Rail Industrial Stocks Advance On Fast Trading Market Enjoys Broadening Influence Although Few Issues Decline markets at a glance NEW YORK, May 21.—(#)— Slocks — Mixed; rails lead (ejected advance. bonds — Higher; rails rally modestly Cotton—Irregular; New Or leans buying; hedge selling. CHICAGO Wheat—Ceiling. Coin—Unchanged to 'A higher, light offerings. live—Unchanged to 3'A high er sliort covering. Hogs—Active, steady at ceil ings; lop S14.85. Cattle—Stead> to strong; top !1!7j _ NEW YORK, May 21—UPl— Rails ,n(j selected industrial stocks gene rally performed on the recovery sjde o. Tuesdays’ market al though many leaders stumbled over profit cashing. Dealings, fast in the forenoon, tapered as efferirgs cropped up ijjre and there but transfers of ; 250.000 shares compared with 910,000 the day before and were the'largest since May 13. The mar j.c- re gained its breadth with j'ois issues registering. Of these, 540 rose and 285 fell. The Associa ted Press 60-stock composlt. was up .3 of a uoint at 80. Rails, Steels Up Improved, but under the best in most cases, were Santa Fe, South ern Pacific, Southern Railway, j 70—Wanted 'VANTiD- RETURN LOAD FROM pock'. Mount or Wilson. N. C. May 2oth and part load from Greensboro or Durham. N. C. May 30th. Reduced puce Batson Transfer. 17 —Wanted to Buy, Rent tVtXTED TO BUY: ELECTRIC REF r-’erator. sewing macnine and gas j'.-ve. Dial 6769 or 5843,_ y;,\XTED—TO BUY -5 TO I ROOM , ire for cash Good ocation. No piers Write P O Box 1644. y - VTKD TO RENT-COTTAGE ON WR1GHTSVILLE BEACH, FOR MONTH OF JULY OR ; '■-LiST CONTAINING TWO i MORE BEDROOMS BY i "1NC-TON FAMILY WRITE Care ol STAR-NEWS 1,1 LIKE~TO BUY USED SEWING ne. Any model. Dial 6254. ! —Legal._ ‘ ( L BY PUBLICATION NOTICE ‘.ATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COoNTY OF NEW HANOVER. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT C.TY OF WILMINGTON, NORTH CARO LINA NEW HANOVER COUNTY. AND C. H. MORSE, CITY-COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR VS. ECBRUTZ CLTLAR ‘CUTLER:, JR., HIS HEIRS, DEVISEES AND ASSIGNS, JOHN DOE AND JANE DOE, AND ANY AND ALL PERSONS. FIRMS OR CORPORATIONS WHO MIGHT IN ANY CONTINGENCY CLAIM AN IN TEREST IN THE PROPERTY IN VOLVED IN THIS ACTION. KNOWN ON UNKNOWN. SUI JURIS OR NON SCI JURIS, INCLUDING ANY NOT IN LS E AD PERSONS NOT COMPOS I, ENT1S WHO MIGHT, BY POSSIBILI TY HEREAFTER SET UP A CLAIM. The defendants. Dubrutz Cutlar ICui le■!. Jr., his heirs, devisees and assigns, Jchn Doe and Jane Doe, and any and all pe sons, firms or corporations who might in any contingency claim an in terest in the property involved in this action, known or unkncwn, sui juris or non sui juris, including any not in esse and persons non compos mentis who might, by possibility, hereafter set up a claim, wtil take notice that an action en vied as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of New Hanover County North Carolina, to condemn for srle the