MARKET takes AVERAGE DROP vEW YORK, Dec. 23.—W)—The Stock Market this week took its t average beating since the riod ended November 14 and ex ()—Whole blood from home, to save the lives of wounded soldiers, sailors and ma rines on far Pacific battle fronts, gets there fast under a new air delivery set-up. The first bottles, taken from vol unteer donors in Pacific Coast cities, arrived in a few days at an Army field hospital just behind the Ormoc line on Leyte, Philippines. So great was the need that the first delivery was exhausted in seven days and a request to triple the amount of shipments was made. The request was sent to Ameri can Red Cross donor centers at San Francisco, Oakland and Los Angeles, which have been contri buting the entire supply to date. Red Cross officials said two more centers, at Portland and San Diego, may be called upon to help. Navy Air Transport planes now deliver the whole blood, which re tains approximately 75 per cent of the efficiency of fresh blood fox 21 days, to the advanced blood bank facility on Guam. Planes of the Army’s Air Trans port Command and of the Troop Carrier Group, a joint Army-Ma rine air service, participate in making deliveries west of Guam. Eighty per cent of the blood has been used by the Army thus far. Mk Mk - - Army and Navy medical of ficers said availability of the whole blood in sufficient quantity will mean reduction in fatalities. Officers said that under the sys tem now in operation, it is hoped whole blood will be available from Guam for all future battle areas in the Western Pacific. It is being sent to Army fielc and evacuation hospitals, Marine field hospitals, Navy base hospitals and hospital hips. It also will be made avail able to all amphibious forces and to major combat ships, such as aircraft carriers, going into action. To you Merry Christmas! Here’s a toast to you at this happy Yuletide Season! May all the joy and gladness of the true Christmas Spirit inspire you and give strength to your thoughts and actions. Our need now is for greater unity . . . greater faith . . . greater determination and will to “carry on.” May God grant you all of these things in fullest measure . . . and may your wish . . . and that of every true American . . . for Peace and Victory be answered in this coming year. R. B. ROEBUCK GROCERIES, MEATS AND PRODUCE 9th and Orange Streets To Our Friends May we have the pleasure of extending to you, one and all, our sincere desire for all the good things that you may wish for... . j Our ever increasing circle of friends has made this Christmas a very happy one for us... and we only hope that you, too, will receive your share of happiness. For your fine patronage we are thankful J and ask that we may continue to serve j you in the years to come. > HAPPY NEW YEAR i _' NORTH-SMITH COAL (0. MAY THIS CHRISTMAS BRING YOU GLADNESS AND THE NEW YEAR GREET YOU WITH HEALTH AND HAPPINESS r« are happy if we have been of service to you and solicit your continued patronage. Sincerely ‘ This is more than an ordinary greeting this year. It is evidence of our gratitude to the folks who have lived before os, who have made this Christmas of priceless hap piness possible. In this spirit we send our sincere good wishes for you and all those dear to you. May this Holiday time be one of joy and happiness to you and yours. HAPPY New Year Pepsi-Cola Company, Long Island City, N. Y. Franchised Bottlers: Fepsi-Cola Bottling Company of Wilmingto* -—-———m A Yuletime Greeting to One and Ail, The Star of Bethlehem, to the faithful, became the shining figKt wKich'| must for all time symbolize peace and good-will. Those who iirst sCiv 1944 years ago today have their counterparts in each of us—who lock* ahead with full faith in the enjoyment of happiness and security for’all! people of all lands. The Babe born in the manger grew to speak worcs| IP rich in wisdom which can still guide us in living the good life. Let us| rededicate ourselves this Christmas to keeping the spirit of the dayf alive—for all time .. .j FREEMAN SHOE CO. 24 North Front St. “SHOES THAT SATISFY” | | Christmas Qives j | 1 ! Pleasant cJkouqlits § It doesn't seem twelve months since the lost time we wished our many friends Season's Greetings. You have helped us close ' onother chopter in the life of our business and we are I ——■——1 1 ■ ... • ■ ■■■■!» I-.. truly appreciative of your co operation and confidence. . Our warmest Greetings for Christmas and Sincere Good Wishes for the New Year being ushered in . . . May it be your happiest. i I DIXIE LAUNDRY A DRY (LEANER! j 17th and Church Sis. fi