Teen-Age Tattler By WINIFRED HARRISS Ha canopy of blue-and ed crepe paper stream tOTC ball fell into full Friday night in our spring ball this year iorec by the battalion ergeant’s Club in charge angements. Dressed in A Girted formals and snappy ^ uniforms, we danced to the “h music of Hooper Johnson band, who played on a *r,d columed decora blue *na'n" ,P,la‘ iv ‘ the ball called for ^march to a Pleasure during the dance, and this *Pot ”, kv Allen Lanier, president »aVe officers’ Club, and his date cflbe Hartis Sv were Lt. Colonel Neal ' 'n"-nd battalion sponsor CTctom. ' who wore a lovely IVe net formal with a b!acK lace m-eadin0 fan figured across the Jjice Jean also wore long black ° evening gloves, and fuschia rtificisl flow'ers added color to L dress. Her corsage of carna Ls was pinned at her waist. ' Aslo dancing were the company SDOnsors and dates; Patty South end and Bobby McKenzie, uarv Anne Jenkins and Hugh rvans June Andrew's and Billy jicEachern. Flora Mclver and jichard Galphin. Others dancing were Edna Mat ,w and Dick Hanson, Nell Ether idge and Ed Pitts. Betty Davis „d Bobby Wilson. The congratulations are suit to the Sergeant's club for a ‘rtll dance! That includes Jack McCarley, president: Charles Alexander, vice - president; Ebe God«'i , secretary; and J. D. Causer, treasurer: and all the rest ct the members. Special congrats tc Harvey Britt. 0. K. Pridgen, Hampton Rothwell. Addison Smith, )nd all the other boys who (tumbled back to the gymnasium Saturday morning to clean up! former student wins Just seems as if the news about low o u r former NHHS students ,re proving themselves highly capable people keeps pouring in! Recently word from Alaska lets us know that George Lynch has been elected president of the stu dent body at his high school in 'Alaska. He has served the past year as vice-president of the stu dent body. George, who left NHHS in February, was only here for a few months but Decame well acquainted with many NHHS stu dents while he was here. Congrat ulations to another fine fella oa h;s recent honor! A coupla’ days ago “Eyes” Sutton left the old hometown to lead back to Jacksonville Beach, Florida. “Eyes’’ came in a little move than a week ago from Flori da and had the local belles swcon ing over that gorgeous suntan (ac quired in the company of othei southern gals — I’ve heard!) Ht was discharged from the army ai Fort McClellan, Alabama, a'bou' three weks ago. It sho’ was wel seeing Sutton back up in N. C. !! ASSEMBLY At assembly yesterday and this morning at high school the studenl Legislature and Executive Council of NHHS awarded service certifi cates to those persons selected for service during t h e year without having received recognition for ti’-eir work. More than seventy-five students have been recognized for outstanding serice. The main theme of the assem bly was the inauguration of the student officers for next year by the same office holders of this year. Each present office bolder explained the duties, administered the pledge to his successor, then turned over a symbol of the of fice to his follower. Also tile winner of the seal de sign contest recently held at NHHS was disclosed at this as sembly. The winner of the ten dollar prize was Ruth Burnett, a quiet, but talented dark-h aired fieshman. Ruth’s drawing was chosen as one of the ten best by the second-year art students, pas sed the committee of judges, as one of the top three, and won the student body vote. Congratulations Ruth! J. D. CAUSEY ENTERTAINS The fire crackled and shone brightly on the faces of many teensters Saturday night as J. D. CAusey held another of his fun filled weiner roasts down at his place on Middle Sound. Among those roasting hot dogs, smearing mustard and, in some cases, onions on rolls were Smokey War ner and Robert Furr, Betty Bel cher and Billy McEachern, Rose mary Sweeney and Bradford Cant well, Marilyn Costello and Junie Kuband, Shirlene Conrad and Ebe Godwin, Betty Hill and Billy Barryhill. Geraldyne Colkitt and Carson Boone. Wandering around just talking to everybody were stags Jack McCarley, Jimmy Kraus. Charles Alexander, Ed Pitts, Billy Quarles, Charlie Smith, and Poli Barefoot. Henry Trulove was talking to Flora Mclver and Richard Galphin as Mickie Hartis and Allen Lanier sat nearby. Plopped on the ground helping to make up the circle around the fire were Libba Roe, Don Piver, Beth Harriss, Jimmy Hi.ghes, Ann Post, Charles Smith, Dot Knight, Fran Murphy, Shirley Phillips and