s MQOLBOY HOLDS : OFF OFFICERS :15 - Year - Old Gunman Uses Another Youth As Shield BOSON, June 23—WP)—An un dersized schoolboy who had been hiding out from police four days ■ emptied a pistol at two patrolmen ' today, then seized another youth at gunpoint to serve as a human shield while for more than ten minutes he held off a growing ; force of riot squad reserves. The 15-year-old gunman, his pis ' toi pressed against the right hip ' of his equally young “shield, was ' overpowered finally by a police man who crept up and clubbed 'him over the head with the butt of a riot gun as he sought to climb a fence and escape. Police Capt. John H. Cloran iden tified the slight youth—standing five feet one inch tall and weigh ing 98 pounds—as Edward Ban croft, a seventh grade student at .Patrick Campbell school with a ■ record of several juvenile offen ses Cloran said Bancroft failed to appear in Dorchester court last ■ Thursdav in connection w-ith an -assault case. Detectives said they believed he had been sleeping in parks since that time. Cloran reported Bancroft was held on two charges of assault with intent to kill, one naming Fatrolman James Bray, whose right forearm was grazed by a bullet ,and the other naming 15 year-old William Ronan, the “hu man shield.” Bray said he and Patrolman • Charles McCloskey came upon Bancroft as they cruised along Washington park looking for a gabardine-coated holdup man who an hour before had robbed a How ard Johnson restaurant of $5,000. Eray said they thought they saw the boy roiling up something that looked like a gabardine coat. Detectives said Bancroft appar ently had no connection with t.re Howard Johnson holdup and fired at the police simply because he ’had the gun in his hand. Frank Cushing, Boston Herald .Traveler photographer for 15 -years, climbed into an exposed ’position on the roof of an eel 20 feet above Bancroft to film a rec ord of the boy’s stand behind his human shield for his paper and Associated Press wirephoto. Cushing,- uncertain whether Bancroft still had bullets left in the pistol, admitted later: “I was scared—after it was all ever." WHITE (Continued From Page One) greatly expanded crowd expected to attend this big amateur event for boys. Naming of race officials will fol low in due course and by the time the boys, who will vie for the list of prizes to be awarded are ready for weighing in and inspection, the organizations1 set-up will have been comple.ed. Helmets Arrive ■ Latest news around Derby head quarters yesterday was to the ef fect that the helmets to be used and given every bey who sarts in this 1947 Soap Box Derby, had ar rived from the manufacturer and bave been stored until Derby Day. ■ The new helmets, of latest de aign, carry out the 10th Anniver sary color scheme of blue and gold. They are a much better hel met than was provided for the boys last year and after the Der by is over, will make a lasting souvenir for the many entrants. From National headquarters in Detroit came word over the week end that the first Soap Box Derby for 1947 is now history. Up in Mission Cit-o’, British Columbia, 10,000 chee.-ng fans watched 13 year-old Lome Nicholson nose out a victory down a 1.000-foot course. . Nicholson won the right to com pel in the International Finals at Akron, Ohio on August 17 over a field of 14 entrants. Runner-up was one of his best friends. Ken neth Mcllroy, 15. The Class B winner was David T. Jones, 12, who also won the Collins-Aikman award for the best upholstered ear. A similar award will go to the Wilmington boy who enters the best upholstered car in the big race here July 30. SHADES (Continued From Page One) "Red Eye", then the identification bureau has a lead. The name “Red Eye’* is looked up in the files and the real name opposite it is found. The officers then know where and who to look for as a suspect. Aliases Long, Many Tne aliases, many formed at childhood, run the gamut of comi cal appellations. By far the greatest number of criminals listed in the files give their aliases as Al, Babe, Buck, Bubber, Buddy and Red. Then come such names as Abe Avenger, Apple Head, Aunt Flo, Gene Autry, Bad Eye, Big Boy Floyd, Big Head, Big Meat, Big ger, Bishop. Black Daddy Hall, Black Stuff, Blossom, Boll Weavil, Cactus, Chink China Galloway, Foolish Head, Forgie, Frisco, Garbage. Ghost, Round the Bend. Git the Pig, Grease Bug Stevens, Iron Man Brooks, King Kong, King Solomon, Little Bit, Far mer Brown, Dynamite, Cut Deep Wil liams Crying Willie, Cream Boy, Cupid, Czar, Country Walker, Cool Breeze, Fingers, Flashy, Flour Boy, Big Time McKoy, Monkey Jim, Mouse, Mud, Mule, Small. Mullet, Ninety, Old Folks, Old Sea, Pensacola Kid, Pepsi-Cola Kid, Rabbit .Ear, Daddby Rabbit, Rabbit, Saddle Head, Sledge Hammer, Sleeping John, Snake Man, YoYo Brewington, Leaking Heart, Stompdown, and Marble Jaw. * While this list is only