IRound-The-Town Reporter With ben McDonald Originally scheduled to spend one day in this city John Stelle. National commander American Legion has changed if ians and will be m Wilmington for two days arrivfne the 28th of March. According to the information receiv 0 hv this column, Commander Stelle will arrive bv nW 1 4p.m. on the 28th-and is scheduled to leave the Sv T0n the afternoon of the 29th. In the Stelle a?r carav^ jli be his aide, Jack McCauley, a World War II veteran' mt Brandon, National officer, Veterans affairs, and rnlnnel nobtiuc xuxx*tx. x. xj Bp;!k national headquarter BK lile plane will pick up Gov BfK cherry and his part; IC pSa^' purpose of the com B It’s visit is to attend, a B r„f honor, the annual conver BfjeSx company C, 115th Machin Bf* hitta'ion of which he was ; B«®.p. jn the first world B mep Hollis, superintendent of th. ■ ' ,. ..’-fare board, also a mem H coun,!f company, will act a m blCal tost for the meeting. Whei M£e wrote his letter of accep BS ,-n Hollis he also stated tha B ; would enjoy renewing his ac |’'“nee with Mrs. Thoma BJW widow of the late comman IK Company C. Gov. Cherr; B d Ben Douglas, former mayor o ■ anflD _a wi+h stoiio t:on at J2 o’clock noon, on the 18th day of March, 1946, at the foot of" Wright Street, :n the City of Wilmington,, North Carolina, the following described motor vehicle: 398Sfi21 ini- , .Chevrolet — Motor No. «5B21. 194o License No. 357-487 Tne Police Department or the City of lS1™?1™’, North Carolina, will take that the undersigned garage own LS “ lts. possession the above de ni e, C£r aP° bereby demands payment char™ mechanic’s lien and storage Mari .<2„or be£ore the 18th da; of c]rimb’i. l94i and unless such storage motor tv11! °n or be£ore said date the soId at ihlC ! above described will be abLLhcJhoyr" date’ and the Place ed t le name o£ the register sir a/ LbelnE u”kno*n to the under lie,™/. amount of the mechanic's the charges claimed by out, 'r°1£ned is $26.00, as above set day of February, 1946. & CAMEBON COMPANY NOTICE OF SALE T.„. °F motor vehicle sr]e‘ J,y. vlrtue of the power of Geaen/cti61! m Section 44-2, of the Chapter iiufn01 North Carolina, and •be undisL01^,6 Public Laws of 1845 • lien and stnrald’ 1° Eatls£y a mechanic’s lion anVlc ,sal,e and seI1 at Public auc of March iSi?Ck P0?/1' on the IMh day Street! the £oo‘ d£ Wright Carolina th!f P1,*?' of Wilmington, North vehicle;’ ne following described motor ls« LiSLMirquette' Motor No. 10109, The si, et,N°' 354-290. of North r-mfhWay Patro1 of the State the undersmi0 ina wiil 43156 notice that 1!s PosSinn ? gaiage owner haa in *nd he-rtv njtne abcve described car mechanic's t, demand3 Payment of the before th« and storage charge on or “nless sucn 8ih day o£ March, 1946, and before saHQa?,°rafu claim is paid on or described ‘it’ the motor vehicle above ,nd plan. d be sold at the hour, date, registered ni-e nan?ed. the name of the lintesi2nrr|' ner being unknown to the ®echnaiC 5 ,i.„The , amount of rhe Clsim-.i . hen anri c?nru ho oU i%r-r. r above set cut undersisned is $35.00, as tocliiLLAN si day o£ February, 1946. —-—-_^_«_CAMERON COMPANY nr ^,TiCE 0F SALE Under a„ri f,0T0R VEHICLE c'e contaHPrdy-vlr£ue o£ the power of General 0. “ 111 Section 44-2, of the Chapter 714 „fs,uo£ North Carolina and he undersirni, Public Laws o£ 1945 Uea and sir«td’ *? sahsty a mechanic’s Storages,aiage cbarges as follows: 829.00. ‘ c‘;arge from 9-9-45—2-9-46— ,.To?af!lS3EeJ0vice-$2.50. fmn °a”eHo°,r “la and sell at public auc ‘®th day , at 12 o clock noon, on tht {r‘8ht Street* iP'TCIb £949- a£ the foot ci forth Carohn !n ihe City o£ Wilmington, motor vehicle' ’ the £o£lowin8 described 315687, I9r4, Chevrolet — Motor No. Th^p ^ 266-m. IDAD5-33832- 1943 WtaC;* Department of the City oi o::ce that ihf,gA! Calmed by the under a-his the above set out. 