CONTEST WINNERS FETED BY LIONS Reclamation Winners Guest Of Club at Lunch eon Meet Winners of the recent declama t ;i contest at New Hanovdr High s, hool sponsored by the Wilming ton Lions club were guests at toe civic organization’s luncheon meeting yesterday, J. C. Parker, c the club’s publicity committee, reported. They w ere Robert McCarl, Adair Simkins, Frank Bradley, and Betty Lou O’Masters, who were accompanied by Mrs. A. V. joiner of the school faculty. During the session, which was presided over by Joe Hood, pres ident, the members heard an ad dress by Mrs. C. Wayne Speneei who spoke in behalf of the Cancer drive. Dr. H. A. Codington also spoke briefly in behalf of the cancer campaign. Betty Lou O'Masters and Rob ert McCarl delivered their prive winning declamations for the cuito members. Two announcements made dur ing the meeting were the fashion show and dance, sposored by the club, will be held at Lumina on Wrightsville Beach on April 19 and that nominations for officers ISA'* "MO-KAN") 100 Pint $2.25 AustingsNicKols 6 Co. ml Inc eiOOKlVN N I Hein Arrives NEW YG. J — (U.R) - An infant size iron lung will be rushed from Atlanta, Ga.. to Charlotte, N. C-, for 18-month-old poliomyeletis victim Larry Ra bom, the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis said today. The foundation said the lung, one of a limited number of small sized respirators, was located by telephone from New York. The child, whose home is in Salisbury. N. C., is in Orthopedic hospital, Gastonia, He was stricken last September. In a recent survey in Washing ton state, 38 per cent of the chil dren questioned listed a swim ming pool as first choice for com munity recreation. for the club for the new year will be made at next week’s meeting. Other guests of the club were Dr. Robert T. Pigford and Davis Haines. _ 10th & Market — 8th & Castle Winter Park We Bring You Fine Foods, Variety, Service And for your ^ FRYERS Dressed 11 ff And Drawn ID" Fancy Tender Cuts Top Grade Beef Ground Beef, lb.39c WAFER Spiced Luncheon Neal, lb.39c Strictly Fresh Grade A Eggs, doz.49c Chuck Roast, ib.45c Fat Back Neat, lb.29c Swift’s Premium Bacon, lb.gQc 1 Cashmere I Bouquet (i §oap Duffs Hct Muffin Mix Pkg. 22' +*■/FARM FRESH ^ * and FRUITS FRESH ICEBERG LETTUCE, Ige. head_12c FANCY SLICING TOMATOES, carton_35c JUICY FLA. ORANGES, dozen_27c FIRM CRISP CABBAGE, lb_5c HONEY DEW MELLON, each_ 49c Extra Standard Tomatoes, No. 2 can .... lj)c Premier Large Sweet Peas, No. 2 can .. 25c Libby Apricots, No. 2Vi can 2SC Dukes Mayonnaise, pi. jar.49c Sunshine Pimentos, 7 oz. jar 2IC PREMIER OR STOKELEY Cranberry Sauce, can.25c STOKELEY’S FINEST Yellow Cling Peaches, No. Wi can . . .. 32c Chef-Boy-Ardee Spaghetti Dinner( pkg.29c 60 Count Embossed Paper Napkins,.15c Armours or Phillips Tomato Juice, 2 No. 2 cans 25c Gerbers or Clapps Strained Baby Foods, doz. fl5c BALLARDS FLOUB 10 IjB. bag 97c _ Armour & Purity Evaporated MILK — 3 Cans for. RABBI JACOBS ! SPEAKS ON LOVE j Sermon Tonight Final Dur ing The Passover Season Rabbi Pizer W. Jacobs will speak on “Life’s Highest Message — Love”, at the Friday night serv ive in the Temple of Israel, the last day of the Passover season, he announced last night. The service will begin pron ,->tly at 8 p. m., and in his talk Rabbi Jacobs will stress the belief that love, without hate, or contempt is the great need of life today. Services also will be held on Saturday morning at 11 o’clock and Sunday school will held on Sunday morning at 10:30 o’clock. The public is cordially invited. COURT RECESSES FOR WEEK-END The first