SOCIETY ISSUING BIBLE LAND MAP Historical Notes Add Value To New Publication Of Geographical Group Equivalent to a volume of his tory on one sheet of paper, a new map of the Bible Lands issued by (Vje National Geographic Society spans the centuries to show both ancient and modern conditions in the cradle of Western civilization. Dr. Gilbert Grosvenorf president of the society, points out that 248 historical notes on the chart locate NHEN CMOS SIRIKE Modem Way Brings Grand Comfort I When discomforts of colds make chil dren feel so miserable, many young mothers now rub on PENETRO for quick-acting relief... so clean and white, bo pleasant to use—and so effective! PENETRO’S modern-type, medicated vapors release at once to soothe irritated upper bronchial tubes, clear the head, relieve sore throat, help quiet coughing. PENETRO GIVES YOU the home approved mutton suet feature; and sci entific medication rubs in to help break nn the local congestion and relieve mus cular soreness of colds. PENETRO keeps on working for hours, encourages restful sleep. Modern mothers everywhere are changing to clean white, PENETROSRUB and describe sites of Biblical I events, archeological discoveries* j and man’s earliest recorded strug-' gles for survival. In contrast, international trouble spots which make present-day headlines also appear. Insets de pict the Holy Land today and in Biblical times. On the map, the traditional site ; of the Garden of Eden lies near the! center of the twentieth century Iraq. At Erech. on the Euphrates River above Ur, the earliest at tempt at writing has been found cylinder seals which antedate crude pictographic scripts of 3,000 4,000 B. C. This region was the first mapped by man. The oldest map found, drawn some 4,500 years ago, was engraved on a clay tablet. It shows a tract of land in northern Iraq. The National Geographic Map, in ten colors, was distributed as a sur,-dement to the December issue of the National Geographic Magazine. To fill requests for class room and Sunday School use, the chart also has been reproduced in wall size. Pittsburgh and BPS OUTSIDE WHITE PAINT ANCHOR HARDWARE CO. Front and Dock Sts. Dial 504} School Days, School Days Seen above is a photograph which was lent to Along The Cape Fear by Mrs. Charles Lee Brag^ oi I 1802 Market street. For details see Along Tl»3 Cape Fear on Page One._ Five Injured CRIVITZ, Wis., Jan. 5—(U.R)— Five persons were injured and about 20 others were bruised and shaken early Sunday when the Copper Country limited of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Taul railroad hit a broken rail, over turning one coach and derailing four other passenger cars. There were no critical injured although the day coach bounced along the right of way and landed on its side in a shallow cut. Two sleepers and two other coaches | were derailed but remained up right. The remainder of the 12 car train, including baggage and mail cars and another pullman. remainded on the rails. END IN SIGHT WASHINGTON, Jan. 3—(£>)—Ad ministrator Robert M. Littlejohn expressed confidence Friday the War Assets administration will be ready to go out of business at the end of 1948 despite a lag in current sales. Zero, as a mathematical calcu lation, was employed by the Maya tribes of northern Guatemala and Yucatan before Columbus discov ered America, before it was un derstood by any other people. Most Popular Man j KINGSTREE, S. C., Jan. 4—(/P>— Fire Chief W. Gordon Rogers is the most popular man in town with the city’s grammar school age children. He has condemned the gram mar school building as unsafe. No substitute quarters can be found, and until repairs are made, school is out. Most major nations have access to sufficient quantities of uranium and thorium to supply large-scale atomic energy programs. BRITISH SOLDIERS WOUNDED BY BOMBS HURLED INTO TRAIN CAIRO, Jan. 5—(JP)—Eleven Brit ish soldiers were wounded Sunday night, two of them critically, in a grenade attack on a train en route from Cairo to Palestine. The attack on the train, which consisted of civilian passenger cars and several coaches of British troops occured near Benha, 25 miles north of Cairo, shortly after it left here. One of two or three grenades hurled by the unknown attackers exploded inside one of the troop coaches. The engineer was reported to have heard the explosion and stop ped the train, but started again and continued to Benha where the wounded were transferred to a hof»ital. Three types of cockroaches are common in America, the German, the American and and the Oriental. Joint Mass Today ROME, Jan. 5—(P>—A joint mass for men "'ho fought beside and against the Allies will mark cele-; bration of the Epiphany in Rome j Monday. The mass, at the Piazza Venezia. ; will be specifically for 25 men who served with Mussolini's die hard '‘Republican" army in North ern Italy and 25 others who fought as Allied co-belligerents late in the war. The newspapeer II Tempo, call ing the service an "Epiphany of Reconciliation,” said the invited Fascists had fought from con viction as sincerely as the pro Allied soldiers. PLANES GROUNDED NANKING. Jan. 5—(PI—The Chinese Communications ministry Sunday night grounded all Chinese domestic airliners for one week pending an investigation of a series of crashes, the latest of which was reported to have killed 38 persons noar Tsingtao Sunday. The 71,000,000 life insurance policies in the United States at the end of 1945 averaged $2,190 each. HOPE SHARES PROFIT whrfc folks who weor FALSE TEETH, And get a large package without char*e*j Thie pleasant, softer powder •PrlakU* on plate holds false teeth much tighter. Yes—always HOPE for the best—only Ho., At Saunders Drug Store Ruptured Men , Get $3.50 Gift For Trying This Kansas City, Mo.—Here is an improved means of holding rup ture that has benefitted thousands of ruptured men and women in the last year. Inconspicuous, without leg straps, elastic belts, body en circling springs or harsh pads, it has caused many to say, "I don’t see how it holds so easy. I would not have believed, had I not tried it.” So comfortable — so easy to wear—it could show you the way to .ioyous freedom from your rup ture trouble. You can’t lose by trying. It is sent to you on 30 days trial. You receive a $3.50 special truss as a present for your report. Write for descriptive circular. It’s free. Just address Physician's Appliance Company, 4685 Koch Bldg., 2906 Main, Kansas City 8, Missouri. But do it today before you lose the address. ■ --m mmmm Wtwtimr SF« p(o«rt»or « <my*m9 y«U »oy *> fl» your rtOOitt—<*•<* yaw «• gienol OMc* at War Ai*o*» A«h»l>iltaiiti»»'"<Wtl .and you may who* yov «••)*—at "Uim«iik»iI" yrS**» ' ;$$$•%• ' ',J\ X. y' y\#..0 .•■"A-' ' s/ ^ * s, f »t yoor Imiuiiri cl or CoKMncrtiol natiit through profitable boytw* woiW* pnofint supply ond cwuftaUta of OMdctfok— <1 Witty ft cm yoor 0oyomm»nM $000 «M* pugu. Toot out »Ws ScfepiMb, W»* * farsofoop fc/s *7sTv,: ''^s'¥/o " * , ' /«_- Jw. tW& Sole* Calendar n i*ad for fha week Only.,The Inventories are bated an A* lutes* *vaB aWe Information wewdins fa the listed Cateador Bate. WaMi ter more Surpto* Bergnlnr 1* Sales Calendar, %’ / s, >: * $ *5? v Contort your nooror* W.A.A. offico Itotofl hotow lot forthor to* formation on any ftomt in tW. Biting—or lot any W.A.A. 0*0t ingatony orq»of *0 « W^A, Kogfooai Oftrob v SALES CALENDAR NO. WEEK BEGINNING MONDAY, JAN. 6, ’47 W. A. A. SALES OFFERING OF GOVERNMENT SURPLUS IN NORTH AND SOUTH CAROLINA location Atlantic Coast Line Warehouse **F” End of Cowan St. Wilmington. N. C. (Not FPHA Warehouse) 106th ,AAF BC <DET) ORD Greensboro, N. C, Charlotte Quartermaster Dep. Butchlson Arenas A Sylrania St., Charlotte, N. C. Camp Butner, N. C. Durham, N. C. Fort Bragg, N. C. Fayetteville, N. C. description OF MATERIAL $409,550.00 Used and Unused property. Misc. Hardware, building materials, plumbing and heating equipment, oxygen cylinders, wire, gas masks, expanded metals, cotton duck, rope, hair felt, household lamps, shades, metal clothes •oekers, electrical supplies. $500,000.00 Used and Unused Property. Bedding, Clothing. Men’s Footwear, Kitch en Equipment, Misc. items, Tents, Towels. Rolling Chairs, Cooking Units, Buzzers, Hand Trucks, Tires, Kitchen ind Office Equipment, Roofing, Furni ture. Atbletio Equipment, Fans. Etc. $1,000,000.00 Used and Unused Property. Misc Hardware, Clothing, Bedding, Kitchen Ware, Office Supplies, Buckets, Shovels, Cans. Shoe Soles and Heels. Steel Beds. Sheets, Blankets, China, Knives, Pitchers, Stencil Paper, Manila Folders. Staples. Etc. $500,000 Used and Unused Property. Oflice supplies and Furniture, Typist Desks and Chairs. Miscellaneous Textile Items and Apparel, Bedding. Plumbing and Heating Equipment and supplies, Miscellaneous Hardware, Paint. Lighting Equipment. Miscellaneous Items. $1,000,000.00 Used and Unused Property. Blankets, textile and apparel products, nardware. miscellaneous equipment, of fice equipment, electrical equipment and supplies, boiler, miscellaneous plumbing and heating equipment. PATES AHP PRIORITY OF 5AI.E5 , . j.C«rtifa«t j S-f.e ] »<*« I ®# jffeMWhr S*o8 IW M^rofi* Con»m»rtt*l 6 WotfrfWwM *nh\at Oov'u l(i**ihth*fl* **r*« Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. 6 fir 7 6 & 7 6 fir 7 6 & 7 6*7 6fir7 Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. 10 13 14 15 15 16 Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. 13 14 15 16 16 17 Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. - 15 16 17 20 20 21 Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. 20 21 22 23 23 24 i;* ;:* AsIMI^’iiUtKfROPI^S Sis teas I ,,,.' JJ, -* "' ' 1 .. ■! -1, nimi.i.fmjjiwiijuii ■'* '"I'M : 1 — ' * * ' ’ * ' hJvsnto** MATlRIAt wboUAKS .v...... .vlY...j 1 . Used Automotive oni CQ3 Vehicles »U I ,3 33 Beds, Bunks 118 363 and Cots 110,303 Canteens, Mess Kits, o]E 03 1 Canteen Cups. Mew A3 3,33 i Traps. Anti-Gas Capea. 154,520 pill ' | fglf 1| • | lllif WHO MAY BUY $A« ENDS ^ ^ ^ | • ’ ^.. 1 .*• ■•':•*•.. -i 1. States J,n- *•* 2. Non Profit Inst. Jan. 10 3. Automotive Dealers Jan. 20*34 All Types Continuous Purchasers 2*S Veterans nC,e* jSSBi? 2. Veterans Jan. „„ 4. Fed'. Works Agency •{»"■ ’• }jj« 5. States "*“• ,• it, 6. Non Profit Inst. Jan- l#*J 7. Non Priority Buyers Jan. 8-Cont. 1. Fed. Agencies •}»“. 10. 1347 tZ'Tn' ta"'!S;S i st/tes^or^* A*'ney is": IS:!!« fi! Non Profit Inst. J*n* !?* J5J1? 7. Non Priority Buyer* Jan* n-cont. HOW TO BUY SALES OFFICE : :: v: Charlotte Regional Office Ammunition Depot FIXED Charlotte. N. c. PRICE Project CN-40 Charlotte Regional Office • FIVFK Ammunition Depot FIXED Charlotte. N. C. PRICE Project No. I OFF-3501 Charlotte Regional Office Ammunition Depot, FIXED PRICE Charlotte, N. C. I Project No. HWD-2006 Charlotte Regional Office Ammunition Depot, FIXED PRICE Charlotte. N. C. Project No. HWD-2003 - WAA - WAA * WAA WAA -WAA - WAA - WAA - WAA W&l liM WiA - INVENTORY MATERIAL in txatARs c»rtrld*B'e)* Pisto1 203,386 Macbines^and Machine 280,701 Paint Spray Equip ment. Heat treating cj t ornicei, pumps. Hoists, Seam Welders Khaki Clothing. Used 4,228,042 tied Clothing. 11,146,864 Safes, Chests, cockers g-r QAA (Trunk and Box) P /,>U*t tirinders, Millers, Reamers, shapers, nr aaa Metal Working Belts, 0?,wv Sand Paper. Sleeping Bags. 211,407 Sleeping Bag Cases. 87,970 Army Mess Oeai: Meat Cans, Trays, i £43 Canteen Cups, can teens, Water Pitcher. Dallas Hats. 354,000 WHO MAY SUY SALE ENDS 1. Fed. Agencies Jan. 10. 1047 2. Veterans Jan. 10. 1047 3. R.F.C. Jan. 10, 1047 4. Fed. Works Agency Jan. 10. 1047 5. States Jan. 10. 1047 6. Non Profit Inst. Jan. 10, 1047 7. Von Priority Buyers Jan. 11-Cont. All Types Continuous Purchasers All Types Jan. 0, Purchasers 1947 All Types jan. 15, 1947 Purchasers Ail Types jan. 15, 1947 Purchasers 1. Fed. Agencies Jan. 20, 1947 2. Veterans Jan* 20» 15,47 3. R.F.C. Jan. 20, 1947 4. Fed. Works Agency Jan. 20, 194? 5. States Jan* »*7 fi. Non Profit Inst. Jan- 194? 7. Non Priority Buyers Jan. 21 Cont. All Types Continuous Purchasers 1. Fed. Agencies Jan. 22, 1941 2. Veterans Jan. 22, 1941 3. R.F.C. Jan. 22, 1947 4. Fed. W’orks Agency Jan. 22, 1941 5 states Jan- 22’ 6. Non Profit Inst. Jan. 22, 194? 7. Non Priority Buyers Jan. 23 Cont. 1. Fed. Agencies Jan. 20. »947 2. Veterans Jan. 20* 15,17 3. R.F.C. Jan- 20* 4. Fed. Works Agency •|an- |'•>*1 5. States *>■ “Vj fi. Non Profit Inst. Jan- 1847 7. Non Priority Buyers Jan. 21 Cont. 1. Fed Agencies Jan- *>■ J84? 2. Veterans Jan- 21 > l84J 3. R.F.C. Jon. 21, 1947 4. Fed. Works Agency Jan- -J- |84? 5. states ■ an- JJ. 84‘ 6. Non Profit Inst. Jon- *1, 1947 7. Non Priority Buyers Jan. **i >947 All Types jan. 13, 1947 Purchasers " 7 .'.. .. ' HOW TO BUY $AUS OffKi Charlotte Regional Offico I Ammunition Depot I FIXED PRICE n. c. | HWD-2010 Charlotte Regional Office Ammunition Depot FIXED PRICE Charlotte, N. C. Project No. MCH-3 Charlotte Regional : COMPETITIVE om«. Ammunition Depot, BID Charlotte. N. C. I IND-1518 Charlotte Regional Office COMPETITIVE A™”u,n“l0nMD70t Charlotte, N. C. BID Project No. TEX-3012 -— Charlotte Region*! Ofliee COMPETITIVE Ammunition Depot Charlotte, N. C. B | D Project No. TEX-3011 Charlotte Regional Ofllct Ammunition Depot FIXED PRICE Charlotte, N. C. r,Atw r,x,w Project No. OFF -3502 Charlotte Regional Office Ammunition Depot FIXED PRICE Charlotte, N. C. riAtw r ^ Project No. MCH-4 Charlotte Regional Office Ammunition Depot FIXED PRICE Charlotte, N. C. | Project No. HDW-2013 Charlotte Regional Offlee Ammunition Depot FIXED PRICE Charlotte, N. C. I Project No. HDW-2014 _ Charlotte Regional Office Ammunition Depot FIXED PRICE Charlotte, N. C. ft Project No. HDW-2016 Charlotte Regional Office COMPETITIVE Ammunition Depot _ Charlotte, N. C. BID Project No. Basic-512 r-FACTS YOU SHOULD KNOW Special Requirements for Priority Claimants for Ail Sales Priority claimants may Inspect 01 buy during the time assign ed to theli group and In the sequence Indicated below, and also may purchase as commercial buyers. Brokers ore ex cluded from priority purchase 1. Federal Agencies must show evidence ol authority to purchase 2. Veterans ot World Wat II must be certified at nearest certi fying office. Mail orders must show certification date and case number and location of certifying office. S. Small Business must bo certified by and purchase through RFC 4. State and local Governments must show evidence ol au thority to purchase. I I. Non-Profit Institutions must bo certified. Information avail * able at nearest WAR oflee. General Requirements for AH Sales (Including Non-Priority Commercial Groups) 1. Payments must be made when requested, unless eredll has been established In advance at WAA Regional Office. Business checks, or approved personal checks, will be accepted. 2. Purchaser's order must state thereon: a. "This order is sub|ect to WAA Standard Conditions of | Sale, and all other advertised terms and conditions and j no other terms or conditions shall be binding on WAA." b. Type ot business and level of trade, i. exporters buy at wholesale levels. 4. Wholesalers must sign "Wholesalers Certificate." . 1 AH affartnu mad* >r. awfe|*ct fa WAA (tandord CendWen. ot (ala. tny.lop*. oentalnln* .aalaa Ud. mini b* merKdd wai.o *.. I .." WAA may r*|*ct any er all erdart er bid., or withdraw matarlal atfarad. All d*ny«rl*> f.0.1. lototlan. -VETERANS * ' Certification Officer * I North Carolina— I Charlotte — 317 S. Tryon | Street; Raleigh—316 East | Lenoir Street; Wilmlng- j ton—223 C. S. Customs House. * I I South Carolina— I Charleston—Tradd Street | Barrarks; Coiuinbia — | 1201 Pulaski St. Green- | v i 11 e — 114 Cleveland Building. Prospective buyers are advised to confirm dates and commodities as they are subject to chanfe. CN-797-3 ' •

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