following described land to satisfy taxes—alleged to be due the Plain4• f 1? in this action: Beginning at a point in the eastern line A Seventh street 100 feet south wardly from the southern line of Daw son street: running thence southwardly along the eastern line of Seventh street 32 feet; thence eastwardly and parallel with Dawson street 66 feet; thence northwardly and parallel with Seventh street 32 feet; thence westwardly and parallel with Dawson street 66 feet to the point of beginning. The same be mg part of the eastern half of Lot No. - of Block 37. being the same property conveyed by Jc-mes E. Clark and wife to I Dubrutz Cutlar, Jr., by deed recorded in Book 40, at Page 131, New Hanover county records, according to the official plan of the City of Wilmington, N. C. ine said defendants will further take °“J;e liiat they are required to appear : me office of the Clerk of the Superior fvlir!uof said county and State in the courthouse in Wilmington. North Caro °J or before twenty-seven days 13th day of June, 1946, and e: or demur to the complaint in ^ dCtion. or the plaintiffs will apply ^ Je, Court for the relief demanded V?ld complaint. n,s the 13th day of May. 1946. A. L. MEYLAND, CLavt~ Clerk of Superior Court. LAn°N C. HOLMES, Attorney. BY LOIS J. WARD. «»— Ass’t Clerk Superior Court. COl'NT'vL£ORTH CAROLINA: 0LIVpnV 0F NEW HANOVER: MiLDPrrA Wallace, jk. vs. - 'ED LYNN WALLACE GRANADE: the superior court f, NOTICE Uotlrp d^endam above named will take been r, nst action entitled as above has New ,.nirnenced in the SuDerior Court of Carolin an°Ver County« State of North sga!nt..'2', 1° obtain an absolute divorce t\y0 „.. ne defendant on the grounds of defend , e.Paration; and that the said he • n* V/‘H further take notice that Clerk recjuired to appear before the Ksr, \-p ',the Superior Court of New offiCf C',unty. North Carolina, at his ibove s- • ° City °* Wilmington. in the davs 011 or before twenty-seven ar.fw„» ,pr the 20th day of June, 1946, to actio,, °l df,rnur to the complaint in said the the plrintiff now on file in Peri0r p (lf the said Clerk of the Su h'crth r-0";.1 °t New Hanover County, I the c "’ lna’ or the plaintiff will apply % re,;^n°r Court of said County for Th , demanded in said complaint. the 21st day of May, 1946. n, A- L. MEYLAND Of Superior Court By: LOIS J. WARD Clrcrk Superior Court b-41 ‘y DEPARTMENT. OFFICE of Bj f... Supervisor, Alcohol Tax Unit, Mo: i Int€rnal Revenue, Baltimore. 22 r,.p ■ Date of publication. May one "iq.'jo Notice is hereby given that 43!:,4Bord coupe. Motor Ni. 18 *' n.' ( uvv*tb accessories, will be sold der , Mc auction to the highest bid Con-n?r cash. at MacMillan A Cameron II ny’ Wilmington, North Carolina. t0 , a m . on June 1. 