UNITED nations SITE VOTE TODAY £aSt. West Coast Factions Lobbying Strong For Locations vE\V YORK. Dec. 8.—(JP)—'The ‘ 1 for the United Nations per ,nPnt capital site intensified Ldav night with a variety of be fnc.‘he-scenes moves on the eve , - Slowdown meeting of the 54 ° miei headquarters committee "fLake Success. The^e developments, brought a Upsurge in the hopes of Mayor o „er Laoham's San Francisco ‘p committee and a partly dis eased plan by Mayor O’Dwyer of York to give the U. N. a wide election of sites hereabouts with ’ suuoesuon that the peace capital ' j„ht even be a skyscraper. The unexpected appearance of ffeison A. Rockefeller at Flushing Meadow park late Sunday height ed speculation that the old Rockefeller estate at Tarrytown m 2ht be offered to the United Na tions as a permanent home. O'Dwyer declined to amplify his plan, beyond suggesting that the N. could find any sort of loca te in the environs of New York and that U. N. could arrange the erection of a skyscraper on avail able land. He went on to suggest that the government might offer Governor's Island, a small dot in the upper bay off Brooklyn and the location ofF ort Jay, to match the offer of the San Francisco Presidio. Mew York thus far has formally offered 330 acros of the Flushing Meadow park, where the Genera] assembly is meeting. While Philadelphia, with support j‘ Large Selection ;§ | FLEISCHER’S j Knitting Yarn 4 | The KIDDY SHOP | g 004 Castle St.—Dial 2-1(54 jj led by Britain and Russia, remain ed nominally in the lead, the San Francisco committee which has long besieged the U. N. with offers to return to its charter meeting city, was st ll campaigning among the delegations. ' A San Francisco committee source said an unofficial poll showed that 23 delegations indi cated they favored San Francisco and possibly nine more would go along to make up more than neces sary for the simple majority de cision among the 84 committee members The headquarters committee meeting at 3 p. m. E. S. T„ Mon day in the interim headquarters at Lake Success was expected to vote first on whether the peace capital should be set up on the At lantic or Pacific coast, and then to pin-point a location. Decision In Doubt If the West wins on that ballot, the Presidio would be the likely choice. If the East wins, further survey work might be in order to look into O’Dwyer’s suggestions. Sen. Miilikin Studies GOP Racial Problems WASHINGTON, Dec., *-(#)—A critic of Fair Employment prac tices legislation, Senator Miilikin (R.-Colo.), set to work Saturday to study the problem of racial and religious discrimination for llie GOP in the new Senate. Associates reported Miilikin somewhat puzzled as to why the Republican Steering committee handed, him the assignment in view of his outspoken opposition to coercive FEPC legislation. —- - » BACK WAGES RALEIGH, Dec. 8—(P)—A total of $27,165 in back wages was paid to 624 workers in 72 North Carolina industrial plants during October and November as the result of in spections made under the Federal wage-hour law, Lewis P. Sorrell, chief of the division of inspections and standards of the State Depart, ment of Labor, reported Saturday. Dial 2-3311 For Newspaper Service i Iff Boheme i Wines La BOHKMI CALIFORNIA CLARET La Boheme CALIFORNIA WINES La BOHEMf VINEYARDS CO., FRESNO, CALIFORNIA * TO YOU, MR. DEALER AND TO YOU, MRS. AMERICA Says ADAM 6UTH, President of national Association Retail Meat Dealers, h*. 176 West Adams St., Chicago 3. M FOR OMEKFWX M&R& FWAftV£ SFFN1 P0///64 HM/&XFW FffF SWMGf **& etsr/q&p/rc'Ft (&FP JA£#££#££, 7O0RyMM£ 77//1A/FVPP 0£Fttfi£. S you cuMT/tite MTH0W6fc6£ YWK 7P/OW/y*7M&XV&0M&