecott —.— BondQuotations At and Sf 4s 95 . 123% A C L 4%s 64 .- 86 4 B and O 4s 48 . 87% Can Pac 4s Perp . 9b% C B and Q 4%s 77 - 104/4 C and E I Inc 97 .. 54% C G W 4s 88 -—.- 84% Cri and P Ref 4s 34 - 42% Cl Ut 4%ss 77 --- 93% D and R G West 5s 55- 5% Fla E C 5s 74 . 49 Hud C 5s 62A -- 46 Hud and Man 5s 57 - 61% 111 Cent 4%s 66 . 67% Int Gt Nor 6ss 52 - 21% L and N 4%s 2003 .. 105 M and T Aj 5s 67 . 50% Mo P G 4s 75 .. 26% NYC Rfg 5s 2013 . 77% Nor Pac 6s 2047 .— 95 Penn R R 4%s 65 -111% Ph Rdg Ci 6s 49 - 28% SI C 6s 45 a__ 38% So Pc Rfg 4S 55 . 99% Sou Ry Cn 5# 94 -111 Sou Rv Gen 4s 56 .. 86% West Mfg 4s 52 - 104% Final bond sales $9,017,100 * FOREIGN BONDS Aust 5s 55 - 96 Aust 4%s 56 .-— 90% Braz 6%s 26-57 -. 57% Poland 8s 50 - 25% Rio Gr Do Sul 6s 68 . 36 TREASURY 2%s 54-51 __109.10 214s 56-54 .-.. 107.11 ——_V NEW YORK COTTON NEW YORK. June 12. —(/P)— Cot ton futures moved to new season highs today, closing 30 to 60 cents a bale up on aggressive mill buy ing in connection with operations against textile awards Action of the War Production Board in arranging for more man power in the textile industry in an effort to bolster output influenced commission house and New Or leans buying which found offerings scarce. The May consumption figure of the New York Cotton Exchange service gave strong evidence of the great demand. They showed 835, 000 bales used against 776-000 in April. _ __ __ Open-High-Low-Last — -- Jly_ 21-23 21.34 21.23 21.32 up 12 Oct 20.56 20.64 20.56 20.61 up 9 Dec ... 20.31 20 39 20.31 20.34 up 7 Mch_ 20.05 20.15 20.05 20.10 up 7 May ... 19-81 19.90 19.80 19.84 up 6 Middling spot 22.25 up 10. n-Nominal. --V NAVAL STORES SAVANNAH, Ga., June 12—(A”)— Turpentine 77 3-4 cents a gallon; Offerings 150 (50 gal. bbls.)-; Sales 3,959 gallons; Receoipts, 59 bar rels; Shipments, none; Stocks, 33, 739 barrels. Rosin, (100 lb. drums), offerings 48; Sales, 48; Receipts, 140; Ship ments, none: Stocks, 12,519. Quote: B 4.85; D 4.90; E 5.28; F d H I 5.50; K 5.60; M 5.57; N 5.65; WG 6.10; WW and X 6.35, Extra-Fast Relief HEADACHE-NEURALGIA Headaches, the pains of neuralgia, muscular aches and functional pe riodic pains are quickly relieved by "BC". Why? Because the prescrip tion-type ingredients in “BC” are readily assimilated. Such quick ac tion naturally speeds relief. Keep a 10c or 25c package of "BC” handy. Be prepared when minor aches and pains develop. Use only as directed. Consult a physi cian when pains persist. __ Celling Up Nights MakesManyFeelOld Do you feel older then you in or suite: from Getting Up Nights, Bscksche, Nervous ness. Leg Pslns, Dizziness, Swollen Ankle* Rheumatic Pains, Burning, scanty or fre quent passages? If so, remember that you Kidneys are vital to your health and tha these symptoms may be due to non-organl and non-systemle Kidney and Bladder trou bles—in such cases Cystex (a physician' prescription) usually glvesprompt and joy ous relief by helping the Kidneys flush ou poisonous excess acids and wastes. G« Cystex from your druggist today. Take ! exactly as directed and see the results i your own particular case. Under our guai .antes unless completely satisfied you simp! -«tum the empfr P**™**^ ffum tmt ubm gt your druggi*.