1946, pursuant >errJ. i,ture under Section 3724. In bi Be venue Cc^- R. E. Tuttle, 1 lct Supervisor. Baltimore & Ohio, Texas & Pacific Railway, U. S. Steel, Bethlehem, General Motors, Boeing, Douglas Aircraft, Aviation Corp., Kenne cott, American Smelting, Ohio Oil, U. S. Lines and Standard Oil (NJ). In the losing column were Chrysler, Goodyear, Goodrich, Sears Roebuck, Consolidated Edison, North American, inter national Telephone General Elec tric and Johns-Manville. Du Pont, after its late bulge of Monday on a boosted disbursement, ended off 1-4 at $216.25. Railway bonds did better. At Chicago new corn contracts were up 1-4 to 1-2 cents a bushel, new and old oats a shade higher and old rye unchanged to up 3 1-8 for May futures. Cotton was off 15 to 35 cents a bale. In the curb Heyden Chemical added 3 3-4 and lesser gainers were Continental Foundry, Cana dian Industrial Alcohol “B, ’ Green field Tap and Pantepec. Turn over here was 540,000 shares versus 420,000 Monday. STOCK AVERAGES Compiled by The Associated Press May 21— 30 15 15 60 Indus Rails Utiti Stocks N et change A.2 A.5 A.l A.3 Tuesday 107.8 47.8 54.3 80.0 Prev. day 107.6 47.3 54.2 79.7 Week ago 107.3 46.6 54.1 79.3 Month-ago 108.2 47.1 54.8 80.1 Year ago 86.8 39.9 44.4 65.1 1946 high 108.8 51.0 54.8 80.5 1946 low £6.1 44.1 50.0 72.2 1945 high 102.0 48.9 52.5 77.1 1945 low 78.6 32.9 39.2 57.8 WnAT STOCKS DID NEW YORK, May 21 .—(£>)— Toes. Mon. Advances . 540 528 Declines .. 285 224 Unchanged 190 175 Total issues. 1015 927 COTTON NEW YORK COTTON NEW YORK. May 21.—(/P)—Cot ton futures developed a downward trend following early steadiness Tuesday as increased hedge selling and prefit taking met only limited trade suppon. Final prices were 15 to 35 cents a bale lewer. Juiy liquidation and switching in to u;er deli\erier were influenced by expectations considerable cot ton would be delivered against Ju'y contracts. Stocks eligible for this purpose art at the highest levei sinct early spring 1942. Futures closed 15 to 35 cents a bale lower. Open High Low Last Jly 27.43 27.49 27.36 27.38 off 7 Oct 27 69 27.76 27.65 27.66 off 3 Dec 27.84 27.89 27.76 27.77 off 7 Mch 27.9'' 28.03 27.89 27.91 off 6 May 28.01 28.04 27.94 27.95 off 3 Jly 27.92 27.96 27.86 27.86n off 4 Middling spot 27.98n, off 7, n—nominal. NEW ORLEANS COTTON NEW ORLEANS, May 21.—(TP)— Cotton futures closing prices were barely steady 20 to 55 cents a bale lower. Open High Low Close Jly 27.42 27.47 27.30 27.30 off 11 Oct 27.68 27.77 27.60 27.62 off 7 Dec 27.80 27.90 27.73 27.75 off 5 Mch 27.98 23.04 27.90 27.91 off 5 May 28.00 28 08 27.98 27.94b off 4 b—bid NEW ORLEANS SPOTS NEW ORLEANS, May 21—(/P)_ Spot cotton closed steady 50 cents a bale lower Tuesday. Sales 217. Low middling 21.90; middling 27.15; good middling 27.55, re ceipts 5,326; stock 268.586. CHARLOTTE SPOT CHARLOTTE, May 21—(fP)— Spot cotton 27.40. GRAIN CHICAGO GRAIN CHICAGO, May 21.— (jp) —May rye sold at both maximum and minimum limits in Tuesday’s grain futures trading. At the opening quotations weie 5 cents higher than the previous close and almost im mediately a ten cent decline was recorded. During the session ad vances of more than 9 cents from the day’s low were marked up, but not maintained. WHEAT (New) AUg .. . 