NOTED PHYSICIAN DIES OF WOUNDS KANSAS CITY, Mo., Jan. 31.— (UPi—Dr. Logan Clendening, 60. nationals known medical writer who recently told his physician that he would take his own life, was found dead in bed today with his throat slashed. Ben Tibbs, member of the Kan sas City police department homi cide squad, said that Clendening had been dead about 12 hours be fore his body was found. When he failed to get up about noon today, his wife. Dorothy, went into his darkened bedroom and discovered the body. “He apparently had sat down on the edge of his bed.” Tibbs said. ' “and then had slashed his throat with a combination pen knife and cigar cutter. “The knife was on a table nearj the bed. Clendening was dressed in his night clothes.” Tibbs said that Dr. John H. Wheeler. Clendening's physician, had visited him Monday night. He said Clendening expressed the de sire to take his own life, adding that he would do it when people least expected him to. XT WLB Panel Recommends Grievance Machinery For Foremen’s Unions WASHINGTON. .Tan. 31.—(UP)— In a report of far-reaching conse quence to industry, a special War Labor Board panel recommended tonight that 12 big corporations be ordered to establish grievance ma chinery for their foremen and su pervisory employes. If adopted, the proposal would partially circumvent the policy of the National Labor Relations Board which refuses to order employers to recognize or bargain with fore men's unions. -V HAS 500.000 MATCH BOOKS FORT WORTH. Tex., Jan. 31.— (UP)—Arthur Alvin Steiner thinks rumors of a match shortage are foolish. But then Steiner has the more than 500.000 books of matches he has been collecting for the last five years all around him. MILL & CONTRACTORS SUPPLY CO. Mill Supplies — Machinery Contractors Equipment Doming Pumps 131-3 Water St. Phone 7757 % Visit Onr Store For 2! Quality T f JEWELRY and GIFTS $ | B. GURR, Jeweler | •£ 264 N Front St. ? PLUMBING AND HEATING SERVICE ★ Cumber-Moore Co. 17 N. Second 8t IMPORTANT MEETING Thursday Night, 8 O’clock Every member is urged to be present at this meeting as matters that all are interested in will be discussed. LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE W. P. Troutman, Sect’y I NOTICE B H i IMPORTANT SCHEDULE CHANGES I EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 1ST, 1945 I For Detailed Information See I Your Local Agent I' M i Queen Ci(y Trailway§ I (OWNED AND OPERATED BY QUEEN CITY COACH CO.) ■ 1 U. S. S. PARICUTIN LAUNCHING PARTY The U. S. S. Paricutin, 199th ship to near completion at the yard of the North Carolina Shipbuilding company, was christened Tuesday by Senora Ignacio Garcia Jurado, of Washington, wife of Commodore Ig nacio Garcia Jurado, Naval attache of the Mexican embassy.. Shown above on the launching stand are Senorita Antonia Sanchez Gavito, maid of honor and sister of Vicente Sanchez Gavito, first secretary of the Mexican embassy; Lieut. Comdr. Alan W. Laidlow, USNR, aide to Vice Admiral A. W. Johnston, USN (Ret.); Senora Aurora A. Vda. de Penalova. matron of honor and mother of Senor Miguel Penaloya, Second secretary of the embassy; Lieut. Enrique Carrera Alomia, assistant N'aval attache: Senora Hernandez Sagarra. matron of honor; Senora Jurado, sponsor: P. F. Halsey, vice president and general manager of the yard: Commodore Jurado: W. S. McHahon, assistant to the vice president and general manager of the yard: Lieut. Hernandez Sagarra, assistant Naval attache, and his son, Guillermo. The Paricutin, an ammunition escort vessel, was named for an active volcano in Mexico. JAPANESE TROOPS CAPTURE KUKONG CHUNGKING, Jan. 31 — (UP)— Guarding against Allied landings, Japanese troops today completely sealed off the China coast east of the Canton-Hankow railway by cap turing Kukong. 120 miles above Canton and last Chinese strongpoint on the vital rail artery. The Chinese garrison fought to the last man but was overwhelmed by superior enemy forces. (Tokyo radio also claimed the capture of Suichwan airfield in western Kwangsi province, one oi the few U. S. airbases left in south eastern China. The Japanese last summer and fall captured all of the major 14th U. S. Air Force bases in southeast China.) Kukong fell to the Japanese Jan uary 8 after two days of fierce street fighting, the Chinese com 1 munique said. The defenders in flicted heavy losses on the enemy before being wiped out. it was dis closed. Recent reports from Ku kong have told how the Chinese de fenders fought with suicidal brav ery, often blowing up themselves and the Japanese attackers with hand grenades. -V-— BUY WAR BONDS AND STAMPS filets XT ONCE to relieve'', SAP COUGHS (DUE TO COLDS) Prescribed by thousands of Doctors! Pertussin—a famous herbal remedy —is scientifically prepared not only to quickly help relieve such cough ing, but also loosens and makes sticky phlegm easier to raise. Safe and migh ty effective for both old and young. Inexpensive! At^DCDTIICCI ilc all drugstores, /ilIi I UuOlli^ ORIENT LODGE J / NO. 395 A. F. & A. M. Stated communication for trans action of business will be held this Thursday evening, Feb. 1st, 1945, at 8 o’clock. Sojourning Master Masons cor dially invited. Members expect' ed to attend. By order of the Master. W. H. McClain, Secretary Enemy Believed Preparing For Battle A t Mandalay CALCUTTA. Jan. 31.