^ Ligg and Myers B- 82 Loews _ 64% Lorillard _ 18% Mont Ward _ 46% Nash Kelv .- 15% Nat Biscuit _ 21 Nat Cash Reg __ 29% Nat Dist . 36% Ny Cent _ 17% No Am Aviat _ 7% Nor Pac _ 16 Packard _ 5% Param Pic _ 27% Penny J C _100% Penn R R „:_ 29 Pepsi Cola _ 50% Phillips Pet _ 44 Pitt Scr and B _ 5% Pullman _-_ 43% Pure Oil ...- 16% Radio - 10% Radio K O .— 9% Rem Rand - 17 Reynolds B _-— - 18 Sears - 94 Socony Vac - 13% Sou Pac . 29% Sou Ry - 23% Std Brands . 30% Std Oil N J -- ---. 57% Stewart Warner -T— 157/a Swift . 29% Tex Co . 47 United Aire - 27 United Corp - 1% United Drug . 15% Unit Gas Imp . 1% U S Indus Chem . 37 U S Rubber . 49% U S Smelt and Ref . 57% U S Steel . 53% Vanadim . 20% Vick Chem . — 2\g Va Caro Chem . 4% Warner Piet —. 13% West Union A . 47% West El and Mfg .— 100% Woolworth ——- 39ys Final stock sales 2,236,780. FINAL CURB QUOTATIONS Can Marconi - 1% Cities Service.-.— 1®% Colon Dvmt - El Bond and Sh^-- 9 FOREIGN EXCHAW His NEW YORK, June 12—UR—Clos ing foreign exchange rates follow (Great Britin in dollars, others in cents): . „ „ . Canadian dollar in New York open market 9 5-16 per cent dis count or 90.68 3-4 U. S. cents, un changed. . Europe: Great Britain official buying $4.02, selling $4.04. ■ Latin American; Argentina free 2493 up .11 of a cent, Brazil free 5.20n; Mexico 20.65n. -V average middling price NEW ORLEANS, June 12—(AT— The average price of middling 15-16 inch cotton today at ten designated southren spot markets was 40 cents a bale higher at 21. 49 cents a pound( new season high). Average for the past 30 market days 21.08, middling 7-8 in. average 20.33. -V N. C. EGGS AND POULTRY RALEIGH, June 12—UPl—(NCDA) —Egg and poultry markets steady. Raleigh—XJ. S. Grade A large (clean white) 32; Hens, all weights, 20 to 23. Washington — U- S. Grade A large 36 to 37; Broilers and fry ers 31 1-2 to 32. 77 __ HOG MARKETS RALEIGH, June 12—tffi—(NCDA) —Hog markets steady with tops of 13.55 at Rocky Mount and 13.85 at Richmond. -V CHICAGO BUTTER, EGGS CHICAGO, June 12—(JP>—Butter, firm; receipts 1,267,711; eggs, re ceipts 14,345. -V CHARLOTTB SPOT CHARLOTTE, June 12—UPi—Spot cotton 21.80. JODAY’S PATTERN MARIAN MARTIN Women’s best friend! Slenders ing button front dress. Patterr 9247 is as easy as falling off a lof to make. Note how few patten pieces. Pattern 9247 comes in women i I sizes: 30. 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44 46 and 48. Size 36 takes 3 7-8 yds 35-in. fabric. This pattern, together with needlework pattern of useful an . decorative motifs for linens an • garments, TWENTY CENTS. • Send TWENTY CENTS in coin ; for these patterns to Wilmingto : Morning Star. 165 Pattern Dept ! 