ADVERTISING men CONVENING TODAY Qver One Hundred To At t e n d Gathering At Charleston CHARLESTON, S. C., July 25. ,f_-The mid-year convention of "Z Advertising Executives associ M-.;i begin here Friday with £‘' expected attendance of nearly £„, newspaper advertising execu p-e;'from Tennessee and the Caro Ofjicei's and directors will meet j .ne mid-year business oessian be held Friday night. 0n Saturday’s program will be discussion panel led by adver sr>)— President Truman Thursday sign ed into law a bill making heads of executive departments and inde pendent agencies eligible for civil service retirement system partici pation. Previously, these officials had been banned from participation. Mr. Truman signed another bill to retain the retirement benefit rights for persons who leave civil service work because of a disabil ity. IS GETTING UP NIGHTS GETTING YOU DOWN? Thousands say famous doctor’s discovery gives blessed relief from irritation of die bladder caused by excess acidity in the urine Why suffer needlessly from backaches, run-down feeling from excess acidity in the urine? Just try DR. KILMER'S SWAMP ROOT, the renowned herbal medicine. SWAMP ROOT acts fast on the kidneys to promote the flow of urine and relieve troublesome excess acidity. Origi* nally created by a practising physician, Dr. Kilmer’s is a carefully blended combi nation of 16 herbs, roots, vegetables, bal sams. Absolutely nothing1 harsh or habit forming in this pure, scientific prepara tion. Just good ingredients that quickly act on the kidneys to Increase the flow of urine and ease the uncomfortable symp toms of'bladder irritation. Send for free, prepaid sample TODAY! Like thousands of others you'll be glad that you did. Send name and address to Department B, Kilmer A Co., Inc., Box 1255, Stamford, Conn. Offer limited. Send at ones. All druggists sell Swamp Root* HOUSE ONE UP Conferees Bar Military Men From Atomic Board WASHINGTON, July 25 — (£>) Advocates of civilian control ol atomic energy won a victory Thursday when a Senate-House Conference committee agreed to exclude military men from a control commission. The House had voted to put at least one, and possibly two, mili tary men on the five-man commis sion which would rule over atomic energy in the domestic field. The Senate had voted for an all-civil ian body. Some Dissatisfied Some of the House conferees ex pressed dissatisfaction with the decision, and indicated they would fight when the conference report comes up for ratification in the House. It is subject to Senate ap proval also. The House won a point on an other provision dealing with mili tary representation. The conferees agreed that the director of the di vision of military application of amomic energy be a member of the armed forces. Senate Defeated The Senate had voted to put a civilian at the head of this divi sion, one of four that would work under commission direction. The conferees were still in dis agreement over patent provisions of the bill. The House completely rewrote these provisions as pass ed by the Senate. At Loggerheads One of the main differences is I a House requirement that atomi# patents taken by the commission from individuals must be return ed eventually to the original owners. The Senate voted to give tho government, through the commis sion, a virtual, perpetual monopoly on patents and Inventions in the atomic field. The Chicago district builds more railroad cars titan any other area in the world. CAN’T KEEP GRANDMA IN HER CHAIR She’s as Lively as a Youngster-* Now her Backache Is better Many sufferers relieve nagging backache Quickly, once they discover that the reel cause of their trouble may be tired kidneys. The kidneys are Nature’s chief way of tak ing the excess acids and waste out of the blood. They help most people pass about 8 pints a day. When disorder of kidney function permits poisonous matter to remain in your blood, it may cause nagging backache, rheumatie pains, leg pains, loss of pep and energy, getting up nights, swelling, pufiiness under the eyes, headaches and dizziness. Frequent or Beauty passages with smarting and burning some times shows there is something wrong jriti* your kidneys or bladder. Don’t waitl Ask your druggist for Doan's Pills, a stimulant diuretic, used successfully by millions for over 40 years. Doan’s give happy relief and will help the 16 miles of kidney tubes flush out poisoncue waste from your blood. Get Doan’s Pills. SUMMER DRESSES Chambrays, Eyelets, Spuns, Ging hams and Other Favored Materials VALUES TO 8.99 VALUES TO 12.99 VALUES TO 19.99 ALL SALES FINAL 115 North Front ' r THEY SAY...SHE'S AWFULLY RICH...SHE'S IHOMOGENIZED w WHITE'S HOMOGENIZED MILK is rich wiih cream down io the last drop ... because homeogenization thoroughly and evenly mixes the cream through out every bottle bearing the White's HOMOGENIZED label! WHITE ICE CREAM & MILK CO.