Dorothy Collins, Capt. Wilkerson Wed In Burgaw Miss Dorothy Mae (“Dottie”) ,'llins of Burgaw and Capt. nivitt C. Wilkerson, Jr., U. S. fffiv o? St. Petersburg, Florida, ere united in marriaSe Saturday Member 25. The wedding was ; ,emn;zed at 6 o’clock in the Bur ,0 . Baptist church. Th* marriage ** s were spoken to Rev. Bill p00!e, the bride's pastor. Tt-e church was decorated with , ’jnd cedar. Tall baskets of !Vj,e chrysanthemums were «sed * veen white standards with ?2h ad candles. Prior to the cere „onv. Miss Margaret Betts, pian ,. jendered a program of beau 1',1 music. Mrs. C. E. McCullen, 'aiist. sang "The Sweetest Story ' r Told.” The traditional wed m march 3 were used. Th» bride, given in marriage by kjr step-father, was lovely in a Ue colored suit with gray ac cessories. She wore a corsage of irchids. _ - Mrs, Eugene 0 Bnen, sister of j.‘ bride, was matron-of-honor. i;‘e wore a street length dress of Irown and gold with brown ac cessories with which she wore a torsage of yellow roses. The bridegroom had as his best man. Capt- Fred Pierce of Fort Bragg, formerly of Camp Davis. Ushers were Howard Holley, cou lin of the bride, and Roy Harrell rf Burgaw. Mrs. Murray, mother of the bride, wore a becoming blacl dress with yoke of lace. Her cor sage was of white carnations. The bride is the daughter o: Mrs. Jesse Murray. She is a grad uate of Burgaw High school anc for the past several years has held a position at Camp Davis. Immediately after the ceremony Mrs. Lottie B. McLendon and Mrs. Bruce Bradshaw, of Wilmington, cousin and aunt of the bride, enter tained at a reception for the brid al party and guests. The bridal party was also entertained at the Country club during the evening. Later in the evening Capt. and Mrs. Wilkerson left for a short wedding trip. , OLTON SMITH, who before her marriage was Miss Hazel Robinson of Athens Ala bam£ Mr Smith is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Smith of Bolivia. 1 thenS’ Ala MRS. STERLING LOGEL of Winchester, Tenn., who befsre her marriage of December 16 in mLngton*6’ Ala^ama’ was Miss Kathleen Goodrum, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Goodrum of Wil Sororities To Entertain With New Year's Dance At Carolina CHAPEL HILL, Dec. 23. — The Pan Hellenic Council of the Uni versity of North Carolina will give a New Year’s eve dance in the Women’s Gymnasium here Satur day, December 30, from 9 to 12 o’clock, it was announced today. Freddy Johnson and his orchestra will furnish music. A “candlelight dance,’’ with dec orations carrying out the New Year’s theme, will be a feature of the evening, and a figure will be composed of all Council mem bers and their escorts. They are: Mary Payne Jett, Nor folk, Va., Delta Delta Delta, presi dent of the Council: Marian Saun ders, Washington, D. C., Pi Beta Phi, vice - president; Edith Owens, Dahlonega, Ga., Chi Omega, sec retary; Mary Mprrow, Round Bay, Md., Alpha Delta Pi, treasurer; Wynnette White, St. Petersburg, Fla., president of Delta Delta Delta: Nancy Jane King, Bristol, Tenn., president of Pi Beta Phi; Margaret Fountain, Rocky Mount, president of Chi Omega; Shirley Dickinson, Leaksville, president of Alpha Del ta Pi; Margaret Woodhouse, Chap el Hill, Delta Delta Delta rush chairman; Betty Lou Cypert, Wash ington, D. C., Pi Phi rush chair man; Ruth Brosius, Wilmington, Del., Chi Omega rush chairman, and Dixie Jean Bodge, Buffalo, N. Y.. Alpha Delta Pi rush chairman. Chaperones listed include Presi dent and Mrs. Frank P. Graham, Dean of Administration and Mrs. R. B. House, Mrs. M. H. Stacy, Dean of Women; Lt. and Mrs. Bill Hooever, Dean and Mrs. E. L. Mac kie; Mrs. Sedelia Gold, Pi Phi housemother; Mrs. N. T. Folwell, Ad Pi housemother: Mrs. E. Mer lin Schenck, Tri Belt housemother, and Mrs. A. A. Kluttz, Chi Omega housemother. Catholic Church Mid-night Mass On Christmas Eve The Very Rev. Monsignor C. E. Murphy, pastor, St. Mary’s Catho lic church, announces that the tra ditional Mid-night Mass will be celebrated on Christmas eve. Immediately preceding Mid night Mass the choir, under the able directorship of Mrs. E. K. Bryan, accompanied by Mrs. Rose Picot, organist, will render Adeste Fidelis. During the Mass the choir will sing the various parts as follows: Kyrie—J. W. Kalliwoda Gloria—Arrangement by Mrs. E. K. Bryan Credo—Millard's Mass in B Flat Offertory—Silent Night Sanctus—Chas. Gounod (Messe Solennelle) Benedictus — Chas. Gounod (Messe Solennelle) Agnus Dei—Millard’s Mass in B Flat Following the Mass Christmas carols will be sung. Masses in addition to the Mid I night hour will be celebrated