• Dates To Remember TODAY 8l30 p. m.—The Ladies Auxiliary of Brotherhood of Railroad . Trainmen will meet in the Junior Order hall, 19 1-2 North Second street. 3:30 p. m.—North Carolina Sorosis will hold its monthly business meeting in the Sorosis club " rooms. An executive board . 'meeting will be held at 3 p. m. 4:00 p. m.—The Dorcas Society ■ of St. Paul's Lutheran church will meet in the parish house . of the church. 8:00 p. m.—The Katie JJurray ’ circle of Temple Baptist church . will meet with Mrs. E. L. Mathews, 1817 Woolcott avenue. j 8:00 p. m. — The Past Noble Grands Club of the Letitia Rebakah Lodge, IOOF, will meet at the home of Mrs Emma Johnson, 1513 Ann St. FRIDAY 3:30 p. m.—The Woman’s Mis sionary society of St. Mat thews Lutheran church will meet with Mrs. E. A. Shands, Audubon boulevard. Mrs. Ern est Wilson will lead the devo tional. 6:00 p. m.—The Business and Pro fessional Women’s club will meet at the Friendly cafeteria dining room. Richard S. Rog ers will be guest speaker. Mrs. Freeman, Mrs. johinson fr E n t e rt a i n r; Mrs. Jere D. Freeman and Mrs. George Johnson were hostesses yesterday at a luncheon at Edge Hill honoring Miss Mary Eliza beth Barefoot, whose marriage to John J. Lilley, Jr., will take pl?c Saturday atternoon at St. Andrew's Covenant church. Guests were invited for 1:30 o’clock and places were laid for close friends of the bride-elect at e beautifully appointed table with a 'centerpiece of white, pink and blue spring flowers. Each place was marked writb a dainty bridal placecard and Miss Barefoot and ■Miss Byah Thomason, also a bride e’ect cf the month, were present ed with corsages of sweetheart roses. VFW Auxiliary To Install Officers Friday 'The installation of officers of the Veterans of Foreign Wars’ Auxiliary will be held at the Plan tation club Friday evening at 7:45 o’clock. All officers and members are requested to meet at the Tide Wa ter assembly hall at 7:20 p.tn. Fri day in order to secure transporta tion to the club. 3BP0 Does Drove Postpones Meet The EOP Does Drove, No. 39, has postponed its meeting origin ally scheduled for Thursday until Friday, April 11, at 7:30 p.m. in the Ladies Parlor of the Elks Lodge. THE TRUTH ABOUT PIN-WORMS Serious facts are revealed by recent medi cal reports. One out of every three people examined was found to be a victim of Pin-Worms—often without suspecting it! And this ugly infection can cause real distress if neglected. I So watch for the warning signs that teiay mean Pin-Worms—especially the ag gravating rectal itch. Get JAYNE*S P-W Tight away. P-W is a medically sound treatment based on an officially recognized end highly effective drug element. The email, easy-to-take P-W tablets work in a special way to remove Pin-Worms easily end safely. A*k your druggist: P-W for Pin-Worms! BIRTHS i JUDITH ANN GOLDFARB Mr. and Mrs. Sam Goldfarm of Hartford, Conn., announce the birth of a daughter, Judith Ann, March 25, in Hartford. Mrs. Gold farb is the former Beth Laney of Mooresville and Wilmington. GETHYN FRANCES LLOYD Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lloyd of Rochester, N. Y., announce the birth of a daughter, Gethyn Fran ces, March 25. Mrs. Lloyd is the former Gethyn Poisson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Poisson | of this city. WALTER BITNER FREED, JR. Rev. and Mrs. Walter B. Freed announce the birth of a son, Wal ter Bitner, Freed, Jr., April 1, at the Marion Sprunt annex. Vi 14 LUMBERTON LUMBERTON, April 2—Mr. and Mrs. Wells Covington Logan of Hartford, Kentucky, an d Rose land, Florida, announce the en gagement of their adughter, Lena Crain Logan, to Captain Joseph Bunyan Regan, U.S. Army, of Lumberton and Atlanta, Ga. Cap tain Regan is a son of the late Dr. and Mrs. James DeWitt Regan of Lumberton.. The wed ding will take place on April 19 in St. John’s Episcopal Church, Washington, D.C. Mr. and Mrs. James A. Graham . of Pembroke announce the en gagement of their daughter, Mar tha, of Washington, D.C., to Roy H. Bailey, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy H. Bailey of Fayette ville. The wedding will take place in early summer. Mrs. John Duren Collins and Mrs. Henry D. Ward entertained at a bridge luncheon at the Lor raine Hotel Saturday !n compli - ment to Mrs. Simeon Foster Caid well, Jr., a bride. Miss Alma Blackmon, bride-elect of this • month, was also remembered with ! a gift Covers were laid for 20, the [Easter motif prevailing in ap pointments. At bridge high score I award was presented Miss Mary Elizabeth Caldwell, low score to Mrs- E. Ramsey Hardin, Jr. The Readers Book Club met with Mrs. Berry G. French, Mrs. Graham McKinnon of Barnesville presided. At a business meeting of Lum berton Music Club at the home of Mis. M. F. Townsend, Mrs. Rob ert Weinstein and Mrs. Max Wein stein were elected delegates to the convention of the N.C. Federation cf Music Clubs to be held in Gas tonia during May. Mrs. Henry Kass presided over the meeting. soc KAY GOODMAN, Social Editor Made officers at the Recent Installation Service, ueid by the Gold enrod Chapter, 142 Order Eastern Star Masonic Temple ai\ shown in the usual order, in front: Anne Hood; second row: Edith Thompson, Mary Womble, Beulah Schmidt. Patterson, and Char lotte Simon. Third row: Sallie Underwood, Jesse Taylor, Daisy Hadley, Carol Henderson, Esper Hall, and Taylor. Fourth row: Ethel Brown, Margaret Rusher, and K. IV. Taylor. Fifth row: J. F. Hood, Edna Hood, Kathleen Bunn, and U. > . amidt. Mrs White, Hostess To Bride-Elects Mrs. C. E. White was hostess honoriny Miss Mary Elizabeth Barefoot, bride - elect of April 5, and Miss Byah Thomason, bride elect of April 12, last evening when she entertained at a bridge party at her home. 121 Forest Hills drive. Several tables of bridge were in play during the evening, following which refreshments of green and white frozen ices were served. Decorations in the home were also carried out in green and white. Mrs. White presented boih hon ores with sterling silver cigarette urns and with small nosegays for the occasion of the party. P E_R_S O N A L S Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Jackson and daughter, Mary Ethel, of ' San Ysidro, Calif., formerly of Wil mington, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Parker at their home in Rocky Point. Miss Louise Vanderwall is in Duke hospital, Durham, where she is undergoing treatment. Mrs. Ethel Jackson and Miss Catherine Jackson are now at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Parker in Rocky Point, after visiting with Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Jackson and daughter, Mary Ethel, formerly of San Ysidro, Calif. Miss Lucy Horne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Horne and senior at the Woman’s college of (the University of North Carolina, Greensboro, will spend the spring holidays with her brother and sis ter, Capt. and Mrs. M. E. Pea body, Fort Benning, Ga. for EASTER!^ New Dresses Dresses you’ll wear smartly at Easter . . , and you’ll like so well you’ll keep wearing them right through summer. They’re Spring gay, summer smart, in bright colors and new styles . Selection of beautiful solids and prints in one- and two piece styles. 7-9 0 and 9-90 EASTER MILLINERY. Crisp straws abloom with colorful Spring flow ers! Pert bonnets, bretons, novelty sailors! In new Spring colors and black. 298 BLOUSES. You’ll look so lovely on Easter morn in one of these charm ing blouses! Rayon crepes in white and soft pastels, important stripes. 298 HANDBAGS. Shining new versions of pouches, envelopes and top zip. pers in beautiful plastic patent! Black, brown, red and Spring pastels. (Plus Federal Tax) 298 Miss Vie Sanders, freshman at the University of Richmond, is expected to arrive here Thursday to spend her spring holidays with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. S. War ren Sanders, Sr. Miss Elanor Boyd and Miss Emily Knott spent this past week end in Richmond, Va., where they stayed at the Richmond hotel. Mrs. J. Murray Croom, who for the past six weeks has been visit ! ing in Hot Springs, Va., and Rich |mond, Va., has returned to her 'home, 711 Orange st. — Miss Theresa Doxey of Long Is land City, N. Y., will arrive by plane Saturday noon to spend the_ Easter holidays with Mr. and Mrs.’ Sanford Doxey and will attend the wedding of her nephew, Sanford Doxey, Jr., to Miss Byah Thoma son on April 12. Mr. and Mrs. William G. Robert son, Jr., and children, who have been residing with Mr. Robertson’s parents in Country Club Pines since returning to Wilmington, have taken an apartment at o West At lanta street, Wrightsville Beach Miss Anna Kamer, student at j Salem college, is spending the 1 Easter holiday with her parents. Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Kamer. • _ Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Tucker and ; two children of Monroe, will arrive Friday to spend the Easter holi- j days with Mrs. Tucker’s parents, j Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Ahrens at their : home on Market street. Miss Peggy Mclver, senior at the Woman’s college of the Uni versity of North Carolina, Greens boro, will arrive this evening t<’ spend the spring holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Mc lver at their home on North Sixth i street. Miss Jane Dalziel Hobbs, stu dent at Wake Forest college, arriv I ed today to spend the Easter vaca tion with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Hobbs at their home on the Market street road. Miss Mary Elizabeth Toms wiU arrive Friday evening to spend Easter with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Toms at their home, 201 North 15th street. Miss Toms is a senior at Duke university and spent last week at Daytona Beach. Fla., where she attended the Phi Beta Phi sorority house party of which Miss Toms is a member Leland Juniors Work On Play | For April 16 j The Junior class of Leland High School will present Fred Cald well’s mystery farce, “Aunt Susie Shoots the Works,” , Wednesday night, April 16, at 7:30 in the Le land high school auditorium. ' “Aunt Susie Shoots the Works,” is a spine chilling mystery, but from time to time, Aunt Susie, played by Gloria Potter, explodes a bombshell filled with laughing j gas. Other characters are: Joy Her bert, Barbara Bordeaux; Scarlet Deane, Clara Williams; Portia Lark, Lessene Ganey; Cynthia Dunning, Betty Williams: Laura Dawson, Peggy Lewis; Madame Zola, Betty Mintz; and Johnny Rogers, Johnny Burris. Oma Graves Floyd Sellars: LaSalle Johnson, Gerald Skipper; and Slick Conway, Sonny Gainey. Jay-C Auxiliary Slates Dinner Meeting Tonight The regular dinner meeting of the Wilmington Junior Chamber of Commerce Auxiliary will -be held at the Friendly Cafeteria, to night at 7 o’clock. Scrosis Meet Slated Today North Carolina Sorosis will hold the April business meeting tomor row afternoon at 3:30 o’clock at the clubhouse, 116 North Third street. The executive meeting will be held at o o'clock. All members are requested to attend this meeting as plans foi the state convention of the North Carolina Federation of Women’s clubs to be held at Wrightsville Beach May 21-23 will be discussed and money will be appropriated for the convention at this meeting. Combat Vets Speak Before Auxiliary Nine combat veterans, live of Ahich form a team appearing in most cities in the Seventh Army area to aid the Army Recruiting service, were the guests of the American Legion Auxiliary at its April meeting. The team of five work, on ob taining enlistments in the Pacific Divisions. Captain C. W. Smith, recruiting officer of Wilson introduced the men to the Auxiliary members, and Master Sgt. Austin D. Flack of Union Mills and of the 24th In fantry division, and tech. Sgt. Im manuel F. Jensen of the 11th Air borne spoke on the advantages of fered by the Army to enlistees. The emphasized good living con ditions for army personnel jn Ja pan and Korea. Sgt. Flack paid tribute to ‘he women of America for the part they played in pringing the war to a successful conclusion. Sgt. Jensen pointed out educa-; tional opportunities available to army personnel while serving, adding