1.98% Nov .— 1.98% Mar ...... m. ... 1.98 % (Old) Jly .. 1.83% Sep . 1.83% Dec . 1.83% May 1947 . — . 1.83% CORN (New) Jan 1.45% 1.46 1.45% 1.46 Mar 1.44% 1.45 1.44% 1.46 (Old) May . 1.21% Jly . 1.21% Sep . 1.21% OATS (New, Aug 83% 83% 83% 83% Nov 82% 82% 81% 82% Mar 83 83% 82% 83 (Old) May 83 83 83 83 J’y 83 . 83.. Sep 79% 80% 79% 80 dvcye a, 8°* 80,4 N.ov . 1.58% told). 1-58% May 2.37% 2.37% 2.27% 2.35% ^■v 1.48% ?,eP .— . 1.48% Dec . 1.48% BARLEY (New) Nov . 1.33% Mto.d).- . 1J4* May . —. 1.26% Jly . 1.26% Sep .- . 1.26% Dec . 1.26% CASH GRAIN CHICAGO, May 21—OH—Wheat No. 2 red and hard 1.97 nominal, ceiling. Corn No. 2 yellow 1.44 nominal, ceiling; No. 3 yellow 1.42 1-2 nominal, ceiling. Oats No. 2 grades 86-92 cents nominal, ceiling. Barley malting 1.34-1.52 1-2 nominal; feed 1.23-1.33 nominal. DRY GOODS NEW YORK, May 21—UP)—A scattering busiress in print clothes, sheetings, and osnaburgs was re ported in the cotton textile mar ket Tuesday. Some allocations were made a.ga'ost exports set aside and for the low cost apparel program. The industry was await ing the complete text of a new pricing amendment, which ex tended the 5 per cent incentive premium to certain types of sheet ings and osnaburgs in the finished state. Business in this type of goods has been helc. up pending this amendment. There was fair demand for wool goods, with further business for third quarter delivery. The rate of wool goods production continues to show ;.n increase with emphasis now centering on break ing the bottleneck in the manu facture of goods, such as pocket ing and lining fo mens apparel. There was a fair movement of rayon to the converting trade against mill allocations for the current quarters. SWEET POTATOES CHICAGO, May 21—(A5)—Sweet potato markets steady. Bushel crates Tennessee Nancy Halls $4-$4.25; Porto Ricans, bushel hampers, $4.25. RALEIGH POULTRY RALEIGH, May 21—(£>)— CNCD A)—Egg and poultry markets firm, with liberal receipts. U. S. Grade A large 37; fryers and broilers 31.2. NEW YORK PRODUCE NEW YORK, May 21—(fP)—Pro duce prices steady, unchanged. Stock Market Quotations (BY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS) Prev. Yester ious day Close Close Alleghany . 6% 6% A1 Chem anc Dye .205 205 Allis Chal Mfg.....55 55% American Can . 97% American Ca: Fdv _ 69 70% American Roll Mill ... 24% 24% American Smelt and Ref68% 69% A T ana T ---195% 196 American Tobacco B . . 99 99 Anaconda .46% 47% Arm 111 .. 16% 17 Atlantic Coast Line .. 75% 76% Atlantic Refinerv . 43% 49% Aviation Corporation . . 10% 11% Baldwin .. 34 34% Baltimore and Ohio .. • 24% 25% Darnsriall__ 29% 30% Bendix Aviat. . 47% 46 Beta Steel..106% 107 Boeing Airp ....27% 28% Borden .. 54% 54 Budcl Mfg .. 21 21% Burl Mills .. 57% 577/s Bur Add Mach .. 18% 18% Cannon Mills .. 71% -- C a Sr. J 1 .46% 45% Catorpil Trac- __ 78% 78% Ches ana Ohio .