Charles Russell. Carson Boone and Bobby Clem mons capable rendered song fa vorites which kept all of us most amused, including Kathryn Hunter and Jack Shytle, Nell Etheride ar.d Charie Harrington, Diane PICTURED IN FRONT of their converted garage-home (top) are Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Goodale, parents of Charles R. Goodale, 25, who is to be tried in Plymouth. Mass., for the slaying of Ruth McGurk, for mer USO hostess. They sold their larger Onset, Mass., home (bottom) to finance defense expenses of their son’s trial. (International Sound photo)._ Costello and Jimmy Caudill, Betty Lou O’Master and Bobby Beil. Equally as good was the sing ing of “You Are My Sunshine” by a group of boys; and looking on were Cooter Lewis, Tommy Mara ble, Glenn Huffman, Billy Hill Nancy Trask and Neal Partrick, Mary L i b Alisbrook and Bryant Hare, Jim Gibson and his attract ive guest from Grenville, his ole home town, Others there were Betty Davis and Dick Andrews, Marjorie Cherry and Willie Hewlett, Anna Earner and O. K. Pridgen. More stags were Toddy Fennell, Duncan Futrelle, Tommy Hall, Billy Bur ton, Linwood Grissom. Sho’ was a fine weiner roast! JUNIOR—SENIOR PROM As Friday night comes around, the NHHS gymnasium doors will swing open to one of the high lights of the year—the junior-sen ior prom. I’ve tried to squeeze out the dope on the prom entertainment, but it’s no go! The juniors just won’t let their secret out! But I hated to tell last year. . . .but this I know- — they’re going to have a mighty fine band and some swell entertainment! so he one of the juniors or seniors (sorry freshmen and sophomores —your tirm will be here in a coupla’ years!) that head's for the gyrh Friday night! Yep! Friday night — the date has been switched; so don't come around Saturday night only to be greeted by darkness and silence at the gym. And I’ll be seeing you’all around! At times as many as 125,000 Moslems have visited Mecca in a year. ' ADVERTISING PAYS The program of the South eastern North Carolina Beach association to really place Wil mington ind the surrounding resorts on the map by means of a nationally advertising pro gram, and by sponsoring tourist-attraction events such as the fishing rodeo, is al ready taking effect, Isaac Grainger, Jr., said last night. Grainger was in New York City last week and was con versing amiably with a strang er, as travelers are inclined to do. Of course, the conversation got around to “where are you from?” “North Carolina,” Grainger replied. “Couldn’t be Wilmington, North Carolina could it?” the stranger ■wanted to know. “That’s it, you ki-.ow any body there?”, trie Wilming tonian said. “Nope, but I’m planning to go down and win first place in that fishing rodeo next fall.” he answered. N. C.-VA., HOG MARKET RALEIGH May 13—{JP)~(NCDA) —Hog market steady with tops oi 22.50 at Rocky Mount, Greenville, Fayetteville,. Smithfield and Clin ton and Clinton-Warsaw and 22.50 at Richmond. The “Bat”, a combat missile that, guides itself by radar and can follovv a moving target, was developed in 1946 ior all-weather bombing. NOW READY' KNOX HOMES! Here’s opportunity for any qualified builder, con tractor, lumber company of real estate dealer, to secure exclusive territorial franchise as an authorised KNOX Homes dealer! Designed by a nationally known firm of small home architects, backed by KNOX’s 50 years of experience in the home building field, the KNOX Home offers the utmost in convenience of design, in durability and strong construction for those in the lower and middle income brackets. KNOX makes full use of economies | of factory construction, precise workmanship and the most modern assembly methods. KNOX Homes can be erected on the site in about 1/3 the time required j for conventional construction, thus saving financing time. Dealers make their own sub-contracts for foun dations, plumbing, wiring and painting. 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Music Indoors And Outdoors By Seeburg Most Modern And Exclusive Music Installations In North Carolina AMPLE PARKING AVAILABLE AT ALL TIMES League Season Completed Alleys Available Dial 2-3242 For Party Reservations SODA FOUNTAIN & SUPPLIES Furnished By SOLLEE EQUIPMENT CO. 902 Princess St. Dial 2-0126 CANDIES & TOBACCOS Furnished By L. P. MATHEWS & SONS COMPLIMENTS OF ELLIS SIMPSON Distributor SWINSON FOOD PRODUCTS Ingram's Grade "A" Hamburgers Furnished By CLARK'S CASH GROCERY & MARKET 620 Red Cross St. Dial 2-3935 *