SOCIAL | and \ CLUB dates to remember TODAY 7:30 p.m.—The Lake Forest Par ent-Teachers’ association will observe Fathers night at their regular meeting. Open house will be held. 7:3C p.m.—The Chestnut street P. T.A. will meet at the school. Fathers night will be observ ed. A motion picture will be shown at the meeting after which a social hour will be held and refreshments will be served. 8:00 p.m.—The regular meeting of the VFW will be held in the Tide Water hall. A report on Poppy Day will be made and all members are urged to at tend. WEDNESDAY 4:00 p.m.—The regular meeting of District nine, North Caro lina State Nurses association will meet in the nurses home. A report of the state con vention held in Durham this month will be given. A full attendance is desired. 6:00 p.m.—Wilmington Assembly number 12, Order of the Rainbow for girls will hold their regular meeting in the Masonic Temple. All mem bers are urged to attend. 8:30 p.m.—The Colonial Village Mothers club will meet at the home of Mrs. J. L. Out law, 162 Colonial Village. THURSDAY 8:15 p.m.—Goldenrod chapter; No. 142 Order of the Eastern Star will meet at the Masonic Temple. FRIDAY 3:30 p.m.—The Crepe Myrtle Gar den club will meet with Mrs. Sadie K. Long, 105 Park Avenue. Mrs. W. C. Mebane will be in charge of the pro gram. DuplicateBridgeTournamentSet ForTonightAtCountryClubHere The second in the series of dupli cate bridge tournaments for mem-: bers of the Cape Fear Country] club will be held this evening at the clubhouse between the hours of 8 and 11 p. m Mrs- Sam Nash, Jr., will ccAJuct the game prior to the beginning of play will instruct the players on how to score the hands. It is ur gent that those planning to play in tonight’s tournament arrived short ly before 8 o’clock as a stop watch will be used allowing exactly twenty minutes for the playing of IT’S REED’S FOR DIAMONDS, WATCHES AND FINE JEWELRY I Von Can Select Vonr l CHRISTMAS GIFTS 1 Now And Pay Later'. j No Carrying Charge 1 No Interest Added ' I itEED’S For Diamonds 'tach board with penalties imposed on those who do not finish on time. [ No reservations are necessary for ! these Tuesday night tournaments. The only requirements being that each person be prompt. Mrs. R. Bryant Hare, Jr., Mrs. Royce S. McClelland and Mrs. Alice Morrow, members of the commit tee, will be present to assist the instructress and the score keeper, J. Neveland, Brand, Jr. It is anticipated by the commit tee that a large number of mem bers will be on hand tonight judg ing from the enthusiasm manifest ed in last week’s opening game. On Thursday of this week the weekly* bridge tournament will be held at the Clubhouse between the hours of 11 and 3 o’clock for mem bers of the club and their out of town guests. Those desiring to make reservations may do so by calling Mrs. Eoehm at the club house. Topaz is the emblem of friend ship and love. For that reason it is frequently used as an engage ment Stone. MIC i • Baby Feeding Sets • Bedroom Utility Cabinets • Bedroom Lamps “VISIT OUR SHOW’’ The Colonial Appliance Co. 2nd & Dock Dial 6603 i NEW HINDS Honey and Almond * Fragrance Cream is enriched with lanolin especially to soften your ^ tids — instantly make them 1 smoother . .. lovelier! NEW HINDS works like magic— / because your skin eagerly takes in the special softening ingredient. Is not sticky. Get this amazing e , NEW HINDS NEW HINDS protects longer Honey and Almond against work-and-weather roughness. Fragrance Cream — at Always use after hands have been in water toilet goods counters or after outdoor exposure. today! 10<j:, 25<f, 50$ ptcoucT«. uh» * pim p» i) mm and $1.00 plus tax. soc GLADYS TAYLOR, SOCIETY EDITOR. Huband - Snell Vows Spoken In Church The wedding of Miss Glr.’ys Vir ginia Snell, daughter of Mrs. Jen nie Ainsley of Columbia, N. C., and Allen Burr Huband, sc., of M' and Mrs. Earl C. Huband, toop playce on Nov. 2, at 4:30 p. m. at the First Christian church with the Rev. Allen Wilson performing the double ring ceremony. The church was decorated with southern smifax, kentia palms, cybadium ferns, candles and white chrysanthemums. The couple entered the church unattended, 'ill bride wore a blue suit with black accessories and her boquet was of white orchids showered with rose petals. The ushers were Earl C. Hu band, Jr. of Greenville, N. C. brother of the brldegrooir, and Alex Hilliard of Wilmington. The bride's mother wore black with a corsage ‘of red roses and the bridegroom’s-mother wore grey with black accessories and a cor sage of red roses. Immediately after the cc~" cony the couple left for a short wedding trip after which they will be at home at 412 Pri, :e street. Mrs. Huband is a graduate of the CM mbia High school and of the East Carolina Teacners college', Greenville. She is a member of the faculty of the Hemenway school. The bridegroom is a graduate of New Hanover High school and was recently discharged from the