'acMlLLAM1 » <7?y o£ February, 1946. —h. & CAMERON COMPANY 3 th^ w.ould be arranged for • the local legion. f THIS AND THAT A few noteworthy things that 3 bappened during the month of March: Nebraska admitted to the , ^.n!on’ 1867 . . . First public test - ol two-way oceanic radio telephony b^ween New York and London, | . . . Standard time adopted in - United States, 1884 ... Eli Whitney i granted patent on cotton gin, 1794 * U’ * Commodore perry made “Open 1 Door” treaty with Japan, 1854 . . . ' General Joseph W. Stilwell of the : Burma campaign fame, born 1883 ... United States Civil Servic! ! commission organized 1883 . . . And four presidents of the U. S. [ Jackson, Madison, Cleveland and Tyler, were born in March ... And frankly I don’t think anyone could say that March came in like a lion—eh, what? IN PASSING When the president talks from the White House, nearly 900 radio sta tions may be “hooked up”' to the network of Bell system lines which transmit radio programs from coast to coast. And everyone ex pects without surprise the fact that radio chains offer network pro ffram.c: from mnrninn rrV»4 seven days a week. Yet never till January 4, 1923, were two radio stations linked for one broadcast. Early-day fans donned earphones that evening to listen to a three hour concert originating at WEAF in New York and also heard over WNAC in Boston. The first country wide tie-in did not appear until the political campaigns in 1928. In all the networks, through the tele phone company, are served by about 135,000 miles of constantly attended circuits. That, my friend, is a lot of wire. So remember, when and if something should hap pen to cut off a program, be pa tient, such service deserves the consideration of all listeners. BETWEEN YOU AND ME Had a nice chat with Mary Mohr who is back in the city after an absence of eight years. She was just bursting with pleasure as she met so many of her old friends . . . A word of thanks to N. A. Peebles for his interesting letter. £)ne of these days soon “N. A.’’ we will discuss it . . . Clyde Leonard sat down with me for a moment to ex plain his .idea of how a certain sec tion of the city could be brought up to date. It’s a good plan and more about it later . . . Ray Galloway reports a most successful trip to Charlotte . . . R. O. “Rock” Grant is on the mend after a week’s stay in the hospital . . . Congrats to Mary Symmer who will celebrate a birthday next Saturday ... A word of appreciation to Mrs. Duke and her daughter, Phyliss for theii cooperation on last Saturday mom The Street” today at 1:45 p.m. . . Virginia Oliver waves hello as she is off to Wrightsville. SPOT NEWS Post No. 10 will dramatize on ac tual local veterans problem when they present another in their week ly radio series ‘‘The Wilmington American Legion On The Air” pro grams over WMFD at 8:45 p.m. tonight. The Legionnaires, in co operation with R. A. Dunlea, own er-manager WMFD, present these shows in an attempt to focus great er public attention on the problems j