a small part of the file kept by Fales it will give the reader an idea of the names gome local criminals give tor identification. NAZI COMMANDANT HANGED WARSAW, Poland, June 23—(AP) Hans Bibow, war-time Nazi com mandant of the city of Lodz who Was convicted of liquidating 250, 000 Jews In the Lodz Ghetto, was hanged today. GREEN (Continued From Page One) Truman fought the bill, “it is his responsibility to see that only per sons with a will to make the law work be chosen to administeu it.” “The new law’ must not be sab otaged.” he continued. “Congress will we watching, and so will the people, to see that there is no ham-stringing of the act through failures in the executive branch.” Fears Sabotage Senator Jenner (R-Ind) also is sued a statement asserting that “the greatest danger now is that new deal administrators will sab otage the law." Senator Taft )— The senate approved and sent to the House today legislation to in crease the expense allowance of rural mail carriers from six to seven cents for each mile regular ly traveled. SENATE APPROVES IMMIGRATION LEGISLATION WASHINGTON, June 23 —(P)— The Senate Judiciary committee today approved legislation extend ing until December 30, the time in which alien fiancees of Ameri can soldiers or veterans may enter this country under three-months visitors visas. If they marry while here they may remain in the United States. TRUMAN SIGNS FLOOD CONTROL MEASURE WASHINGTON, June 23 — (JP)— A measure authorizing expendi ture of $15,000,000 for flood con trol projects was signed into law today by President Truman. SWINDLER RECEIVES PRISON TERM NEW YORK, June 23-J.P—Ju lius Lobel. 44, alias Jimmy Col lins, broadway playboy convicted on grand larceny charges in the $750,000 Mergenthaler Linotype company swindle, stood silent in Kings county court today and con sequently eceived a 20-to-40 year prison term. CANADIAN RAILWAY PRESIDENT DIES MONTREAL, June 23 — (,P) — William Doig Robb, 89, pioneer Canadian railroad man and former vice-president of the Canadian na tional railways, died tody. U. S. FOOD SHIPMENTS BERLIN, June 23—(/P)—The An, erican military government said today 365,000 tons of food, va'ued at $48,000,0*.}. arrived in the com bined British-American occupa tion zones of Germany from the United States during the first three weeks of June. OIL IN THE URALS! Soviet geologists have found what are described as colossal reserves of oil in the Ural Mountains. We hope the report is true, and we wish every nation could find colossal reserves of oil with in its borders. It would do perhaps more than anything else to bring about that enduring peace we all want. — Charleston (S. C.) Post. VOICE OF EXPFRIENCE? A Massachusetts court has ruled that a man with two wives is en titled to a hearing. Shucks, a man with only one wife seldom gets a hearing, so what change would a fellow with two have?—Roanoke Times. YOUNG ACTO R — Paul Brinkman, Jr., two-month-old son of film actress Jeanne Crain, (above) takes his first appear Wtt before a camera very calmly. Miss Crain’s hu«ban, from the manner in which it split the ship open.” The vessel was halved early yesterday by a series of three blasts and only the bow and the stern are visible above the water. The 11,083 ton tanker carried 2,940,000 gallons of fuel. Jack Mal seed, manager of the Shell Oil terminal here, said the cargo in cluded 320,000 gallons of aviation and automobile gasoline and that the remainder was diesel and stove oil. A large area of the harbor in the vicinity of the blast today was a blackened and twisted mass of wreckage. Five shipping berths have been destroyed and another damaged. The heat from the blaze, which at its height could be seen 12 miles at sea, blistered the huge oil storage tanks lining the inlet. Water spouts atop the tanks were believed to have prevented a sec ond “Texas City disaster.” 15-MAN (Continued From Page One) nal decisions will be reached at a third session. Scheduled to meet with the com mittee whll be J. M. Broughton, genera! counsel for the Bright Belt Warehouse association and the Flue-Cured Stabilization corp oration and former state gover nor. He recently was elected gen eral counsel of Tobacco Asso ciates, Inr. Also to meet wuth the group are James E. Thigpen, assistant di rector ot the U. S. Department of agriculture’s tobacco branch, and J. Con Lanier of Greenville, exec utive secretary and general coun sel for the Tobacco Association of the United States. Fred S. Royster of Henderson, president of the Bright Belt Ware house Association which embraces all warehouses in the five flue cured belts, said tonight that the committee would be as “democra tic" as possible in determining opening dates and market regula tions. “This is the first time in history that these problems have been ar rived at jointly by all the major segments of the industry. It is the