week of the April civil term of Superior Court, with Judge Chester R. Morris of Currituck county presiding, recessed yester day afternoon after disposing of four cases during the day long session. Court will reconvene here next Monday at 10 a. m. with Judge Clawson L. Williams of Sanford presiding. During yesterday’s session most of the day was consumed with the case of Dorothy Clemens Boone vs David L. Boone. The Boones agreed to enter a consent judgment which Judge Morris said he would accept. As set out in the judgment Mrs Boone, who was seeking alimony without divorce, will receive $100 immediately and $30 f?er month for a period of two years in addition to her attorney’s fee, which was set by the judge at $75. Leon B. Royal by his next friend, A. W. Royal, received a judgment for $600 damages for injuries sus tained in a traffic accident from Z. V. Pate, Inc. Divorces were granted in the suits of Frances W. Williamson vs. John E. Williamson and Mary Elizabeth Parker vs. William How ard Parker. REQUEST ADDITIONAL ROTC RALEIGH, April 10—(/P)— N. C. State College has requested the war department to establish three additional ROTC units on the cam pus, effective July 1, Col. Sam A. Gibson, commandant of the col lege’s department of military science and tactics, said today. Success Dress _ 9000 SIZES 12-20 j 30-42 Hi i MARIAN MARTIN You’ll look darling in this—that’s why it’s- everybody’s- darling! Smart sideline closing and clus ter gathers in the skirt are two reasons why Pattern 9000 is a Success-dress! ThiS pattern gives perfect fit, is easy to use. Complete, illustrated Sew Chart $hows you every step. Pattern 9000 in sizes 12, 14, 16, 18, 20: 30, 32, 34, 36, 38. 40, 42. Size 16 takes 3 yards 39-inch. Send TWENTY-FIVE cents- in coins for this pattern to Wilming ton Morning Star 173 Pattern Dept. 232 West’18th St.. New York 11. N. Y. Print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE, NUM BER. TOMORROW: TEEN FROCK. MBBaaBaSaBl 1 Garden Fresh String Beans I Mb. 23c FLORIDA I GRAPEFRUIT 5 lor JJc | Firm Head CABBAGE 2 lbs 19c —_ i FIRM RIPE TOMATOES t Carton 35c TT U. s. NO. 1 WHITE t'OTATuCS 10 tt. Bag .. 43c 9 _* MOTT’S OR RED CHEEK *""*"”*' APPLE JUICE.& 23* LORD MOTT FRENCH STYLE STRINGLESS BEANS 15* HUNT’S TOMATO SAUCE.2 c°15* SUNNY FIELD CORN FLAKES.!£• 8* VAN CAMP’S CHILI CON CARNE 33* w limn i - _ Ad r Outstanding Values At AdtP Sweet Tender IONA PEAS • . 2 Cans 25ei A&P Fancy APPLE SAUCES,2 15* Snow’s Pollock fish flakes : : 19* A&P Grapefruit SECTIONS ... E,:2 19* CRUTCHFIELD’S CORN HEAL S 14c Oracot Orange & Apricot JUICE.No. 2 |QC Can * ww COCKTAIL .Sr 15c DUFF’S HOT ROLL MIX.. S,“ 25c EVAPORATED PEACHES .. p“ 29c DREFT .... 32c ' ^oiai»bia Rose Smoked SALMON.Jge Green Tag Prepared I PRUNES 2 I . .Can I Hit Parade Diced I PEARS s°-21 I .Can I ™**man's (Canned Pish) I HVER HAKES* I Black Knight / APRICOTS t cheese; 1 Ched-O-Bit American jCheese Food. gjff 0,($> / i t? ^ BRINGS YOU THESE GRAN# VALDES ANN PAGE—WITH TOM. SAUCE ■ BEANS 216-Oz 9CC Glass 1*0 EN ENCORE PREPARED SPAGHETTI 2 16%-Oz. 9CC Glass 1*0 * ANN PAGE PEANUT BUTTER i-Lb qqc Jar 00 SULTANA SALAD DRESSING pt oec Jar 0%J A NATIONAL FAVORITE NEGTAR TEA 1-2-Lb. OCc Pkg. ANN PAGE PUDDINGS SPARKLE 3 pkgs. 20® SU»'-V''rTrTT7'T T~> pt)P»'TORY BUTTER Tr, Otr. Lb. Prts. lb. pkg. I O Fine Quality Meats MORRELL'S SKINNED HALF OR WHOLE ORK LIVER, lb.35c 1 BONED AND ROLLED 'HUCK ROAST, lb. ...55c DRESSED AND DRAWN RYERS, !b. - . „59c 5lteAA‘2c4A FILLETS OF HADDOCK, lb.45c RED FISH, lb.29c POLLOCK, lb.17c WHITING, lb.27c OYSTERS STANDARD'S pint .75c