that recreational facilities were excellent. Other members of the team present were: Tech. Sgts. Leo Anderson, James R. Ward, and Troy L. Blackwell. Lt. Charles J. Markus with two members of the staff of the local recruiting office accompanied the visiting veterans. Following the talks given by the visitors, Mrs. J. B. Edwards, ucctauxci, xviia. r imcy mvmi'ion, | child welfare chairman, and Mrs. Daid Holmes gave reports^ Mrs. William L. Hartzog, Jr. president of the unit, announced the names of members of the nominating committee, which will prepare the slate of‘ officers for the coming year. Members were: Mrs. David Holmes, Mrs. Roger Smith, and Mrs. Max Register. The auxiliary agreed to contri bute to the Cancer control drive sponsored here by North Carolina Sorosis. Mrs. Finley McMillan gave a report of the district meeting ne.d ir. Kinston during March. Dele gates to the meeting besides Mrs. McMillan included Mrs. Thomas J. Gause. and Mrs. J. Carl Sey mour. The president requested that all annual reports from committee chairmen be in before the May meeting, in order that they may be compiled for the State conven tion. A social hour with refreshments followed the meeting. The American ivory-billed wood pecker is on the very verge of extinction. Only about two dozen birds are believed to exist today. TOO WEAK TO DO ANYTHING On ‘CERTAIN DAYS’ Of Month? This great medicine is famous to relieve painful distress and tired, nervous, irritable feelings, of such days — when due to female func tional monthly disturbances! LYDIA EmMAM'S COMPOUND Easter Flowers Requested For Le.ieune Hospital Mrs. J. Henry Gerdes, president of the Cape Fear Garden club, hat asked that all Wilmington flower growers contribute flowers and containers this Easter for patient* in the Camp Lejeune hospital. The flowers will be assembled by the American Red Cross chap ter here and taken to Camp Le jeune Marine hospital Saturday afternoon. Those persons wishing to give flowers or containers, whether large or small, are asked to call Mrs. Gerdes, Mrs. Bessie Saun ders or the American Red Cross headquarters before tomorrow evening. The garden club has for the past several years on special holi days taken flowers, Christmas trees, wreaths etc. to the hospital patients at Army and Marine bases, and it is hoped this year there will be a large donation of lovely blossoms. The hospital is in great need for small containers to hold pan sies, violets and small flowers as well as larger vases to be used iii the halls and wards of the hospital. St. James Plans Easter Egg Hunt St. Madeline’s chapter of the Woman's auxiliary of St. James’ Episcopal parish will hold an Eas ter egg hunt on Monday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock in the church yard on Third street. This was an annual affair and for the past several years was dis continued but plans are to resume this delightful affair for children of the parish as well as other chil dren of the city. A small admission is charged._ What-So~Evers Plan Easter Sale Friday The What-So-Ever circle of ihe King’s Daughters will hold an Eas ter sale on Friday morning at 9:30 o’clock at the Wilmington Furni ture company on North Front street. Home-made cakes, cookies and. candies as well ais a table of hand made baby articles will be offered for sale. FLOWERS lor EASTER (Sunday, April 6th) Send your greetings with a corsage, plant, or bouquet — but order now — CORSAGES made of Roses, Gar , denias. Orchids. Carnations, Sweet Peas POT PLANTS: Caster Lilies, Hy acinths, Prim- t roses. Begonias, , Geraniums, Cy clamen, etc. ( CUT FLOWERS: Roses. Sweet Peas, Carnations 4 Gladiolus, etc. MAKE TOUR SELECTION ' EARLY | THE BLOSSOM SHOP | Corner Fron^j_Docj^Dj»>J^W— j GOOD NEWS!... A Complete Carload Of Simmons' Bedding Is Now On Sale --- First Come First Served As Long As It Lasts. Beauiyresi Mattresses Beautyrest Springs Deep Sleep Mattresses Simmons' Innersprings And Box Springs Sofa Beds Headboards Coil Springs — All Weights Sutfon-Councii Furniture Co. 310 N. FRONT ST. DIAL 5877