democratic way. The growers of flue-cured tobacco certainly should have a voice in matters vitally affecting them. At the same time, the warehouse men and buying interests are vitally affected,” Royster said. While redrying facilities have been increased by some 20 per cent during the past year or so, Royster pointed out that such fa cilities are not adequate to ac comodate the crop as fast as the planters would like to market it. Representing the farmers are R. Flake Shaw, executive secre tary of the State Farm Bureau and representative of the Old Belt Farmers; Thomas W. Allen of Creedmoor, chairman of the N.C. Grange’s tobacco committee and representative of the Middle Belt farmers; Thomas J. Pearsall of Rocky Mount, representative of the Eastern Belt farmers; B. A. Graham of Lake City, S. C., rep resentative of the North-South Carolina Border Belt farmers, and D. F. Bruton of Adele, Ga., rep resentative of the Georgia-Florida farmer*. The Weather Weather bureau report of , tempera ture and rainfall for the 24 hours end ing 8 p. m., «n the principal cotton growing areas and elsewhere: Station Hi*h Low Precip. WILMINGTON -— — Alpena - 70 ®4 Asheville - ^ 47 Allanta _ 74 57 r" Atlantic City- 71 GO — Flrmingham - 77 GO Boston - 73 57 Buffalo _ 86 o5 — Burlington - 89 o2 Charlotte -■-- 7^ ^2 Chattanooga-79 60 — Chisago - 82 62 .01 Cincinnati- 79 **3 — Cleveland - 83 53 — Dallas ____——■ 31 68 - Detroit _ 32 59 — Duluth _ S3 -10 El Paso _ 95 60 — Fort Worth _ 32 66 .84 Galveston - 90 81 — Jacksonville _ 80 .09 Kansas City - 79 64 2.08 Key West _ 89 81 — Knoxville _ 78 52 — Little Kock _ 72 69 1.70 Los Angeles - 81 56 — Louisville _ 80 59 — Memphis _ '<0 64 — Meridian - 7? 62 .20 Miami _—— 87 74 .03 Minn.-St. Paul_ 74 62 .87 Mobile _ 77 65 1.35 Montgomery _—— 31 60 — New Orleans-— 75 — New York _—— 76 31 — Norfolk _ 74 60 — Philadelphia _ 81 57 — Phoenix _—_100 62 — Pittsburgh _-_S3 58 — Portland, Me.___ 77 47 — Raleigh - 00 51 .03 Richmond -—- 82 49 — St. Louis -.— — 73 66 — San Antonio___ 97 79 — Sar. Frrncisco__ 67 52 — Savannah - 80 60 .13 ! Tampa -—-- 85 72 .04 j Vicksburg -- 74 69 1.88 I Washington —-■ 82 97 — j HAMBONE’S MEDITATIONS By Alley — I JAKE SM HE 6 Trade Mark VT *tj. 1’. s. Pst. 0«c«> BILL (Continued From Page One) 6 when the Senate passed the final compromise version worked out with the House. Its first phases seem bound to be marked by disputes and litigation — as were those of the Wagner act — as unions and employers test out the new act’s terms. The Supreme court in the end will have to decide what many of them mean, as it did with the Wagner act and even still is doing a decade afterwards. Provisions which the courts are likely to be asked to clarify partic ularly are those dealing with un ion security, damage liability of unions for jurisdictional strikes and breach of contract, and “un fair’’ practices by unions. The new law bans the closed shop, under w’hich non-unionists may not be hired, but permits the union shop with certain restrictions. In a union shop, non-unionists may be hired but then must join up. It also imposes a long string of restrictions on union activities w'hich have sprung up under the Wagner act. Few', if any, of its sponsors claim ed it would w’ork without some controversy. But where the Presi dent and its other foes called it entirely unworkable and worse, its advocates contended it w'ould bring the power of unions and employers into better balance and promote industrial peace. Truman Duties The first thing now will be for the President to appoint two more members for the three-man Nation al Labor Relations board, which will administer some sections of the Taft-Hartley act along with the Wagner act. He also must name a new general counsel for the board who will take over some of the functions the board itself now has. These appointments must be con firmed by the Senate. They could bring on a new row between the President and the Senate if the executive’s selections should be displeasing to the Senators. Mr. Truman has given no indication so far of his choices. The Senate and House, too, have appointments to make — to a 14 member joint committee which is to study the whole field of in dustrial relations with an eye to further legislation if necessary. The committee also is expected to act as the “watchdog” of Congress, in the w’ord of Taft, to study the work ing of the Taft-Hartley act. Sena tor Ball (R.