SOCIETY Womans News KAY GOODMAN -Social Editor Dial 2-3311 Cbates to TODAY 10;30 a.rn. — Cape Fear Council, No. 24, Daughters of Amer ica, will hold the district meeting at the Junior Order Hall, 19 1-2 North Second street. Mrs. Catherine Har ' ris of Henderson, state coun ! color, will be the main speak - er of the meeting. 10130 a. m.—The Myrtle Grove Home Demonstration club will hold the monthly meet ing at the clubhouse. 1130 p.m.—The East Wilmington Home Demonstration ciub will meet with Mrs. £. H. Cheshire on the Market Street road. p. m. — we pie - party for children entering school next year at the Sun set Park annex will be held at the annex. 1:30 p.m.—What-So-Ever circle at the home of Mrs. L.Vt. Davis. Sunset Park. Convention plans will be made. * p. m. — The Georgia Barton class of Temple Baptist church will meet with Mrs Leon Hall, Pine Grove. All are asked to meet at the church. 1:00 p. m.—The Maffitt Village P-TA will present its first minstrel and variety show at the New Sunse't Park school 1:00 p.m.—The Past Pocahontas League will hold the regular meeting at vt’hich time the eighth anniversary of the league will be celebrated. The meeting will be held with Mrs. W. B. Register, Six Court-X, Lake Forest. 8:00 p.m.—The officer's training class of the Woman's auxi Kemember Iiary of Pearsall Memorial Presbyterian church will meet with the president, Mrs. John Leeuwenburg. All offi cers, circle chairmen and cause secretaries are expect ed to attend. b:00 p.m.—The William Hooper P.-T. A. will meet at the school. John L. Glisson, di rector of visual education in New Hanover County, will address the group. 8'00 p.m. — A special initiation meeting of the BPO Does Drive 39, will be held at the Elks club, 400 South Front street. FRIDAY 3:30 p.m.—The Crepe Myrtle Gar den club will meet at the home ol Mrs. Junius L. Will cox, Highwood Park. 5:30 p. m. — The Ladies Circle of the Oak Grove Presby terian church will sponsor a steak supper from 5:30 —8 p. m. in the Sunday school building. Proceeds will go toward the Sunday school building fund. 7:00 p. m. — The Y’oung Adult group of Immanuel Presby; terian church will hold a weiner roast at Greenfield Lake. Anyone requiring transportation is asked to call Robert Grissom, 29492 or N. J. Owens, 4059. 7:30 p.m.—The Music department of Lake Forest school will present a program assisted by the pupils of the fifth through eight grades under the direction of Miss Eleanor Boyd and Mrs. Rachel Dur ham. The public is invited A small admission will be charged. New Bern Will Open Homes To Visitors NEW BERN, April 16 — Old homes of New Bern will be open ed to the public from 10 to noon Saturday morning and from two to six o’clock Saturday afternoon, and again from two to six o’clock Sunday afternoon, it war announc ed today by Mrs. Richard N. Duffy, general pilgrimage chair - man for the New' Bern Garden club. Headquarters will be maintain ed at the Woman’s clubhouse, where tickets, directions, folders and guides will be available. The garden of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Maxwell will be open Sat urday. Nearby is the historic cy press tree in the yard of Mrs. S. W. Smallwood. The site of the Tryon Palace will be pointed out, with the remaining wing. Homes to be open will include the Jerkins-Duffy house, Vail - Moulton home . Stevenson house , Smallwood—Ward, Jarvis—Sjtopp Hand, Slover-Guion, Fulshire-wes, Hollister, and Taylor-Ward homes. Tea will be served at the Jerkins Duffy home from 4 to a o’clock on both Saturday and Sunday af ternoons, Mrs. R. N. Duffy host ess. The historic John wright btaniy house, new a public library, will be open, as will also the First Presbyterian church, an architec tural gem. Christ Episcopal church will be open Saturday, and on Sunday will be open by ap pointment with its rector, the Rev. Charies E. Williams, Also open to visitors will be the col lection