232 West 18th St., New York l: t N- Y. Write plainly SIZE, NAMI t ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER. 1 Send FIFTEEN GENTS moi r for the Marian Martin new an J oigge^ Summer Pattern Book, ! ^ ' Page?, easy-to-make styles. Fre • | pattern psinted in book BULL MARKET SPURS SALES NEW YORK STOCKS — Firm; motors, "peace” shares in demand. BONDS—Steady; rails rally. COTTON—Higher; mill buy ing. CHICAGO ' WHEAT—Weak. Lag in buy ing interest. RYE — Weak. Lack of de mand for cash grain. HOGS — :31ow, generally steady. Top $13.75. Holdovers 15,000. CATTLE—Strictly good and choice steers strong, slightly higher. Top $17.50. NEW YORK, June 12—W—A bull market in low - priced motors that spread to utility, automotive sup plier and other civilian manufac turing shares and then Droadened to carry prices generally to the highest since the war began gave the stock exchange its busiest day of the year today. lAllied advances in France and Italy, with their implication of a possibly earlier - than - expected European peace, sent speculators fiocking into Wall Street to bid up prices of their favorites by frac tions to more than two points. Steels and other “blue chip” fa vorites were prominent in the rise, although the heavy volume was chiefly the result of large trans fers of cheap motors and other equities under the $10 level. At 2,236,780 shares, volume was the best since Nov. 8, 1943,' and compared with 849,257 Friday, the last previous full session. I he advance was one of the broadest Of the year, with 696 high er, 161 unchanged and only 106 ofi of 963 issues dealt in. The Asso ciated press 60 - stock average shot up .7 of a point to 53.7, high est since Oct. 25, 1939. The quality of leadership im proved as the trend rose. U. S. Steel gained 1 7-8, Bethlehem 2 1-4, General Motors 1 5-8 and Chrysler 2 1-8, the latter two setting new 1944 peaks. The long list of new highs in cluded, with fractional gains, Du Pont, Willys Overland, Budd Manu facturing, Hupp Motor, Nash-Kel vinator, Graham - Paige, Continen tal Motors, Hayes Manufacturing, Studebaker, Hudson Motor, Ameri can Radiator, Crane Co., Philco and American Sugar. Retailing, aircraft and oil shares also participated in the rise, as did the rails, but their gaines were mostly under a point. Transport loans continued their rally in the bond market. Cotton futures gained 30 to 60 cents a bale. Grains at Chicago, depressed by favorable crop prospects, were uneven. Wheat lost 3-8 to 1-2 cents a bushel, oats were unchanged to 1-4 lower and rye unchanged to 1-2 higher. Ahead in the curb were Electric Bond Share, Cities Service, Car rier Corp., Republic Aviation, Phoe nix Securities and Lake Shore Mines. Transfers here at 327,09C compared with 152,600 Friday. -V- — ■NEW ORLEANS SPOT NEW ORLEANS, June 12—UFh Spot cotton closed steady 50 cent* a bale higher. Sales 817, low mid dling 18.15; Middling 21.30; Good middling 21.70; Receipts 1,655. Stocks 264,520. -V NEW ORLEANS COTTON NEW ORLEANS, June 12.