■ areas assigned in PAPER DRIVE j0}. 5«*u; troops and packs had definite assignments rf'mllection areas yesterday for ,crap ?aPer drive in New ■mover county on Sunday after March 18, according to Car ^ Tinsley- assistant Scout ex •cutive. U»inbe;s of the Junior Cham ^ o' Commerce will be respon Ilblt for securing trucks, plan the campaign, manning the wkj. and disposing of the paper. jMUts will distribute 10,000 door "Tb rern nders this week, gather per r.n street corners before collection on Sunday, and help with the collection. Ciitizens a-e requested to place thrr paper in front of their homes by noon on Sunday, so that the collection will not be delayed. Tne doorkob reminders being diitributed inform the people to tit up bundles of paper or put th» paper in boxes or bags. This will greatly facilitate handling, end will speed up the collection. Proceeds from the sale of paper in this collection will aid in the purchasing of a motion picture projector and camp equipment for th* use of all Scouts and Cubs in the Cape Fear Area Council. Areas assigned to individual Kbits are as fellows: Troop 9-—Fifteenth street* to Cll V i-""1'” Troop 10— Lake Forest. Troop 12—Wrightsboro. Troop 13 and Dens 2 and 3 of Pack 19-All suburban Wilming ton between city limits and Sea gate, from Princess Place to Oleander. Troop 14—Front to Eighth, Ann To Greenfield. Troop 16—Front to Fifth, Har nett to Red Cross. Troop 17 — Raleigh community and Maffitt Viillage. Troop 19 and Den 1 of Pack 19 -Front to loth, Chestnut to Ann. Troop 21—Carolina Beach. Troop 23—Front to 11th, Red Cross to Chestnut. Troop 24 — Wrightsville Beach ird Harbor Island. Ship 5024 — Wrightsville Sound ind Seagate. Troop 30 and Pack 30—Vance ind Hewes communities of Maffitt Village. Troop 34—11th to 15th, Chestnut to Cemetery. Troop 36—City limits to Central Boulevard, Carolina Beach road to river. Pack 36—City limits to Maffitt Village road on east side of Caro lina Beach road. Troop 36—Central Boulevard to Southern Boulevard. Pack 37—Southern Boulevard to Maffitt Village road. Troop 110 —% East Wiimington Negro section. Troops 111, 112, 113 — Eighth to 15th. Dawson to railroad at Vf a rc+pllpr Troops 114, 116, 118, 119—Fifth to Cemtery, Red Cross north to city limits. Troops 117—River to Fifth, Har aett north of city limits. \7__ BIBLE STUDY DAY TO BE OBSERVED The Wilmington Ministerial as sociation has designated Sunday, March 18, as a special day to urge the study of the Bible in New Hanover High School, it was an nounced yesterday by the Rev. J. F. Herbert, chairman of the as sociation’s Bible study committee. This is the sixth year for the teaching of Bible as a credit course in the city school system. At the present time there are seven Bible classes, five of which are for be ginners. Two are advanced classes. The first year course is a general survey, in which the Bible is brief ly studied. The second year study takes up in detail sections of the Bible that appear most practical lor the particular group of students. As the students are beginning to plan now for the next school year’s courses, the Ministerial association is suggesting that in every city church emphasis be laid by the pastors upon the desirability each child electing a Bible course «s part of next year’s curriculum. The Bible department at the school sponsors, through the Bible club, various activities that help to create and maintain a Christian atmosphere throughout the school, he said. Among these activities are * morning meditation period, stimulation of interest in home room devotionals; visiting those students of the school who are in sorrow or ill, guiding new students of the school into churches of their choice , Two teachers are employed for ^♦ruction of Bible in this county. They are Misses Louise Bashford and Maude Webber. Each holds a Raster's degree in religious educa h°n and a certificate in teaching bom the State of North Carolina. -V MI ST POST PRICES WASHINGTON, March 10.