at “ 7, 9, 10:30 and at noon. Tabernacle Baptist Will Have Program There will be presented at the Tabernacle Baptist church, corner Sixth and Ann streets, a Christ mas Stereoptical program this evening at 6 o’clock. Pictures of the various events in the life of THE CHOSEN SON will be shown on the screen. The program will be arranged as follows: Prelude, O Come, All Ye Faith ful—Choir. Meditation and Prayer. THE CHOSEN SON: Jesus of Nazareth—Picture. The Annunciation—Picture. Joy to the World—Choir. The Nativity—Picture. Angels Appearing to the Shep herds—Picture. Silent Night, Holy Night—Choir. The Holy Family—Picture. The Presentation in the Tem ple—Picture. The Star of Bethlehem—Picture. O Little Town of Bethlehem— Choir. The Wise Men's Offering—Pic ture. The Massacre of the Innocents— Picture. The Flight into Egypt—Picture. Christ in Egypt—Picture. * ❖ * Miss Dorothy Kure Entertains Sorority Miss Dorothy Kure was hostess to the Delta Chi Omega Sorority Thursday night, December 21, for their annual Christmas party. The house was attractively decorated for the holiday season with holly and evergreen. A gaily decorated Christmas tree was the center of attraction and the evening was cli maxed with Mrs. W. R. Allen play ing the role of Mrs. Clause and dis tributing gifts. The guests played games and sang carols throughout the evening. Refreshments were served by the hostess. Those present were Mesdames W. R. Allen, Liletha Crabtree, Har riet Wessel, Margaret McKee, Ma delyn Biggs, and Mary Ann King. Misses Evelyn Volk. Mickey Hines, Becky Brockman, Sadie Lee, Pa tricia and Virginia McCleney. Rosa Lee and Eleanor Reeves, Nancy Eutsler, Carleen Page, Marie Burg rin, Isley Galloway, Celeste Jones. Nancy Crichton, Lib Dixon, and Dorothy Kure. * * * BIRTHDAY PARTY Mr. and Mrs. Donald Dick of Carolina Beach entertained at a party honoring their son, Donald, Jr., on his sixth birthday. The house was decorated with Christ mas greenery and a Christmas tree. Games were played and guests were invited into the dining room for refreshments. Guests were Donald Dick, Jr., Rozanne Elder, Meredith Bunch, Ruth Miller, Frances and Ann Lin ville, Billy Siler, David and Glen Sloan. Louise Rainey and Water Linville. Grace Methodist Choir Will Sing Sunday Evening A program of Christmas music will be presented this evening at 8 o’clock by the choir of Grace Methodist church, under the direc tion of Miss Agnes Chasten. The program follows: Prelude—“The Holy Night,” George Vail. Hymn—“Oh Little Town of Beth lehem,” Brooks. Anthem—“Glory in the Highest,” Katherin Davis. Solo—“The Star of the Orient,” Harry Rowe SheUey, Jane Dun ham. Anthem—“Sing We All Noel,” Curtis York. Solo —“Romance,” Wieniawski, Mrs. Eric Norden. Anthem—“The Birthday of a King,” Neidlinger, Mr. Arthur John, soloist. Organ—“Christmas in Sicily,” Pietro Yon. Solo—“Calm on the Listening Ear of Night,” Flaxington Harker, Mrs. Charles Simpson, Violin ob ligato—Mrs. Eric Norden. Anthem—“A Song of Bethle hem,” Lura Love. Hymn — “Silent Night —Holy Night.” Benediction. Postlude—“March of the Magi,” Alexander Matthews. The last number “A Song of Bethlehem was written by Lura Love, a former Wilmingtonian, who now resides in New York city where she spends her time writ ing music and poetry. In reality it is a little cantata, and its sim ple music fittingly set to the Christmas story, will be enjoyed by all who love the ever beautiful music of the Christmas season. * * * BEULAH MEIER DRESS SHOP WILMINGTON’S FASHION CENTER Murchison Building GRAY HAIR NEWS No More Dyeing? MRS. ROBERT D. DIXON, who before her marriage December 17, was Miss Batrice M^rie Sel lers, daughter of Mrs. Ruby L. Sellers and the late Robert G. Sellers. Kathleen Goodrum, Pfc. Logel Married Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Goodrum of Wilmington, announce the mar riage of their daughter, Kathleen, to Pfc. Sterling Logel of Winches ter, Tenn., at Huntsville, Ala., on December 14. Pfc. Logel has just returned aft er serving 29 months overseas with the First Marine division. After the first of the year he will be stationed at McAlester, Okla., where his wife will join him. * * * Save dabs of margarine and but ter left on plates. Keep it in a covered container and use it for cooking. Diana Shop Employes Entertained At Party Mrs. Lila Smith entertained at a Christmas party for the Diana shop girls at the home of Mrs. Liza Stanley on Keaton avenue, Sunday, December 19. The burning logs in the open fire - place with holly sprays hang ing from the ceiling gave an old fashioned effect to the setting. The mantel, decorated in holly wreathes and candles, with a stocking hang ing from either side was a lovely picture. On the other side of the room the desk was set with can dles and covered with ivy. The spruce tree standing six feet on a base draped in white was tra ditionally decorated wit# lights and other Christmas ornaments and the gifts were placed beneath the tree. After egg - nog was served gifts were exchanged. Then a buffet sup' per was served. Those attending were: Mrs. !