—tfP) Cotton futures closed steady 20 t< 50 cents a bale higher. Open High Low Close Jly_ 21.39 21-48 21.39 21.46 up II Oct ... 20.58 20-64 20.57 20.61 up ' Dec 20.34 20.42 20.34 20.36 up - Mch ... 20.09 20.15 20.08 20-10 up I May_ 19.82 19,91 19.81 19-85 up < RADIO fWMFD Wifamctoa 140OKC ' TUESDAY, JUNE IS 7:30—Family Altar. 7:45—Musical Clock. 8:00—Daily War Journal. 8:15—Musical Clock. 8:30—Blue News Correspondents. 8:45—Rosa Rio 9:00—The Breakfast club. 10:00—Sweet River. 10:15—My True Story. 10:40—Let's Dance. 11:00—Breakfast at Sardi'S. li:30—Gil Martyn, News. 11:45—The Baby Institute. 12:00—Meditation Period 12:15—Blue News. 12:30—National Farm and Home Hour. 1:00—Baukhage Talking. 1:15—Musical Revue. 1:25—News — Wilmington Star-News. 1:30—Living Should Be Fun. 1:45—Little Jack Little. 2:00—Kieman's Comer. 2:15—The Mystery Chef. 2.30— Ladies Be Seated. 3:00—Songs by Morton Downey. 3:15—Hollywood Star Time. 3:30—Appointment with Life. 4:00—Organ Serenade. 4:15—Don Norman Show 4:30—Time. Views the New*. 4:45—'The Sea Hound. 5:00—Terry and the Pirates. 5:15—U. P. News. 5.30— Treasury Star Parade. 5:45—Jungle Jim 6:00—Hop Harrigan. 6:15—Sports. 6:25—News — Wilmington Star-News. 6:30—Jerry Wayne and His Gulfspray Gang. 6:45—Henry J. Taylor. 7:00—Let Yourself Go. 7:30—Your Job Reporter. 7:35—Sundown Serenade. 8:00—Watch the World Go By. 8:15—Carolina Playboys. 8:30—Duffy’s Tavern, S> :00—Silver String Hawaiians. 9:15—Voice of the Army. 9:30—Victory Parade of Spotlight Bands 9.55—Coronet Story Teller. 10:00—Raymond Gram Swing. 10:15—Chester Bowles, OP A. 10:30—Creeps by Night. OVER THE NETWORKS TUESDAY, JUNE 13 Eastern War Time P.M. (Changes in programs as listed due to corrections by networks made too late to incorporate.) 5:45—Front Page Farrell Serial — nbc American Women. Drama Series — cbs Captain Midnight’s Sketch — blu-east Serial Series for Kiddies — mbs-basic 6:00—News Report for 15 Mins. — nbc Quincy Howe and News Time — cbs Hop Harrigan, Children’s Skit — blu Prayer: Comment on the War — mbs 6:15—America’s Serenade: Sports — nbc Edwin C. Hill Comihentary — cbs Captain Tim Healy, Spy Story — b)u Dance Orchestra (15 minutest — mbs »:30—Jack Armstrong rept. — blu-west Jeri Sulla an and Songs Show — cbs Mews Time and Volney Hurd — mbs 6:45—Lowell Thomas & Newscast — nbc World News and Commentary — cbs Henry J. Taylor Comment — blu-baslc Capt. Midnight in repeat — blu-west Repeat of Kiddles Serial — other mbs 7:00—Fred Waring’s Time — nbc-basic ”1 Love a Mystery.” Dramatic — cbs Milton Berle, Let Yourself Go — blu Fulton Lewis, Jr., Comments — mbs 7-15—War News from the World — nbc John Nesbitt’s Passing Parada — cbs The Johnson Family a Serial — mbs 7:30—Ronald Colman Show — nbc-basic