BOND MART DROPS IN SELLING WAVE Many Favorite Liens Lose From 1 To 3 Points Dur ing Session NEW YORK, Nov. 6 — (A*) — The bond market slanted sharply lower Wednesday along with stocks and commodities in the wake of a nationwide Republican sweep at the polls. Low to medium priced rails took the brunt of the selling and gave the widest ground, many ending up with 1 to more than 3 points. Bet ter rated corporation securities and U. S. Governments acted w'tih more stability, ' although here too declines were in the majority. On the losing end were such trad ing favorites as Baltimore and Ohio stamped convertibles of I960. Boston and Maine 4s. St. Paul in come 4%s, North Western 4>2S, Rock Island 4%s, Chicago and Al ton 3s. Big Four 4Hs. Illinois Cen Orient Lodge No. 395 A F & A M Stated business meeting Thurs day evening. Nov. Tth. at S o'eioci .V vi?;r Masons cordially in v: By order of the Master. W H. McClain. Sec’y. WATCHES AND i FINE JEWELRY f Yon Can Select Your 1 CHRISTMAS GIFTS Now And Pay Later! J No Carrying Charge { No Interest Added i i 7 NORTH FRONT ITBUT kEED’S For Diamonds ttral 4%s, International Great North-1 era first 6s, Lehigh Valley 4s, Mis souri Pacific 5s, New Haven 4s and Norfolk Southern 5s. Some Gainers Scattered gainers included Pa cific Gas 3s, Philadelphia Electric 2%s Southern Railway general 4s, Shell Union 2%s, U. S. Rubber 2%s and Boston and New York Airline 4s. Trading in U. S. Governments on the Stock Exchange was confined to Treasury 2%s of December 1967, off 4-32 at 302.23 and the 2s of June, 1952, off 21-32 at 102.26. There was more activity over the counter but trends were similar, although loss es were not as great. Foreign dollar bonds were mixed. Brazil 8s of 1941 dropped 5 points while the series one, 3%s were up a point. Buenos Aires 44% and Chile 6s were among others ending UPSales of $5,750,000 compared with $5,852,000 last Monday. BOND AVERAGES Compiled by The Associated Press Nov- 6~ ^ 10 ]0 10 in Rails Indus Util Fgn L. Vld Net change D.l Unch D.l A.l A.3 Wednesday 94.0 103 0 104.8 74.9 114.9 Prev day 94.1 103.0 104.9 74.8 146.6 Week ago 92.4 103.0 104.1 74.8 114.3 Month ago 92.2 102.8 105.4 74.9 1 a.l Year ago 101.8 103.7 108 4 75.3 116.5 1946 High 106.9 105-2 109.5 79.0 120.2 ,946 Low 92.0 102.7 103.3 74.7 114.3 1945 High 103.9 105.5 108 a 76.7 118.7 1945 Low 96.2 103.4 106.8 68.1 116.2 foreign exchange NEW YORK, Nov. 6—(TP)—Clos ing foreign exchange rates follow (Great Britain in dollars, others in cents): Canadian dollar in New York open market 4 7-8 percent discount or 95.12 1-2 U. S. cents, up 1-8 of a cent. Europe: Great Britain $4.03 1-2, up 1-4 of a cent; France (Franc) .84 1-4. unchanged: Sweden (Krona) 27.85, unchanged; Switzer land (Franc) (com’l) 23.40, un changed. Latin America: Argentina Free 24.56, up .01 of a cent: Brazil Free 5.50. .unchanged; Mexico 20.62 un changed. _ VENETIAN BLINDS ALL SIZE BLINDS MADE AND REFINISHED STRICKLAND VENETIAN BLIND WORKS Phone 6404, Castle Hayne Road Dependable Since 1872 FUEL OIL Phone 5261 ■ PORTRAITURES COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHY • BOB HODGKIN Studio at 103'/z Princess 6627 —Telephones— 2-1331 JUST RECEIVED SHIPMENT ASH AND OAK OARS 6-Ft... $1.80 — 7-ft... $2.17 — 8-ft... $2.90 9-ft.. $3.50 — 12-ft.. $5.80 PADDLES, poplar, 5-ft.$2.50 SISAL ROPE 3-8” - 7-16” - 1-2” - 5-8” diameters DAVID JACOBI SUPPLY CO. 17 So. 2nd St. Dial 9451 GOAL ANNOUNCED FOR PAPER DRIVE Proceeds From November 17 Event To Be Used For Equipment A goal of 100,000 pounds of scrap paper for the November 17 drive in Wilmington was announced yesterday by N. J. Kelly, president of tlje Senior Fraternity, the organ ization sponsoring the campaign. Plans for the forthcoming drive are nearing completion, Kelly re ported following the semi-month ly supper meeting of the organiza tion Tuesday night at the Brigade club. During the meeting the members heard Postmaster W. R. Dosher outline the proposed junior college for Wilmington. Also announced was the selection of November 26 for the annual Ladies Night celebration by the group. The committee in charge of the program will be T. A. Riven bark, R. M. Padrick, Jr., and T. C. Davis. The entertainment will be held at the Brigade club, Kelly reported. During the meeting LeRoy Taylor was accepted into membership in the fraternity. Proceeds from the November 17 paper drive will be used to pur chase additional equipment for the Brigade Boys’ club. With shorter daylight hours, members of the fraternity stress ed the necessity for the public to place their donations of old news papers and magazines at the