* Smith, Mrs. Stanley, Miss Molly Raynor, Mrs. Paul Wolf, Miss Vir. gir.ia Holmes, Miss Agnes Spivey, Miss Pauline Allender, Miss Kay Raynor, Mrs. Jackie Lossen, Miss Pauline Long, Miss Geven Murph ree, Miss Catherine Barr, Mrs J. W. Dowless, Mrs. Nixon Jones, Mrs. Arthur Newkirk, Mrs. George Brown, Mrs. A. C. Walker, Mrs. Otterbourg, and Mrs. Dalton Ed* wards. Others guests were Mrs. J. W. Porter, Mrs. C. F. Norwood, Mrs. Fred Griffith and Mr. and Mrs. N. R. Stanley. * * * ,1 ATKINSON NEWS • Mrs. J. S. Pope, M;s. Tom Sim mons and Mrs. Leta Croom en tertained friends at a miscella neous shower at the community clubhouse in Atkinson on Wednes day afternoon from 3 until 5 o’clock in honor of Miss Alice Octavia Cobb, bride-elect. Mrs. Poy E. Moore was winner in the contest. Beautify ^ £ without massage? Amazing new Nanette Crcym contains recognized scientific estrogens (female sex hor mones) which may be needed If your Bust Is under-normal, flat, due to lack of supply of sufficient estrogenic sub stances. Kan ite Cream van ishes, requires no tiresome MASSAGE. No matter what you have tried now try Nan ette Cream on guarantee of complete satisfaction or money back. 30-day jar in plain wrap for 92.20, plus tax. --- — i - i? May Your If Christmas (Days tf | Be Many If and if (bach llew year | Happier In The I Years To Be |f ST. JOHNS EPISCOPAL CHURCH 3RD & RED CROSS CHRISTMAS SERVICES SUNDAY—Holy Communion 8 A. M. Church School 9:45 A. M. Morning Service 11 A. M. SUNDAY NIGHT—11:30 Holy Communion. Bishop Darst, Cele brant, assisted by the Rector. W. G. Robertson, organist. MONDAY—Holy Communion 11 A. M. NOTICE ~ In order that our employees may spend Christmas at home we will be closed until noon, January 1st. Wishing All Our Patrons a ITlerry Christmas and a [Prosperous Tlew 'ear H. & W. CAFETERIA May it be replaced by a brighter light; the promise of peace and safe return for those who valiantly defend us far away. May there be a promise of more restful days for those of the home front. May we thank you for your courteous and generous support all through the year. Sincerely, a Miss Ruby Shipp, Napoleon LeMay To Marry December 26 Mr. and Mrs. James Darden Shipp announce the en;*igement of their daughter. Ruby Shipp, to Napoleon A. LeMay, USCG. The wedding is to take place Tuesday afternoon, December 26, st 2 o’clock at the home of the bride, 2303 Princess street road. * * * Never crowd the rinse tub. Clothes must move freely under water to get soap out. nrtfmristartling new Vitamins for re storing natural color to gray hair cun now be had as Nix Vitamins. No more dangerous hair dyeing or tiresome rinses. Nothing artificial. These Vita mins as described by national magazine supply harmless anti-gray hair Vitamin substance to your system. Simply take 1 a day until graying stops ana hair color returns thru roots. Age 22 up. Don’t look old before your time. Get Nix Vitamin tablets today. Don’t wait EFIRU’S PStS" lit*'ii (ii’iijesnap*; I Jk | The Entire Staff of g | MI-LADY'S | 1 BEAUTY SALON ! I ft | extend to all • jg | A MERRY | | CHRISTMAS | | and | | A BEAUTIFUL | | NEW YEAR I TO GREET YOU Just to wish you happiness and all that brings you cheer on Christmas Day and every day of the coming year. May the blessings of a Merry Christmas follow you wherever you go throughout a Happy New Year. LUCY B. MOORE FLOWER AND GIFT SHOP 1905 From a firm that has enjoyed serving you for forty Christmases, and which is desirous of continuing the pleasant associations of our friends in the future. t To have served you in the past has been a decided privi lege, prompting us to express a Christmas Greeting that carries with it our best wishes fo? the coming year. The friendships formed these past twelve months, combined with those other friendships of long standing, lead us to again renew our pledge of service. The Wlimington Furniture Co. “THE OLD RELIABLE” Our Store Will Be Closed MONDAY and TUESDAY OPEN FOR BUSINESS WEDNESDAY MORNING tbdwin (f. CJarrelly It Pays To See A Decorator 302 N. Front St. Phone 5980 1944

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