army after serving over three years. He is employed at the Se curity National bank. The out-of-town guests at tie wedding were Mrs. Jennie Aimsley of Columbia N. C., mother of the bride, Mrs. W. L. Ainsley, aunt of the bride, also of Columbia, Mr. and Mrs. E. Carlton Huband, Jr., Mr. John S. Brown, Miss Rose Brown, Miss Jean Bastian and Miss Mae Sheppard, all of Green ville, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Green, and A. L. Green, Jr., of Ports mouth, Va., and Mrs. Herman H. Smith of Southport. Among those entertaining prior to the wedding were Mrs. Alex Hilliard at her home, 202 Virginia avenue, Riverside, and Mrs. E. H. Jones and Mrs. N. Russell Stanley at 20 North Fifth street, the home of Mrs. R. V. Huband. The guest at the latter party were Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Jones, Mrs. N. R. Stanley, Mrs. R. V Huband. Mrs. Sarah Huband, Mrs. E. C. Huband, Mrs. K. E. John son, Mrs. F. E. Stanley, Mrs. Alex Hilliard, Miss Ruth Ingram, Miss Slsie Huband, Miss Helen Huband, and Miss Laura Mae Bell. Legion Auxiliary Of Carolina Beach Meets Tonight At 8 The regular meeting of the Ladies auxiliary of the Carolina Beach American Legion will be held at the legion hall Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock. All members and women who are eligible for membership are urged to be present as several im portant subjects are to be dir-uss ed. G. T. Simpson, Jr., former captain in the army will give a talk on historical places he vi: ed while serving in the Euro p°~n theatre. He will also have on display a number of unusual souveni Mrs. W. I,. Farmer, North Caro lina delegate! to the national con vention held in San Francisco will also give her report of the con vention. To remove black-rubber heel marks from linoleum, rub them with a cloth moistened with liquid wax, turpentine or cleaning fluid. When your child catches cold, rub his little throat, chest and back at bedtime with warming, soothing Vicks VapoRub. Its special relief-bringing action goes to work instantly . . . and keeps working for hours to relieve distress while he sleeps. Often by morning, most distress of the cold is gone. Try it! Discover why most young mothers use the one and only Vicks VapoRub. C V BELLE OF THE BALL . . . She carries an evening bag big enough to hold all her gear, a delight to any escort. This is in fabulous gold embroidery, bejewelled. Local B. & P. Club Members To Attend Meeting In Durham The semi - annual meeting, or Midyear Council, of the board of directors of the North Carolina Federation of Business and Pro fessional Women’s clubs will be held at the Washington Duke ho tel in Durham on November 16 and 17. The Burlington, Durham, Henderson and Roxboro clubs, which comprise the fifth district of the state federation, are hos tesses for .the meeting which will convene *t 2:30 p.m. on Satur day, Mrs. Lillian T. Majally, of New York, associate director of Field Service, will represent the Nation al Federation at this meeting. Ac companying Mrs. Majally will be Miss Beatrice Patterson, also of the headquarters staff of the Na tional Federation. Preceding the meeting of the board of directors there will be an executive board meeting at 10:30, a round table discussion on membership led by Mrs. Majally, and a luncheon at which there will be a discussion of problems in the field of education and voca tions led by Dr. Alice M. Baldwin of Duke university. Miss Mabel L. Bacon, of Char lotte, president of the North Car olina Federation, will preside at the session of the board of direc tors scheduled for 2:30. At 7 p. m. there will be a ban quet with Mrs. Dess M. Gurganus, of Raleigh, presiding. Speakers will be Mrs. Majally and Attorney General Harry McMullen. The meeting will close on Sun day morning with an Internation al Inspirational breakfast with Mayne Albright of Raleigh as guest speaker. Mrs. .Katherine Millsaps of Burlington, director oi the fifth district, will preside at this time. Officers of the state federation in addition to Miss Bacon are: Mrs. Frances W. Hoffman, of Ra leigh, 1st vice-president; Mrs. Kathryn W. Shipman of High Point, 2nd vice - president; Mrs. Henrietta Nixon of Sanford, re cording secretary; Miss Lois Fra zier of Greensboro, assistant re cording secretary; Mrs. Jamie H. MaryCordonToMake New York Debut At Debutante Cotillion Miss Mary Windley Cordon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roberl W. Cordon, of New York, who was presented at an afternoon recep tion by her parents at their home, 21 E.' 90th street, on September 15, will make her debut at the Deb utante Cotillion at the Waldorf Astoria on December 23. t>ne is a provisional member ol the Junior League, attended Miss Hewett’s classes and was graduat ed from the Casements school ai Ormond Beach, Fla. She is at tend ng the Fagan School of Dra matic Arts in New York. She is on the committee for the Grosve nor ball