curb in front of their homes by 9 o’clock on the morning of the drive. The bundles will be collected by mem bers of the fraternity. LIVESTOCK CHICAGO LIVESTOCK CHICAGO, Nov. 6—(JP)—(USDA) —Salable hogs 11,000, total 18,500; slow throughout; generally steady on all weights and sows; bulk good and choice 180-300 lb 23.00-23.25; with 23.00 popular price; other weights scarce; one load 23.50; bulk good and choice cows 21.50 22.00; good clearance. Salable cattle 7,500, total 7,800; salable calves 700, total 700; good and choice steers and yearlings 50 cents higher; medium grades steady; early top 32.00; some held higher; most good and choice grades 24.00-31.00; good and choice heifers followed steer advance; choice offerings 29.00; bulk 20.00 27.00 with strictly good western heiferettes to 19.00; cows and bulls 25-50 cents higher; strictly good Montana cows to 16.50; cutters 12.00 down; heavy sausage bulls up to 16.75; beef bulls to 17.00; veai ers steady at 21.00 down; stock cattle slow. RICHMOND LIVESTOCK RICHMOND, Nov. 6 — (JP)~ (USDA) — Hogs—Market steady W'ith Tuesday; top $23.00 for good and choice barrows and gilts 160 lbs. and over; 100-120 lbs $20.00; 120-140 lbs. 20.50; 140-160 lbs. $21.00; good sows, all weights $20.50; good stags $19.00. Cattle—General market about steady on slaughter classes rep presented; medium and good steers quotable around $18.00-21.00; most offerings of fat dair,y type cows $10.00-12.00 with good beef type up to $15.00; bulk of canners & cutters $7.00-10.00, lith DD thin canners lower; heavy sausage bulls largely $12.00-13.00, good beef bulls $14.00-15.00; practical top good vealers $20.00. WHOLESALE PRICE INDEX NEW YORK, Nov. 6—(tf^The wholesale food price index of 31 commodities decline in the week ended Nov. 5 to $6.14, compared with $6.34 on Oct. 29, and $4.14 a year ago, Dun and Bradstreet re ported Wednesday. The index, which shows the price of a pound of each of the 31 foods revealed advances this' week in wheat, oats, cottonseed oil, coca, bean and peas. Declines were registered in corn, barley, hams, bellie, lard, butter, cheese, coffee, eggs, potatoes, steers, hogs, sheep and lamb. Others were unchanged. If the dog squirms when dusted with DDT powder it may be be cause the powder irritates fleas and lice causing a flurry of biting. HOW MUCH DO YOU KNOW ABOUT CHRISTIAN SCIENCE? Do you sometimes wonder why it is that Christian Science brings happiness and freedom from worries and fears? You will learn some of the reasons if you will accept the invitation to this lecture. Even if you are onfy slightly interested, or even skeptical, this lecture will interest you. You are invited to come and bring your friends to A FREE LECTURE ENTITLED "Christian Science: The Science of Divine Mind" By Florence Middaugh, C. S., of Los Angeles, Calif. Member of the Board of Lectureship of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Massachusetts THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 7, AT 8 P. M. IN CHURCH EDIFICE 17TH AND CHESTNUT STREET , First Church of Christ, Scientist, of Wilmington, N. C. Cordially Invites You to Attend]_ DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS 1. Sugar-sand 6. Kingly U. Pungent vegetable 12. Rub out 13. A nerve center (anat.) 14. Keeps 15. Let it stand (Print.) 16. Buddha (Chin, name) 17. Corrode 13. East Indies (abbr.) 2. Letters 3: The rise and fall of water 4. Way 5. Half ems 6. To sole again 7. Period of time 8. Bestowed 9. On the ocean 10. For fear that 16. A white lie 20. Music note 21. Unit of ■work 23. Fuel 25. River (Russ. Turk.) 26. Assembly of hearers 27. Tidiness 29. A church seat 32. A simpleton 33‘. Black gull 34. Editor (abbr.) 37. Extra 39. Engrossed 40. Pitcher Yesterday’s Answer 41. Amazon estuary 44. Ireland 46. Free 47. Girl’s name 19. Man’s name 22. Old horse 24. Pertaining to the Spanish peninsula 28. Strike 30. Adhesive mixture 31. Substance 35. Girl’s name 36. Forests •38. Neuter pronoun 39. Twilled fabric 42. Gulf (Siberia) 43. A hammer end 45. A prize 47. River (Fr.) 48. Danger 49. Man’s name (poss.) 50. Barter 51. Factors DOWN 1. Twaddle CRYPTOQUOTE—>A cryptogram quotation XQC CIP XKALXBRP BD CIP KZON YV CIP R B R A B O O Y V V Y B R P H OKR! L Y T U Y R S. Yesterday’s Cryptoquote: HEALTH AND INTELLECT ARE THE TWO BLESSINGS OF LIFE—MENANDER. Distributed by King Features Syndicate, Ine. FIRE PREVENTION WEEK WINS PRAISE FOR CHIEF CROOM Fire Chief J. Ludie Croom yes terday received the commenda tion of the City council following the reading of his report on the suc cessful observance of Fire Preven tion Week in Wilmington. The