of old guns and other wea pons at Joe Anderson’s drug itore. An illustrated lecture, with col ored pictures, will be given Satur day night at 8 o’clock in the Epis copal parish house by Mrs. Bayard Wootten, famed photogra pher of New Bern and Chapel Hill. The price of the pilgrimage tickets will include this feature. Dial 2-3311 For Newspaper Service TOO WEAK TO doamvthwg On ‘CERTAIN DAY** Of Month? This great medicine Is /amoua to relieve painful distress and tired, nervous, Irritable feelings, of such days — when due to female func tional monthly disturbances! wu / mmu/v sagas PIN-WORM MVSTEmr ENDED Pin-Worms have been causing trouble for centuries, and millions of victims have desperately sought a way to deal with this pest that lives inside, the human body. Science has at last solved the problem I It is now also known that Pin-Worm in fection spreads rapidly and can cause real distress 'f neglected. beware of that aggravating rectal itch,. a*d act fast. Ask your druggist for JAYNE'S P-W at the lint sign of Pin-Worms. P-W is a medical ly sound treatment based on an officially approved drug principle. The easy-t»-tako P-W tablets act In a special way to remove Pin-Worms essily and safely. It’s essy to remember: P-W for Pin-Worms t Roseanna Bishop Elected To Head Beta Sigma Phi In a model meeting for rushees. the Alpha Iota chapter of Beta Sigma Phi sorority elected Rose anna Bishop president of the or ganization which recently entered its second year or activity here. Officers elected to serve with Vliss Bishop included: Eleanor Reaves, vice - president; Louis Ward, treasurer; Carolyn Mintz, ;ecretary; and Beverly Stokely, :orresponding secretary. Mrs. Ann Bell, retiring presi ien . brought to the attention of t, embers plans for the spring iance and founders day program. The spring activities of Beta Sigma Phi have been devoted to rushing for new members, which began at a recent breakfast held at the home of Mrs. H. P. Bell, Jr., in Currie the former Ann Johnston of Wilmington. The highlight of the breakfast held at Bell Heaven was the pre sentation of a skit portraying the aims and activities of the sorority. Members participating in the skit were Judy Johnston, Mary Jarman, Dettie Kennedy, Beverly Stokley, Jean Blanchard. Bette Benson, Gloria Nichols Carolyn Mintz Dorothea Q. Jones, Annie Mae Floyd. Roseanna Bishop, Rosa Lee Reaves, Eleanor Rea vew, Manette Mintz, and Ann BeU. Doughty-Edwards Vows Spoken In New Bern IfZW BERN, April 16 — Miss Mary Louise Edwards, daughter of Mrs. Sabrie Edwards of New Bern, and Robert E. Doughty, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Doughty, also of this city, were married last Sunday afternoon by the Rev. J. L. Hodges, pastor, in the Tab ernacle Baptist church. Mrs. Althea Perry, pianist, and Miss Carol Perry, soloist, render ed a program of nuptial music. The bridegroom was attended by C. B. Edwarde, brother of the' bride, as best man. Ushers were Freeman Miller and Edward El lis. Mrs. Duguid Lawrence, sister in-law of the bride, was rnatron cf-honor. She wore aqua woo', with black accessories and a cor sage of pink roses. The bride wa* given in mar riage by her brother, Duguid Law rence. She wore a tailored suit of white wool with a navy blue straw hat and navy blue acces sories. Her corsage was of red roses. The only ornament was a strand of pearls, the gift of the bridegroom. After a short wedding trip to South Carolina, the couple are re siding in New Bern. For travel, the bride wore a gray chalkstripe dressmaker suit, with white blouse, red accessories and a cor sage of red roses. Mrs. Doughty holds a position in the office of the Charles store in New Bern. Mr. Doughty is em ployed at Gaskins soda shop. Dur ing World War IT he served in the army for more than two years, 17 months of which time were spent in the European theatre. N. C. SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA Benjamin Swalin, Conductor N. H. High School Auditorium Thursday — April 17ih 8:30 P. M. J M ■ ■■ , M ■■ TICKETS NOW ON SALE AT YOPP PIANO CO. ★ THE JEWEL BOX Adnlts __- $240 Tax Students_ 90c Included Theodora Mantz, Violinist Here Tonight With N. C. Symphony, Miss Theodora Mantz, versatile and accomplished young violinist will be the featured soloist, when Dr. Benjamin Swalin directs the North Carolina Symphony orch'es 'tra here tonight at 8:30 o’clock in the auditorium of New Hanover High school. Miss Mantz will play as soloist in the Bruch Violin Concerto Num ber 1. The program as announced here reads as follows: Brahms -— Sympathy No. 1 in C. Minor, Opus 68. I. Un poco sostenuto—Allegro. II. Andante sostenuto. III. Un poco Allegretto e grazi oso. IV. Adagio. Piu andante—Alle gro non troppo ma con brio. Brauch — Concerto No. 1 in G Minor, Opus 26, for Violin and Orchestra. I. Allegro moderato. II. Adagio. III. Allegro energico. Debussy — Prelude, “The After noon of a Faun.” Strauss — “Waltz, Women, and Song.” Tickets may still be purchased •for the symphony at Yopp's music company and at the Jewel Box. PTA Officers Are Installed At Wrightsboro New officers of the Wrightsboro Parent Teacher association were installed Monday evening at the meeting of the group, under the direction cf Mrs. I. J. Sutton, county council president of PTA. New officers include; P. Groot, president: Mrs. F. A. Joidan, vice president; Mrs. J. F. Casey, treas urer; Miss Beatrice Strickland, secretary. Chairmen for the coming year were appointed as follows: grade mothers, Mrs. Ruby Swart and co chairman Mrs. Danie Swart; mem bership, Mrs. N. A. McKenzie; magazine, Mrs. Hazel Burton; hos pitality. Mrs. Kenneth Kirby; music. Hugh Oosterwyk; spiritual, S. S. Cash; recreation. Mrs. Elmo Fountain; scrap-book, Miss Johan na Duls; founder’s day, Mrs. Jane Cain: legislature. Mrs. Evelyn Swart; welfare, Mrs. Hazel Swart; publicity. Mis. C. K. Swinson; pro gram, Mrs. F. A. Jordan; school grounds, D. R. Murray. The devotional was conducted by Mrs. W. D. Roudabush, who used as her theme “'Study to Show Thy self Approved." The business session opened with the announcement that the county schools' are being allowed to enter the Garden Contest the “Post.” Mr. Groot appointed the following judges to judge these gardens competing in the Wrights boro contest: Mrs. Kirby, Mrs. Sudie Murray and Mrs. Pete, Broak'. Other items of business included a report from Pete Broak, that a lawn mower to meet the needs of the school could be purchased, and he was authorized to make such a purchase. Hugh Oosterwyk re ported that a committee had gone before the County Commissioners and secured a promise that the school yard would be given atten tion in the near future. Miss Fen tress announced that the Pre School Clinic would be held at the school at 2 o’clock May 5. Following the business meeting the association was pleased to be entertained by _ Gilbert Postma, who played several selections on the Solovox. Mr. Postma is a form er resident of Wrightsboro. Miss Cashwell’s second grade won the attendance award. State Cancer Drive Leader To SpeakToday John D. Larkins, Jr., State cam paign cnairman of the American Cancer society drive, will address the Welfare department of North Carolina Sorosis this afternoon at 4 o’clock in the Sorosis club house. 