SOCIAL j and | CLUB ! dates to remember TODAY 3:00 p. m.—The executive board of N. C. Sorosis will meet. 3:30 p. m.—The Junior Auxiliary of the American Legion will meet at toe Legion home on South Third street. All mem bers are urged to attend. 3:30 p. m.—The monthly meeting of the North Carolina Sorosis will be held in the club house on North Third street. 3:30 p. m. —Cape Fear Navy Mothers club will meet at the American Legion home. 3:30 p. m.—Ladies auxiliary of the Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen will meet at the Junior Order hall. All mem bers are urged to attend. 4:00 p. m.— The Dorcas Society of St. Paul’s Lutheran church will meet in the Educational building. All members are urged to be present. 4:15 p. m.—The Alpha Zeta Soror ity will meet at the YWCA, Third and Grace streets. 7:30 p. m.—The Art Club will meet at the YWCA. 8:00 p.. m.—The Georgia Barton class of the Temple Baptist church will meet at the home of Mrs. J. S. Warwick, 1805 Princess street. 8:00 p. m.—Harvest Festival at Long Creek school, Rocky Point, will be held in the school auditorium, sponsored by the P.-T.A. The public is invited. FRIDAY 8:00 p. m.—The Coed class of the First Baptist church will meet in the social hall. All members are urged to attend. Tournament Opens At Club; Visitors To Instruct Players The first in a series of Tuesday evening duplicate contract bridge tournaments was put on Tuesday evening by the entertainment com mittee of the Cape Fear Country club for members and their out of town guests only. These tourna ments will be held every Tuesday evening between the hours of 8 and 11 o’clock at the clubhouse until the end of the spring season. Two professional directoresses came from Raleigh to open the tournament and instruct the play ers in the Mitchell - movement which is used by duplicate contract bridge clubs when there are nine or more tables in progress. The two directoresses were Miss Laeke Lentz and Mrs. Neva Wright. They were accompanied by Mrs. Frank Thompson and Mrs. John Bikle, two of Raleigh’s outstanding bridge players, who participated in the ini-| tial tournament Tuesday evening.' The four ladies from Raleigh met with the local committee in charge of arrangements at the Cape Fear Country club at 6 o’clock, the local committee being composed of E. L. White, chairman, Mrs. Sam Nash, Mrs. R. Bryant Hare, Jr., J. Neveland Brand, Jr., Mrs. Alice Morrow and Mrs. Royce S. McClel land. Dinner was served for the 10 in the dining room of the club. Promptly at 8 o’clock the dupli cate bridge game started at 11 tables with informal instructions being given by Miss Lentz and Mrs. Wright. At 11 o’clock when the play was stopped and the scores tabulated by the official scorer J. Neveland Brand, Jr., it was found that Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Hines were the high scorers for North and South and Miss Margu erite Walker playing opposite Miss Jennie Murchison were the win ners for East and West. From the great amount of enthu siasm shown with Tuesday even NO BETTER ASPIRIN FOR of periodic functions, or for headache, neuralgia. Bottle of 100—05c. Why pay more? St Joseph ASPIRIN^ Featuring Today — FLUORESCENT DESK LAMPS $15.50 THE COLONIAL APPLIANCE CO. 2nd &, Dock Dial 6603 pbbwssm Acts AT ONCE to Relieve and ‘Loosen* sap corns (CAUSED BY COLDS) The first spoonfuls of rasTossm must promptly relieve such coughing or money back. Prescribed by thousands of Doctors! rERTtrssrN acts of once not only to relieve coughing but It actu ally ‘loosens phlegm’ and makes It easier to raise. Safe! Effective! Pleasant tasting! Buy rmrussnr today. ing’s game it is anticipated that the players will increase with each coming tournament. Starting with next Tuesday evening, November 12, Mrs. Sam Nash will instruct the players each week. Mrs. R. Bryant Hare, Jr., and Mrs. Alice Morrow will assist the instructor ess and the score keeper. At the conclusion of the game Tuesday evening the greater majority of those present joined the American Contract Bridge League association affiliated with Raleigh. Those playing were: Mrs. J. Frank Hackler, W. D. MacMillan, Mrs. Eleanor W. Walbach, Miss Martha Stack, Gardner Greer, F. E. Shannon, Mr. and Mrs. Guerard Simkins; Mrs. A. B. Cheatham, Mrs. John Zapf, Mrs. C. S. Lowrimore, Mrs. O. L. Hogon, Mr. and Mrs. Wal ker Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Little; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wellott, Mrs. Bonner H. Thomason, Miss Byah Thomason, Mr. and Mrs. Lem L. Doss, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rogers: Mrs. P. R. Smith, Mrs. R. Bryant Hare, Jr., Miss Jennie Murchison, Miss Marguerite Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Fonvielle, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd W. Moore, Jr.; Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Penton, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Parmele, Mrs. M. t shley Curtis, Mrs. Louis B, Orrell, Mrs. David R. Murchison and Mrs. J. Dalziel Sprunt. Others present but not playing were Mrs. Neva Wright, Miss Laeke Lentz of Raleigh, Mrs. Sam Nash, Mrs. Royce S. McClelland, Mrs. Alice Morrow and J. Neve land Brand, Jr. lAchievemenf* Day, . Whifeville 4 H Club WHITEVILLE, Nov. 6 — The annual Achievement Day meeting of the Home Demonstration clubs of Columbus county and 4-H boys and girls will be held here Friday night, November 8, in the White ville school auditorium. The pro gram will begin with a picnic sup per at 6 o’clock. Speaker for the evening will be Mrs. Irby Walker of Greensboro* treasurer of the North Carolina Farm bureau. According to C. D. Raper, county agent, Mrs. Walker is well-known to agricultural lead ers and farmers and is rated as an excellent entertainer. In addition to the Home Demon stration reports and program, the highlight of the evening will be the awarding of 14 medals to county food preparation, canning, meat production, animal culture and field crops. Ten dollars in cash will be awarded to the five top corn producers, and the winners of the sweet potato contest will be an nounced. Every 4-H club member in Co lumbus county and every Home Demonstration club woman and their families are urged to be pres ent with their picnic supper. Miss Nan Ratliffe is home demon stration agent for Columbus county. » A self-cleaning head inside of shower fittings permits a choice of spray from a splashing down pour to a fine stinging needle shower. SOCIETY GLADYS TAYLOR, SOCIETY EDITOR. PHONE 2-3311 Important Art Club Meeting Tonight At YW The Art club of Wilmington will meet at the YWCA, Third and Grace streets, this evening at 7:30 to discuss affiliation with a na tional art organization which would bring traveling exhibits here, as well as other benefits. It is very important that all persons who are interested in furthering art education locally attend and give their support to the projects to be undertaken. Following the discussion, the workshop hour will be given over to the making of block prints un der the direction of Mrs. Warren Barrett and Mrs. C. P. Davis, both well known Wilmington artists. Block printing materials may be obtained at cost at the YWCA or through the local art center or sta tioners shops. Any persons owning lineoleum cutting tools are urged to bring them as it is still impos sible to buy then. Designs for Christmas cards, book plates and textile prints may be made, with a number of color inks available. The club is open to both men and women and visitors are wel come. Anne Kamer On Staff Of Salemite, Student Paper, Salem College Miss Anna Kamer, daughter of Dr. W. A. Kamer, 2207 Market street, this city, recently won a position on the staff of the Salem ite, student newspaper at Salem college, Winston-Salem. Students were chosen according to their writing ability, dependability and originality. Thalian Workshop Casting Tonight For One Act Play The Thalian Workshop weekly meeting will be held this evening at 8 o'clock in the com munity building, Second and Orange streets at 8 o'clock, at which time casting of several one act plays will be held. There is a part open for a high school girl of 15 and it is hoped that all teen-age girls interested in little theatre work will attend these tryouts. All persons interested in little theatre work are cordially invited lo attend these meetings. ' MissionaryBookClub Entertained By Mrs. Leslie Boney - % Mrs. Leslie N. Boney entertained the Missionary Round Table Bock club of the First Baptist church on Tuesday at 12:30 o’clock at a luncheon at her home on South Fifth street after which the club held the monthly meeting. Con tinued discussions were held on the books of the Orient and, many interesting facts were brought out. Enjoying the hospitaliay of Mrs. Boney and attending the meeting were Mrs. A. M. Alderman, Mrs. L. H. Raynolds, Dr. Belle Veeder, Mrs. R. E. Williams, Mrs. Roger H. Smith, Mrs. O. G. Bain, Mrs. C. W. Shaw and Mrs. Charles A. Maddry. Also attending as a guest was Mrs. C. E. Hussey. Colored plumbing fixtures will be back on the market as soon as the present emergency housing program for veterans has been completed. NOT TOO sweer > - NOT TOO TART i—■* e—f u ** — ^ j III —franchised bottler—^ 7 \mm RED ROCK ROTTLING CO., of Wilmington, N. C., Inc. KAPNO A. LEHTO, GEN’L MANAGER Fathers Attend Wrightsboro P,T.A “Breakfa t in Hollywood” get together was conducted by the fathers of the Wrightsboro Parent Teacher association at the regular meeting Monday evening with E. H. Kendrick acting as master of ceremonies. Fathers who could name their children’s ages were given candy. Broak and Tohn Carey as Pudden and Bubbles de lighted the audience with songs and jokes. Mrs. C. W Taylor, who won the wishing ring wished that teachers would get a raise, and for her wishing and winning received a pair of nylon hose. Mrs. E. B. Johnson, the favored one of the evening for having more children than any other parent present, was presented with a real Tom Breneman orchid, sent direct from Hollywood by Breneman, especially for the Wrightsboro ‘‘Breakfast in Holly wood” program. Mrs. H. A. Mur ray, according to Pete Groot, had on the craziest hat, thus receiving a pair f 'nylon hose. Mrs. J. A. Cain and Mrs. Elco Tinga won substitute orchids. Throughout the program music was rendered by a trio, composed of Mrs. Elco Tinga, S. Freenstra and Hugh Oosterwyk. Prior to the program, a regular business session was called by the president, Pete Groot, and opened with a devotional led by E. F. Pridgen. Mrs. Fred Jordan read the president’s message after which she called the attention of the parents to a Parents’ Work shop which is to be held at Wrights boro school November 12. The program is scheduled to begin at 9 a. m. with the 8th grade under the direction of Miss Southerland presenting an American Education Week program, to be followed by Ruth Blackburn, - Mrs. Emma Howell, and Dr. Elliot. Lunch for the group will be at 1:15 p. m. E. H. Kindrick spoke on the legislative program, making a plea to the parents for ‘their„.sup port of the proposed salary; raise for the teachers and a reduction in teacher-load. Dirk Swart gave a report on the recent meeting held at New Han over High school where the question of a Junior college for this county was discussed, Mr. Swart pointed out the needs and benefitj of such a college. Miss Copper’s first grade won the attendance award for the second time. The president announced the next regular meeting would be held December 16, at which time the children would be presented in a Christmas program, this would be preceded by a business meeting earlier in the month. The evening was concluded with the serving of refreshments in the school cafeteria. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Bruce B. Cameron, who for the past three weeks have been visiting in California, return ed to their home in Forest Hills yesterday morning. Mrs. Donald Cole and young daughter, Donna Jean, of Harrods burg, Ky., are visiting Mrs. Cole’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Brown at their home on Wrightsville Beach. Dr. Roy Veeder and Dr. Belle Veeder left on Wednesday for Hickory at attend the semi-annual convention of North Carolina Chiro practors association. They will re turn to their home today. Mrs. George Farrar, president of the N. C. Sororsis Garden club and Mrs. John Knox Ward, Mrs. K. W. Price, Mrs. Donald L. Sewell and Mrs. H. E. Boyd are attending an all day district meeting of the State Federation of Garden Clubs in Clinton today. Miss Mary E. Westbrook, has been elected secretary-treasurer of the Freshman class at Wake Forest college, Wake Forest. Dr- Mary J. Layton is in Hickory today attending the semi-annual state convention of the North Caro 'ina Chiropractors association. Dr. Layton will return to her office on Tuesday. A thorough-'cleaning now of your boiler or furnace, both inside and out, will save you fuel later on. LOOK OUT FOR PIN-WORMS Recent medical reports reveal that an amazing number of children (and grown ups too) may be victims of Pin-Worms— often without suspecting what is wrong 1 And these pests, living inside the human body, can cause real distress. S” warning signs that may mean Pm-Worras—especially the aggravatmg rectal itch. Get JAYNE'S P-W and follow the directions. P-W is the Pin-Worm treatment devel oped in the laboratories of Dr. D. Jayne * Son. after year, of patient research. The email, easy-to-take P-W tablet, act in a special way to remove Pin-Worms. Aik your druggist: P-W for Pin-Wonns I Spinsters Club To Hold Meeting Friday At 5:45 The Spinsters Dance club will hold an important meet Friday afternoon at 5:45 o’clock in St. ,'ames parish house. All members are urged to be present plans for the Christmas dance will be discussed at this meeting. An adequate protein diet will cut down the time necessary for convalescense after illness. Births MARTHA LYNN Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Cowie an nounce the birth of a doughter, Martha Lynn, born Nov. 2. Mrs. Cowie was the former Estele Haw ley. t, - CHARLES RICHARD Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kl^pper of Baltimore, Md., announce the birth of a son, Charles Richard, Oct. 30 at University hospital. Mrs. Klepper is the former Emilie Eve Jewett of Wilmington. Dial 2-3311 For Newspaper Service Jayceettes Install NewMembersTonight At Banquet Meeting _/ The newly formed Jaycettes, auxiliary to the Wilmington Cham ber of Commerce, will hold a ban quet meeting tonight at 7:30 in the dining room of the Friendly cafe teria, at which time the installa tion of the newly elected officers will take place. Jesse Sellers, Jaycee president, will be the guest speaker and Hal Love, vice president, will conduct the installation ceremony. There will be special music by Richard Woods and Henry Emurian. The officers who will be installed are as follows: Virginia West, president, Bitsey Howard, vice president, Irene Gilmore, secre tary Jan Doles, corresponding sec retary, Elva Sellers, treasurer and Inez Killian, parliamentarian. All members of the auxiliary are invited to attend and bring their husbands. Junior Hostesses^ To Attend Marine Corp Celebration The weekly Thursday