facing the returning service pec- > pie in this community. Several : weeks ago the legion suggested : that a public opinion poll be start- ’ ed by the listeners. Since then the j local legion has received a number ' of suggestions from citizens of New ] Hanover county and the producers i of the show are planning to read these suggestions of the air in a failure broadcast. AND Remember, for spot news from in and around southeastern North Carolina listen to the STAR-NEWS Round The Town Reporter at 1:25 and 6:25 p.m. daily. DOENITZ WA S NIMITZ ON STAND German Admiral Petitions War Crimes Tribunal For Testimony NUERNBERG, March 5.— (U.PJ — Former German Navy Command, er Karl Doenitz petitioned the war crimes tribunal Tuesday to call Admiral Chester W. Nitnitz, chiei of U. S. Naval operations, as a defense witness. A brief filed by Doenitz’ attorney said Nimitz could testify that Unit, ed States submarines ‘attacked all I ships without warning in specified operational waters. . .and did not assist shipwrecked people in such waters where the submarine would endanger herself through such as sistance.” The brief added that this testi mony is important because it proves the United States admiral 1 ty made the same strategical and legal considerations in carrying out submarine war and gave the same orders as the German high com mand.” The attorney agreed to submit u Radio Programs WMFD Wilmington—1400 EC WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6 7:30 AM—Family Altar. 7:45—Musical Clock. 7:54—Sally Ann Presents. N. C. Hi Lights. 8:00—News with Martin Agronsky. 8:15—NBC Musical Reveille. 8:30—Musical Clock. 8:55—UP News. 9:00—The Breakfast Club with Don Me Neil. 10:00—My True Story. 10:25—Betty Crocker. 10:30—Hymns of All Churches. 10:45^—The Listening Post. 11:00—Breakfast in Hollywood — Ton Brenamen. 11:30—Kellogg’s Home Edition. 11:45—Ted Malone. 12:00 N—Address by President Harry S Truman. 12:30 PM—Club Matinee. 1:00—Baukhage Talking. 1:15—Musical Interlude. 1:25—News—Wilmington News. 1:30—Let’5 Dance, 1:45—Man on The Street Program. 2:00—John B. Kennedy — News. 2:15—Ethel and Albert. 2:30—Bride and Groom. 3:00—A1 Pearce and His Gang. 3:30—Ladies be Seated. 4:00—Jack Berch and Boyg. 4:15—The Fitzgeralds. 4:30—Time for Wopien. 4:45—Hop Harrigan. 5:00—Terry and Pirates. 5:15—Organ- Serenade—H. W. Lee. 5 :30—Lone Ranger. 6:00—Kiernan's Comer. 6:15-^-rSecurity Nat.’ Bank, 6:20—Sports Parade. 6:25—News—Wilmington Stir. 6:30—Lest 'we Forget. 6:45—To Be Announced. 7:00—Headline Edition. 7:15—.Raymond Swing. 7:30—Evening Request Program. 8:15—Elmer Davis — News, 8:30—Carolina Playboys. 8:45—Wilmington Legion on the Air. VJ. iJiCUAijr, 9:30—So You Want to Lead a Band. 9:55—Chester Morrison. lOrOfr-MDsan Hudson’s Orchestra. :0:3O—Hank D’Amico and his Jazz Ses tet. 0:45—Academy Award Review. WJNC JACKSONVILLE, N. C. 6:43—Sign On. 6:45—Agricultural Revue—TN. 7:00—Morning Headline# — Wilmington Star. 7:05—Musical Clock. 7:45—News Roundup—TN. 8:00—Fairy Tales—TN. 8:10—Under The Capital Dome. 8:15—Fr ont Pa tre News. 8 :30—Musical Clock. 8:45—Sally Ann Time. 8:55—United Press Commentary. 9:00—United Press News. 9:05—Spotlight On Rhythm. 9:15—Hymns of Faith—TN. 9:30—Shady Valley Folks—MBS. 9:45—In The Women’s World. 1:00—United Press News. 0:05—Music For Listening. 0:15—Blue Ridge Quartet—TN. 0:30—Your Hit Parade. 0:45—Vocal Varieties. 1:0O^-Cecil Brown—MBS. 1:15—1240 Club. 1:55—Billy Arthur. P : 00—L vie Va n —MB S. 2 :15—Morton Dow^ev—MBS. p.MU-The Best Sellers. 2:45—Quarker City Serenade—MBS. 1:00—United Press News. 1 ;05—Melodic Moods. 1:15—Tropical Tempo Time. 1:30—Melody Lane. 1:45—John J. Anthonv—MBS. 2:00—Cedric Foster—MBS. 2:15—Smile Time—MBS. 2:30—On pen For A Day—MBS. 3:00—Wilmington News. 4:15—Johnso" Family—MBS. 3:05—Music Eox. 4:00—Frskine Johnson—MBS. 4:15—Johnson Family. 4:30—Atlantic Beach Melody Hour. 4:45—Glee Club Serenade. 4:55—United Press News. 5:00—Meet The Ba«d. 5:15—Superman—MBS. •5:30—Captain Midnight—MBS. 5:45—Tom Mix. 6;00—News Roundup. 6:15—Twilight - Serenade. 6:30—Snorts Parade. 6:45—Musical Cocktails. 7:00—Fulton Lewis. Jr.—MBS. 7:15—Blue Ribbon Revue. written questionnaire t0 Nimitr if the court would not permit his per sonal appearance. British prosecutor Maxwell Fyfe objected to calling Nimitz on the grounds of irrelevancy, asserting ‘the question before the court is whether the German high com. mand broke the law.” 7:30—Frank Singiser—MBS. 7:46—Bond of The Day. 8:00—Camp Lejeune News. 8:30—Fresh Up Shbw—MBS. 9:00—Gabriel Heatter—MBS. 9:15—The Bandwagon. 9:30—Spotlight Bands—MBS, 10:00—Ren Lie’s Radio Auction. 10:30—Bill McCune’s Orch.—MBS. 11:00—All The News—MBS. ' 11:15—Sign Off. OVER THENETW0RK WEDNESDAY, MARCH < i Eastern Standard Time P.M. — Subtract One Hour for CST., 2 Hours for MST. Changes in programs as listed are duo to corrections by networks made too late to incorporate. 5:45—Front Page Farrell Serial — NBC Sparrow and the Hawk, Serial — CBS Tennessee Jed. Drama Skit—ABC-east Hop Harrigan in Repeat — other ABC Tom Mix, a Serial Series — MBS-basic 6:00—News Report for 15 Mins. — NBC Quincy Howe and News Period — CBS Walter Kiernan and News — ABC-eaU ^Repeat of the Terry Serial — ABC-west Howe’s Answers, Repeat — MBS-west 6:15—Echoes of Tropics; Sports — NBC Jimmy Carroll Sings. Orchestra — CBS Repeat ftorn Diek Tracy — ABC-west Repeat Superman Serial — MBS-west 6:39—Eileen Farrell Song Concert—CBS Jack Armstrong in Repeat — ABC-west Repeat of Capt. Midnight—MBS-wmst 6:45—Lowell Thomas & Newscast—N|»C World Nows and Commentary — CBS Cal Tiajicy's Commentary — ABC-bafic Tennessee J'ed. iij Repeat — ABC-west Tom Mix. Serial Repeat — MBS-west 7:09—Radio’s Supper Club — NBC-bajic Fifteen Min, Sponsored Series — CBS News Commentary & Overseas — ABC Fulton Lewis, Jr., & Comment — M3C 7:15—News &: Comment of World — NPC Tenor Jack Smith Sings — CBS-basic Raymond Swing and Comment — ABC Dancing Music for 15 Minutes — Mfin 7:39—Songs from Carolyn Gilbert—NBC Ellery Queen, a Detective—CBS-basic Dancing Music Orchestra — other CBS Lone Ranger’s Drama of West — ABC Frank Singiser Newscast — MBS-basic 7:45—Harkncss Comment — NBC-west Inside of Sports, Bill Brandt ‘ — MBS 8:00—Mr. and Mrs. North Drama — NBC Jack Carson’s Comedy Variety — CBS Lum and Abner Comedy Skit — A3C What’s Name of the Song Quiz — MBS 8:15—Elmer Davis in Comment — ABC 8:30—Hildegarde with Her Show — NBC Jean Hersholt as Dr. Christian — CBS The Fishing and Hunting Club — ABC Bert Labr and Comedy Show — MBS 8:55—Five Minutes News Period — CBS 9:00—Eddie Cantor and Variety — NBC Frank Sinatra & Variety Show — CBS Swineint? mi thp Onlhpn riato _ arp Gabriel Hestter and Comment — MBS S:15—Real Life Stories. Drama — MBS 9:30—District Attorney’s Drama — NBC Bob Crosby and His Orchestra — CBS So You Want to Lead a Band — ABC Spotlight Bfnd. Guest Orch. — MBS 9:55—Five Minutes News Show — ABC 10:00—Kay Kyser Music Sc Qui* — NBC Great Moments in Music Cone. — CBS Ralph Morgan and His Music — ABC Dave Elman and Auction Sale — MBS 10:30—Andrews Sisters in Variety — CBS An Ensemble with the Strings — ABC Dancing Music for Half Hour — MBS 10:45—A Report from Overseas — ABC 11:00—News for 15 Minutes—NBC-basic The Supper Club Repeat — other NBC News, Variety, Dance 2 h.—CBS Sc ABC News; Dance Band Shows—2 h.—MBS 11:15—Variety & News to 1 a.m.—NBC Four GI’s Sentenced For Criminal Assault SEOUL, March 5.—Wl—Three U S. soldiers have been sentenced to life imprisonment at hard labor for the criminal assault of Korean women, army headquarters an nounced Tuesday. A fourth was sentenced to 20 years. Names were not announced. They will be confined in the federal penitentiary at McNeil Island, Washington. Announcement of the recent con victions followed a message from General Hodge to his troops deplor ing the rising number of "inci dents” involving Americans. His statement disclosed one murder and several armed robberies of Koreans by Americans within the past few days. The first cocoa beans sent to the United States came from Africa in 1891. Dial 2-3311 For Newspaper Service Oianoue, s' plans are now belng made b: tl,P local legion to officially wel Le the commander. While he 1: making an official visit to Wil mington, he did indicate, at th( Post”Officer’s convention, held thi oast weekend in Raleigh, that h< fvould make a short visit to Pos ,:0 jo’s headquarters at Third anc Dock streets. When Hollis was ask ed about the commander’s sche dale, while in the city, he said that 180—Legal ■ NOTICE OF SALE OF MOTOR VEHICLE Under and by virtue of the power o: Ide contained in Section 44-2, of the teeral Statutes of North Carolina, anc Chapter 114. of the Public Laws of 1945 the undersigned, to satisfy a mechanic'! lien and storage charges as follows: Storage Charges from 2-12-45—2-12-46 (53.00. Wrecker Service—$5.00. Total—$56.00. will offer for sale and sell at public auo. Uon at 1! o’clock noon, on the 18th day o; Maid, 1946. at the foot of .Wright Street, in the City of Wilmington, North Carolina, the following described motoi vehicle: One 1935 Terraplane — Serial No mm2. The Police Department of the City oi Wilmington, North Carolina, will take notice that the undersigned garage owner lias in its possession the above describ ed car and hereby demands payment oi the mechanic's lien and storage charges on or before the 18th day of March, 1946, and unless such storage claim is p£id on or before said date the motor vehicle rbove described will be sold at the hour, dale, and the place above named, the name of the registered owner being un known to the undersigned. The amount of the mechanic's lien and storage charges claimed by the undersigned is 158.00, as above set out. This the 21st day of February, 194#. MacMILLAN & CAMERON COMPANY NOTICE OF SALE OF .MOTOR VEHICLE Under and by virtue of the power of lale contained in Section 44-2, of the Oen eral Statutes of North Carolina, and Chapter 714, of the Public Laws of 1945, the undersigned, to satisfy a mechanic's lien and storage charges as follow-,: Storages Charges from 10-12-45—2-1. 