— (JP) —The Japanese obviously were prepar ing today for a last ditch defense of Mandalay, Burma's second largest city. The Japanese defenders, with their backs to the Irrawaddy riv er, have elected to make their stand in the corridor between the Myitkyina-Mandalay railraod and the river from Sheinmaga, 20 miles northwest of Mandalay to Sagaing. immediately across the Irrawaddy from Mandalay. One Allied column moving east ward from Monywa, 40 miles northwest of Mandalay, was with in 12 miles, a second striking from Myinmu had cleared the north bank of the Irrawaddy for a dis tance of approximately 20 miles. Both constitute a threat to the low er end of the Mandalay defense positions and can cover crossings below Sagaing from the solidly held ground on the north bank. A third threat was developing at Singu, where the British have opened an attack in strength from a bridgehead across the Irrawad dy which the Japanese failed to compress in a week of costly counterattacks. West Africans south of Myoha ung in the Kaladan valley were approaching Minya. which the Japanese were believed to be evacuating. The Japanese com mander apparently taking a des perate gamble to break out south ward toward Taungup. near the Bay of Bengal on the west coast. Some of the bloodiest fighting of the day occurred in the vicinity of Gangaw for vital hills dominat ing the Taungup road. Incessant Allied air attacks paved the way for the capture of two hills. A fanatical Japanese counterattack recovered one, but they later lost it. Japanese casualties from air at tacks in this area have been heavy and are increasing. On Ramree Island, off the Bur ma west coast, Allied amphibious forces still were held up along the Yanbaukchaun, which almost bi sects the island. Japanese there are strongly dug in and have been getting reinforcements at night from the mainland. Here's That Man Again— The Income Tax Collector By MAX HALL WASHINGTON, Jan. 31.— Iff! — Boo! Here's that man again—the in come tax collector. Today was the final day for em ployers to distribute “withholding receipts’’ (Form W-2) to their em ployes. Nearly 45.000.000 persons now have received these forms. Therefore the Eureau of Internal Revenue asked those who intend to use form W-2 as their final HH4 income tax return to do it soon, and not wait until the March 15 deadline. Also, the Bureau said please. One convenient thing—if you use W-2, you attach no money, the Government figures the tax and mrils you either :-. bill or a re fund. By means of the W-2 receipt, the employer tells the worker n o w much he paid him during 1944 ana how much was withheld for taxes. And under the new law, about 20,000,000 people are entitled tc make a few addit Anal notations or l.'eir W-2 receipts and mail their to the Government as their fmai ireome tax returns All those who don’t use W-2 for tb.s purpose wnl use the regulai form 1040. But e'en if you m IC.4C you are supposed to attach any W-2 forms you may have rt ■ c.-.ved from employers for work in 1944. Who can use W-2? —Any one whose 1944 income was less than $6,000 and virtually all from wage; subject to the withholding tax. II anybody is in doubt, he can quick ly find out whether he’s elibible by making the short test suggested on the face of the form itself. Nobody is required to use W-2 as a return. Some folks will use form 1040 even though they are eligible to use W-2. For example, a man might save money by using form 1040, if his medical expenses, taxes, charitable contributions and other such deduction were more than 10 per cent of his income (W-2 assumes these items were 10 per cent). AT___ „ ~ gii enjoy computing their own income tax, and don't want any Govern ment official doing it for them. Millions of people who had more than one employer in 1944 will have more than one W-2. If these people use W-2 as a return, they should fill out the last one receiv ed, and attach the others to it. For example, a traveling musi cian might have twenty or thirty W-2's. One more thing: if the combin ed income of a husband and wife meets the requirements for using W-2 as the return, they can make a combined return on their W-2 receipts. The beauty of this is that they lusband and wife the cheapest won’t have to worry about wheth er to file separate returns or a oint return. The Government will 'igure it both ways and bill the lusband and wife the cheapest way. _-V AND WAS HE GLAD! PARRAGUT, Ida., Jan. 31. UP)—Dental officers at the naval raining center here have heard ilmost every conceivable excuse 'or sailors missing dental