-Minn.) is reported the choice of Senate Republicans to head it. Soon, also, might come a big test of the provision designed to cope with nationwide strikes af fecting public health or safety. It could come with a soft coal walk out which seems likely to occur next month because the govern ment must restore the seized mines to private hands June 30 and the operators and John L. Lewis have no contract. Injunction Power The new law provides that the government may seek an injunction to block a big strike for 80 days. During that time an inquiry board would get busy, and the NLRB would hold a secret ballot election among the strikers to see whether they wanted to accept the em ployers’ last offer despite its re jection by their leaders. Mr. Truman contended this would not work and “the country would be in for a bitter disappoint ment.” He held it would only post pone the coal strike until cold weather, when its effects would be worse. Even though the bill new is law, it would be up to him whether to try to use this provision or not. There remained a formality of Senate officials certifying their ac tion on the bill to the secretary of state. But it actually became law when the Senate rollcall was com pleted with the “yea” of Senator Young (R.-N.D.l, last name on the alphabetical list. Young was one of a dozen Sena tors summoned to a White House luncheon and conference Friday by 90 Gram Neutral Sptau • Burton, Inc , Bi'.nnioK. ^ FLOW OF GREEK 7] FOOD CONTINUES Customs Officials I,. Orders Against Furth^ Importation NEW YORK, Juno 23-,* T puzzling flow Of f00ri ‘ ‘ from ill-fed Greece * V'.-.' States has been dammed* a flat ban on such 'V-S.*1* Harry M. Durning cus- v"'"'1' lector for New York no-- " s n' day. 1 sa;i :c Seamen also have . fn,,.. to bring such pacKr uVs "u lttP‘!!l country, he said, xw m0 a* imposed through a *>s steamship companie- ’° ai tation of meet producu * countries where hoof an- - disease is prevalent would £** hibited. Durning sa:d was prevalent in Greece between 100.000 and 160.000 l‘M of food had arrived V*"4 months from the Medm-a'-'™ area, mostly frcm Greece. ''e5a In Athens. Greek off ..a 5 rrU not explain how the pacv!, came to be sent. Prune Mu'u' Constantin Tsaldaris cabhrTv'r York Greek consular official-' ing full details on ire rna~e>U*' John. Kalergis. Greek com general here, said • .: T* ations becomes very serious j ** pose that the Greek governiBM will take some measures v • the exporting of such packager The consul-general remarked that he thought “many peop,t , Greece have been led ;0 S£. packages to relatives here to bm them for gifts of money ar.d cloth, ing, and the people here have been overcharged by organizations con. ducting the shipment, who pr0b. ably are making monev on them" Durning said he had inform,j Kalergis’ office of the shipmers several times, but was told ins office had no power to ri0 anythirj about them. LAW STUDENT TAKES TENNIS SINGLES WIMBLEDON, June. 23 Law student Tom Brown, who'wa, taking a final exam at the Univer sity of California only four day, ago. squeaked through his opening round men’s singles match todav to keep intact the seeded ranks of the Wimbledon tennis champion ships. Ranked third on the strength o! his splash in this same all-England championships in 1946 when he reached the semi-finals before bowing to France's Yuon Petri, the ultimate champion, the slim San Francisco native subdued Erie Sturgess, a South African Davis Cup star, in 5 blistering gar.ei 7-5, 5-7, 6-2, 2-6, 8-6. Brown’s victory in the showplact center court placed him in the sec ond round with the other seeded stars — fellow Americans Jack Kramer and Bob Falkenburg cl Los Angeles. Australians Jaci Bromwich, Dinnv Pails and Gect Brown, Czech Jaroslav Drobryad Petra. the President in the vain hope tbit the Senate might stop the overrid ing action the House even then had begun. All of them, except Derr.c Icratic Leader Barkley (Ky.t, were Senators who then favored the bill. Barkley Sticks All of them, except Barkley ard Senator Sparkman (D.-Ala.i, voted today to override the veto. Senator O’Conor (D.-Md.L one of those called to the White House, announc ed in advance of the vote that '* would “stand by my convietioni and vote to override." The President's parley with the Senators drew criticism on tr.e House- floor today from R=P Arends (111.), the Republican whip He raised a question whether .• constituted lobbying under terms o the act which require; lobbists to register. Arends also demanded to know vvhether Philip Murray, preside of the CIO. is “registered as * lobbyist.” Arends reported »*• labor organizations spent Sl.OOO.Wi in their campaign against the bu A flood of telegrams, letters art 'personal appeals poured in -L Senators in advance of their to* as they wound up debate. And - galleries starting filling up th.ee hours before the chaplain opeoe.. the climactic session with the «*■ tomary prayer at noon ‘r-DT The Senate debated for more hours before taking s vO eight minutes after 3 p. m. , _ the hour agreed upon by una* -- - consent Saturday when a by last-ditch foes of the bi.l br down. Punative Bill Senator O'Mahoney ‘D-Wy told his colleagues the measu “is a punative bill.” He dec ■the GOP leadership is so ea?er ■ adjourn July 26 that it v , “take the time to write the