The Irresistibles in Vocal — other nbc American Melodies, Songs. Ore. — cbs Green Hornet. Detective Drama — blu Arthur Hale in Comment — mbs-east 7:45—Kaltenbom Comment — nbc-welt 8:00—Ginny Simms and Soldiers — :-bc ‘‘Big Town.” Newspaper Drama — cbs Broadcast of News (15 minutes) — blu Frank Singiser Newscast — mbs-east Arthur Hale with repeat — other mbs 8:15—Lum and Abner, Serial Skit — blu 8:30—A Date With Judy, Drama — nbc Judy Canov- and Variety Show — cbs Ed Gardner and Duffy’s Tavern — blu Pick & Pat Time, Variety Show — mbs 8:55—Five Minutes News Period — cbs n.nn nr„..Sfc‘riC0R^ WE«t 60NN* 6\\it ?9K5t^ W 0\_0? —-—^_^ ?\ "7—XT—r^mr ^ C^T^r~r~^sf VO’EYY.'WfNUK'S frWWWin; WASH TUBBS— N0T SO GOOD BjnLESLIE^j r- / auotheb PLI6HT f THEy'VE CUT THE \ LISTEN! THE) f BRN* TOW-ROPE, KITTV! JAP5 ARE FIR ■ A SHELL BURSTS trO NEAR KITTY'S SLIDER,SHOWERING IT WITH FRAGMENTS, t THROWING IT OUT . „ OP CONTROL... 9 '+ i DR. BOBBS— By ELLIOTT andldl I —- • ! , I • | GUNBOATS GONNA I ,-1 ! FlSHT AGAIN, DOC. /JhEVU MAVBE EVEN BE- J [GUNBOAT, i COME THE CHAMP-J JUNIORS j 35)- jsh FIGHTING ] fevaffiPST—VZ* GIVE IT TO 7 junior.': KEEP THAT LEFT UP, JUNIOR... LOOKITl I ITHAT FOOTWORK,DOC-LIKE JIM CORBETu I — -j 0NV FASTER fn&i LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE— HE’D BRING -- --— . — i— NOBODY COULD BRING IN ft BODY, OR EVEN l ft HEAD? f BUT TH’ GUYS HM-M-M1. I WE’VE FOUND STIFF THAT'S I HERE, SO FAR, RIGHT. I WERE NEVER IN TOO I HERE —~Kl>VE 1 - GASOLINE ALLEY— * _A LICK AND ^ mm -j- rhello, mother clock: skeezix: and : NINA'S WORKING AND YOU MUST BE BUSY ' :-S | (JODE MY BIKE -J TOG GETTING READY ; =?S ouT TO SEE YOU-J*\ FOR THE WEDDING. YOU'RE THE ONE WHO IS GOING TO BE BUSY SERVINC REFRESHMENTS ALL THE WEDGING GUESTS. s Y I IVAN I Six' IU 1 1 IF THERE ISN'T VOU KNOW WHEl SOMETHING I CAN DO SOME CAKE AMC " ‘ AND COOKIES Al rl FOR VOU TO TA‘ V- /-1 THE GUMPS— THE MYSTER\ >■ . . . u . i i ■ ... i ■ . ■ —.. .- n I— ^ - ^--U( pETEM TILPa / j I •WELL, AT LEAST OF COURSE^N^^^,/-^^ | ^ooups^cy>/ERNia-n^ V/^' i JUST jf WHO D-PtD IT? T THE NEXT TIME \S\Jk JITTER*V W-WHY--?/ /YOUJNVITE ME TO V ram EH?/. \ y THE MOVIES, I WANT \WHATB TO SEE THE TICKETS ) INYOB OUT OUR WAY— By J. R. WILLIAMS | OUR BOARDING HOUSE ... with ... MAJOR| W ~ " ** ' 1 1 - IiSiHl rDOKTT BE SO l|ll WELL. YOU iillH § /SILLY/ IF YOU’VE \j | KNOW WHUT A « f fHHHB | GOT TO FOLLOW ' f BAD HABIT I’VE | ; WPpii g' A PLANE THAT 11 GOT OFFER \&Wmkx FAR , WHY DOM’T / GITTINJ’ WHERE TURSJ^I I WAS GOIW7 cwmj.DA'M&K..' INSTEAD OP Yfcb,UKUlW-^cn FILLING THIS HOLE MY GRENADE! COULD TORN Tt . BLASTED IN YOUR YARD, WHY ■&> |N IT AND MAV • NOT COVER IT WITH A TRAPDOOR,^ POND/'— KE 0 AS A REFUGE AGAINST X LAKE BEET N CYCLONES AND DOMESTIC YOOR HONOR : UPHEAVALS ? 'YOU COULD ^ BOW GRASS OVER IT, MAKING *W'/P^ ^it A secret Rendezvous/ JkJgf ^oople/F}1 ' v r y/ to«iX V Nt* SCOiri- iV*. T ^ W^|jjJtW|jg!___