at the Ritz on December 7, and also for the Debutante As semblies. Miss Cordon is well known in Wilmington and visits here each summer. George Williams, a London dry goods apprentice, is credited with having founded the YMCA. Stainback of Charlotte, corres ponding secretary, and Miss Emi ly Gentry, Greensboro, treasurer. Other members of the board of directors are the district directors, committee chairmen and local club presidents. Dr. Irma Hender son Smathers of Asheville is past president of the organization and is also a member of the board of directors. Officers from the Wilmington club attending are: Mrs. Ida B. Kellam, vice-president, Mrs. Lou ise B. Polvogt, corresponding sec retary, Mrs. Mary S. Conner, treasurer, and Mrs. Doris S. Blomme, chairman, news service. For A Great Variety In GIFT SELECTIONS YOUR FAVORITES IN CHINA, SILVER AND GLASSWARE PATTERNS VISIT THE Jewel Box Gift Shop Downstairs In The Jewel Box 109 North Front St. f Acts AT ONCE to ^ Relieve and 1 Loosen' CHUDREN'S 8AD COUGHS (CAUSED BY COLDS) pertussin must be good when thou sands upon thousands of Doctors have prescribed it for so many years. pertussin acts at once not only to re lieve -6uch coughing but also 'loosens phlegm’ and makes it easier to raise. Safe for both old and young. Pleas ant tasting. ndedTIIOCI It' All drugstores. "?r bll I UOOl IfC “Raises Bakinq Qualify ...Keeps Costs Down DOUBLE ACTING Births LESLIE KAY SHANNON Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Shannon, 421 Carolina avenue, Sunset Park, announce the birth of a daughter, Leslie Kay, on October 22, at Marion Sprunt annex. EMILY VAN MATER Mr. and Mrs. Holmes Van Mater of Columbus, N. J., announced the birth of a daughter, Emily, on November 3 at Marion Sprunt annex. Mrs. Van Mater is the for mer Jane Christian of this city. BARBARA ANN Mr. and Mrs. oy Grimett an nounced the birth of a daughter, Barbara Ann, Monday, November 11 at Marion Sprunt annex. Mrs. Grissett was the former Miss Iva Lee Ward of Longwood. Mr. Gris sett is a member of tl j Wilmington Police department. WE, THE WOMEN Marriage Is A Challenging Partnership By RUTH MILLETT NEA Staff Writer If the book by Rudolh Dreikurs, “The Challenge of Marriage,” is as chock full of sound, mature ad vice as are pre-publication excerpts from it, it is the best wedding gift you could buy a young couple. Even the title will probably be something new to young folks who have grown up in an era when mar riage is commonly regarded as the romantic ending of a live story, rather than as the beginning of a challenging lifetime partnership. Certainly, there are pointers any young married couple might well take to heart: 1. “It makes no difference who is right or wrong. Each one’s will ingness to see the other’s point of view is a great deal more likely to lead to an agreement between the two than is each one’s defense* of his own.” 2. “Whenever any conflict arises, the first decision which both par ties make—definitely although un consciously—is whether to use j these incidents as an occasion to fight, for hurting and being hurt, 1 or whether to try sincerely to [ solve the problem.” 3. “Confronted with any tal problem . . . the only p0;„." which either partner can stap" with himself—What can I That isn’t the picture o' ~ nage young folks get todav T*' best-sellers, soap operas. ho^ hold-your-man advertisement. ‘°‘ divorce statistics. " ’ In fact, it is so rarelv that comes across a sound' Wol°rs philosophy for a happy m.;kacs relationship that it is a prir"a® to say: ^ vli<ge HEW TREATMENT CHASES PIN-WORMS Millions have suffered in silence * a miseries of Pin-Worms—hut* j lth longer! Today thank, rally recognized drug. a hi-iu3 treatment has been made drug is the vital in^Xnt'Tp "w Tfe > Pin-Worm tablets developed in hTT' to"- of Dr D. Jayne 4 Son the tb«> ihe small, easy-to-takc P-w in a special way to remove Pin w.. ,rt relieve that tormenting rectal dch “,ad So if you suspect Pin-W<v~« • child or yourself, ask your driwl-”1 yo"r package of JAYNE’S P-W rfeht?.1 fcr a follow the directions. away* Wd It’s easy to remember: P-W for Pic-Wn^ -The Old Reliable” For 41 years we have been building our store as a. place where you can buy quality furniture and home furnishings with confidence and reliability. Hence the slogan—“The Old Reliable”. At present a large number of people are concerned as to what will happen to retail prices and how it will affect ths present cost of living. Concerning this we wish to state that— Our present prices will he maintained and our regular percentage of markup will not be Changed If has always been our policy fo bring you qualify furnilure at reasonable prices ... We pledge fo hold fo lhaf policy NOW and in THE YEARS TO COME. Rest Assured, No Inflation Prices At - Wilmington Furniture & Storage Corp. “T HE OLD RELIABLE•* Wilmington's Choice Since 1905

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