- FORECAST ^ | j ^ * Served By Leased Wires tlmuminn nrmtm mar - — State and National News flfc. 79IHN0‘ 282-l __WILMINGTON, N. C., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1946 ESTABLISHED 1867 India Facing Civil Strife leader Warns Fall-Scale Battle Between Hindus, Moslems Looms For Nation PROSPECTSGHASTLY Late Reports From Bombay Indicate Quiet Return ing To City BOMBAY, India, Sept. 6.-— ij-!—India faces the prospect '■ a possible ghastly full-scale idl war between Hindus and Moslems because of British action in establishing an in terim government, Premier H. < Suhrawardy, a powerful Moslem league figure, said Friday. Suhrawardy flew here from Cal ,ta Thursday and conferred last jjrtt with M. A. Jinnah, president .[the Moslem league. The Mos le0S have refused to participate jj (he Interim government because the British rejected their demands [o- parity with the Hindus and creation of a separate Moslem state. “The prospect before us is ghastly even though the very ex istence of the Moslem nation is at stake," Suhrawardy told the United Press in an exclusive interview. Suhrawardy held out hope that the league might still be offered parity in the Interim government and said: "I am certain that Jin nah and the Moslem league would be willing to participate in the Interim government in the inter ests of peace in India.” “The Congress party is drunk with power.” he said. “It thinks it has achieved a wonderful vic See INDIA on Page Two MANY 4-F CASES DUE FOR REVIEW Draft Board To Forward Four Hundred To Ra leigh Next Week About 400 New Hanover county W draft cases will be forwarded to state Selective Service head quarters in Raleigh some time next week for study, officials of the county’s consolidated draft board disclosed yesterday after a review by local Board No. one. Next week's shipment will fol low closely on the heels of the 10 4-F cases sent to Raleigh this week by Local Board No. »Two. Both boards may forward a few more of the cases on the lists at a later date, which would boost the county’s total to almost 500, the officials said. Action by State headquarters on 'be cases is expected in from four to six weeks, the officials added. Sune, all. or none may be reclass kied for induction this depending oo what decision State headquar ters makes, they said. Bulletins Received In the meantime, two bulletins have been received clarifying or modifying procedure on pre-induc ■or examination calls and defer tnente for transportation workers, fbe first read: "If your board as ordered registrants to report or induction whose pre-induction examination is over 90-days old, you will advise them that they will e forwarded on the date called See 4-F CASES On Page Two UMBONE’S MEDITATIONS By Alley 13 JIS '*> BE A HEAP MP' WoRU' EF DE^ WARS'! SO MAhW p^em'skips mape. JES' CKst VE'i BOFE ^-RATES D£ SAME polks »«! port came into The Star’s new* room the editor exclaimed “Listen to this boys. It rained 2.17 inches so far today.” One reporter who had Just come in off his beat rose to his feet and said, "I deny that report. It has rained 22% inches.” He placed a yardstick along his leg beginning at his shoe. He was right. The high-water mark on his tronser leg meas ured 22% inches. What do you say to that, Mr. Weather Bureau?