0 APPROVES FLOODCONTROL WASHINGTON. Dec. 23— >—'The joint meat emergency committee, representing consumer groups, labor organizations and 10,000 New York City meat dealers, today backed a four-point OPA-sponsored program to broaden Mayor F. H. LaGuardia’s plan for averting a butcher-shop shutdown into an of ficial boycott of black market meat. The program, presented at a meeting in OPA regional offices here by Charles T. Abernethy, deputy regional administrator, calls for consumer, dealer and labor cooperation with enforcement agencies to ‘insure that meat will be purchased and sold only at ceil ing prices,” and ‘‘a program of meat allocation with due regard to the needs of various communi ties” which will include provision for subsidies if needed. After adoption of the program, Paul Ross, regional enforcement executive, said he would put SO inspectors in the field Tuesday, starting date of the threatened shut down, and if they saw “widespread evidence of black market activi ties” he would request U. S. at torneys of the region to impanel grand juries for possible action on the findings. -V In Cuba, the click beetle is worn as an ornament in the hair, or among the folds of dresses of Cu bann ladies. It gives off a brilliant green light and looks like a living emerald. ; - ■ ENEMY DEVELOPS NEWSPYSETUP By WES GALLAGHER SOMEWHERE IN BELGIUM, Dec. 22,—(Delayed) — (/P) — The Nazi High Commend has improv ed on its fifth column and has developed a sixth column for the present offensive. This sixth column is composed of a special command of trained as sassins and saboteurs who speak perfect English and are dropped behind American lines dressed in American and British uniforms This sixth column was organized last October when all German com manders were given orders to de tach all men in their service who had lived either in the United States or Britain before the war and send them to a headquarters near Berlin. There they were given special tests and only fearless, ruthless men were kept. It was required not only that they speak English but speak it with a definite American or British accent. At the same time German com manders were ordered to turn in all captured American and British equipment, including uniforms and dog tags. Organization ol this force for offensive action was begi | last October, indicating that Field Mar shal von Rundstedt’s offensive was at least two months in the plan ning stage. Given a mission to try to kill high Allied officers and carry out sabotage on a grand scale, the force was equipped with Ameri can jeeps, command cars, tanks and half-tracks and ordered to in filtrate American lines. Some were dropped by parachute behind the lines. Some were dress ed in civilian clothes and ordered to infiltrate towns, start fires, fight with the local garrisons, and then flee. Some of these sixth columnists were uncovered and captured in Eelgium towns. They were found equipped with tubes of sulphuric acid to throw in their captor’* faces and try to escape. -V Some wartime identification badges are marked by secret de signs, visible only under special light rays. LOOKING FOR GIFTS? Vou'll find hundred* o> Quality Items In Our Gift Shop Come in and seiec vour Christmas Gift* Now. ★ SILVERPLATE ★ CHINAWARE ★ FICTCRES ★ LUGGAGE ★ CRYSTALWARE And Many Other*! (jewr/'Jinx Qift Shop Downstairs at the Jewel Box 109 N. FRONT 8T. AND BEST WISHES FOR THE NEW YEAR Ai ihis season, we cannot fail to try to express at least in some measure our appreciation to those whom we have served during the past year. May the coming year reward you with the peace we all desire. ★ R H. WILLIAMS GROCERY 319 NORTH,4TH STREET IHERRY CHRISTIES' HAPPY nEUI YEAR .GOOD WISHES. So things in this fast moving age make it difficult to keep pace with an ever-changing world . . . but with the sincere expression of good will enduring through all ages, we repeat. A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YE ad GREGG'S Cor. Front & Market Sts. On the eve of this Yuletide season, in a troubled world, we need more than ever to remember friends and loved ones in the true Christmas spirit. And so from the depths of our hearts we wish you the very merriest Christmas and a happy and Victorious New Year. MASON ELECTRIC CO. * 107 NORTH 3RD ST. The long awaited occasion is here and with it the opportunity of renewing friendships... of saying to our acquaintances that oil our good wishes go to each of them and our heartfelt thanks for the pa-4 j tronage that we hove had during the time we have served the people of this community. So, for Christmos we say, * PEACE FOR YOUR PATHWAY * WISDOM FOR YOUR WORK * PROSPERITY IN YOUR UNDERTAKINGS In w~ §| 0. S. Brown, Mgr. * M 106 North Front St j| May this Christmas be a season of good cheer, friendliness, and hopes fulfilled. May the unsuppressable mirth ot eager youngsters, the crackling warmtn of the early Yule log, and the invigorating scent of holly and pine, make this Yuletide a truly pleasureabhe one for you, your families, and your friends. I We wish to than\ you for your patronage during the past year, and s look forward to pleasing you.again in 1945. Happy Hew Tear to all.\ | ■ I : ' • ! | HOME SERVICE STORES j f Outstanding Values In Fine Foods | | R. B ROEBUCK, President | r Tilings Z&aee/ ¥ AJ/A. This earth’s people have as their strongest desire a life time of peace and freedom from oppression. That is why they sought the manger to welcome Him who was to become theij teacher. That is why on this Christmas, 1944 years after, they look to the benefits of Victory as the greatest of gifts, therichest of blessings, rekindling into reality the lesson of "Peace on Earth, Good Will to Man” Best Wishes To Al I OurFriends SUNSHINE LAUNDRY PHONE 3386 to **********