48 .521.00. Wrecker Service—$5.00. Total—(26.00. Will Offer inr arm call «! ...VTl. .... L r COpR- 15,46 BV HEA SERVICE. INC. T. M. REC. U. 8. PAT. OFF. 3*6 i i U\ose ?oys dld t0 this ham-bone—sometimes I think I d rather have u sandwich than such a popular - daughter!” BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES— HOW COME? I vx TO he I ^2SvL*V3tU* MXKZ- W!XH W6 ra\KKsI r»yr S**,VOW=>K>"\ I SO Ht VOWVVL ? J ONO~ ' W1SWK) OOT ©\OWT WSWOCK 'tSJ^.Vb, HV? Srr ^ WWW's W\TW. 19O\S0Vi?S0MV M9.W\6W» I'lWWKb? 1 AM \ 90\S0W L WtWtW 09 SOWEWtt&Sl WeKRD AW I WW CAYL voo 90V60M1 tufaiv: WASH TUBBS— BAD TIDINGS \ !N A MOMENT, EVA. ’ll f VES.I'VS T we u/ON'r aivf ' ' HEABP HIM \himacha^VE :fOBE Tla mr-W£EKE \ IF YOU FOLLOW MW F^E / IN A BOOM ON TIIE J| HE'D KILL HER IF INSTRUCTIONS f AND ME,^-THIgp FL0(PE ANYONE TRIED / HE'D NEVER LEAVE mmfWM to capture / her here alive ^M i^HIAA! ^^IF He^ALUWEO rwTHiie inside ! W THE HOUSE JUIKIE ATTENDS TO LAST MINUTE DETAILS BEFORE fiETTINS AWAV fTfluRRIEDLV EASV I ““QUESTIONS THE I FRIGHTENED GIRL- I IEARNS JULKIE PLANS! i TO ESCAPE TONIGHT E _ • ' IT GASOLINE ALLEY— THINK FAST, KID fjl|83 SKEEZIXis TOO FINICKY nobodv will motice i gjjlp^HWEWT A '46 LICENSE pi I 'TS SEEN UP ON W SEZ ’ | I JACK'S SINCE 1 you! l I NOVEMBER, OFFICER. WHAT'S m R I'M TAKIN' IT OVER VOUR b (l TO THE REF’AIR SHOP A NAME? I OUGHT TO GIVE* YOU A TICKET. BUT DON'T tET ITT HAPPCH AGAIN. swxm. nwinft c DR. BOBBS—__ _ by ELLIOTT and McARDLE DORIS... CAN YCufei? SUESS HCW OLP/YeV£R REALLY 1AM ? jht\ mtm thought ||||||p yU [ ABOUT IT//// ILL NOT DECEIVE YOU, DEAR L 6IRL... I'M OVER SIXTY....L BUT EVER SINCE I'VE KNOWN VOU ...YEARS SEEM TO HAVE t •-> VANISHED//_r~-* THE SPARK OF I REKINDLED/ ROMANCE WHICH I MR.MORTT?? SEEMED DEAD hr ...HAS BEEN. JF REKlNDLEOnP^ YES...REKINDLED J MR.S ... BY THE WARMTH MORTTI OF YOUR PRESENCE ....VOU ...W5UR SWEETNESS MAKE ME AND BEAUTY! j—' WANT TO [THE GUMPS— SAUCE FOR THE GANDER fr*1 " ■' ■■■■■ - - - -.__ v. 'WHAT AN OPEN-ANP-6HUT ^A^E-^.I/WPLE^T I'VE EVER TACKLEP-VET eV^-OLLY ITCOUL.P •^UCCEEP.' TRl^H 3EUEVIkk*AAE \ . IMVOLVEC} WOULDN'T <30 \ "TO THE POLICE-■$© TH05E I CROOk^ J C7ECAMP WITH HEI? MOME-/ - «eOT FREE- AFTEtZ they pip aww with me WELL, WHY PONT I RUN ’EM IN NOW? ■sweet; vez* sweet/ ^ TRISHA FLlRTEPWITH THAT cowacv HAMPSOMB 7Wo can serve the SAKE BPANO OP v, mbo/o/Ne > ) LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE— " --FRED? f GEE, DO YOU OH, SURE-WHEN THE T I I AND GRAMPAW RUN 1 TRACTOR DOESWT BREAK \ I 1 THIS WHOLE FARM I DOWN, ITS NOT TOO MUCH- | ^ ALL ALONE? Ml J | -THH! MfoJneiik \ •COURSE there’s A FbW m SIDE HIU-S, WHERE WE HA/E Jgjj TO USE THE TEAM-"AND ■ THERE'S A LOT ON A FARM H THAT NO TRACTOR CAN DO'" T OH. RUNNING JUST THIS / FARM WOULD BE EASY-BUT. J OF COURSE .THERE'S FREDS PLACE TO LOOK AFTER r f OUT OUR WAY— By J. R WILLIAMS! OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE ' IF NOBODY V WOT’S TH' \ COMES TO MY l DIFF ? THEM \ RELIEF WHILE WOT DON’T l I’M LOADIN' / COME A-TALL A THEN ALL I \ KNOCK. VOU WANT ’EM TO A DOWN WIT' / DO IS OPEN TH' A. TH’ DOOR./ J ■look, sport, We're •familiar with the Rhino AMO THE f. ASSORTED north n American wolves INJTHlS ZOO,BOT WHAT 6PECIES OP J WILD BEAST ARE < SOU NOURISHING ) IN THAT CAGE ? / ^—i beat rr.voo M HALLOvHEENi TV CHARACTERS ! \ g? THIS IS PETEV, l xi MY Pet AAOOSE, a As$ HE SCARES g\EASV,SOGO /, Z ( MAR& FACES | sokae place /? \ /y—4* WTHE SMELL. A OP THIS 1 !> STEW IS (SNlMG ME a, MOOSE W NOSTRILS, f BUT WE RATE 1 SECOND TABLE TO 5f A CHEESE , A embezzler! if Gwi iff f IS TUI- 1i M NEW COOK’S ? ; PET MOUSE WHY MOTHERS gET 6BAY