appoint-1 nents, but, at last, have found me that’s absolutely convincing.1 rhe other morning the dental of icer in charge got a telegram rom a sailor explaining he couldn’t ceep his appointment because he’d ieen transferred to California. iUSa World’s Largest Seller At 10* What A Cough! And how it hurts, and nags And disturbs your sleep. Chronic bronchitis may develop if your cough, chest cold, or acute bron chitis is not treated and you cannot afford to take a chance with any medi cine less potent than Creomulsion which goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, inflamed bronchial mucous membranes. Creomulsion blends beechwood creosote byspecial processwith other time tested medicines for coughs. It contains no narcotics. No matter how many medicines you have tried, tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the understanding you must like the way it quickly allays the cough, per mitting rest and sleep, or you are to have your money back. (Adv.) You Can Fight, Too, Buy War Bonds PENDERGAST WILL $300 Goes To Children, Bal ance Left To Widow KANSAS CITY, Jan. 31.—(fP)— The will of Thomas J. Pendergast, former Democratic leader, leaving $100 to each of his three children and the balance of the estate to his widow.was filed for probate to day. No estimate of the amount of the estate was contained in the docu ment. Friends estimated after Pendergast's death last Friday that the estate would be no more than $100,000. -V—-— MOTORMAN GETS SHOCK INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Jan. 31.— (UP)—People lose everything, but when a motorman loses his street car, that is news of a sort. When a fire truck and automobile crash ed, several streetcars lined up be cause of the delay, so one motor man got out to see what it was all about. He came back, only to find his car gone! Flagging a ride in an automobile, he and the motorist went in search of the lost street car. He found it at a switch to which it had been moved by other company employees. Imported by j W. A. Taylor & Company New York City “Asfor Coffee peps me up : .. and cheers me, too. It’s so delicious, so flavorful.” A consistent favorite with coffee lovers for years. AT YOUR GROCER’S - ||1B mm b 1 i TELEPHONE COMPANY REVISES PROVISIONS FOR MEN IN SERVICE The Southern Bell Telephone and relegraph company and the South ern Federation of Telephone Work jrs announced yesterday the revis on of certain company practices Adth respect to employes on mili tary leaves of absence in the arm ed forces of Merchant Marine. In effect, the revision provides that employes returned to com pany service following leaves of absence in the armed forces or Merchant Marine will be allowed full service credit for all such absence. As a result of this, such employes will be placed on the payroll at the rate of pay they would have been receiving if they had been continuously on duty with the company in the job classifica tion they were in at the time they left. The company’s board of direc tors has authorized changes in the benefit plan which will give em ployes on military leave tT in the armed forces a 5,abS{1>C* Marine full credit ■ ■'. J, erc-ant and pension purposes f! be *S» spent in these sei ■ s BUY WAR BONI,. U, STAMps or crisp crunchy ones are so delicious made with DUFF’S Easy Directions on Box 4nst add WATER to »“ff’* ,-—.. We have MONEY to LEND! How much do YOU need? Three The / Million Dollar Carolina Building and Loan Ass'#, “Member Federal Home Loan Bank" W. A. FONVIELLE, Sec.-Trea*. Roger Moore, Pres. W. D. Jones, Am?t. ee«.-TfHli M. G. James, V.-Pres. J. 0, Cary, a»jt. Be Prepared By Ordering Your Fuel Oil NOW From ; MacMILLAN & CAMERON CO. Telephone 9635 GEORGE R. POOLE, C.P.A, AND CHARLES & LOWRIMORE, C.P.A, Announce the Formation of A Partnership for the Practice of Public Accountancy Under ihe Name of Poole and Lowrimore CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS OFFICES INSURANCE BLDG. MURCHISON BLDG. RALEIGH, N. C. WILMINGTON, X, c. HOME Is The Place To RELAX Your Living Room and Bedroom can be Made Extremely Comfortable at Low Cost If You Shop Around You'll Buy These Pieces... Here! j-pc. aprlngflllea ? |. Living Room I Suites * 5I29M »*159“ Wf i Covered in Durable Pleasr? yL' Shades of Heavy Tapestries. Bp/ (Small Finance Char?* jPp for Credit Terms! PLATFORM ROCKERS ' By far fhe best value we have ever had in this 1 most comfortable type of chair THE DELIGHT OF TIRED MEN and WOMEN 939.95 ~ OTHER OCCASIONAL CHAIRS FOR ALL USES Low As SPECIAL OFFER! Fell Mailress FREE! Regular $16.95 Value FREE with 5 piece Bedroom Suite. Walnut Finish .... Not Veneer. Bed, Chest, Vanity, Stool. Table. All Six Items Only • Credit Terms PICTURES MIRRORS TABLES RM1o?,?aQUtK-FTr Ev5ry.Room Make Rooms seem r,ar*er. Coffee Tables and others Many Subjects and Sizes. Round and Obion* Shapes. Fjne selecljo, $1.50 to $6.50 $2.65 to $7.50 unusual prices I Wilmington, 71&, ; M