116 N. Third street. The meeting is open to anyone wishing to attend. Mrs. J. H. Ferguson, chairman of the de partment said last night. Trinity Seniors To Be Feted At Banquet Friday The Senior-Young People's de partment of Trinity Methodist church will honor the Trinity Methodist high school seniors Fri day evening at 7:30 o’clock at a banquet. Under the leadership of Mrs. W. K. Stewart, Jr., committees have been working for several weeks on plans for the banquet. Thomas B. Hughes. Jr., will serve as toastmaster. The serious part of the program will include a solo by Mary Katheryn Davis, a declamation by Bea Holmes, and an address by Rev. Edgar B. Fisher. . . The honor guests include Albert Beall, Elizabeth Blackwell, Jean. Cross, Frances Edens, Franklin Graham, Danny Hartley, Kathryn Hunter, Martha Ann King, Bobby McKenzie, Finley McMillan, Sarah Seigler, Phyllis Smith, Jo Ann Snead, Charles Sneeden, Charlotte Wa'ker, Rex Willis, Nancy Win ningham, and Henry Trulove. Prize Winners Announced For Sorosis Bridge Prize winners for the Junior Sorosis spring bridge tournament held Tuesday evening at the Com munity center have been announc ed as follows: Miss Katherine Savage, Mrs. J. £. Brown. Mrs. Mary Scott Far relly, Mrs. Adolph Ahrends, Mrs. James Sumner, Mrs. W. E. Sch r.e' Miss Mary Nichols, Mrs. J. C. Thomason. Miss Alleen Wil liams, Mrs. L. F. Walker, Bill Godfrey, and Miss Dorothy Forbes. Among me rz“t guesis aueimmg the bridge were: Mrs. James B. Lounsbury, Mrs. Sam T. Gresham, Mrs. W. J. Crabbs. Mrs. Emily R. Grrabrant, Mrs. R. H. Northrop. Mrs. J. A. Brown, Mrs. J. L. Duffy, Mrs. J. M. Edmunds; Miss Louise Davis, Mrs. Ham ton Tillery, Miss Jackie Thomp son, Miss Sara Bradshaw, Mrs. Bradley Wooten, Mrs. Waddell A. Corbett, Mrs. Eugene Bullard, Mrs. Ted Davis; Miss Dorothy Forbes, Miss Anne Woodbury, Miss Mary Nich ols, Mrs. Robert O. Way, Mrs. Adolph Ahrens, Mrs. W. T. Far riss, Mrs. A. F. ^Nichols, Mrs. E. Crawford; Mrs. L. F. Walker, Miss Harri ette Walsh. Mrs. Charles Riesz, Mrs. J. D. Jones, Mrs. Q. B. Satchwell. Mrs. l! B. Symmes, Mrs. W. H. McClain, Mrs. I. M. Craig; Mrs. William B. Stackhouse, Miss Gloria Palmer, Miss Shirley Newland. Mrs. Harry T. New land, Mrs. David Windley, Mrs. Robert Doorley, Miss Marth Cromartie, Miss Martha White hurst; Mrs. C. L. Graeber. Mrs. C. J. Powell, Mrs. J. H. Clendenin, Mrs. James H. Sloan, Mrs. J. B. McCumber, Mrs. J. C. Thompson, Mr§. Sdnford Doexey, Mrs. Bere niece Stellings; Mrs. J. D. Robbins. Jr., Mrs E W. Halleck, Mrs. Charles F. Jones, Miss Marguerite G. James, Miss Mary Alice Reaves, Miss Marie Register, Mrs. Frances Ed mondson, Mrs. Sylvia Harris, Mrs. Tyree Moose. Mrs. Estelle Wells, Miss Alleen Williams, Miss Clarice Swain Miss Ruth Hump hrey, Miss Nell MacCrae, Mrs. Glenn Halligan. Mrs. Madoline Spragens; « Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Speaker Mr. and Mrs.- H. J. Rogers, Mrs. Foster Edwards, Mrs. E. A. Mil lican, Mrs. Edward Yopp. Mrs. Hugh Noffsinger. Mrs. Ruby Mc Gowan Mrs. Sam Troy, Mrs. Dolores Willis, Mrs. Lloyd Allen; Miss Marguerite Bergen, Miss Katherine Savage, Mrs. Garland Palmer, Mrs. Albert J. Bergen. Mrs. James Sumner, Mrs. J. G. Knowles. Mrs. George Ryan, Mrs. R L. May; Mrs. Robbie Nurnberger , Mrs. R. C. Lucas, Mrs. Norman Smith, Mrs. Hubert Newland, Mrs. George Tenuta, Mrs. Archie Foun tain. Mrs. J. C whedbee, Mrs. Ed Ward; Miss Frances Sutherland . Miss Emily Howes, Mrs. Msrv Scott Farrelly, Mrs. Robert W. Fennell, Mrs. LeRoy Tienken, Mrs. E. W. Horton. Mrs. Duvall Greer, Mrs. John Anderson; Mrs. William E. Sschnell, Mrs. Harris B. Stone, Mrs. Gordon Do ran, Miss Margaret t^eaveft Frank White, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Godfrey. Mrs. Elizabeth Steven son ; Mrs. J. R. Blinn, Mrs. Cecil Sanifer, Mrs. O. K. Walls, Mrs. C H. Farmer. Miss Eloise Scott, Miss Lillian Davis, Miss Mary Wooten, Miss Mary Wyche, Mrs. J B. Boney Jr., Mrs. John E. Stanley, Mrs. J. H. Fussell, Jr., Mrs. L. Franklvn Jones. Mrs. Bulluck Miss Bulluck, Mrs. Nor thern and Mrs. H. I,., Bulluck. BIRTHS WILLIAM M. MANSFIELD. JR. Mr. and Mrs. William M. Mans field announce the birth of a son, William M. Mansfield. Jr., April 13, at Marion Spfunt annex, Mrs. Mansfield is the former Eloise Maultsby of Wilmington. • ALPHA IOTA CHAPTER OFFICERS^ Pictured* above (reading left to rig*.., «*re„the newly install'd officers of the local chaptei of Beta Sigma Phi sorority: Beverly Stokley, corresponding secretary: rRcor<^S: