TODAY'S GARDEN-GRAPH ______ - .. ; \ SIL-HOU-ETT-E. OF \ PIN OAK TREE 3-27 LEAF OF THE PIN OAK Selecting A Shade Tree For Home Grounds BY DEAN HALLIDAY * 'j Distributed by Central Press Association A garden lends charm to one’s heme, trees give it dignity. They also e.nclrance the value of the property. Therefore, when selecting trees for planting on the home grounds, choose long-lived ones -which become more beautiful with age. Do not plant trees which are likeiy to break easily in storms. Also avoid untidy trees. Short-lived trees are the silver maples. Scotch pines, willows, poplars’ and cottonwood. Long lived trees are the oak, red pines, sugar maples and beeches. The pin oak, illustrated in the accompanying Garden-Graph, is one of the most attractive oaks native of North America. Known also as the Spanish oak and swamp oak, it makes an excellent shade tree for home grounds. The branches of the pin oak are thick Jy set with stiff pin-like twigs. from which it gets its name. Its bark is rather smooth and gray ish or dark brown in color. Also illustrated is its leaf. The pin oak can be planted in April just as the leaf buds are coming to life and before they are fully open. Small trees may be moved with bare roots. When planting this tree do not trim the leader or main branch. Other of its branches can be trimmed back if necessary to “shape” it. It grows rapidly and will make a beautiful, symmetrical lawn tree. When it is in foliage, its cut leaves give the tree a lacy ap pearance. In the autumn its bril liant red coloring and the acorns it bears make it still more attrac tive. Its acorns differ somewhat from those of other oaks in that they are wider than long. The pin oak is a hardy tree and can be planted with assurance that it will thrive even under “city conditions.” District Meet Of Auxiliary Held Friday Episcopal churches of Wilming 'ton and surrounding districts were well represented at a district meeting of the Woman’s Auxiliary held at the Church of the Good Shepherd today. At 10:30 a Celebration of the Holy Communion was held with the" Rt. Rev. Thomas H. W’right. Celebrant, assisted by the Rev. . Harvey Glazier, Rector of the Church of the Good Shepherd. FoJJp^'ing the Communion Ser - 'Vide the meeting was opened with a welcome given by Mrs. Marsden Gore, response being made by 'Mrs. W.. O. S. Sutherland. Repre sentatives of the various churches .gave reports on outstanding work done by their chapters during the past year, one of the most inter jesting reports being given by Miss Mary Lucas Cantwell on the united Thank Offering. The Venerable Richard L. Sturgis, Archdeacon of the Wil mington District, gave an inspir ing address in which he stressed the missionary history of the E •piscopa! Church from the time America was settled to the pre sent day, stressing particularly • the missionary work that is being dene at the present time in the Diocese of East Carolina. Mrs. Edwin A. Metts, Jr. was elected Chairman of the next dis trict meeting which will be held at St. James Church, Wilmington. BIRTHS MARY HERBERT DAVIS Mr. and Mrs. James R. Davis announce the birth of a daughter, Mary Herbert, March 18, at the Marion Sprunt annex. Mrs. Davis is the former Hazel Mary King. * MARGARET LUEN BLAKE Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Blake. Jr., of Leland announce the birth of a daughter, Margaret Luen Sat urday, March 15, at the Marion Sprunt annex. r—HOT—I [ [LASHES?) (Women In your 40 s —this great medi cine is famous to relieve hot flashes, nervous tension—when due to the functional ‘middle-age’ period pecu liar to women. Worth trying! irm /. mums ssssks v—" ' ■aasssssssassssass:— Jast Arrived! COLUMBUS RANGES Mg” ANCHOR Hardware Co. Corner Front and Dock Sts. IAPUDINES ^Pet by the pain. - Liquid Oapudlne acts fast—Its lngre - dlents are already dissolved—allready - to start this double-action relief. Use * ivay as directed. 10c, 30c, 80c sizes. FRATERNITY TO ENTERTAIN LOCAL SENIORS The Delta Kappa Gamma hono rary fraternity for women teach- | srs will entertain Saturday evening it 6 o’clock at a banquet in the High School cafeteria, honoring ligh school seniors, who may en ter the teaching profession. According to Miss Fannie Bur rett, president of the organization, :he purpose of the banquet is to nterest students, who will enter college next year, in the teaching Jrofession. Emma William Miars To WedToday The marriage of Miss Emma Trask to William Thomas Miars, Jr., will be solemnized this after roon at 5:30 o’clock in the First Baptist church. The Rev. Charles A. Maddry will officiate. Miss Trask will have as her matron of honor, Mrs. Robert A. Little, the former Miss Billie Sid sury of this city. Bridesmaids will be Miss Nancy Trask, Miss Nell Trask, both of Wilmington, and Miss Ammie Leitch Trask. Alex Trask will attend the groom as best man, and Dan Thomason, Tommy Hines. Allen Trask and Harold Trask will be groomsmen. Following the wedding Mr. and Mrs. George W. Trask will enter tain at a reception at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Heidi Trask in Oleander. Smart Young Things an Whitfield of b,?W' Mr' Mrs. Ralph Moody 0f R,fa": alj Mrs. Josephus Daniels re'Sh' Willis Smith and Mr Jr 'Mfs Webb of Hillsboro received Jatr‘h library door. ~ 'ed at tht Receiving in the ]jb Mrs. 0 M. Mull of \hlr "'er' Mrs. John H. Kerr. j[ ^!jy a»s ton, wives of former Som?^5' the House. -Deal:i Henderson, Mrs. Allison nJ by of Angier, Mrs. Clifton □.? with and Mrs. J. Melville Bro , ton. Jr. Approximately 175 called. 8Ut,t' cerned with the running of house. There is nothing unusual in w story. It is the picture ma.riag, that the wives of successful m#i almost always paint. And yet the popular mod®., idea of a marriage partnership i| one in which the wife expects tht husband to come home from his work to share her duties a„js problems. Women have come to think that the man who doesn't want to listen to how hard tht little woman has worked ail div help her figure out what to do about this annoyance or that, ;r.; lend a hand with the housework, is a selfish sort who doesn't ap preciate his wife. The husband wno does all those things may be a eomlort around tile house. But the woman who wants her man to get ahead should take a tip from the wives of successful men and look on the meaning of marriage “partner ship'’ in a different light. A man and woman are just a> much partners if the woman it semes as her job all responsibility for running the house and taking care of the problems that tow up in connection with that job. Then home is a refuge to her husband. It’s a place wh°re he can rest and relax -and then go back to his job each day ready to meet it-s challenges. It is really a question of wheth er a woman wants her husband to succeed in his life’s work—oi whether she wants him to be a sort of mother's helper. She real ly shouldn’t expect both. Enjoy soothing comfort, prompt i relief with world-known, mildly medicated, emollien^^^^ Welcome to El A W Cafeteria OPEN DAILY (EXCEPT SUNDAY) -HOURS Breakfast -7:00to9:M Lnncb _11:45 lo 2:1! Dinner _5:30 to 7:45 Under New M»naieme»i JUST RECEIVED A large quantity of ESTATE CABINET OIL CIRCULATORS Use Our Layaway P>an For Next Fall ABEL FURNITURE COMPANY 18 S. Front St. Dial 5,51 I lhas ter Xi