nS PHILIP HENRY MENDEL, left, of Wilmington, who before he- ■ arriage on February 11, at Taylorsville, was Miss Rachel An nette Bowman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter O. Bowman. Mr. Mendel is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Mendel of Saxonburg. Pa., and is residing in Wilmington MISS VIRGINIA FRANKS, right, daughter of Mrs. Caroline F. Franks of Wilmington, whose engagement is announced today to Earl T. Wagner, lieutenant, United States Army, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Wagner of'Milwaukee.__ Buie - Smith Wedding Is Solemnized The marriage of Miss Ismae Buie, daughter of Mrs. Annie J. Buie of Wilmington, and Earl Smith, son of Mr. and. Mrs. Al bert E. Smith of Salt Lake City, took place on Friday afternoon, February 7, in the Salt Lake Temple. The ceremony was per formed by Elder Harold B. Lee of the Council of the Twelve. Following the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Smith entertained at a wed ding dinner for their son ^nd new ' daughter-in-law Later in the eve ning they were entertained at a reception in the Garden Park Ward. The bride wore a gown of slip per satin with train. Her finger tip length veil of illusion was caught with tiny pink rosebuds in her hair. She carried a matching bouquet of pink rosebuds and gardenias. Old fashioned nosegays were car ried by the bridesmaids who wore pink and poudre blue gowns with net hats to match their dresses. The attendants were Mrs. Parley P. Giles, Mrs. Lester G. Donkin, BEULAH MEIER DRESS SHOP WILMINGTON’S FASHION CENTER Mnrchison Building Lilia Maye Lewis Marriage Announced The marriage of Miss Lilia Maye Lewis, daughter of Mrs. Nora Lew is and the late French Lewis of Wilmington, and Andrew Kirby McPherson, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. H. McPherson, also of this city, took place on February 24, at 3 o’clock at Grace Methodist church with the Rev. J. F. Herbert of ficiating. The bride wore a suit of pow der blue with navy accessories and a corsage of red roses. The bride’s sister, Chrysabelle Lewis, attended as maid-of-honor. Mr. McPherson had as his best man. Jack Palson. Immediately following the cere mony a reception was held after which the couple left for a wed ding trip north. Both Mr. and Mrs.' McPherson are employed at the North Carolina Shipbuilding company and are making their home at 1113 Chest nut street, this city. ♦ ♦ * BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Clayton McFayden announce the birth of a daughter. Judith Ann, on March 7 at Marion Sprunt Annex. and the bridegroom’s sister, Mrs. Nephi Sorenson. Miss Sharon Smith was the flower girl and Kenneth E. Smith stood as best man for his brother. Among the ushers at the wed ding was the bride’s brother. Tho mas Buie, who has returned re cently to this country to recuper ate after being wounded and re ported missing in the European theater. CLUB CLOCK A meeting of District Nine, North Carolina State Nurses association will be held Wed nesday afternoon at 4 o’clock at the Nurses’ home. Private Duty section,District Nine, North Carolina State Nurses’ association will meet at 3:15 o’clock Wednesday af ternoon at the Nurses’ home. The Winter Park P.-T.A. will meet Tuesday afternoon at 3 o’clock. A meeting of the ex ecutive committee will be held at 2:45 o'clock. Sunset Park P.-T.A. will hold . the regular meeting Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o’clock and the executive committee will meet at 2 o'clock. The Woman’s Society of Christian Service of Fifth Ave nue Methodist church will meet in the ladies parlor on Monday at 3:30 o’clock. The Woman's Society oi Christian Service of Trinity Methodist church will meet in the church parlor on Monday at 3:30 o’clock. The Lake Forest P.-T.A. will meet Tuesday afternoon at 2:45 o’clock in the school auditori um. The Past Pocahontas League will meet with Mrs. Lillie Pearl Smith in Sunset Park on Thursday night at 8 o’clock. The Myrtle Grove Home Demonstration club will meet at the clubhouse on Thursday morning, March 15, at 10 o’clock. The V. F. W. Auxiliary will meet in the Tide Water hall on Tuesday night at 8 o’clock. Wilmington Assembly No. 12, Order of the Rainbow for Girls, will hold its regular meeting at 6 o’clock, Wednesday night, March 14. A formal initiation will be held. The regular meeting of Semi nole Council No. 34, Degree of Pocahontas, will be held on Tuesday night, March 13, at 8 o’clock in the Junior Order hall. The East Wilmington Home Demonstration club will meet at the Community Center on March 15 at 3 o’clock. All In terested ladies are invited. • • • Wilhelmina Schutl Weds T. C. Norris In East Si. Louis Mr. and Mrs. W. Louis Schutt, Sr., of Wilmington, announce tht marriage of their daughter, Wil helmina Gertrude, to T. Cliftor Norris, son of Mr. and Mrs. E H. Blaine of East St. Louis, Mo on February 21, at Trinity Luth eran church in East St. Louis. The double “ring ceremony was performed by the Rev. Edward F. Schmidt. The bride wore an aqua crepe frock with small matching hat and white accessories and a corsage of white carnations. Mrs. Norris received her educa tion at the Woman’s college of the University of North Carolina, Greensboro, and for the past two years has held a position with the U. S. Weather Bureau in Wilming ton. Mr. Norris was a member of the Fourth Division of the U. S. Ma rine Corps and served as a ser geant in the South Pacific. He was awarded the Purple Heart decora tion for injuries received while on Saipan and has recently been hon orably discharged from the serv ice. He is now employed by the Louisville and Nashville Railroad. Following the wedding, the par ents of the bridegroom honored the couple with a dinner at their home. Mr. and Mrs. Norris are making their home at 809 North 24th street in East St. Louis. Mo. • * * Trinity Methodist Circles Will Meet The women of Trinity Methodist church will hold the March circle meetings Monday as follows: 1. 3:30 o’clock with Mrs. J. A. Loughlin, 2014 Pender avenue. 2. 3:30 o’clock with Mrs. Lelia Montgomery, 308 North 16th street. 3. 3:30 o’clock with Mrs. J. W. Brooks, 1619- Princess street. 4. 3:30 o’clock with Mrs. J. F. Graham, 208 North 16th street. 5. 8 o’clock with Mrs. W. J. Ulmer, 115 South 16th street. Wesleyan Guild Tuesday evening at 8 o’clock with Miss Jane Wil liams, 1701 Princess street. Beautify |( ||ff| A MR. AND MRS. EARL SMITH, whose marriage took place Feb ruary 7, at the Salt Lake Temple. Mrs. Smith is the former Ismae Buie, daughter of Mrs. Annie J. Buie of Wilmington. Cape Fear Navy Mothers To Meet The Cape Fear Navy Mothers club will meet Tuesday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock in the Legion Home, Third and Dock streets. Every member of the club is asked to be in attendance as mat ters of importance will be brought before the club. Each member is asked to bring a new deck of play ing cards, which will be turned over to the Red Cross to be given to Navy boys leaving the states. An executive meeting has been called for 3 o’clock and it is ur gent that every officer attend. Miss Avis Rhodes Weds Haywood Hall The marriage of Miss Avis Lee Rhodes and Haywood Hall of Rich ands, took place in a candle-light :eremony at the First Christian ehurch of ichlands on Thursday evening, February 22 at 6 o’clock, with the Rev. G. A. Hamlin, of ficiating, using the ring ceremony. Prior to the ceremony a pro gram of nuptial music composed of "The weetest Story Kvar Told” and “I Love You Truly” was rendered by Mis;- Fraulein Jarman, soloist, and Mrs. G. A. Hamlin, pianist. The bride and bridegroom en tered the church unattended. The bride wore a soft blue dress with black and white accessories. Her corsage was of talisman roses. Mrs. Hallis the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Rhodes of Rich* lands. She attended Atlantic Chris tian college in Wilson and for sev eral months was employed by the District Engineer in Wilmington. At present, she is e~„i the office of Dr. *0. F^nv? ;B Richlands. ' ^ed. H Mr. Hall is the son of Mr . Mrs. L. B. Hall of RichUr” M is employed by Fir=* r Bank and Trust company V'n^ lands. pany w Rich. Immediately followir.z the r mony, Mr. and Mrs. Hall *ef £ a short wedding trip 1 lor . To Prepare salted fish for conk mg cover with cold water, g* to boiling, drain and repeat n„ or twice depending nn [FIRST JN HER HEART-FIRST IN QUALITY^ I gv? ?y TWO ' THE BEST THINGS COME. IN PAIRS | EXQUISITELY MATCHED DIAMOND RING SETS BY §^adtf%ro&bif SEE THESE NEW CREATIONS A breath-taking variety of tody Crosby dia mond ring combinations to choose from. Each more beautiful than the other. 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(j You Use Less — They Last Longer I | FOR THE SPRING ENGAGEMENT 1 fosire JMB'alee d i a m o n d rnra She’ll be so proud to show her ring end soy, "Yes, It’s a genuine registered Keepsake Dromond Ring” ... the symbol of all thet is finest and true. See the new Keepsake Matched Sets at this reliable store ... in a wide range of styles and prices. HUGGINS JEWELERS 125 Princess Street AVTNOIlin Kfl> S A K» } I W till COAT and SUIT i Fashions t -—as Presented by Crawford’s Your1 Shopping Headquarters and Exclusive Fashion Center W I FASHION FIRST 1 Coats ... for Fashion wise women who appreciate finest 1 quality materials . . . expert tailoring . . . correct I styling. We invite you o see these lovely coats I . . . here . . . tomorrow! I FASHION FIRST I Suits Here are the suits that are featured by leading | shops in every city. Suits that captivate you in* | stantly ... and no wonder ... for they are Smart. 1 When You Buy At Crawford’s You I Know What You Are Getting * ■ • | Yes! 100% Virgin Wool garments .. • gorgeously- | styled . . . superbly tailored . . . exquisite 'vorx- I manship . . . backed by our guarantee of lJl-c 1 satisfaction. So we say— I