—I® Bars and restaurants must post ceilings prices for beer and liquor beginning April 16. Announcing.this °day, the OPA said the new regu lation will apply to all eating and drinking establishments which serve these beverages on the Premises. T’.e most valuable crop per acre in Washington State is hops, which drought farmers $1,172 per acre m 1#4. ; WATCH REPAIRING I guaranteed K Quick Service K Teach Watches To Tell S The Troth W WHt Jewel Box 1 N. Front J Quick Changer , Svelte Kay Francis, currently working on the picture, “Di vorce,” is called the quickest costume changer in Hollywood by Producer Jeffrey Bernerd. Kay, who has divorced four husbands, fits right into picture. CHURCHILL LAUDS GEN. EISENHOWER LONDON, March 10.—>—Prime Minister Churchill congratulated Gen. Eisenhower today on “the great victory won by the Allied armies under your command by which the defeat or destruction of all the Germans west of the Rhine will be achieved.” He praised the “remarkable speed and flexibility of the Ameri can armies,’’ and expressed plea sure that. British and Canadian ar mies “should have played a part in your far-reaching and trium phant combinations.” Text of the Churchill telegram: “Let me offer you my warmest congratulations on the great vic tory won by the Allied armies un der your command by which the defeat or destruction of all the Germans west of the Rhine will be achieved. No one who studies war can fail to be impressed by the admirable speed and flexibility of the American armies and groups of armies and the adaptive ness of the commanders and their troops to the swiftly changing con ditions of modern battles on the greatest scale. I am glad that the British and Canadian armies in the north should have played a part in your far-reaching and tri umphant combinations.” in reply Jtsisennower saia: “On behalf of this Allied force I thank you sincerely for the warmth of your congratulations on our latest advances. These suc cesses have stemmed from the gal lantry and devotion of all ranks •of all services and from the pre cision and power with which each successive blow of ground and air have been struck. The attraction of sizeable enemy formations to the north to meet the attack launched by the 21st army group on Feb 8, resulted as planned, in increasing the vulnerability of the enemy to the devastating la ter attacks of the 9th, 1st and 3rd every Allied unit of every service has performed its allocated part of its own further distinction and to the dismay of the enemy.” -V Three Youths Held On Burglary Charges Three teen-age youths waived preliminary examination yester day and were bound over to su perior court under a total bond of $1,500 on two charges each of storebreaking, larceny and receiv ing, in connection with burglaries of two shipyard establishments. The trio, Tom Taylor, 16, Ed Nobles, 16, and Walter Eckenrod, 17, were arrested Friday night at their homes at Carolina Beach and Maffitt Village. They were charged by sheriff’s officers with robberies on the night of March 4 from Miss Bertha Turner’s lunch stand at the shipyard and the W. J. Parker grocery at Maffitt Vil lggg> Sheriff’s deputies charged that the youths stole $25 from the “juke-box” at Miss Turner’s place and $1.50 in pennies and 36 sugar ration stamps from Parker’s es tablishment. _v Rabbi Thurman Will Review Pyle’s Book Ernie Pyle’s “Brave Men” will be reviewed by Rabbi Mordecai M Thurman Tuesday evening at 8 o’clock in the Temple of Israel under the auspices of the Ladies Concordia society. This is the first in a series of four bi-weekly re views for the benefit of the Ameri can Red Cross and the United Jew ish Appeal campaigns. A silver of fering will be taken at the door. Rabbi Thurman regards the book as a great American war classic and finds its power in the sinceri ty of the author. Mrs. Alfred Sternberger will wel come the attendants and introduce the rabbi. The reviews are open to the public. buy war bonds and stamps I Hie Easter tradition Is a lovely one not to be forsaken. Dressing up for this most beautiful of all days is part of a heritage. We’ve always been proud of our Easter collection of fashions . . . and this year is no exception. You’11 find many new ideas.. waiting for you for Easter Sunday. P COATS & SUITS 100% ALL WOOL EXQUISITE STYLING | CASUAL OR DRESSY RICHLY LINED '« 214 NORTH FRONT ST.