chief’s report detailed the speedy manner in which the vari ous schools of the city were evecuateri during practice drills held in connection with the recent observance of Fire Prevention week. The mayor and members of the council expressed surprise over the ability ef the 1,900 students evacuating New Hanover High school in two minutes and ten sec onds. Chief Croom explained that these students were evacuated in an or derly manner from their respective class rooms. The chief, in his letter to City Manager J. R. Benson, expressed his appreciation for th_> cooper FUEL OIL DIAL 2-2451 Prompt—Courteous—Efficient CRAIG OIL CO. “State Inspected Meters’’ alion he and the fire department received curing the observance. The tourmaline, found in 1703, is a newcomer to the family of gem stones. _ Select Yonr Christmas Gifts Now! A Small Deposit Holds Any Item. B. GURU, Jeweler 264 N. Front St. FUEL OIL Standard Oil “ESSOHEAT” Oil Burner Service HUGHES BROS. FUEL CO. Dial 7774 For A Great Variety In GIFT SELECTIONS YOUR FAVORITES IN CHINA, SILVER AND GLASSWARE PATTERNS VISIT THE Jewel Box Gift Shop Downstairs In The Jewel Box 109 North Front St. These stripes mean a lot ATTENTION ARMY, NAVY. NARINE. AND COAST GUARD VETS A new regulation is now in effect which may qual ify you to reenlist in the Army in the grade or rate held when discharg ed, even if discharged more than a year. “GI” BILL will remain in effect for duration of Wartime emergency. For complete details without obligations, write or apply in person to U. S. ARMY RECRUITING STATION p. O. Bldg. - Wilmington, N. C. - Dial 2-8368 STATION OPEN MONDAY THRU’ SATURDAY Or Contact the Army Recruiter in the Post Office in one of the Following Towns: Whiteville—Mondays Wallace—W ednesdays Jacksonville—Thursdays This Message Published In The Interest Of National Defense And Sponsored By E. S. PIVER & SONS -ROOFERS APPROVED AND BONDED LABOR AND MATERIALS GUARANTEED — SHEET METAL WORK— 801 South 17th St. Dial 5919 RUFFIN SELECTED DISTRICT HEAD Announces County Chair men For N. C. Good Health Association Peter B. Ruffin, vice-president of the Wilmington Terminal Ware house, has been named chairtnan of this district of the North Caro lina Good Health association, it was learned yesterday. The territory of Ruffin’s district embraces New Hanover, Colum bus, Pender and Brunswick coun ties. His appointment was announced by Judge Henry L. Stevens, of Warsaw, southeastern chairman of the association. As his county chairmen, Ruffin named Hargrove Bellamy, of New Hanover, K. Clyde Council, of Co mmbus, S. Bunn Frink, of Bruns wick, and Clifton Moore, of Pen der. The association will short.y launch a state-wide educational F O R .... Dial: ftssoheaft VjSiojTV 4°6> Ni^ht—7746 SERVICE FUEL OIL CO 1104 Chestnut St. campaign designed to publicize STorth Carolina’s problems in the :ield of neait'n and point up the ^eed for more hospitals and bet :er medical services throughout the state.___ WASHINGTON POt'lXRy WASHINGTON-U. S. Grade , large, average 64 1-2; fryers h ers and roasters, 42 to 44 ' °u> Dial 2-3311 For Newspaper Service ' For Concrete Building Blochs A.S.T.M. RATING GRADE A Dial 2-8430 1502 N. 7th St. PQIKT PETER CONCRETE CO. for expert repair on home and auto radio" S1^r Of All Kinds._7 7 6 1 COLD WEATHER COMING! Don’t let a sudden j cold snap find your battery not fully charged— it slows starting, makes lights burn dim! Your Shell Dealer will test it under load, recharge if necessary and, of course, Till it to the proper level. Get your car s Safety Factors ready for winter! BRAKES that stop on a dime, easy, positive steering—these are just a couple of the hidden "Safety Factors" engineered into your car! But hidden or not, they’ve got to work properly for safe winter driving. That’s why your Shell Dealer inspects them when he gives your car a Shellubrication job. He checks your steering assembly, wheel bearings, brake system, radiator, lights, bat tery and windshield wipers. What’s more, he lists items requiring attention. He also performs two other vital services:— I. He drains, flushes, then refills your crank case with the correct winter grade of Shell X-100 Motor Oil. 2. He drains, flushes, then refills your radi ator with a Shell anti-freeze solution. Finally he gives you a record of service and a written guarantee covering both materia1 and workmanship. Play safe! Don’t get caught unprepared a sudden cold snap! See your Shell Dea!l today and make a date for a Shellubricatio job before the rush starts! MafeaZb/e7M/ay$r SHELLUBRICATION 1 .

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