• 61% 617/s Chrysler . ..130 129 Coca Cola .... Coml Cred ... 57% 57% Coml Solv.. 29% 29% Com with and South .... 4% 4% Consrl Edis . 35 % 34% Cons Vultee . •_ 24% 25% Cont Can .. 47 47 Corn Proa ... 59% 60% Curl Wright . S'/s 8% Curt Wright A ........ 24% 23% Dow Chem . ..184 183% Doug Aire .. .. ^74 DuPont....*.. .216% 218% Eastman Kod .252 25% Firestone ...75% 76 Gen Z1 .....46% 46% Gen Foods ... 53% 53% Gen Mot . 72 72% Goodrich .. 78 77% Goodyear . 72% 71% Ut Nor iiy FI . 61 61% In’, Harves. . _..... 97% 97% In' Tel anu Tel ___ • 27% 26% Jonns Manv .......... 155% 155% Kennecctr. .. 56% 57% Ligg and M B..--102 102 Loews.-. 39% 39% Lockheed.•-. 31% 32 Lori.ilard . 28% 28% Mom Ward. 98% 98% Nash Kel •.. 22 22 Nat Bis. .. 35% 35 Nat Cash Reg. 43% 43% Nat Dist .—. 84% 84% N Y Cent . 26% 26% No Am Av .. 13% 13 No Pac . ■ 31 31% Packard .... —. 9% 9% Param Pic . ..81 79 Penney J C . 56 557/g Penn R R —. 41 Vi - Pepsi Cola . 36 35% Phillips Pet . .. 69 69 Pitt S and B.. 11% 11% Pullman .- 66% 67 Pure Oil . 27% 27% Radio .. 15% 15% Radio K O . . 25 Rem Rana ..._..._46% 46% Repub Sil ... 36 36% Reynolds B . . 44% Sears.-.. 46% 46yg Soe Vac.. 16% 167/g Sou Pac ...61% 63% Sou Ry . 55 56 Std Br...- 53 53 Std Oi’ N J . .. 75% 75% Stewart War .... Swift ..38% 39 Tex Co . 62% 62Vi UnCarb....119% 120% Unit Ail! ....41% 41% Unit Aire . . 29% Unit Corp .5% 5% Unit Drua .... . Unit Fruit . ... 148 Unit Gas Imp . 287/g 28% U S Indus Chem - - 60 U S Rubber .78 77 U S Smell and Ref - 69% 70 U S Ste.-l . ... -.. 86 86% Vanadium ..— 31% 32% Va Caro Chem . 10 Vi 10% Warner Pic ■ -.— 51% 50% West Un A. 36% 37% West El ... 35% 35% Woodworth . 59% 59% CURB Can Marconi-, 3% 3% Cities Service. 36y4 36% Colon Dvmt . ... 5 4% El Bond and Share- 237/s 24% RAIL BONDS TAKE LEAD IN ADVANCE Favorite Issues Throw Off Recent Hesitancy On Upswing Market NEW YORK, May 21—UP)— Rail issues threw of/ recent hesitancy and decisively advanced over a wide front in the bond market Tuesday. Some of the more popu lar carriers moved ahead around 2 points or more in expanded trading. A sustaining factor was the upward shift among rail shares in the Stock Exchange. Big Turnover Turnover of $4,234,000 was the largest in ten days and compared with $3,450,000 Monday. Among gainers were Baltimore & Ohio stamped convertibles 71 3-4, Central of Georgia “C” 5s at 27, Chicago & Alton 3s at 60, Chicago & Eastern Illinois incomes at 68 1-2, Rock Island “A” 4 l-2s at 67 1-4, Erie 4 l-2s at 94, Missouri Pacific general 4s at 45 3-4. Striking against the trend were bonds of Wisconsin Central and Illinois Central. U. S. Governments lost as much as 8-32 of a point in the over-the counter market. Dealers reported the market appeared to be reaching from the quick runup which start ed last week when the Treasury announced relaxation of rules gov erning commercial bank trading in certain restricted federal issues. Latin American loan posted gains running to more than a point. BOND AVERAGES Compiled By The Asiociated Presi May 21— 20 10 10 10 10 Rails Indus Util Fgn L.-Yld Net change A.3 Unch Unch Unch A.l Tuesday 102.6 103.8 107.5 78.2 118.6 Prey, day 102.3 163.8 107.5 78.2 118.5 Week ago 102.7 103.7 107.5 78.4 118.8 Month ago 105.0 103.8 107.6 78.7 119.5 Year ago 100.7 104 6 197.5 73.8 119.3 1946 high 106.9 105.2 109.5 79.0 120.2 1946 low 102.3 103.6 107.4 75.7 118.0 1945 high 103.9 105.5 108.5 76.7 118.7 1945 low 96.2 103.4 106.8 68.1 116.2 Bond Quotations NEW YORK, May 21.—(IP)— At and St 4s 95 ___137Vi B and 0 4s 48 ....106 Can Pac 4s Pe^p...114 C and Ei Inc 9" .. 68% Cgw 4s 88 ... 94% C.ri and P 4. 4s 34.. 64 Ci Ut 4%s 77 .105 D and Rgw 5s 55 ............ 24% Hud C 5s 62a .. 85% Hud-Man 5s 57 ... 73% Ills Cent 4%s 66 .93% Int. G. N 6s 52 __ 82 L and N 3%s 2003 .110% Mo. P. G 4S 75 .. 53 N Y C Rf 5s 2013 ... 98 Nor Pac. 4%s 2047 ..107% Sou Pac A 4s 55 .107 Sou Ry Cn 5s 94 ...._-.134 Sou Ry Gen 5s 56...116 West Md 4s 52 ....106% FOREIGN BONDS Aust 4Vis 56 ...102% Braz G%s 26-57 .. 83% LIVESTOCK CHICAGO LIVESTOCK CHICAGO, May 21—(A3)— Spring lambs entered the Chicago market Tuesday. For the first time this season, city butchers paying as high as $19.00 a hundredweight for choice kinds. Wooled lambs, however, were practically absent from the acute ly slender number delivered, leav ing the market to clipped kinds with No. 1 and No. 2 skins. Slaugh ter ewes were scarce. Yearlings and light steers bore most of the cattle market, topped at $17.85 under fairly broad outside buyer demand. Choice to prime 980-pound heifers brought $17.75, but there was only a starvation run of cows, bulls, and vealers. Stock cattle fetched $14.50 to $15.50. Salable hogs totaled 7,000 head, and another 8,000 came in direct to packers. Shippers took 2,000 head, double the usual 1,000-head with drawal. All movement was vir tually at ceiling prices. Lessening supplies of feed grain continued to show influence on the hogs received, the average weight yesterday getting down to 247 pounds, compared with 250 a week ago and 267 pounds a year ago. This was the lowest average thus far. Total receipts were 7.000 cattle, 700 calves, and 500 sheep. RICHMOND LIVESTOCK RICHMOND, Va„ May 21—(JP)— (USDA) Livestock: Hogs-market steady at ceiling; good and choice barrows and gilts 120-330 lbs and up $14.90 (flat); 100-120 lbs $13.40; good sows all weights $14.15; good stags $14.15. Cattle-market generally steady; bulk of steers cleared Monday; good slaughter steers $16.00-18.00, few choice higher; medium grade $15.00-16.00, common 12.00-14.00; few good heifers around $15.50-16.-, 00; medium $14.00-15.00; common and medium cows $10.00-12.00, with good quotable $12.00-13.50; canners and cutters $7.50-9.50; good heavy bulls $12.00-13.00, few up to $14.00; medium $11.00-12.00, common $9.00, 10.00; good to choice vealers $17.00 17.50, strictly choice quotable higher; medium $15.00-16.00. com mon $10.00-13.00, thin lower; fe:w lots good spring lambs mostly $18.00. N. C. HOG MARKETS RALEIGH, May 21—OP)—(NCD A)—Hog markets steady with tops of 14.55 at Rocky Mount and Clinton, and 14.90 at Richmond. WASHINGTON POULTRY WASHINGTON—U. S. Grade A extra large 43; broilers, fryers and roasters 34.4 to 34.7. BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES— BACK TO NATURE I 6YY ,^H\S SOVtl MOO S\T f\ YUMCH iOSY YWAY. V\N C££0 OH AHY SHOW- ft^SMmVi6T«W^^SS^67H \S 'rOM '. ri, t)OWM HY30 AfSVK. \Y YO YV*. W'.YXCWY YHRv SHY. OYY'.WtS OUST 0VfcM , HOM?U\Vi'f rx^^r^J I -> YASV'.YHVS \S tri HfsO YY9S M<SN?V\ViSS ft«K> OWOMS^QftfW^, t»0O6H YO VY ? H. OOW MOOtt Y>HM OYYli| MOQY. MM KSW YiftXiY- fcfK f WMAM LpJ WHOW'.MOcAit 'i WvM\V>6 Y.M0O6H ? J'j YHYtttO YO] 1 ofr$; M C^1 J RdlLr-«r\.*.V' —pr-1— •-'«.. L'» A *■■■ ■■<«—<1 jL^jjigiTiMnimiD--■ I WASH TUBBS— ONE-TWO-THREE PUNCH WpJiCH OUT.SnAG-OOPS; ) — GASOLINE ALLEY- (AMU.X IEAM ^IPI : NOW WE CAN AND INSTEAD I AUNTIE BLOSSOM LGVES^T CO TO WORK OF GETTING TAKE CARE OF GHIPRER) ' H/E ALWAYS ENVIED f TOGETHER IN TIRED OF UNTIE*! SHE GETS ,T1RE$F: 1 Trnn, n°Un^ETUAT° If THE CORNING EACH OTHER COULD DO THAT. C0ME HOME WE HAVE . TOGETHER MORE IN f AT NIGHT. COMMON. f. DR. BOBBS— by ELLIOTT and McARDLE HANK, DON'T PAW DID I HEAR SOME-j IT AIN'T WHO'S WHY DONT YOU m YOU" ME IN PUBLIC- ONE MENTION DOING THE f ^ ' SOMEONE MAY SEE MY NAME? <T _ __ PAWNS THAT TWA SHORT 1J H«/Ei AN you «—,r MAKES THE NOTICE,DARLING? 1 IDEA DIFFERENCE, ^—ujjTHERE/l HUH, CYNTHIA'aH0H IT HI I ; . _Jr^~ I > s,; rrATi-fSSY^CAn. » . »f»iu bights pcst»vEj»^M_| I 4 '--■_( ' ^ ■ »-■-* THE GUMPS— NOT A BAD GUESS, MIN WHO FARE'S WHAT’S ) jTlffS IN THAT SECRET ZEORET PDCUMENT/ ffll m DOCUMENT ANYHOW?/ ) "YOU MUZ'NOT TELL A lira__ \-Stfr —' EVENMRZ 400MP.." JM(\ i^^trila i LITTLE ORPHAN ANNIE— MISPLACED PERSON K f but snide is mean and r BUT MAYBE SNIDE T HE'S WORSE- H6S LAZY ^ THIEVING AND JUST PLAIN I SORREL ISN’T AS BAD i SHIFTLESS TRASH "-OF COURSE, I NASTY BAD-WE WON'T HAVE I AS HIS DAD WAS- j PLENTY OF LAZY, SHIFTLESS I HIS KIND EVEN STOP IN FOLKS ARE HARMLESS-^ SMOKY HOLLOW — OUT OUR WAY By J R. WILLIAMS < I C AIN’T STAND OH, OH/ THIS, WES-ALL SNEAKIN’ THEM BALD OFF ON HEADS--WHEN ME—HAH? WE FOUND TH' fH’ ROOT CURE AND HUNTIN' LOST IT/ goys-1 OH —TH’ WELL, MILLION- WELL IN IT/ WELL/ OF (SOLD S-Zl J'f?WIL'-lflrA2> JJ^0P>LJ9«6J^£VSCRVICE^INC.^ ' OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLB VES,these are THE precious ^ ETCHlHGS.TWlGGS/WE'LL TAKE A cas to the airport—it’s quite a TREK ! DID X TELL VOU WE USE A PRIMATE AIRPORT A KID A SPECIAL PLAME FOR THESE , IMPORTANT JOURKEYS?* 1 DELIGHTFUL, ISKJ'T IT? fNO'JEL PROGRAM, I'D { CALL IT —LIKE [Toscanini conducting ) THE CtTV SLICKERS/ 7 — YES INDEED, ' MATOR, THIS WHOLE PROGRAM iG BEGINNING 'i TO LOOK AS NEAT AS i^A NURSE'S CAP. me, J! OP YOO TO SAY THAT, OLD Mf\Kj - f

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